Descendants of Robert JACKSON - "JACKSONs of Doncaster"
First Generation
1. Robert JACKSON was born about 1521, died about 1558 aged about 37, and was buried in 1558 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: ¨ Robert Jackson b. cir 1521 ; bur Sep 1558 Ledsham Yorks Record Series vol 14 <> Index of Wills in the York Registry 1554-1568 17 Nov 1558 Robert Jacson of Farburne, 16 Sep 1558 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Robertus Jackson nup de farborne sepult. (buried) vicesimo octavo septembris 1558
Robert married someone.
His child was:
+ 2 M i. Richard JACKSON was born about 1542, was christened on 3 Feb 1542 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, and died after 1597.
Second Generation (Children)
2. Richard JACKSON (Robert 1) was born about 1542, was christened on 3 Feb 1542 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, and died after 1597.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: Richard Jackson of Fairborn Richard chr 3 Dec 1542 Ledsham, Yorks to Roberti Jackson LDS P004151 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt 3 Dec 1542 Richardus filius Roberti Jackson de farborne. + Agnes ( ) d. 30 Apr 1597 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Sepult. (burial) Agnes uxor (wife of) Richardi Jackson de Farborne tricesimo Aprilis 1597
Richard married Agnes. Agnes died on 30 Apr 1597 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 3 M i. Richard JACKSON was christened on 12 Oct 1574 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England and died about 1628 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England aged about 54.
4 F ii. Elizabeth JACKSON was born about 1564 and was christened on 12 Apr 1564 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Elizabeth Jackson chr 12 Apr 1564 Elizabeth chr 12 Apr 1564 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. decimo sexto Aprilis 1564 Elizabetha nata (born to) Richardi Jackson de farborne; fide (faith) jussores (order?) Robertus Turpin de Saxton, uxor Willmi Tindall de Sutton, et uxor Richardi Garforth de farborne. + John Powell mar. Oct 1584 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Johannes Powell de Saxton et Elizabetha Jackson de Ledsham matrimonio copulati erant octavo octobris 1584
5 F iii. Alice JACKSON was born about 1565 and was christened on 15 Jul 1565 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Alice Jackson chr 15 Jul 1565 Alicia chr 15 Jul 1565 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. Alicia filia Richardi Jackson de farborne decimo quinto Julij 1565; fidei Jussores ejus Willmus Nelson de Monckfriston, uxor Johannis Bywater, senioris, et uxor Roberti Turpin de Saxton.
6 M iv. William JACKSON was born about 1567 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England and was christened on 13 Mar 1567 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: William Jackson chr 13 Mar 1567 William chr 13 Mar 1567 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. Willmus filius Richardi Jackson de farborne tricesimo martij 1567; fidei jussores illius Willmus
7 M v. Robert JACKSON was born about 1569 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England and was christened on 16 Jan 1569 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: Robert Jackson chr 16 Jan 1569 Robert chr 16 Jan 1569 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. Robtus filius Richardi Jackson de farborne decimo sexto Januarij 1569
8 M vi. John JACKSON was born before Aug 1571 and was buried on 2 Aug 1571 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: John Jackson bur. 2 Aug 1571 John bur 2 Aug 1571 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Sepult. (burial) Johannes filius Richardi Jackson sexto Augusti.
9 M vii. John JACKSON was born about 1572 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England and was christened on 28 Sep 1572 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: John Jackson chr 28 Sep 1572 John chr 28 Sep 1572 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. Johannes filius Richardi Jackson vicesimo octavo septembris 1572.
10 M viii. John JACKSON was born about 1576 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England and was christened on 1 Nov 1576.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: John Jackson chr 1 Nov 1576 John chr 1 Nov 1576 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923
11 F ix. Jana JACKSON was born about 1576 and was christened on 1 Nov 1576 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Jana Jackson chr 1 Nov 1576 Jane chr 1 Nov 1576 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt Johanna sive [on the one hand, or] Jana nata Richardi Jackson primo Novembris 1576. + John Spink mar 6 Jan 1594 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Conjuncti erant in matrimonio Johannes Spinke de Ledsham et Jana Jackson de Whitgift decimo sexto Januarij 594
Third Generation (Grandchildren)
3. Richard JACKSON (Richard 2, Robert 1) was christened on 12 Oct 1574 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England and died about 1628 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England aged about 54.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: Richard Jackson chr 12 Oct 1574 ; ? will proved 13 Nov 1628 Richard chr 12 Oct 1574 Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 458923 Richardus chr 16 Oct 1574 Ledsham, Yorks to Richardi Jackson LDS P004151 Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Bapt. Richardus filius Richardi Jackson decimo sexto Octobris 1574 Record Series vol 35 Index of Wills in the York Registry 1627 to 1636 <> 13 Nov 1628 Richard Jackson of Fairburne, will 1628
Richard married someone in 1605.
His children were:
12 F i. Frances JACKSON was born in 1606 and died in 1606.
13 M ii. Richard JACKSON was born in 1607 and died in 1607.
+ 14 M iii. John JACKSON was born about 1608 in Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, was christened on 28 Dec 1608 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England, and was buried on 17 Jul 1687 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England.
15 F iv. Margaret JACKSON was born about 1611, was christened on 20 Sep 1611 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England, died in 1612 aged about 1, and was buried on 2 Jun 1612.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Margaret Jackson chr 20 Sep 1611 ; bur 2 Jun 1612 Margareta chr 20 Sep 1611; bur 6 Jun 1612 Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 455801 <> bur. 2 Jun 1612
16 M v. William JACKSON was born about 1615 and was christened on 7 Mar 1615 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: William Jackson chr 7 Mar 1615 William chr 7 Mar 1614/15 Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 455801 <>
17 F vi. Elizabeth JACKSON was born about 1618 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England and was christened on 22 Feb 1618 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Elizabeth Jackson chr 22 Feb 1618 Elizabeth chr 22 Feb 1617/8 Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 455801
18 F vii. Jean JACKSON was born about 1620 and was christened on 22 Nov 1620 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkhire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Jean Jackson chr 22 Nov 1620 Jean chr 22 Nov 1620 Ledsham, Yorks to Richard Jackson LDS film 455801 <>
19 F viii. Dorothy JACKSON was born abt 1621
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Dorothy Jackson chr 9 Feb 1621
Fourth Generation (Great-Grandchildren)
14. John JACKSON (Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born about 1608 in Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, was christened on 28 Dec 1608 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England, and was buried on 17 Jul 1687 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England.
John married Jana DEWISS Children from this marriage were:
20 F i. Anne JACKSON was christened on 13 Mar 1636 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Anne Jackson chr 13 Mar 1637 Ann chr 13 Mar 1636 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana DeWhis LDS Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <>
21 M ii. John JACKSON was christened on 15 Apr 1639 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
+ 22 M iii. James JACKSON1 was born on 24 Apr 1642 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England and died on 22 May 1705 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England2 aged 63.
23 M iv. Thomas JACKSON was christened on 27 Jan 1645 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: Thomas chr 27 Jan 1644/5 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <>
24 F v. Sarah JACKSON was born about 1647 and was christened on 27 Mar 1647.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Sarah Jackson chr 27 Mar 1647 Sarah chr 27 Mar 1647 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS <>
25 M vi. William JACKSON was born about 1650 and was christened on 29 Jan 1650 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: William Jackson chr 29 Jan 1650 William chr 29 Jan 1649/50 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS <>
26 F vii. Joanna JACKSON was christened on 12 Oct 1652 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Joanna Jackson chr 12 Oct 1652 Joanna chr 12 Oct 1652 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <> Bapt. Joanna fillia Johnis Jackson de fairburne duodecimo octobris 1652
27 F viii. Margaret JACKSON was born about 1655 and was christened on 18 Jul 1655 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Margaret Jackson chr 18 Jul 1655 Margaret chr 18 Jul 1655 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <> 18 Julie 1655 Margret the daughter of John Jackson of Fairburne was born.
Margaret married William ROPER
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Marriage: William Roper mar. 9 Jan 1679/80 Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <> Guilielmus Roper de Brotherton et Margaretta Jackson de Fairburn nupti fuerunt vicessimo nono
28 F ix. Mary JACKSON was christened on 28 Sep 1658 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England.
Noted events in her life were:
• SOURCE: Mary Jackson chr 28 Sep 1658 Mary chr 28 Sep 1658 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS Parish registers of Ledsham, co Yorks... <> Born 28 Sep 1658 Mary daughter of John Jackson of Fairburne
Fifth Generation (Great Great-Grandchildren)
22. James JACKSON1 (John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born on 24 Apr 1642 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England and died on 22 May 1705 in Ledsham, Co. Yorkshire, England2 aged 63.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: 5 James Jackson chr 24 Apr 1642 ; bur 22 May 1705 James chr 24 Apr 1642 Ledsham, Yorks to Johni. Jackson LDS James chr 24 Apr 1642 Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorks; bur 22 May 1705 to John Jackson & Jana Dewhis LDS film 458924 James Jackson b 24 Apr 1643 Fairburn, Yorks; d. 22 May 1702; mar. Ann Askham LDS film 170606 Parish registers of Ledsham, Yorks <> + Anne Askham mar. 11 Apr 1673 James Jackson b. Ledsham, Yorks mar. 11 Apr 1673 Ledsham to Ann Askham LDS film 1239593
James married Anne ASKHAM
The child from this marriage was:
+ 29 M i. James JACKSON3 was born about 4 Feb 1674, was christened on 4 Feb 1674 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, and died on 24 Aug 1745 aged about 71.
Sixth Generation (3rd Great-Grandchildren)
29. James JACKSON3 (James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born about 4 Feb 1674, was christened on 4 Feb 1674 in Fairburn, Ledsham, Yorkshire, England, and died on 24 Aug 1745 aged about 71.
James married someone.
His children were:
+ 30 M i. James JACKSON4 was born in 1708 and died on 12 Dec 1785 of The Old Hall in Fairburn aged 77.
31 M ii. John JACKSON2 was born in 1710.
+ 32 M iii. Charles JACKSON was born 1711.
Seventh Generation (4th Great-Grandchildren)
30. James JACKSON4 (James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1708 and died on 12 Dec 1785 of The Old Hall in Fairburn aged 77.
James married Mary PEASE
Children from this marriage were:
+ 33 M i. John JACKSON4 was born about 1733 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died in Nov 1797 aged about 64.
+ 34 M ii. James JACKSON4 was born about 1734 and died on 11 Oct 1797 aged about 63.
+ 35 M iii. Joseph JACKSON5 was born in 1738 and died on 9 Aug 1799 of Hatton garden, London6 aged 61.
+ 36 M iv. Thomas JACKSON4 was born about 1740 and died in 1805 of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland aged about 65.
37 M v. Henry JACKSON4 was born about 1745 and died on 22 Sep 1822 of Rossington Grange, near Doncaster, aged about 77.
32. Charles JACKSON (James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1)
Charles JACKSON married Jane BOOTH
The child from this marriage was:
+ 38 M i. Charles JACKSON2 was born in 1739.
Eighth Generation (5th Great-Grandchildren)
33. John JACKSON4 (James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born about 1733 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died in Nov 1797 aged about 64.
John married Sarah LEE
The child from this marriage was:
+ 39 M i. Thomas JACKSON4 was born on 13 Apr 1756 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died on 17 Nov 1813 aged 57.
John next married (?)
Children from this marriage were:
40 F i. Elizabeth JACKSON4 died on 11 Jul 1794.
Elizabeth married Rev. John LOWE
41 F ii. Catherine JACKSON4 died on 8 Jun 1830.
Catherine married William TEW
42 F iii. Sarah JACKSON4 died in 1798.
Sarah married Grosvenor PERFECT
43 F iv. Mary Anne JACKSON4 died in 1843.
34. James JACKSON4 (James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born about 1734 and died on 11 Oct 1797 aged about 63.
James married Mary PARTRICK Children from this marriage were:
+ 44 M i. James JACKSON7 was born on 17 Sep 1767 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died on 14 Mar 1821 aged 53.
45 F ii. Maria JACKSON
Maria JACKSON married Dr. John BRANSON
35. Joseph JACKSON5 (James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1738 and died on 9 Aug 1799 of Hatton garden, London6 aged 61.
Joseph married Sarah SMITH.4 Sarah was born about 1755 of London and died on 23 Jan 1832 aged about 77.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 46 M i. Very Reverend James Edward JACKSON8 was born in 1777 and died on 19 Aug 1841 in Lawson's Hotel, Rue St. Honore, Paris, aged 64.
47 M ii. Joseph JACKSON9 was born about 1780 and died on 30 Aug 1817 aged about 37.
48 M iii. John JACKSON9 was born about 1782 and died on 18 Apr 1801 aged about 19.
49 F iv. Mary JACKSON
36. Thomas JACKSON4 (James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born about 1740 and died in 1805 of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland aged about 65.
Noted events in his life were:
• He has conflicting birth information of of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.
Thomas married Lydia EYRE
Children from this marriage were:
50 M i. James Eyre JACKSON4 died on 19 Apr 1862 in late of Tullydoey, Co. Tyrone,.10
51 F ii. Mary JACKSON
Mary married Samuel Neville WARD
+ 52 F iii. Lydia JACKSON4 was born in 1787 of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland and died on 7 Dec 1810 aged 23.
+ 53 F iv. Sarah Eyre JACKSON
54 F v. Eliza JACKSON died on 21 Feb 1862 in Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.10
55 F vi. Anne JACKSON died on 27 May 1859 in Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.
38. Charles JACKSON2 (Charles, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1739.
Charles married Mary
Children from this marriage were:
+ 56 M i. John JACKSON2 was born in 1766 in Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland11 and died on 16 Dec 1826 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania aged 60.
57 M ii. Rev. Thomas JACKSON
58 F iii. Letitia JACKSON2 died on 8 Jul 1898 in Portarlington, Ireland.12
Ninth Generation (6th Great-Grandchildren)
39. Thomas JACKSON4 (John 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born on 13 Apr 1756 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died on 17 Nov 1813 aged 57.
Noted events in his life were:
• He has conflicting birth information of of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York.
Thomas married (?)
Children from this marriage were:
59 M i. John JACKSON4 died of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York.
60 M ii. James JACKSON
James married Sarah M’CREIGHT NOTE: I have not included this, but I suspect that Rev, James M’Creight JACKSON who d. 1890 in Dublin is a son.
61 M iii. Thomas JACKSON4 died in 1813.
Thomas married UNNAMED. UNNAMED died in 1813.
62 M iv. Elizabeth JACKSON
Elizabeth married Dr. Samuel WAINRIGHT
63 F v. Henry JACKSON
Henry married Rachel VANDYKE
64 F vi. Sarah JACKSON
44. James JACKSON7 (James 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born on 17 Sep 1767 of Fairburn, Parish of Ledsham, Co. York and died on 14 Mar 1821 aged 53.
James married Henrietta Priscilla BOWER
Children from this marriage were:
65 M i. Rev. James JACKSON was born on 3 May 1803 and died between 1881 and 1891.
James married Eliza HOULTON
66 M ii. John Edward JACKSON13 was born on 12 Nov 1805 and died in Mar 1891 aged 85.
+ 67 M iii. Charles JACKSON14 was born on 25 Jul 1809 and died in 1882 aged 73.
68 M iv. Unnamed
69 M v. Unnamed
70 M vi. Unnamed
+ 71 M vii. Henry George JACKSON15 was born on 1 Jul 1812 in Doncaster, Yorkshire and died on 26 Apr 1889 in St. Helens, Preston, England aged 76.
46. Very Reverend James Edward JACKSON8 (Joseph 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1777 and died on 19 Aug 1841 in Lawson's Hotel, Rue St. Honore, Paris, aged 64.
James married Lydia JACKSON,4 daughter of Thomas JACKSON and Lydia EYRE, on 23 Aug 1807. Lydia was born in 1787 of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland and died on 7 Dec 1810 aged 23.
Children from this marriage were:
72 F i. Lydia JACKSON was born in 1809 and died on 13 Jan 1898 in late of Convent House, Clontarf Co. Dublin10 aged 89.
73 F ii. Sarah Eyre JACKSON was born between 1807 and 1810.
James next married Lydia LAMBERT,4 daughter of Robert LAMBERT and Unknown, in 1819. Lydia was born in 1792 and died on 17 Nov 1870 aged 78.
Children from this marriage were:
74 M i. Rev. John Joseph JACKSON
+ 75 M ii. James Edward JACKSON16 was born in 1825 in Co. Louth, Ireland17 and died in 1907 aged 82.
76 F iii. Mary JACKSON
Mary married Rev. C. WARD
77 F iv. Clara JACKSON
78 M v. Henry JACKSON18 was born on 4 Dec 1832 of Shirley Hall, Southampton.
Henry married Mary CAMERON
79 M vi. Thomas JACKSON
80 M vii. George Beresford JACKSON
81 F viii. Frances JACKSON11 was born in 1826 and died on 27 Dec 188610 aged 60.
82 F ix. Eliza Beresford JACKSON
Eliza married Rev. H.B. CARTER
52. Lydia JACKSON4 (Thomas 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1787 of Tullydowey, Co. Tyrone, Ireland and died on 7 Dec 1810 aged 23.
Lydia married Very Reverend James Edward JACKSON,8 son of Joseph JACKSON and Sarah SMITH, on 23 Aug 1807. James was born in 1777 and died on 19 Aug 1841 in Lawson's Hotel, Rue St. Honore, Paris, aged 64. (Duplicate Line. See Person 46)
53. Sarah Eyre JACKSON (Thomas 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1)
Sarah married Rev. James TISDALL. James died of Ballinderry, Co. Londonderry, Ireland.
The child from this marriage was:
83 M i. Archibald TISDALL
56. John JACKSON2 (Charles 8, James, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1766 in Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland11 and died on 16 Dec 1826 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania aged 60.
John married Margaret DAVIS
The child from this marriage was:
84 F i. Mary JACKSON2 was born on 6 Oct 1798 in Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland and died on 26 Apr 1881 aged 82.
Mary married Rees Cadwalader TOWNSEND
Tenth Generation (7th Great-Grandchildren)
67. Charles JACKSON14 (James 9, James 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born on 25 Jul 1809 and died in 1882 aged 73.
Charles married Margaret Caroline PARKER
Children from this marriage were:
85 M i. James JACKSON19 was born in 1847 and died in 1887 aged 40.
James married Eliza Letitia WRENCH
86 M ii. Edward Alan JACKSON19 was born in 1857.
87 M iii. Hugh Rowland JACKSON19 was born in 1861.
71. Henry George JACKSON15 (James 9, James 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born on 1 Jul 1812 in Doncaster, Yorkshire and died on 26 Apr 1889 in St. Helens, Preston, England aged 76. Another name for Henry was George. His full Military Bio: General George JACKSON. See also: Allen’s India Mail Vol XXIII, 1865. In the India Office arrivals, Lt Col G. JACKSON arrived in England aboard the Bengal Estab April 26, 1865 (p 362). He was noted as being on furlough on June 16, 1865. Earlier, he and his wife and daughter were noted on p162 on Feb 28, 1865 as travelling with him.
Henry married Phyllis Sophia STRODE
The child from this marriage was:
88 M i. Charles JACKSON15 was born in 1841.
89 F i. ___ JACKSON15 was born in ?.
75. James Edward JACKSON16 (James Edward (Very Reverend) 9, Joseph 8, James 7, James 6, James 5, John 4, Richard 3, Richard 2, Robert 1) was born in 1825 in Co. Louth, Ireland17 and died in 1907 aged 82.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: House - Killaguile House Built by James E. Jackson post Griffith's Valuation and possibly following his marriage in 1863. The house now functions as a hotel, known as Ross Lake House Hotel. Killaguile, Killannin Parish, Oughterard, Wormhole 171, Moycullen, Galway <> <>
James married Madeleine BUSHE in 1863. Madeleine was born in 1843 in Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland and died after 1911.
Children from this marriage were:
89 F i. Madeline F. JACKSON was born on 1 Aug 1864 in Oughterard, Co, Galway and died after 1901.
90 M ii. James Edward JACKSON20 was born on 6 Apr 1866 and died after 1911.
Noted events in his life were:
• SOURCE: Education: King William's College Register 1833-1904 James Edward Jackson, born April 6th 1866. Left Midsummer, 1884. Son of J.E. Jackson, Killaguile, Oughterard, Co. Galway. Davidson's and Edwards'. Praepositor 1883-84. Football XV. 1881-84. Capt. 1883-84. Engineering School, Queen's College, Cork, 1884-87. Honours in Mathematics, 1885. Diploma of Engineering, 1887. A.M.I.C.E. 1892. Resident Engineer Galway and Clifden Railway, 1890-95. Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, 1895-97. Assist. Engineer Imperial Railways, North China, 1899-1900. Executive Engineer Public Works Dept., Selangor, Malay States, 1900. Klang, Selangor, Malay States.
91 M iii. Arthur JACKSON was born on 15 Apr 1867.
92 M iv. Arthur Bush JACKSON was born on 5 Apr 1868 in Galway.
93 F v. Unknown JACKSON was born on 15 Jun 1870 in Galway.
94 M vi. Alfred Archibald JACKSON was born on 7 Jun 1871.
95 F vii. Rose Christian JACKSON was born in 1873 in Co. Galway, Ireland.21
96 F viii. Constance L. JACKSON was born in 1875 in Co. Galway, Ireland.17
97 F ix. Unnamed
98 F x. Unnamed
Source Citations
1. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;). .... Yorkshire Archaelogical Journal Vol 6. 2. Mary L. Jackson, Jackson, Beard and Allied Families (Name: American Historical Society, New York, 1925;). 3. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;). .... Mary L. Jackson, Jackson, Beard and Allied Families (Name: American Historical Society, New York, 1925;). 4. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;). 5. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;), 642. 6. Mary L. Jackson, Jackson, Beard and Allied Families (Name: American Historical Society, New York, 1925;). .... St. Patricks Cathedral, Armagh. 7. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;), 642. .... Sidney lee, A Dictionary of National Biography Vol XXIX (Name: London 1892;). 8. J. Bernard Burke, Esq, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland for 1852 (Name: London, 1852;), 642. .... Armagh Clergy and Parishes. 9. St. Patricks Cathedral, Armagh. 10. Will Probate. 11. Note. 12. Mary L. Jackson, Jackson, Beard and Allied Families (Name: American Historical Society, New York, 1925;). .... Will Probate. 13. Sidney lee, A Dictionary of National Biography Vol XXIX (Name: London 1892;). .... Note. .... Misc. 14. Sidney lee, A Dictionary of National Biography Vol XXIX (Name: London 1892;). 15. Misc. 16. 2011 Oct 31 email Jan Waugh. .... Landed Estates. 17. 1901 Census. 18. Marlborough College Register from 1843-1904. 19. Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, Armorial Families: A Diretory of Gentlemen of Coat Armour (Name: London 1929 7th Ed;), 1036. 20. Citation Text: Education: King William's College Register James Edward Jackson, born April 6th 1866. LeftMidsummer, 1884. Son of J.E. Jackson, Killaguile, Oughterard, Co.Galway. Davidson's and Edwards'. Praepositor 1883-84. Football XV.1881-84. Capt. 1883-84. Engineering School, Queen's College, Cork,1884-87. Honours in Mathematics, 1885. Diploma of Engineering, 1887.A.M.I.C.E. 1892. Resident Engineer Galway and Clifden Railway,1890-95. Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, 1895-97. Assist. EngineerImperial Railways, North China, 1899-1900. Executive Engineer PublicWorks Dept., Selangor, Malay States, 1900. Klang, Selangor, MalayStates. 21. 1901 Census. .... 1911 Census.
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