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NAMES: Edward KERR; Thomas OSBURN; Andrew OLIVER; George CAMPBELL; Robert OSBURN; Esther OSBURN; John CHICHESTER; Christopher CHRISTIAN.
PLACES: City of Armagh, Thomas Street; Ballymorran, Parish of Lisnadill.

Sharon Oddie Brown. April 11. 2008

1792 December 24 Deed: 462-370-295062


To the register appointed for the registry of all deeds and conveyances and so forth

A memorial of an indented deed of assignment made the twenty fourth day of December the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety two Between Edward KERR[1] of the city of Armagh Brewer executor of Thomas OSBURN[2] late of Ballymorran[3] in the county of Armagh farmer deceased of the one part and Andrew OLIVER[4] of the said city of Armagh, Chandler of the other part.  Wherein is recited that by indenture of lease made the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and seventy four George CAMPBELL[5] of the town and county of Armagh &  shopkeeper did thereby demise unto the said Thomas OSBURN all of that house and garden in Thomas Street in the town of Armagh aforesaid then lately in the possession of the said Thomas's brother Robert OSBURN[6] deceased situated in Thomas Street in the town of Armagh aforesaid for the term of 23 years from the first of May then instant.  To hold the said premises to the said Thomas OSBURN his heirs and assigns at the yearly rent of six pounds ten shillings wherein is also contained a covenant of renewal toties quoties and it is therein set forth that the said Thomas OSBURN did in his lifetime agree that he would assign over unto the said Andrew OLIVER all his right and title of the house and garden in and premises mentioned in said recited lease as a marriage portion with his daughter Easter[7] [sic] who is married to the said Andrew OLIVER which agreement appears by an Indorsement on the back of said lease.  And said Deed of assignment witnesseth that said Edward KERR acting executor of said Thomas OSBURN in consideration thereof and of the sum of five shillings did grant bargain and sell assign transfer  and make over unto the said Andrew OLIVER his executors admons and assigns all that house garden and premises in said recited Lease demised and all his title therein.  To hold to the said Andrew OLIVER during the remainder of the term of years to come and all future renewals which said Deed of Assignment and this Memorial are witnessed by John CHICHESTER[8] of Armagh aforesaid Sadler and Christopher CHRISTIAN[9] of the same hosier.


Edward Kerr


Signed and sealed in the presence of

John Chichester

Christopher Christian


The above named Christopher CHRISTIAN maketh oath that he saw the above named Edward KERR duly execute the Deed of Assignment whereof the above writing is a Memorial and also saw him sign and seal this Memorial and saith that the name Christopher CHRISTIAN subscribed as a Witness for the said Deed and Memorial is this deponent’s name and is his own proper handwriting


Sworn before me at Armagh in the County of Armagh the 24th day of December 1792 by virtue of a commission created for taking affidavits in said County and I know the deponent

John Mossen


[1] Edward KERR. He was a brewer in the City of Armagh as well as the Executor of the estate of Thomas OSBURN late of Ballymorran. Interestingly, a John KERR shows up as a witness in another OLIVER deed along with a William OLIVER, chandler (SEE: DEED: 543-185-357805 dated July 1, 1801). There is also an Edward KERR of Armagh who had a will abstract dated 1807. Because first names can also be clues, I also note that there is a Benjamin KERR who had a will probated in Armagh 1783 and another in 1847. The latter was a linen draper. There was also an Oliver KERR from Enagh who had a will probated in 1779. KERRS also inhabited townlands where OLIVERs and/or OSBURNS also lived, notably Killylea and Ballymorran.

[2] Thomas OSBURN. I sure would like to know how he fits in, but so far have not got a clue. I have tried in the Freeholders lists as well as PRONI will abstracts and have come up with nothing. Obviously, he had died before 1792, the time of this deed. The one likely fit that I did find was that there is a record of a 1791 death of Thomas OSBURN of Ballymorran in the Armagh Probate Records.

[3] Ballymorran is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill. It is on the eastern border of Ennislare, the townland where generations of OLIVERs lived. Benjamin KIDD also held leases here. Both families are alleged to be connected to the OLIVERs.

[4] Andrew OLIVER, Chandler of Thomas Street, Armagh, Co. Armagh. Interestingly, there was a William OLIVER described as a soap boiler and chandler in the City of Armagh. DEED: 543-185-357805 dated July 1, 1801. I had guessed him to be a son of Benjamin, but possibly not. This same William is also mentioned in another deed, SEE: 1804 Jan 14 DEED: 501-156-376345.

[5] George CAMPBELL. A George Killen CAMPBELL of Portnaghy, Co. Monaghan shows up in the April 16, 1853
DEED: 1853-10-214. There may or may not be a connection. He was the administrator for the will for Benjamin OLIVER, late of Lislooney.

[6] Robert OSBURN, deceased of Thomas Street – a neighbor of Andrew OLIVER, but that is all I know.

[7] Esther OSBURN. In the Marriage Bonds for Armagh a marriage is noted between Andrew OLIVER and Esther OSBURN in 1777

[8] John CHICHESTER. In the Armagh Will Probates, there is will probated for a Mary Ann CHICHESTER of Armagh. It is not a common name.

[9] Christopher CHRISTIAN. There is a will probate for such a name and occupation in 1828 with an abstract following in 1830.



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