Deed 247 66 158515 January 17 & 18, 1766
To the Registrar appointed by act of Parliament for the public registration deeds, wills, conveyances, and so forth -- of deeds of lease and release bearing date respectively the 17th and 18th days of January in the year of our Lord God 1766 both made between Ann Loftus[1] of Birr[2] in the Kings County spinster one of the daughters of Edward Loftus[3] late of Eglish[4] in the Kings County Esq. deceased of the one part. Randall Cooke of Drom[5] in the County of Tipperary Esq. eldest son and heir at law of Bridget Cooke[6] otherwise Loftus late wife of George[7] now of Drom in the County of Tipperary aforesaid Esq. deceased and also one of the daughters of Edward Loftus before mentioned of the second part and Robert Jackson[8] of Grange[9] in the Kings County aforesaid gent of the third part, whereby the said Ann Loftus and Randall Cooke did grant and release unto the said Robert Jackson all that and those one full undivided sixth share part and proportion of all that and those the Town and Lands of Tulla[10] -otherwise called BallymacMurra situate lying and being in the Barony of Ballybritt and in the Kings County containing 220 acres or thereabouts be the same more or less together with one full and undivided sixth part share and proportion of all and singular that and those the Heathy mountainy and unprofitable lands belonging to the said lands containing by estimation 200 acres or thereabouts be the same more or less to hold to the said Robert Jackson his heirs and assigns forever and which Deeds and this Memorial are witnessed by Robert Jackson[11] Jr of Birr in the Kings County gent and by Henry Palmer of the city of Dublin gent. Ann Loftus. Seal. Signed and sealed in the presence of Robert Jackson. Henry Palmer[12]. The above named Henry Palmer maketh oath that he saw the Deeds of Lease and Release of which the above writing is a Memorial as also this Memorial duly executed by the parties thereto and deposeth that the same Henry Palmer subscribed as a witness to said Deeds and this Memorial is this deponents proper name and hand writing and that he delivered the said Deeds and this Memorial to Mr. Charles Meares[13] Deputy Registrar that 27th day of January 1766 at or near three quarters of an hour after 10 of the clock in the forenoon of said date. Henry Palmer. Sworn before me this 27th day of January 1766. Charles Meares deputy registrar. [1] Ann LOFTUS. NOTE: An earlier Memorial: 35-17-20514 in the names index: 1708-1738, references a Nathaniel JACKSON-LOFTUS memorial. [2] Birr, Barony of Ballybritt, Kings Co. [3] Edward LOFTUS, deceased [4] Eglish, Parish of Eglish, Barony of Eglish, Kings Co. [5] Drom, Parish of Drom, Barony of Eliogarty, Co. Tipperary [6] Bridget COOKE née LOFTUS. [7] George COOKE [8] Robert JACKSON Records of the Sierkeiran parish have some details, and were compiled by Tennison Groves and are available at PRONI T808..An earlier memorial: 233-239-184841 mentions in 1771 both a Robert JACKSON sr of Grange and his son Robert JACKSON, as well as a James JACKSON of Birr. [9] Grange, Parish of Seirkieran, Barony of Ballybritt, Kings Co. [10] Tulla aka BallymacMurra, Parish of Kinnitty, Barony of Ballybritt, Kings Co. [11] Robert JACKSON jr. Since he was serving as a church warden in 1770, he was probably born before 1749. [12] Henry PALMER. · H.B. SWANZY in May 17, 1924 Notes and Queries shared some of his note of the lists of the Militia of Co. Cavan, since the old Militia lists had perished in the destruction of the Dublin Records Office. One of the names from the list of officers in the September 24, 1702 list was Captain Henry PALMER: probably the high Sheriff, 1680. John Palmer, of Dublin, gent, in his will, dated May 25th, 1715, proved in the diocese of Kilmore, September 9, 1715, states his father, Henry Palmer, Junior, and his grandfather, Henry Palmer, senior, were jointly bound to Edward Ellis of Ballyhady, County Cavan, gent for £100. · NOTE: There are a number of mentions of both PALMER & JACKSON in other memorials. Of particular interest are the memorials linking Enoch PALMER, a founder in Dublin, in 1713 to Michael JACKSON, clothier of Dublin. Enoch’s niece was Michael JACKSON’s wife. Enoch PALMER was a son of William and a brother of a Samuel PALMER. Then in 1801, Memorial: 535-606-35354a Robert JACKSON of Grange included a reference to: Thomas PALMER son of John PALMER of Glenacurra in Kings. [13] Charles MEARES
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