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William JOHNSON had demised to Benjamin KIDD (of Darkley, Parish of Derrynoose) lands on the south side of Thomas Street, City of Armagh.Wm OLIVER jun of Ennislare, Co. Armagh (a linen draper) is party to this agreement as is James OLIVER also of Ennislare, Co. Armagh. Why? Is it possible that it connects to Andrew OLIVER? See:1792 Dec 24 KERR-OLIVER OTHER NAMES: Catherine GRAHAM; James & William BARNES; MURPHY.
Sharon Oddie Brown. October 28, 2006
Footnoted October 13, 2007

1795 November 24
DEED: 532-524-350700
Benjamin KIDD to William OLIVER

A memorial of a Deed bearing date the twenty fourth day of November in year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five Between Benjamin KIDD [1] of Keady [2]   and Ballymorran [3] Gent. Of the one part and Wm OLIVER [4] jun of Ennislare [5] in the Parish and County of Armagh Linen Draper of the other part. Wherin it is recited that  that whereas Wm Johnston [6] of the City and County of Armagh  Gent did by indenture of lease bearing date the sixth day of October  1795 Demise  unto said Benjamin KIDD all that and those that front Dwelling House Offices Yard and Garden lying and being on the south side of Thomas Street in the said City of Armagh  bounded on the South by the holding of Arthur IRWIN [7]   on the north by the holding of Catherine GRAHAM [8]   and James and William BARNES [9] (?) on the east by (?) MURPHY [10]   holding and on the west by Thomas Street aforesaid with full and free liberty of [legal language] at all times during this demise {...] the gateway in Common to said premises  with the said Catherine GRAHAM the [?] to the sd Benjamin KIDD his executors, admins and A?? from the first day of November  then next ensuing for the term of thirty one years ... Witnessed by Samuel KIDD [11] of Darkley [12] , Parish of Derrynoose, Linen Draper  and James OLIVER [13] of Ennislare in the Parish of Armagh . Signed in the presence of us James OLIVER Saml KIDD. Sworn Jan 5 1801



 Blin BROWN mentioned a KIDD-OSBOURNE connection to the OLIVERs [14] . Osbourne KIDD who resided at Armagh had a lease at Ballinahonebeg [15] . The Landlords were the Executors of Benjamin KIDD. There was also a Thomas KIDD resident at Ballinahonebeg who had a lease at Umgola. Again, the owners were the Executors of Benjamin KIDD. A web page [16] has a family history indicating: Benjamin Kidd was born 1745. Benjamin died 1823 at 78 years of age. He married Agnes OSBORNE of Armagh. This would fit quite nicely. IGI records show her father to be Ralph OSBOURNE and that she was born abt 1749. She married Benjamin KIDD (son of Benjamin KIDD & Jane ABBOT) who had a will dated June 5, 1823. Also of note, see DEED 532-524-350700 a 1795 deed between Benjamin KIDD of Keady & Ballymorran and Wm. OLIVER jr. of Ennislare. Another OSBOURNE connection can be seen in Deed 462-370-295062 between the executor of Thomas OSBOURNE late of Ballymorran, farmer and Andrew OLIVER of City of Armagh, Chandler.


[1] Benjamin KIDD (1745-1823) of Keady , husband of Agnes OSBOURNE. It is likely that the Osbourne KIDD who held a lease at Ballinahonebeg was their son.

[2] Keady, Co. Armagh.

[3] Ballymoran, Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh –on the western border of the townland of Ennislare.

[4] William OLIVER jr. of Ennislare is most likely the son of William OLIVER & Elizabeth STEEL.

[5] Ennislare, Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh is on the southern border of Farmacaffley.

[6] William JOHNSTON of Armagh. NOTE: He was likely the William JOHNSTON whose family was associated with Woodpark.

[7] Arthur IRWIN

[8] Catherine GRAHAM

[9] James & William BARNES

[10] ? MURPHY

[11] Samuel KIDD. In 1839, a Samuel KIDD was a Gent mentioned in the Freehold records as living at Dundrum, Co. Armagh.

[12] Darkley, Parish of Derrynoose, Co. Armagh. Today, it is in the Parish of Keady.- in between Lisnadill and the bottom part of Derrynoose. It abuts the aforementioned townland of Dundrum.

[13] James OLIVER linen draper. He could be either a son of William sr. or a brother – or neither. He does not show up in other corroborating records in either case. A will of Benjamin OLIVER (1765-1831) mentions a brother called “James”.

[14] Blin BROWN 1938 letter: a cousin of grandmother's was Rector of Loughall . He lived in [Tully???] Park and built Rookford for his son. This son married a Miss Osborne of Killylea. They were not productive, & after his death Mrs Oliver went to live with her sister Mrs Kid, & that family got the Oliver silver.. NOTE: I think Tullymore Park is just across Monaghan Road from Rookford House. I have a memory of seeing a sign there. Need to revisit.

[15] 1832 Freeholder List PRONI ARM/5/2/17.

[16] Holmes à Court Family History.  http://holmesacourt.org/d4/i0004958.htm



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