In the 1705 Will of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706), there are links to all of the land holdings that he owned at the time. These maps make it easier to locate them.
Many of the JACKSONs from Lisnabo in Co. Meath moved north to Co. Monaghan to townlands near Ballybay.
According to my family’s oral history, the Jacksons of Ballybay and the Jacksons of Urker in Co. Armagh are related. Also, the Jacksons of Coleraine and Londonderry are supposedly related to the Jacksons of Urker. These maps make it appear possible that the JACKSONs of Ballybay and the JACKSONs of Coleraine are also related. Proof is still required on all these fronts, but these maps are an indication of where to look next.
Sharon Oddie Brown. November 9, 2018 |
Initial source: A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland. 2nd Ed. Brian Mitchell 2002.
Every Irish family historian should buy this book. An essential reference.
Counties where Samuel JACKSON held leases to townlands are shaded in green. |
The five townlands aka tates shown beneath in Co. Monaghan are significant because of their location. They are all very close to where the Jacksons of Lisnaboe settled in the early 1700s - Ballybay, Crieve, Drumfaldra… |
In the map beneath, Samuel JACKSON's holdings in Co. Monaghan, Co. Cavan & Co. Meath are circled. Note that they are close to the holdings and residences of the Jacksons of Lisnaboe (and Ballyaby). This does not prove that there is a familial relationship, but it is a significant smoking gun. |
It is an open question whether the JACKSONs who had settled in Co. Cavan by 1616 are related to Samuel JACKSON. Oral histories passed down in my family suggest they could be. Based on his forename and location, Richard JACKSON, a buttonmaker in 1641 of Farnham is also a likely relation. |
These three townlands beneath - all mentioned in the will - are all in the Barony of Castlerahan:
Lisgrea in the Parish of Lurgan, is on the western border of Drumagolan in the Parish of Killinkere, while Brackloney in the Parish of Castlerahan, is a bit further away. |

Samuel JACKSON's leases in Co. Meath were in three parishes, all in the southern part of
the Barony of Lower Kells
In the 1705 will, the property referred to as King Street is this King Street - not the one in Oxmantown. Samuel JACKSON had also built a Stable here sometime between 1699 and 1706. SEE: JACKSONs of Stephens Green. |
Mary’s Lane, underlined beneath in red, is where Samuel JACKSON lived with his sister-in-law Suzanna BERESFORD at the time of their deaths. They died within a half hour of each other on January 19, 1706.
This Oxmantown area of Dublin is near where some other buildings that Samuel Jackson probably owned were situated. It is also just one block up from where the Jacksons of Pill Lane (underlined in green) had their offices and iron works.
SEE ALSO: Jacksons of Coleraine & Dublin deeds.
Castle and Fishamble Street
The Xs indicate my best approximate guesses where Samuel JACKSONs houses were located.
SEE: Footnote #20 in the 1705 Will of Samuel JACKSON |