This indenture MADE the Twentieth day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three between the Right Honourable Robert Earl of Roden[1] of the one part and Joseph COULTER[2] of Dowdles Hill[3] James DICKIE [4]of Carrickastuck[5] and Joseph DICKIE[6] of Clunaleenan[7] in the County Louth of the other part witnesseth that the said Robert Earl of Roden for and in consideration of the Rents, Covenants, Conditions, and Reservations, Provisos and Agreements herein after reserved and mentioned which on the Part and Behalf of the said Joseph COULTER, James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns, (in case -- or they shall be permitted by the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs or Assigns to alien, set, let or assign the whole or any part of the premises here in after mentioned, to be hereby demised according to the Condition relating to such Alienation or Assignment herein after mentioned), are to be paid, done and performed and particularly in consideration that the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns, (in case -- or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid) shall during this Demise, inhabit and occupy the Premises herein after mentioned to be hereby demised, HATH demised, granted, set and to Farm, let release & Confirmed and by these Presents doth demise, grant, set and to Farm, let, release & Confirm unto the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns (in their actual Possession now being by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made by the said Robert Earl of Roden for the term of one whole Year by Indenture, bearing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of these Presents, in Consideration of five Shillings, sterling and by Force of the Statute for transferring Uses into Possession) and to their Heirs and Assigns ALL THAT and those the Lands of Carranbag[8] containing Eighty two acres one rood and Twenty six perches Irish Plantation Measure in the same More or less Bounded on the north by the lands of Carranmore[9], in the East by [Ba___attina?[10]] and a small part of the Glebe[11] on the south by part of Jeffries land[12] now held as Town Parks as also by part of Sportsmans Hall[13] now in possession of Lennox BIGGER[14]; and on the West by the road leading from Dundalk to Market Hill -- as is more particularly described by the Map or Plan hereunto annexed situate lying and being in the parish of Dundalk and County of Louth aforesaid (excepting in always reserving unto the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns all Mines and Minerals, Quarries, Turbaries, Turf Bogs, Timber, Timber Trees, Marl, Gravel and Sand Pits of what Nature or Kind soever, with free Liberty of ingress, egress and regress, from Time Time, during the Continuance of this Demise for the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns and their Workmen and Servants with Horses and Carriages to dig, search for and carry away the same, on and through any part of the said demised Premises, other than and except Dwelling Houses, he the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns paying reasonable damages, for what prejudice shall be thereby done to the Soil, and also reserving free liberty to the said Robert Earl of road in his Heirs and Assigns, their agents, receivers and servants, to hunt, Hawk, Fish and Fowl on the said Premises or any Part thereof. TO HAVE UNTIL HOLD all and singular the said demised Premises with their and every of their Rights Members Appendances and Appurtenances (except as before excepted) unto the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns (in Case -- or they shall be permitted to alien, set or assign as aforesaid and from the first day of November past for and during the natural Life and Lives of Thomas COULTER[15] eldest son, Joseph COULTER[16] second son, and Samuel COULTER[17] third son of the late Samuel COULTER[18] of Carrenbag deceased the said eldest son Thomas COULTER being now aged about nine years the second son Joseph about seven years and the third son Samuel about three years and the said Thomas COULTER, Joseph COULTER and Samuel COULTER shall all die before the expiration of Sixty one years to be computed from the first day of November 1804[19] Then to have and to hold the aforesaid Leases during the residue remainder of said Term of Sixty one years shall be unexpired the death of the survivor or survivors of the said Thomas Joseph and Samuel COULTER sons of the late Samuel COULTER aforesaid. YIELDING AND PAYING therefore and thereout, yearly and every Year during the Continuance of this Demise, under the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns the clear yearly Rent or Sum of one hundred and sixty four pounds sterling together with twelve pence a pound Received Fees and three days work of Man, Horse and Car, on such Days or Times of the Year as the same shall be demanded or twelve shillings in lieu thereof, the said yearly Rent and Receivers fees to be paid Moietively by half-yearly Payments on every first Day of May and first day of November in every Year, free and clear over and above all Taxes, assessments, county Charges or in Impolititions, of what Nature or Kind soever, Ordinary or Extraordinary, now imposed or hereafter to be imposed by Parliament or otherwise, (Quit-rent and Crown-rent only excepted) the first Payment thereof to be made on the first day of May next and it is hereby agreed between the said Parties that in Case the said Rent or Receivers Fees or Duty, Work or any Part thereof shall be behind an unpaid for the Space of Twenty one Days, next after either of the said Days of Payment that then and so often as it shall happen shall and may be lawful to and for the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns, into the said demised Premises or any Part thereof, to enter and destrain, and the Distress or Distresses then and there found, to take, lead, drive and carry away, impound, sell and dispose of according to Law, until the said reserved yearly Rent, Receivers fees, and Duty Work, and the Arrears thereof, (if any be due) and the Expense and Charges of the Destraining and keeping such Distress be fully paid and satisfied or full Satisfaction made for the same, And in Case it shall at any time so happen that no sufficient distress can be had or found on the said demised Premises, to countervail the said Rent, Receivers fees and Duty work, and the Arrears thereof (if may be any due as aforesaid) That in such Case it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns into the said demised Premises or any Part thereof in the Name of the Whole to re-enter, and the same to have again, re-possess and enjoy, discharged of these Presents and every Article and Thing herein contained. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these Presents are granted upon this express Condition that if the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs or Assigns, (if they shall be permitted to assign) or any of them shall assign, alien, sell, mortgage or dispose of or their Interest or Term in the hereby demised Premises or any Part thereof, or set or demise the Same, or any Part or Parcel thereof, to any Person or Persons whomsoever, without the Consent of the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs or Assigns first thereunto had, under his or their Hand and Seal (except by this last Will and Testament, or by Deed or Will to his Wife or Child, who shall actually reside on the said Lands and Premises, and shall not set or demise the Same or any Part thereof,) that then from thenceforth, this present Demise shall be utterly void: and it shall And may be lawful to and for the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns, into the said demised Premises, and every Part and Parcel thereof, in the Name of the Whole to re-enter and the same to have again, re-possess and enjoy, as in his and their former Estate, any thing herein contained to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding. It being the Intention of the Parties aforesaid that the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns in Case - or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid, or -- or their child or Devisee shall always during the Continuance of this Demise, be the only tenant or tenants occupier or occupiers, actually residing on and possessing and occupying the said demised Premises and every part thereof, and the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE doth for themself their Heirs and Assigns in Case - or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid covenant [?] and agree to and with the said Earl of Roden, his Heirs and Assigns, shall and will from Time to Time, and at all Times herafter, during the Continuance of this present Demise well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns the said reserved yearly rent of one Hundred & Sixty pounds with the Receivers Fees and duty Work above mentioned on the Days and Times and in manner as the same are herein before reserved and made payable over and above all Taxes Assessments Subsidies county Charges and Impositions of what Nature or Kind soever Ordinary or Extraordinary, now imposed or hereafter to be imposed by Parliament or otherwise, (Quit-rent and Crown-rent only excepted as aforesaid,) And further that the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns in Case - or they shall be permitted to alien, sets, let or Assign as aforesaid, shall and will from time to time and at all times during the Continuance of this present Demise well and sufficiently repair, preserve and keep all and every of the Ditches Drains Edifices Buildings and Improvements of what Nature or Kind so ever on the said demised Premises or any Part thereof, built erected or made, or which shall at any Time or Times hereafter during the Continuance of this Demise be on the said demise Premises or any Part thereof built, erected or made in good and sufficient repair and condition, and the same together with the hereby demised Premises and every Part thereof, at the End or other sooner Determination of this Demise, shall and will peaceably and quietly yield, surrender and give up in good repair and condition, Staunch and Tenantable unto the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns and further that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns, or his or their Attorney, Stewart, Receiver or Agent twice in every Year or oftener as there shall be occasion, with Workmen or Servants to enter into and upon the said Premises or any Part thereof, then to view, search and see the State and Condition of the said Premises, and of all defects and want of Reparation and Amendments, and to give or leave Notice in writing at some Dwelling House on the said premises for the same to be amended, and that then the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their -- and assigns, (in Case -- or they shall be permitted to alien set let or assign as aforesaid) within three Months next after such Notice to be given or left as aforesaid, shall at -- and their own proper Costs and Charges cause or procure the same to be amended accordingly. And further the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns (in Case -- or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid) shall and will grind all Malt, Corn and Grain which shall be expended or made use of on the said premises, or which shall be ground for Sale, at the Mill or Mills of - - or at such other Mill or Mills as the said -- Heirs or Assigns shall appoint, and pay the accustomed Toll or Mulcter for grinding the same, and in case the said -- or assigns, (in Case -- or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid) or any other Person or Persons inhabited the said Premises, shall grind any Malt, Corn or Grain which shall be expended or made use of on the said Premises, or which -- or they shall grind for sale at any other Mill or Mills, that then and in such case -- the said -- and Assigns, (in Case -- or they shall be permitted to alien, set, let or assign as aforesaid) shall pay the sum of one shilling per Bushel for each and every Bushel that shall be so ground at any other Mill or Mills contrary to the true intent and meaning of these Presents to be levied or recovered by Distress or otherwise as -- the said Heirs and Assigns shall think fit. And shall and will from Time to Time and at all Times hereafter during this Demise do Suit and Service at the Courts Leet and Courts Baron to be held in the Manor of Dundalk aforesaid so as they shall be thereunto lawfully summoned and shall then there yield and pay the Fees thereon as usual: and the said Robert Earl of Roden doth by these Presents for himself his Heirs and Assigns covenant promise and agree to and with the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns, that they the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns paying the Rent and performing the Covenants, Conditions and Agreements herein expressed, which on ____ and their part ought to be paid and performed, shall and may peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the said demise Premises with the Appurtenances, (except as before excepted) during the said Term, without the Let, Suit, Trouble, Disturbance or Eviction of him the said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs or Assigns or any other Person or Persons lawfully claiming or to Claim by from or under him them or any of them. PROVIDED ALWAYS and the said Robert Earl of Roden doth by these Presents for himself his Heirs and Assigns, covenant promise and agree to and with the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs and Assigns that if the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE at the Heirs and Assigns Exors Administrators and Assigns in Case as aforesaid shall and will Well and truly observe perform fulfill and keep all and singular the Covenants Conditions and Agreements on the Tenants or Lessees Part herein before particularly set forth - - that then and in such Cases said Robert Earl of Roden his Heirs and Assigns shall and will accept of the yearly rent of Eighty two pounds sterling with Receivers Fees and duties to be paid half-yearly as above in lieu of the said reserved Rent, during such part of the said Term as the said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE their Heirs or Assigns, in Case as aforesaid shall hold and enjoy the said premises. In witness whereof the said Robert Earl of Roden has hereunto Subscribed his Title of honour and affixed his Seal and said Joseph COULTER James DICKIE and Joseph DICKIE have also put their Hands and Seals the day and year first above written
Joseph Coulter [SEAL]
James Dickie [SEAL]
Joseph Dickie [SEAL]
Roden [SEAL] [1] Right Honorable Robert Earl of Roden. Information about his holdings can be found in "The Roden Title. Statement of Title of The Right Hon. Robert Earl of Roden to the Manor, Town, and Lands of Dundalk and Other Lands in The County of Louth, in Ireland with The Opinion of the Right Hon. Thomas Lefroy Thereon", Hodges and Smith. Dublin. No Date. More can be learned about him and his family at: http://family.kiwicelts.com/16_Josselyn/FT_Josselyn_14T.html [2] Joseph COULTER of Dowdles Hill (1756-1815) brother of Samuel COULTER (1755-1801). After Samuel died in 1801 and Samuel’s wife died in 1803, he and his wife, Jane IRWIN (1785-1869) took on the care of their five orphaned children. It is worth noting that Jane was a mere 17 years old at the time, her husband being 29 years older than she was. Also, she had only recently given birth to their first born, Samuel. [3] Dowdles Hill AKA Dowdalshill AKA Dowdallshill. The townland is in the parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth and contains 442 acres. It is southeast of the townland of Carnbeg (separated by the townland of Ballynahattin).The records of Lord Roden show that on November 11, 1781 a Samuel COULTER had a lease for part of Dowdallshill. Also that Joseph COULTER in 1810 had a lease for part of Dowdallshill for 3 lives or 61 years. SOURCE: http://www.rootsweb.com/~fianna/county/louth/rodn1837.html "The Roden Title. Statement of Title of The Right Hon. Robert Earl of Roden to the Manor, Town, and Lands of Dundalk and Other Lands in The County of Louth, in Ireland with The Opinion of the Right Hon. Thomas Lefroy Thereon", Hodges and Smith. Dublin. No Date. NOTE: There are other elements of family interest with respect to this townland. Joseph COULTER (1704-1796) died at Dowdallshill. He was a son of Thomas COULTER (1658-1754) and Anne MAFFETT (1671-1736) and was also an older brother of the Thomas COULTER (1709-1769) who was the father of the Samuel COULTER (1755-1801) mentioned later in this lease. Furthermore in 1761, the widow Mary MOFFAT otherwise PARK covenanted money from her Dowdallshill lease to her daughter Elizabeth at the time of Elizabeth’s marriage to Samuel DONALDSON (1725-1805). SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1761Dec1_DONALDSON.html I would suspect a family link between the father of Elizabeth MOFFAT and Anne MAFFETT – possibly siblings. Also, in 1802 a John MOFFATT was a witness to a DONALDSON deed that I have posted but not yet footnoted. SEE: 1802 DONALDSON Indenture [4] James DICKIE of Carrickastuck (1771-1835). SOURCE: Kane Graveyard: DICKIE In loving memory of James Dickie, of Killen, who died August 26th 1835 aged 64 years. And of Euphemia Patterson his wife who died September 30th aged 66 years. Also of their children, William died September 12th 1827, aged 14 years, Margaret died March 5th 1828 aged 19 years , Samuel died May 24th 1877, aged 58 years, Eleanor, died March 29th 1878, aged 61 years, Mary died March 3rd 1884, aged 82 years. And also of Margaret Junor Dickie, wife of the above named Samuel Dickie died 3rd June 1905, aged 70 years. He was appointed one of the guardians of his brother-in-law Samuel COULTER’s (1755-1801) children. Anne DICKIE was his sister. [5] Carrickastuck, Parish of Phillipstown, Co. Louth. 229 Acres. It is on the south-eastern border of Cavananore and on the north-eastern border of Clonaleenaghan. [6] Joseph DICKIE of Clunaleenan (1774-1807). SOURCE: Kane Graveyard, Co. Louth: DICKIE Sacred to the memory of Joseph Dickie, son of Mr Robert Dickie of Clonaleenan who in the bloom of his life fell a victim to the fever of the Country, in the province of Surinam, in South America, and is there interred. He departed this life 2nd October, 1807, aged 33 years. NOTE: He was appointed one of the guardians of the children of his brother-in-law, Samuel COULTER (1755-1801). Anne DICKIE was his sister. SOURCE: A Man who can Speak of Plants: Dr. Thomas Coulter (1793-1843) of Dundalk in Ireland, Mexico and Alta California. . Charles Nelson & Alan Probert ,1994, Dublin (privately published in a limited edition of 500) p12. [7] Clunaleenan AKA Clonaleenaghan, Parish of Creggan, Co. Louth. 311 acres. It is bounded by Barronstown to the east, Carrickastuck and Annaghvacky to the north, Shanmullagh to the west and Derryfalone to the south (amongst others). [8] Carranbag AKA Carnbeg, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth, 135 acres (so 82 acres would be a portion of the townland). [9] Carranmore AKA Carnmore, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth, 72 acres. [10] Most likely Ballynahattin a townland that separates Carnbeg from Dowdallshill. It is in the Parish of Dundalk. 105 acres. [11] Glebe, Parish of Dundalk, 30 acres. [12] Jeffries land now held as Town Parks – This would seem to be in the Townland of Lisdoo, Parish of Dundalk, 120 acres. [13] Sportsmans Hall, Parish of Dundalk, 124 acres. [14] Lennox BIGGER (1769-1857) He was agent for Lady Joslin in Carnacally townland and resided near Dundalk in 1836. SOURCE: Ros Davies. He died at Richmond House outside Dundalk. According to the Parliamentary Papers, he was a “weighmaster and taster” in 1822 as well as a freeholder. MEMORIAL: In a vault beneath this sacred edifice rest the mortal remain of Lennox Bigger, esqr of Richmond, Dundalk. For more than thirty years magistrate of the Co Louth where he was universally respected and esteemed he was born the 3rd of May 1769 and departed this life the 10th of Jany 1857 also that of his wife Charlotte daughter of John Eastwood of Castletown Castle, Esqr who died the 8th of June 1850 aged 89 years . This tablet is erected in grateful affection by their granddaughter. SOURCE: Journal of the Society for the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead Vol. IX No. 2 (1917) [15] Thomas COULTER (1893-1843) This is the famous botanist whose name lives on in the white-flowered matilija (a California tree poppy) known as Romneya couteri. He was orphaned by age ten, but went on to live a life of adventure and success as chronicled in A Man who can Speak of Plants: Dr. Thomas Coulter (1793-1843) of Dundalk in Ireland, Mexico and Alta California. . Charles Nelson & Alan Probert ,1994, Dublin (privately published in a limited edition of 500) [16] Joseph COULTER (1795-1812). He died at age seventeen, leaving no issue. [17] Samuel COULTER (1799-1840) Carnbeg was left in trust for him. SOURCE: A Man who can Speak of Plants p. 13. He became a wine merchant and his presence was recorded in London. SOURCE: London Post Office Directory of 1829:"Vincent & Coulter, Wine & Brandy-merch. 114 Up. Thames St.". He seemingly died unwed. [18] Samuel COULTER of Carrenbag AKA Carnbeg. (1755-1801). He was the son of Thomas COULTER (1709-1769) of Carnbeg and Jane SMALL (1724-1783). He was known for his extensive library, including significant numbers of volumes on or about the Irish language. His son Thomas was known to seal his letters with United Irishmen symbols – I suspect the seals came from his father and would be indicative of his sympathies at the time. It seems that Samuel COULTER valued his Gaelic ancestry. Unfortunately, when he died, his children were all very young and his wife, Anne DICKIE, died a mere two years later leaving five children aged ten and younger who were then cared for by his brother, Joseph COULTER and his young wife Jane Irwin. SOURCE: A Man who can Speak of Plants [19] 1865 would be the expiration of the lease, all else being equal.
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