The focal point of this piece is the lands in Co Meath mentioned in the 1705 will of Samuel JACKSON (1631-1706). After several generations, these leases ended up being owned by the NORTH family of Jackson Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland.
Sharon Oddie Brown. April 22, 2013
Updated July 1, 2015
Updated November 6, 2018. Map Updated. January 18, 2023 Added family names to deeds.
NOTE: The 1659 Census of Meath has names of owners of some lands mentioned here.
Samuel JACKSON detective work
Samuel JACKSON was one of the first
generation of a family of JACKSONs who emigrated to Coleraine from Kirby Lonsdale,
Westmorland, England in the mid-1600s, and then to Dublin. Although Samuel
JACKSON had apprenticed with the Drapers Guild, his family gained their
foothold in Ireland as a result of the substantial Clothworkers Guild land
grants. The first members of this family probably first came to Ireland as
early as Elizabethan times. SEE: Timeline of Jacksons of Coleraine.
This Samuel JACKSON was a son of Rev.
Richard JACKSON and his wife Dorothy OTWAY. Rev. Richard JACKSON had a 2nd wife and between the two marriages sired at least 23 children. Many of them as
well as their descendants settled in Ireland. There are still outstanding
questions whether they may also be related to the other JACKSON families who
settled in Drogheda, Lisnabo, Dublin and Coleraine in the late 1600s and early
1700s. It would not be surprising if the Londonderry & Coleraine
JACKSONs turn out to be connected to both the mid-1600s JACKSONs of
Drogheda, as well as the Quaker
JACKSONs whose relations include two known brothers: Anthony JACKSON (1628-
abt 1690) and Richard JACKSON (1626-1679).
The 1705
will of Samuel JACKSON [1631-1706] has been the key to understanding many
of the family connections of his brothers’ descendants. At the time of his
death, Samuel JACKSON held title to several forfeited lands in Co. Meath, and
bequeathed them to family members. They were all in the southernmost part of
the Barony of Lower Kells in the parishes of Kilbeg, Emlagh and Stahlomogh:
- Parish of Kilbeg, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath: townlands of Ardlonan,
& Marvelstown.
- Parish of Staholmog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath: townlands
of Drakerath aka Drakerath,
Castletown More aka Castletownmoor,,
& Emlagh.
- Parish of Emlagh, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath: Orestown aka Oristown & Reask [Groves transcribed this as Kisk and TGF Paterson as Keske]
The top three shaded parishes beneath are where the JACKSON of Lisnabo held leases.
The bottom 3 are where Samuel JACKSON and his descendants held leases. The distance from top to bottom is about 13-15 km. |
This map was added in 2015. It clarifies the parishes shown on the right where Samuel JACKSON held leases. |
From top to bottom the green shaded parishes are: Enniskene, Kilmainhan, Nobber (which also continues into the neighbouring Barony of Morgallion), Kilbeg, and Emlagh & Staholnog. Cruisetown, also mentioned in this post is on the eastern border of Kilbeg. NOTE: Newtown was added to the Jackson family holdings sometime btw 1705-1733. |
I have updated what I know about Samuel Jackson's holdings with what I have learned since 2013. In his will, Emlogh was a townland holding, not a parish - but it is also the parish where the townland of Reask is - a townland held by Rev. Robert Jackson, one of Samuel Jackson's nephews. I have also added the Parish of Teltown. |
I made and added the map beneath on November 2, 2018. The pie-shaped leases in the bottom right hand corner inrigue me. It seems that it once contained a water source, but current satellite photos show it to be more of a bog. What is curious is that they are all close to each other, but not all adjacent.
Samuel JACKSON holdings in the Barony of Lower Kells included:
In the tables beneath, I have also included some PIPPARD
leases. There are a number of business and marriage connections between
the JACKSONs and PIPPARDS in Drogheda. Both were merchant families, and both
served on the Drogheda Council in the late 1600s. The Rev. Robert JACKSON, mentioned
in dealings with them, was a nephew of the Samuel JACKSON (1631-1706) of Dublin,
who held the earlier leases. He was a son of Nathaniel JACKSON.
Parish of Staholnog, Barony of Lower
Kells. According to the Down Survey Maps, this Parish was owned by James FLEMING sr, Thomas NUGENT, Patrick HUSSEY & Walter DRAKE. John DRAKE owned Drakrath and Thomas NUGENT owned Castletownmore. Between 1641 and 1670, 33 acres of Drakerath were transferred from John DRAKE to Coll Daniell REDMOND. 20 acres of Drishog aka Farranalcock, Parish Kilobeg were transferred from Walter DRAKE to Coll Daniell REDMOND.
20 |
233 |
10447 |
PEPPARD, Jacob. City of Dublin.
By lease & release dated 10 &
11 May 1708, John WILLETT (son and heir of Richard WILLETT), sold to said
Jacob PEPPARD for £130 Cloghmacoe, Barony Moyergallen, Co Meath, also reciting
whereas Walter REILLY alleges the said Richard WILLET did by indenture 27 Feb
1691 demise all his Lands in Ireland to John WILLETT had granted Jacob
PEPPARD an annuity of £3 pa charged on the rest of his estate to cover the
Quit Rent & Crown Rent. Walter REILY of Castletown,
Kilpatrick, Co. Meath alleges that said Richard WILLET, deceased of
Islington, Middlesex, by deed dated 27 Feb 1691, demised all his property in
Ireland to said John WILLETT for 99 years. Walter REILY also claims that said
Jacob PEPPARD by another deed dated 4 Mar 1691 in consideration of a marriage
to be had & which since took place between said John WILLETT and Hannah
HOLFORD one of the daughters of Thomas HOLFORD Citizen and Baker of London… made
the property over to Humphry WILLETT & William HUNT executors + Mary
REILY (ow WILLETT, wife of Walter REILY, daughter of John WILLETT) as
trustees. Said John WILLETT + Thomas HOLFORD, citizen & baker of London
are both dead but left 3 daughters, Hannah WILLETT, Martha REILY (wife of
William WELDON) + ?, to whom the interest of the property now belongs. Said
Walter REILY is entitled to 1/3 of the said term, & he has also purchased
the interest of L, Walter REILY now selling his 2/3 of the remainder of said
99 year lease to Jacob PEPPARD for £80. A free of the commitment to pay the
£3 annuity & Jacob PEPPARD to pay 2/3 of the Quit Rent. |
61 |
155 |
40941 |
1729 Jun 21 Deed: 61-155-40941. Rev Robert JACKSON of Tatham of Co Lancaster in Kingdom of Great Britain of 1 pt & Thomas MEREDYTH of Newtown, Co. Meath…. Transfer of land called Reisk [Reask,
Parish of Emlagh] 50 A bordering on Carlandstowne also land in Island of Emloguh WITNESS: Francis NORTH of City of Dublin & Wm FORSTER clk to NORTH. |
63 |
77 |
42733 |
1729 Feb 28 JACKSON-PIPPARD Book Index 1708-1729
A Memorial of a certain Deed Poll bearing
date the twenty fifth day of February 1729 whereby the Revd Robert JACKSON Rector of Fatham [aka Tatham] of Lancashire did agree with all covenants
speed to perfect a lease to John PIPPARD of the City of Dublin Esq. Of Castletownmoore and
the land thereunto belonging with all its appurtenance in as full and ample
manner as then enjoyed enjoyed by the present tenant Matthew BARNWELL Esq.
For the term of 31 years ... for the yearly rent of £80... to which said
deed Poll Richard JACKSON of the City of Dublin Esq. By virtue of a
power or authority from the said Robert JACKSON recited in the deed
poll hath subscribed the name and affixed the seal of the said Robert
JACKSON and the said John PIPPARD hath subscribed his name and affixed
his seal in the presence of Charles HIGGINS of the City of Dublin Gent and
James GILLESPIE Servant to the said Richard JACKSON and this Memorial
inspected by the said John PIPPARD in the presence of Charles HIGGINs &
Benjamin JOHNSTON Public Notary in the City of Dublin. NOTE: I suspect that Rev
Robert JACKSON of Tatham aka Totham, Lancashire is likely a son of Rev.
Leonard JACKSON |
80 |
206 |
55536 |
1735 Mar 26
1730-1745 Castletownmoor
Whereby Jane JACKSON & Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON sister
and heirs at law of the Rev. Robert JACKSON formerly of Tatham
in Lancashire ... set to John PIPPARD of Castletownmoor [Castletownmoor,
Parish of Staholmog,
in the Barony of Lower
Kells] in Co. Meath Esq. Lands of Castletownmoor… all the lands of
Castletownmoore. in as full and ample a manner as these premises were held
and enjoyed by Matthew BARNWELL Esq. former tenant to these lands… to hold to
John PIPPARD for lease of 26 years for yearly rent of 80 pounds . WITNESS:
Charles HIGGINS of City of Dublin Gent John THOMPSON of City of Dublin &
Thomas LAMB of City of Dublin. Signed & sealed by Jane JACKSON. NOTE: Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733) of Tatham, Lancashire was a brother of Jane & Abigail. This
land was inherited from their uncle: Samuel JACKSON d 1706.
91 |
158 |
63780 |
Jun 5 COOKE Book Index 1730-45
NOTE: In related deeds, he is referred to as Thomas COCK.
Deed of lease and release, a sexpartite deed bearing date and
perfected the 5th and 6th day of January 1737 between
Oliver CROFTEN of Lissanarrow Co. Limerick Esq. of the 1st pt; Abigail
BUCKLEY als JACKSON of the City of Dublin and relict of William BUCKLEY
late of Buckley in Co Lancaster England Esq deceased of the 2nd pt; Jane JACKSON sister of the said Abigail of the 3rd pt; Thomas COOK of Castle Cook Co. Cork and Edward ARMSTRONG of Kiloolyan [?] Kings Co Esq
of the 4th pt; Hugh BOYD of Ballycastle Co Antrim Esq &
Warneford ARMSTRONG in Clara [Parish Kilbride,
Barony Kilcoursey]
in Kings Co of the 5th.;
and the Hon Michael EVARD one of his Majesties Justices of the Court of
Kings bench and the said Hugh BOYD of the 6th pt. Reciting that
whereas a marriage was intended to be held and solemnized between the said
Oliver CROFTON and Abigail BUCKLEY and that whereas the said Abigail BUCKLEY
was seized in fee of and in certain Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in said
indenture mentioned situate in the Kingdom of England and that the said
Abigail was also seized and Intitled to a Jointure for her life out of the
estate of William BUCKLEY in said Kingdom of England and that whereas the
said Abigail BUCKLEY and Jane JACKSON were seized in Fee as Coparcener
of and in certain tenements and hereditaments in Kingdom of Ireland in said
indenture mentioned and Oliver CROFTON was also seized of an estate in Fee
simple… in consideration for 500 pounds paid to him out of the personal
estate of Abigail BUCKLEY… sum of 10 shillings paid to Thomas COOK and
Edward ARMSTRONG [lots of lands set to Oliver CROFTON by the partition made
to him by the Right Honble Sir Edward CROFTON Baronet] .. and whereby the
said Abigail BUCKLEY in consideration of the said marriage in performance of
her part of the said marriage agreement and for the provision made for her
and for the issue of her marriage…. All that her moiety share and proportion
of the Lands of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor]
Ardlenan [Ardlonan,
Parish Kilbeg] Drishock
[aka Farranalcock] Marvelstown [Marvelstown,]
Drakerath [Drakerath,
Parish of Staholmog],
Reisk [Reask,
Parish of Emlagh] 25
acres in the Island of Conlogh [??] in Co. Meath 5 tates of lands called Lattin [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromod [Drumod,
Parish Aghnamullen,
Barony Cremorne]
Money [Money,
Parish Aghnamullen,
Barony Cremorne]
Meaghan [aka Maghon,
Parish Aghnamullen,
Barony Cremorne]
and Dromconar [Drumcanon,
Parish Aghnamullen,
Barony Cremorne]]
in the Barony of Cremornean [aka Cremorne] Co
Monaghan the town and lands and Poles of land commonly called by the
name of Lisgraa [Lisgrea,
Parish Lurgan, Barony Castlerahan]
Drumgolan [Drumagolan,
Parish Killinkere,
Barony Castlerahan]
and Bracklany [Brackloney,
Parish Castlerahan,
Barony Castlerahan]
in the Barony of Castlerahan and Co Cavan 40 acres in Colemanstown [Colmanstown,
Parish Newcastle,
Barony Newcastle]
and 100 acres in Knightstown [Knightstown,
Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East]
and Ballinclea als Ballinclea [Ballinclea,
Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown] in Co Dublin
and all her other lands tenements and Hereditaments in the Kingdom of Ireland
and all the profits advantages and appurtenances to the said premises
belonging or appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions and Remainder and
Rems Yearly and other Rents Issues and profit of all the said premises…. And
whereby said Jane JACKSON for the settling and securing the lands of
Inheritance in her family and Blood and in consideration of the several
Remembrances in said Indenture limited to her [it seems that COOK &
ARMSTRONG set up a trust for the sisters].. WITNESSES: John BURROWS and
William SMYTH. NOTE: The inheritance originated with their uncle: Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706)
NOTE: Col Hugh BOYD (1690-1765)
of Ballycastle was a brother of Elizabeth BOYD (?-aft 1722), who was the
mother of Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill. |
98 |
390 |
68858 |
1740 May 20
PIPPARD-IRWIN Castletown-more
BTW Henry PIPPARD of Drogheda
administrator of George PIPPARD of Drogheda deceased of 1st part & John PIPPARD of Castletownmore [Castletownmoor,
Parish Staholmog,
Barony Lower Kells]
of Co of Meath of 2nd & Alexander ERWIN [als IRWIN in same
document] of City of Dublin of 3rd pt & reciting that Jane
JACKSON spinster and Abigail BUCKLEY als JACKSON widow
sisters and heirs at law of Rev. Robert JACKSON formerly of
Fathan [aka Tatham] Co Lancashire did by deed dated 19 Mar 1734 demise to
John PIPPARD… town & lands of Castletownmoore… WITNESS: Henry
HUMFREY clerk to George MOORE of City of Dublin & said George MOORE.
NOTE: Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733) of Tatham aka
Totham, Lancashire is probably a nephew of Rev. Leonard JACKSON – the previous
rector of Tatham. Jane, Abigail & Robert were all children of Nathanial JACKSON (1640-1698) & Elizabeth WOODS (abt 1648-?). The land sale was
just after Robert’s death. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine
100 |
537 |
71602 |
Jun 14
BTW Alexander ERWIN of City of Dublin Esq. of 1 pt; Henry FISHER
of City of Dublin Gent Grandson to the said Alexander ERWIN … Lease of
Castletown More [Castletownmoor,
Parish Staholmog,
Barony Lower Kells],
Meath, formerly formerly held by Mathew BARNWELL by virtue of a lease 19 Mar
1730 made by from Jane JACKSON, spinster and Abigail BUCKLEY
otherwise JACKSON, widow who assigned [lands?] – of the 1st part in the original lease [in 19 Mar 1734] to Alexander ERWIN, Esq of Dublin
who assigned it to his grandson Henry FISHER, Gent, grandson.
NOTE: in the original lease [in 19 Mar 1734], John PEPPARD of
Castletown More [Castletownmoor,
Parish Staholmog,
Barony Lower Kells],
Meath, Esq of the 2nd part (PEPPARD had assigned it to ERWIN).
NOTE: Jane & Abigail JACKSON both daughters of Nathaniel JACKSON (1640-1698) and Elizabeth WOODS of Leeds. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine
120 |
79 |
89100 |
Aug 6
JACKSON, Abigale Dame-COCKS Book Index 1730-45
NOTE: Thomas COCKS may also be referred to in other deeds as Thomas
Indentured deed btw Sir Oliver CROFTON of the City of Dublin
Bart & Dame Abigail CROFTON otherwise BUCKLEY otherwise JACKSON his wife. & Jane JACKSON of the City of Dublin spinster of
the other part. Thomas COCKS of Mt Cashell in the County of Clare Gent of the
other part imparting that the said Sir Oliver CROFTON Abigail his
wife, and Jane JACKSON in pursuance of a minitt or
article therein mentioned have been made theretofore made by Samuel JACKSON deceased to John BETSON deceased and in consid of the rents & agreements…
demised to said Thomas COCKS the town and land of Knightstown otherwise
Kingstown [Knightstown,
Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East]
containing therin mentioned 121a 3r 2p in Parish of Lusk Barony of
Nethercross & Co of Dublin for 31 years. WITNESS: James CROWE Attorney of the
Court of Kings Bench & John LUANS servant to Sir Oliver CROFTON &
Robert KEAN Clerk to James CROWE.
NOTE: Jane & Abigail were daughters of Nathaniel JACKSON (1640-1698) and Elizabeth WOODS. The lands were inherited from Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706). SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine,
Parish of Emlagh
61 |
155 |
40941 |
JACKSON-MEREDITH Book Index 1708-1729
Rev. Robert JACKSON of Tatham of Co Lancaster in Kingdom of Great Britain of 1 pt
& Thomas MEREDYTH of Newtown, Co. Meath…. Transfer of land called Reisk [aka Reask,
Parish Emlagh] 50 A bordering on Carloandstowne also 25a in Island of Emloguh
together with bog and all appurtenances for term of 31 years at rent of 40
pounds. WITNESS: Francis NORTH of City of Dublin & Wm FORSTER clk to
These are some of the lands held by Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706). See also:
ROD: 339-371-229119. 1781 Sep 7. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine |
Parish of Kilbag
552 |
392 |
367479 |
1803 Apr 16 |
Image 520
BTW Richard Toumalin NORTH of Fitzroy Sq., London eldest son of Miles NORTH late of Jackson Hall, Westmorland grandson of Richard NORTH, only son of Oliver NORTH
formerly of Co. Lancaster husband of Jennet NORTH orse JACKSON mother of Richard NORTH who was one of the sisters of the Rev. John
JACKSON minister of Skipworth in Yorkshire of
the 1 pt. leased to Henry WARNER of Co. Louth 161a 3r of Marvelstown,[Kilbeg Civil Parish, Barony
of Lower Kells] with Messuages Houses Edifices
Cottage Buildings Orchard Gardens Curtiledges Lands
Tenements Hereditaments Meadows Pastures Waste feedings, Common Grounds
Heaths Furrs Turbary moors Marshes Woods underwoods
ways surrounded with Water or under Water Bogs Mines Minerals quarries Rent
charges Rent such advantages to be transferred … Barony of Kells, … Robertstown [Kilbeg Civil Parish Barony
of Lower Kells,] & West, Raffin East, [Drakestown Civil
Parish, Barony of Morgallion] & Drakerath South [Parish of Staholnog, Barony
of Lower Kells] Thomastown, [assuming it is the one in Kilbeg Civil Parish, Barony of Lower Kells].
WITNESSES: John HAWKINS and Henry RICHARDSON both of City of Dublin,
Attorneys. NOTE:
In the 1705 December 4 -
Will of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) Rev John
JACKSON (1645-1721) is named as a brother-in-law of Samuel JACKSON.
He was husband to Abigail JACKSON (1655-1721) Jennett JACKSON, married Oliver NORTH. Both were Samuel JACKSON’s half-sisters |
My rationale in looking at other JACKSON
holdings in the Barony of Lower Kells is that there may have been block grants
that got divvied up amongst family members. I doubt that it is merely coincidental
that all 6 parishes border one another.
In the Griffiths Valuations, the Lisnabo Jacksons
lease or own several holdings in the northern part of the Barony of Lower Kells:
- Parish of Enniskeen:
- Townland Ballynalurgan. Thomas JACKSON
jun leased abt 103 acres.
- Townland Aghafarnan, Thomnas JACKSON
leased abt 65 acres
- Townland Ballynaclose, Gordon JACKSON
leased abt 34 acres and Thomas JACKSON leased two parcels of abt 25 and
43 acres.
- Townland Boynagh, Thomas JACKSON leased
two parcels of abt 68 & 35 acres, and owned 2 small houses which were
leased to tenants.
- Townland Lisnabo, Thomas JACKSON leased
184 acres, and also owned 2 small houses leased to tenants.
- Townland of Lisnagrow, Thomas Jackson
leased 2 plots of abt 35 & 14 acres, and owned a small house leased
to tenants. Gordon JACKSON leased abt 13 acres
- Parish of Nobber:
- Townland of Rathe, Thomas JACKSON leased
374 acres, and also owned 3 small houses leased to tenants.
- Parish of Kilmainham:
- Townland of Edengora, Henry JACKSON
leased abt 28 acres and a house.
The total of 1021 acres held by the
extended family in these 3 parishes would indicate that the JACKSONs were
amongst the more prosperous farmers in the region. They received passing
mention in the 1834 Lewis
Topographical Dictionary: The principal seats are Cabra castle, the
handsome residence and richly planted demesne of Colonel Pratt; Corinsica, of
J. Pratt, Esq.; Northlands, of the Very Rev. Dean Adams; Newcastle, of J.
Smith, Esq.; Woodford, of J. Armstrong, Esq.; Lisnaboe, of — Jackson,
Esq.; Plantation, of — Irwin, Esq.; Larchfield, of W. Pratt, Esq.; and
Cornakill, of — Moore, Esq.
Some of these JACKSON holdings are
mentioned in much earlier deeds:
202 |
438 |
134623 |
1757 Oct 10 for £180 Alisha AKIE to Charles AKIE, deceased of Rath in Nobber
parish, Slane barony, Meath county from 1 May then past for remainder of term
to come. Thomas JACKSON, Gent of Lisnaboe, Gent of the second part &
Henry JACKSON, Gent of Lisnaboe, witness. Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
113 |
316 |
78410 |
1743 Sep 30 JACKSON-KERR Book Index 1730-45
Henry JACKSON of Lisnebo, Parish of
Enniskeen, Barony of Kells, Co Meath of the on pt & William KERR in
Newcastle fsd. Gent of other pt. For 400 pound transferred two poles of
Roathes in Barony of Slane & Co Meath to KERR |
15 |
44 |
6704 |
1715 Aug 31 JACKSON-FARRELL site research
Memorial of a Lease for lives renewable for ever dated 31 August 1715, Thos
Bligh, Brittas, County Meath Esq Ist part, Henry JACKSON, Lisnabow,
County Meath, the other part.
Recites a grant from Thos BLIGH to Henry JACKSON of sixteen poles
Poles of Ballynaticknuff now in the possession of the said Henry JACKSON
containing by common estimation 152 acres or thereabouts, situated in the
Barony of Kells, County Meath with all Rights, etc.
Term; to hold these lands during the term of the natural lives of the said Henry
JACKSON, the Lessee, Hugh JACKSON aged about four years, eldest
son of the said Henry JACKSON and of James JACKSON aged about
one, son of said Henry JACKSON. Fine £15 sterling payable on death of
each life....
No JACKSON witnesses. Note: The fact that Memorial 6705 mentions JACKSON names is probably
significant since it comes between two deeds mentioning the JACKSONs of
Meath. Those JACKSONs are from the Liberty of Donore, Citry of Dublin and
will be dealt with in another paper exploring these other links to the family
of Samuel JACKSON
For #604 SEE: Jacksons
of Lisnaboe See also: 1864
March 26 deed. |
15 |
44 |
6706 |
1715 Sept 1 JACKSON-FARRELL site
research Lease for lives dated 1 September 1715, Thomas Bligh, Brittas,
County Meath Esq. to Nathan Nesbitt. . .lives of Nesbitt family.. One of the
witnesses was Henry JACKSON, Lisnabow, County Meath, Gent. Four Poles of
Kinachan aforesaid now in the possession of the said Nathan containing by
estimation two hundred and seventy three acres... with the Mills theron and
all Milldams, watercourses and rights... yearly rent of £65 . delivered 1
Sept 1715 near 10:00 AM. SEE: Jacksons
of Lisnaboe See also: 1864
March 26 deed. |
84 |
509 |
62294 |
1737 Nov 21 CASSIDY Book Index 1730-45
site research
Mortgage 21 October 1737, Henry JACKSON,
Lisnabow, County Meath, Gent and Hugh JACKSON, Ballybeain, County Monaghan,
Merchant, 1St, Patrick Cassidy, Dublin, Gent the other part.
Recites that Thomas Bligh, Brittas, County Meath, Esq. demised to the said
Henry JACKSON all that the sixteen poles of Ballynaticknuff then in his
possession containing by estimation 152 acres, situated in County Meath to
hold from 1 May 1712 during the lives of the said Henry JACKSON, Hugh
JACKSON and James JACKSON his sons. Various covenants not noted. Clause of
Recites that the said Henry JACKSON by Lease demised unto the said Hugh
JACKSON 40 acres of the said sixteen Poles of Ballynaticknuff at the yearly
rent of £7 sterling during the term of the natural lives of the lives of the
said Henry JACKSON and the said Hugh JACKSON.
Witness that the said Henry JACKSON and Hugh JACKSON in consideration of
£40 sterling did assign to the said Patrick CASSIDY all their Rights and
Interests in the said lands and Towns together with their two several Leases,
to hold by said Patrick CASSIDY during the lives of the said Henry and Hugh
JACKSON. No JACKSON Witnesses. |
173 |
101 |
115543 |
1754 Dec 14 JACKSON-FARRELL site research Memorial of an Indentured Deed of
Lease and Release dated respectively 4th and 5th days of November 1754, the
Lease between Henry JACKSON, Lisnaboe, County Meath, Gent, 1st part, Thomas
JACKSON, Lisnaboe son of the said Henry JACKSON, the other part.
The Release between the said Henry JACKSON and Mary his wife, 1 St part,
said Thos JACKSON, the other part.
Reciting that the said Henry JACKSON and Mary his wife in consideration of
the said Thomas JACKSON's paying the sum of £228 Principal money due by the
said Henry JACKSON and £50 sterling interest thereon and the said Thos also
paying unto Henry JACKSON, the Younger the sum of £50 sterling.
Also paying the sum of £30 unto Jane JACKSON and £30 to Ann JACKSON and the
sum of £10 sterling to the said Henry JACKSON, the Elder and Mary his wife
during their lives and to the survivors of them and for the further
consideration in the Indenture mentioned in the grant to the said Thomas
JACKSON all the lands of Lisnaboe to hold forever.
And did also grant unto the said Thomas all his, the said Henry JACKSON the
Elder's, right and title to the lands of Rath, County Meath. To hold the
lands of Rath during the term the of the Residue of the remaining years in
said lease yet to come and unexpired . No JACKSON Witnesses. |
202 |
438 |
134623 |
1757 Oct 10 for £180 Alisha AKIE to Charles AKIE, deceased of Rath in Nobber
parish, Slane barony, Meath county from 1 May then past for remainder of term
to come. Thomas JACKSON, Gent of Lisnaboe, Gent of the second part &
Henry JACKSON, Gent of Lisnaboe, witness. Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
214 |
69 |
139999 |
1761 Feb 3 JACKSON-GORDON Book Index 1758-1768
Thomas JACKSON of Lisnaboe Co Meath Gent
of the one pt & Ann GORDON of Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan spinster of the
other pt... marriage portion on lease of Lisnaboe... witness incl James
JACKSON of Ballybea, Co Monaghan & Alexander GORDON of City of Dublin. |
One other parish that deserves being noted
in connection to Samuel JACKSON in the Barony of Lower Kells is Cruicetown.
Other than a William JACKSON acting as a witness, I see no evidence of this
line of JACKSONs mentioned in leases here – yet – but the fact of so many of
the names being tangentially related to him – PIPPARDs especially - is not to
be dismissed.
Cruicetown connections:
22 |
219 |
11839 |
Bk 71 Notes in 2009 diary 1708-1738
PIPPARD-RUTLAND (NOTE: I don’t where the
earlier note to JACKSON crept in, but I don’t see them here.)
John PIPPARD of Drogheda Gent &
Thomas RUTLAND of City of Dublin, Esq. With consent of Christopher PIPPARD
... townlands of Carrickroevaddy, Co. Down; Painestown, Co. Meath;
Calliaghstown, Knockirk, Antelstown, Co. Meath, Cruicetown, Co. Louth
... brickhouse & malthouse, Drogheda.
PIPPARD Christopher merchant Drogheda.
John PIPPARD, with the consent of Christopher PIPPARD raising £225 mortgage
secured on various properties in Co Meath & Drogheda, part subject to
rents payable to Mary PIPPARD, Elinor PIPPARD + John WELDON (lessors) Names
mentioned in Will: Edward CROKER, apothecary, City of Dublin , Sisson PUTLND;
Nathaniel GREVILLE; Ben HALL. 1717 Mar 6 AnneChamney |
266 |
634 |
184943 |
Cruicetown orse Cruestown orse Cruisetown, MEATH; Carrick Desart [40 acres 34 perches],
MEATH; Piggshill orse Poeggshill & Rossboy orse Rushn__ee. NOTE: The
convergence of names here is intriguing: Charles WALKER, Esq. Of Dublin City
of 1st part; William Henry FORTESCUE, Rt Hon Lord Claremount, eldest son of
Thomas FORTESCUE; Thomas FORTESCUE, Esq., late of Dillonstown, Lowth,
deceased; Cadwalder, Rt. Hon. Lord Blaney, Baropn of Monaghan; Oliver
PLUNKETT, Esq; commonly called Lord Lowth, of Lowth Hall, eldest son of
Matthew PLUNKETT, late of Lowth Hall, ; Matthew PLUNKETT; Gorges Edward
HOWARD, Esq. Of Dublin City; Matthew PLUNKETT, 2nd son of Matthew PLUNKETT;
Suzanna PLUNKETT, late mother of [?]; Mabella PLUNKETT, spinster, deceased,
late daughter of Matthew PLUNKETT; Susanna PLUNKETT, spinster, of Dublin
City, daughter of Matthew PLUNKETT Jane PLUNKETT, spinster, daughter of
Matthew PLUNKETT; Plunkett Henry TALBOT, Esq. Of Dublin; Elizabeth TALBOT
orse PLUNKETT, wife of Plunkett Henry TALBOT & daughter of Matthew
PLUNKETT; Maybella TALBOT, spinster of Dublin City; Henry CONYNGHAM, Rt. Hon
Lord Viscount; Gustavus LAMBERT, Esq of Beaupare, Meath; Francis GORMAN, Esq.
Of Dublin; John O’NEIL, Esq. Of Shanes Castle; Charles O’NEIL, Esq. Of Shanes
Castle; Thomas QUILSH - held part of lands of Carrick Desart Co Meath [40 a
34 p]; Hamilton GORGES, Esq. Of Catherine’s Grove; WITNESSES: Patrick
DUIGENAN, Doctor of Laws, Trinity College; John ATWAY [aka OTWAY?], mercer of
Parliament St., Dublin; William JACKSON, Gent, of Dublin City ; John
WADDY; REGISTER: John BURTON. Notes thanks to Mike Stewart. |
CONCLUSIONS? None as yet, but as I work through more
inter-related deeds, I suspect a pattern will reveal the sub-plot of the whole
story. |