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NAMES: Samuel DONALDSON of Freeduff; William DONALDSON of Freeduff; James DONALDSON of Castledillon; David GRAY; Alexander CLARKE; Mathew MAWHOOD; Hugh GARTLY; William DONALDSON of Cloghoge; Randal DONALDSON; Joseph DONALDSON; Unnamed BRADLEY; Unnamed PEERY; George HUGES aka HUGHES; Unnamed DRURY; John MOFFETT aka MAFFITT. OTHER PLACES: Ballyfanaghan.
Sharon Oddie Brown. August 4, 2009
NOTE: In June 13, 2004 when I first posted a transcription of this deed, I had no clues who anyone was. Now, I reckon I am halfway there.


1802 October 14

NOTE: This Indenture was made available for this site thanks to the ongoing generosity of Christine WRIGHT of Gilford Castle.

This Indenture made the fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and two Between Samuel DONALDSON[1] of Freduff[2] Parish of Creggan and County of Armagh Gent: of the one Part and William DONALDSON[3] of Freduff aforesaid Gent: son to the said Samuel DONALDSON of the other part: Whereas James DONALDSON[4] late of Castledillon[5] in the County of Armagh Deceased by Deed of Lease bearing Date the Twentysixth Day of Aprile one thousand seven Hundred and fifty nine Demised unto the said Samuel DONALDSON all that part of Freduff[6] then in the Possession of David GRAY[7] Alexander CLARKE[8] Mathew MAWHOOD[9] and Hugh GARTLY[10] Containing by Estimation Fifty Acres Irish measure with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging Situate lying and being in Freduff aforesaid Barony of Fews and County of Armagh To hold to the said Samuel DONALDSON his Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns from the first day of November then last past for and During the natural life and lives of the above named Samuel DONALDSON and Samuel DONALDSON[11] and Andrew DONALDSON[12] sons to William DONALDSON[13] then of Cloughoge[14] but now deceased and the longer liver of them and also for and during the term and space of Fifty one years which soever last the longer Yielding and paying therefore and these out unto the said James DONALDSON his Heirs and assigns the Clear Yearly Rent or Sum of Twelve pounds nineteen Shillings and four pence Sterling Together with Sixpence on the pound Receivers fees and four fat hens or Two Shillings in Lieu therof difference being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear. And Whereas Alexander DONALDSON[15] late of Cloughage aforesaid father to the said Samuel DONALDSON was possessed of ninety nine acres and twenty four perches of Cloghage aforesaid By lease from Randle DONALDSON[16] Esquire, Whereas by his will Bearing date the Twenty Sixth day of January one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy give devise and bequeath the whole of his farm in Cloghoge with the appurtenances unto his two sons the said Samuel DONALDSON and Joseph DONALDSON[17] share and share alike as by said will may appear.
And whereas by Deed of partition bearing date the fourth day of July one thousand and Seven Hundred and Seventy Six the South east part Containing forty nine acres, one rood same unto said Samuel DONALDSON, Possession now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Samuel DONALDSON for and in Consideration of the love and affection he bears to his said son William DONALDSON the said sum to him on hand paid by the said William DONALDSON at or Before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof doth acquit and discharge the said William DONALDSON his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns by these presents and by these presents do grant Bargain Sell Assign Transfer and make over unto the said William DONALDSON all that part of the said Samuel DONALDSONs farm in Freeduff lying on the South East of the road leading from Creggan to Armagh now in said William’s Possession Containing Twenty one acres and Twenty six perches Irish Plantation measure Be the same more or less with that part of Dwelling house and offices now in said William’s Possession for which the said William DONALDSON is to pay to the said Samuel DONALDSON Twelve pounds and eight pence Sterling year and yearly During the life of Samuel DONALDSON. But after his Decease the whole of said farm of Freeduff is to be occupied and enjoyed by the said William DONALDSON his Heirs or Assigns at and under the Chief rent payable for the same and also all that part of Cloughage so bequeathed as aforesaid to the said Samuel Called the Bog Rocks BRADLY[18] farm Ballyfanaghan[19] field and PEEREY[20]’s farm now in the possession of George HUGES[21] and the said William DONALDSON for which the said William DONALDSON is to pay to the said Samuel DONALDSON Nineteen Pounds twelve Shillings and five pence sterling yearly and every year During the life of the said Samuel DONALDSON and its further agreed that the said William DONALDSON is to graze a mare and foal on said Bog and rocks yearly and every year During the life of the said Samuel DONALDSON but at and after the Decease of the said Samuel DONALDSON the said William is to possess and enjoy the said BRADLY’s farm Bog and rocks Ballyfanaghan field and DURY’s[22] farm
At the Chief rent payable for the same and its further agreed that said William DONALDSON is to give Sufficient turf bog to all the Tenants Occupying the remainder of the said Samuel DONALDSONs freehold in Cloghoge until the end of said demise the Turf to be made on that side of the red Bog Joining the pasture land of the said Bog and rocks and also a free pass to Draw away the said turf in the usual place. Said Tennants [?] keeping all passes into said bog secure from Damages during the time of Drawing Said turf and also lifting all ?ashes which they may have occasion to make otherwise the pass not to be allowed to any of them not performing said Conditions, to Hold to the said William DONALDSON his heirs Executors administrators and assigns the said herby granted and Assigned premises with their and each of their appurtenances For and During the lives and the Term of years by the leases of the said several hereby assigned premises Demised and granted yet to Come and unexpired Subject to the payment of this yearly Rent by the several Leases of the said premises Reserved and made payable and performance of the Covenant therin mentioned And the Said Samuel DONALDSON Doth for himself his heirs Executors administrators and assigns Covenant promise and agree to and with the said William DONALDSON his heirs Executors that the said leases of the said hereby assigned premises are good and valid in law and in nowise Impacted or Incumbered and that he now has on himself good light and full power and lawful authority to make and Execute this present grant and assignment to the said William DONALDSON his heirs Executors and assigns In manner and form aforesaid And also shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon the reasonable request of the said William DONALDSON his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns make and execute all such other and further lawful and reasonable acts & deeds assignments assurance in the law whatsoever for the more Effectual assigning and assuring the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said William DONALDSON His Executors administrators and assigns as Council learned in the law shall Devise advise or Require I witness thereof the parties afore said have herunto Set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first herein written ~
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
John MOFFETT[23]

1802 October 14 - Donaldson Indenture

Received from the above names William DONALDSON the sum of Ten Shillings Sterling being the Consideration money in the forgoing Deed mentioned as witness my hand this fourteenth Day of October one thousand Eight hundred and two

Samuel DONALDSON Gent to William DONALDSON Gent
An Assignment of part of Cloughage and Freduff
Yearly Rent £31:13:1


[1] Samuel DONALDSON (1725-1805), son of Alexander DONALDSON & Alice McILVEEN. He married Elizabeth MAFFITT aka MOFFITT and they had six known children. She was the daughter of the widow Moffat in 1761 or 62. She was from Freeduff. Samuel was a Warden in the Church of Ireland in 1760 but the family were Presbyterians. The Donaldsons seem to have attended both the Church of Ireland and the Presbyterian church thru the years. The Moffats were Presbyterians. Samuel was a flax grower and linen weaver and was listed in 1796 as such. He was on the 1766 census of Creggan.

·         From his father he got one half of the fourth quarter of the Northern part of Cloghog.

·         SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban DONALDSON   

·         SEE also: Marriage Agreement. SOURCE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1761Dec1_DONALDSON.html

·         SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban DONALDSON p291 "After his children joined the United Irishmen his fortunes declined somewhat because of property destruction by the English troops. Samuel suffered from rheumatism and was unable take care of himself so he lived with his son George."

[2] Freduff aka Freeduff, Parish of Creggan, Co. Armagh.

[3] William DONALDSON (1768-1814) of Freeduff , son of Samuel DONALDSON and Elizabeth MAFFITT. He married Barbara BRADFORD of Cavananore and they had one daughter, Elizabeth. He was a leader of the United Irishmen in the region. Some of his correspondence is fascinating. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/letters/1811_Donaldson_to_Lawson.htm and http://www.thesilverbowl.com/letters/1812_Donaldson_to_Lawson.htm

[4] James DONALDSON. I have no birth or death dates for him yet. SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban DONALDSON “  p245. He was a Captain in the army and married Hester ECHLIN daughter of Reverend Robert ECHLIN of the town of Echlinville in Co. Down. She died 8 April 1807, age 77. They are buried at Ballyphillip Church of Ireland, north of Portaferry in Co. Down. Inside they have a magnificent marble memorial from floor to ceiling. The bottom is an angel over a tomb and at the top is their coat of arms. In between is a lengthy sketch of the family material.”

[5] Castledillon, Co. Armagh. It is on Castle Dillon Lake which is about 3 miles northeast of Co. Armagh.

·         A current building at Castledillon has recently been remodelled SEE: http://www.smcconnellandsons.com/castledillon.html . Thanks to an email from Sean Barden, I understand that this is not the former home of the Molyneux family but a new house recently built. Castledillon house has been closed up and empty for about 10 years now since the nursing home which operated from the premises closed.

·         It was described in 1613 as 'certain small buildings within a strong rath' and in another account as 'a strong bawn, with houses for lodgings'.

·         In the late 1600s and early 1700s, the property was associated with Samuel Molyneux. The Ulster Architectural Society included the stables of Castle Dillon on its endangered list and included the description: The now vacant Castle Dillon House and its equally impressive stable block and unlisted gate lodges, have had a somewhat chequered recent history. First included in Buildings at Risk, Vol. 1, p. 50, and then again in Vol. 4, p. 43, the stables continue to deteriorate despite hopes being raised several years ago of a potential restoration scheme. The stables were described by Brett as having “...two storeys to the front but three-storey to the rear, thirteen bays long: the three central bays breaking forward and surmounted by pediment and cupola; each of the bays having a recessed archway framing either doorway or window-opening”. They were designed by Thomas Cooley in 1782 and built of limestone with ashlar dressings. A large number of roof slates are missing and part of the roof structure appears at serious risk of imminent collapse. Urgent action is needed to prevent further loss of original fabric.  

[6] Freduff aka Freeduff The adjoining town land of Freeduff in said estate was originally settled by David Gray, Matthew Mawhood, Sawney Clark, John Dorman, John Stitt, Joseph Peery, and John Dorman, Junior. A lease of the lands accompanied by the first four persons being given to Samuel Donaldson, fourth son of the aforementioned Alexander. David Gray removed to Longfield in the County of Monaghan, and his place was occupied by the said Samuel Donaldson; Matthew Mawhood's place by Cornelius Nielsen; Sawney Clark and his sons to a farm in Tullynavall and Robert Bahannen afterwards settled in his place. John Dorman removed to Camlough in this County, in his farm was given to Mr. Moffat; a small farm is also given of their lands to the family of the name of Magill, and Robert Huston obtained the farm held by John Dorman, Junior, his brother-in-law, he having enlisted with Lieut. McComb. SOURCE: Account of the Barony of Upper Fews John Donaldson. Creggan Local History Society, 1993.

[7] David GRAY See Freeduff footnote: removed to Longfield in the County of Monaghan

[8] Alexander CLARKE See Freeduff footnote: Sawney Clark and his sons to a farm in Tullynavall

[9] Mathew MAWHOOD See Freeduff footnote

[10] Hugh GARTLY

[11] Samuel DONALDSON See my confusion about his father William DONALDSON in footnote beneath. Initially, I thought he was the Samuel DONALDSON (1753-1827) who married Alice (last name unknown), but that doesn’t seem to be a fit.

[12] Andrew DONALDSON. I do not know where he fits in.

[13] William DONALDSON then of Cloghoge; There are some things I seem to be missing here. Initially, I thought he was the William DONALDSON (1723-1811) son of Alexander DONALDSON & Alice MAFFITT who married Agnes (last name unknown to me) and had eight children. The trouble is, that if I read this deed correctly, then he has predeceased this deed dated 1802 - so couldn’t have lived till 1811.

[14] Clouhoge, Parish of Creggan, Co. Armagh. SEE: http://www.cregganhistory.co.uk/timelinecloghoge.htm

[15] Alexander DONALDSON 1671-1776)  late of Cloughage He was likely born at Ringfad, Co. Down. SEE also: Irish Edition of Alexander ban DONALDSON  "... Around 1739 Alex ban Donaldson was invited by Randal Donaldson Esq. landed proprietor of several thousands of acres of land in the North of Ireland to settle on his lands in Cloghoge, South County Armagh. "Alex ban took out his third lease and this was the North, one quarter of the Townland of Cloghoge containing 140 acres in Co. Armagh. Here he was to live the rest of his life and build his home.”


·         SOURCE: Irish edition of Alexander Ban Donaldson: Our ancestor 1698 – 1776, Ron Donaldson 1989. p243 ff. Notes: Randal Donaldson Esq. was a counsellor, an influential member of the bar and owner of several thousands of acres of land in County Armagh, in County Antrim. He was probably born in the late 1690s and died at 1770 he lived at Drumgher, Castle Dillon, County Armagh.  He invited Alexander ban Donaldson to settle on his estate in County Armagh.  They are probably Kinsman but the exact connection is not known.

·         Seemingly he was on very good terms with the fifth Earl of Antrim Alexander who lived 1713 -- 1775.  One of the leases between the two men was in 1748 March 6th  where Alexander the Earl of Antrim demised unto Randall Donaldson Esq. land in Parishagh, land in Carriveagh and Ringfad and two tenements in the town of Glenarm, County Antrim containing over 1588 acres.  10 acres of this was in the Desmesne of the Castle of Glenarm close to the Earl's home, so it seems that there was a relationship between the men.  In other latest leases dating back to 1738 Randall owned 1300 acres much of it in County Armagh.  He married Ann (last name is not known) was and known as a benevolent purpose person. 

One other link to him can be seen in the lease information with respect to the will of Louis Jane KELLY. http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1823Apr5_LouisaJaneKelly.htm


[17] Joseph DONALDSON (1727-1805) was the son of Alexander DONALDSON & Alice MAFFITT. He married Anne HENRY of Co. Monaghan and they had 10 known children. They lived in the one half of the north quarter of

northeast Cloghoge that was bequeathed to him by his father Alex Ban. He received the house and other items.

In Dec 1803 he made a lease to his sons of land in and around Cloghoge. The sons were Joseph Jr., John of Cloghoge and Alex who lived in Tullyvallen. Joseph Sr. was a farmer, tax collector and land official. He was a member of the Creggan Church of Ireland and church warden in 1764. The old Donaldson homestead was where or near where William and Sidney Howe live today and I am sure Alex Ban made his home there in 1740. Joseph died in 1805 and his will was proved 15 Dec 1805. We do not have the whole will as it was burned in 1922, but some of it was copied in brief notes and preserved in Trinity College in Dublin. Joseph was quite a well to do gentleman with Freehold property in Cloghoge, Cullyhanna, Dorsey and Crossmaglen in County Armagh and Richardstown in Co Louth. Joseph was a linen weaver and flax grower, plus being a farmer and stock raiser. SOURCE: Irish edition of Alexander Ban Donaldson: Our ancestor 1698 – 1776, Ron Donaldson, 1989.

[18] BRADLY ?

[19] Ballyfanaghan. This seems to be part of the townland of Cloghoge. Currently, a Ballyfannen Road passes by Donaldson’s Mill House from Creggan to Freeduff Church. The word means “the pass of the winding water ford”.

[20] PEEREY possibly “BEERY” as per http://www.cregganhistory.co.uk/timelinecloghoge.htm  which shows a William BEERY in the 1828 householder records, but I suspect looking at the lettering elsewhere as well as the appearance of the name PEERY aka PEARY aka PERRY in various Parish registers, that the name on this deed is “PEERY”. In 1837, there was a William PERRY of Cloghoge who was a member of Freeduff Church. Also in 1837, an Eliza PERRY of Clogher (I suspect a transcription error and it should be Cloghoge) married an Alexander BROWN. There was also a Robert PEERY listed in the 1828 householder records. One of the original settlers of Freeduff was a Joseph PEERY. SOURCE: Account of the Barony of Upper Fews John Donaldson. Creggan Local History Society, 1993 p14.

[21] George HUGES aka HUGHES

[22] DURY ?

[23] John MOFFETT A Mary MAFFITT married Samuel DONALDSON. Her father’s name is unknown to me.



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