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Samuel JACKSON Will 4 Dec 1705 Pd 12 Feb 1705/6
Samuel JACKSON of Dublin; Leonard JACKSON; Nathaniel JACKSON; Rev. John JACKSON of Skipworth, Yorkshire; Rev. Leonard JACKSON of Tatham, Yorkshire; William JACKSON of Coleraine (wife: Susan BERESFORD and her second husband was John MITCHELBURN); Richard JACKSON of Mary Lane, Dublin; William Robert THORNTON; William EMPSON; W. MADDEN of Kilmon; James HAMILL; Mary GILES; Robert KING; Joseph BAYLEY; Nicholas EVERELL of Coleraine; Sir William HAMILTON; W. WITHERS; Capt. Adam DOWNING of Londonderry (husband of Ann JACKSON). OTHER PLACES: Properties in Co. Monaghan; Co. Cavan; Co. Meath; Dublin City; Clifford, Yorkshire.
Sharon Oddie Brown. December 7, 2009
Update January 2, 2019. Many links added for townlands and also an error corrected re: Young's Castle. See also: Samuel JACKSON's holdings in Co. Meath for a map and more descriptions of his holdings. See Also: Samuel JACKSON - Gleanings of a Life, my recent blog post. Also Young's Castle (one of the holdings mentioned in this will).
Update: February 12, 2023. Corrected info in footnotes on holdings in Co. Cavan.
Update: January 25, 2024. Added new Fishamble Street leases as well as Co. Monaghan link - Mary JACKSON, daughter of a John JACKSON of Banbridge. Plus updated links of lands in leases mentioned in ROD: 339-371-229119 1781


Tenison Arthur Groves (abt 1863-1938) did his notes on the will of Samuel Jackson sometime before 1922 when so much of Ireland’s history went up in smoke. Some of Groves' research is part of the Armagh County Museum collection thanks to T.G.F. Paterson (1888 - 1972), and can be found under TGF Paterson ms5. Shared by permission of the Armagh Museum for use on this page
NOTE: Groves and Paterson were friends – as is evidenced in the probate of Groves’ will:

Groves Tenison Arthur of Kildarton Rectory Armagh county Armagh gentleman died 21 October 1938 Probate Belfast 7 September to Kate Groves spinster and Thomas George Patterson [sic] curator of Armagh Museum. Effects £1048 6s. 8d.

1705 Samuel Jackson will

Paterson also did notes on this will. TGF Patersons notes from Manuscript 135 (held at the Armagh Museum) NOTE: I have used red font to indicate where Paterson's notes add to or differs from Groves' version.

Per Will 4 Dec 1705 Pd 12 Feb 1705/6

Samuel Jackson of Dublin City Esqre.
Estate of inheritance in Drakrath, Castletownmore,
Drishoe, Ardlonan, Keske & pt of Oristown, Emlagh
& Marvelstown in Co. Meath
Knittstown & Ballyclea bought from trustees in Co. Dublin
5 tates bought from Hugh ROWLEY in Co. Monaghan
called Dromod, Lattin, Meaghan, Money & Drumcanon.
3 tates bought from Sir Robert Hamilton viz –
Drumgola, Bratley & Lisgroat in Co. Cavan.
Also estate of Clifford in Yorkshire bought from
Wm Withers to my nephew William Jackson son of my
Brother Nathanial Jackson of Leeds in Yorkshire decd
& his issue male.

Then to my brother Leonard Jackson, Rector of Tathan [sic Tatham] in
Then to my brother-in-law John Jackson [NOTE: The word "minister" is missing] of Skipworth in
Houses in King St bought from Robert Thornton
Legacies to:
Mr. Nicholas Everell of Coleraine
Nephew Wm Empson of Dublin
Sister Bond
Nephew W. Madden of Killmon [Could this be Killmaconnell, Parish of Macosquin, Coleraine?]
Niece Mrs. Mary Giles Nephew James Hamill
Friends Mr. Robert King & James Bayley
Servant Arthur McAlester.
£20 to nephew Richard Jackson & his wife and houses at
Young, Castell & Fishamble Street & house in which I
Now live in St. Mary’s Lane
£20 to nephew Capt Wm Jackson of Coleraine
Exors  Capt Henry Arkwright of Galway & Capt Adam Downing of Derry.
Wit: Charles King Jn Mason, Ter Reilly
Prob to Exors.

Several of the townlands mentioned in this will ended up being owned by members of the NORTH family, whose claim to the lands rested on the marriage of Oliver NORTH & Jennet JACKSON. The descriptionsin later leases have helped to clarify some of the townland names, and the footnotes have been updated to reflect this.

ROD: 339-371-229119 1781 Sep 7 Image 202. Indentured deed between Miles NORTH late of Jackson's Hall in the County of Westmorland and now of the City of Dublin Esq. and Edward NORTH of Bloomfield in Co Dublin Esq. of the other part…. Miles NORTH had levied a fine sur conveyance de droit com ceo [ NOTE : Sur Cognizance De Droit Come Ceo. ... acknowledgment of a former conveyance originally made]; made and provided  unto the said Edward NORTH of all and singular the town and lands  of Knightston otherwise Kingstown otherwise Knitstown Knightstown, Parish Lusk, Barony Balrothery East], Coleman's Town [Colmanstown, Parish Newcastle, Barony Newcastle] and Ballycle otherwise Ballanclea otherwise Ballinclea [Ballinclea, Parish Kill, Barony Rathdown], Co. Dublin] and the Commons belong to Ballincea situate lying and being in the County of Dublin…[also] lands of Castletownmore otherwise Castletownmoore [Castletownmoor Parish of Staholnog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath], Ardlonan [Ardlonan, Parish Kilbeg, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath. Drishoge otherwise Dryshook, [Maxwellstown aka Marvelstown] Drakeath [Drakerath, Parish Staholmog], Raisk otherwise Reiske otherwise Reuske [Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells], Emlough otherwise Emlogh and Oristown [Oristown, Parish Emlagh, Barony Lower Kells, Co. Meath] situate lying and being in the County of Meath [with all land and appurtenances] …. [also] lands of Lisgrea otherwise Lisgreath otherwise Lisgoath Drumagolan otherwise Drumaghagolan otherwise Drumgola [Drumgola, Parish Urney, Barony Upper Loughtee] , Brooklany otherwise Brackloney otherwise Bracklonagh otherwise Brally [Probably Brackloney, Parish Castlerahan, Barony Castlerahan], Drumsamoney, Ashon otherwise Ashain or Asham otherwise Assondrass & Liskerry [probably Lisgrea (Lios Cré) , Lurgan Civil Parish, Barony of Castlerahan] situate lying and being  in Co. Cavan with all the appurtenances … [also … Town and lands of Lattin otherwise Lattone [Latton, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] Dromad otherwise Dromadmoney[Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne], Meaghan [Maghon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne], Dromconar otherwise Drumcannon [Drumcanon, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne]otherwise Drumkenan otherwise Shentenagh [possibly Shantonagh, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] otherwise Dromkonnan Drenkennan [Drumcunnion, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne] situate lying and being in Co Monaghan with the appurtenances etc…. WITNESS: Will CUTHBERT & Thomas ARMSTRONG both of the City of Dublin clerks to Henry BELAGH of the said City Gent. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.

SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705],

SEE: My Blog post: Jacksons of Cavan.

SEE: Research relating to early JACKSONs in Co. Cavan.



Probated Will made 4 Dec 1705 Proved 12 Feb 1705/6.

Samuel JACKSON[1] of Dublin esq.

estate of Ardlonan[2] Co Meath & [Inkerstown[3]], Drakrath[4] &c in Co. Meath & Co. Dublin bought from Trustees of forfeited estates let in Monaghan and Cavan Co.  & Clifford[5] in Yorkshire

to my brother Leonard JACKSON[6] son of my dead brother Nathanial JACKSON[7] of Leeds[8] in Yorkshire & his issue

then to my brother-in-law [Rev] John JACKSON[9] minister of Skipworth[10] in Yorkshire,

[NOTE: There was an arrow here indicating this line above should precede the following line – not the order the lines were in the notes that Groves had done, but the correction is his]

then to my brother [Rev] Leonard JACKSON[11], Rector of Totham[12] in Lancashire


£20 each to nephews Capt W. JACKSON[13] of Coleraine[14] & Richard JACKSON[15]

House in Marys Lane[16] in which I now live.

Houses[17] at Young[18] Castlell[19] & Fishamble St.[20], House in King St.[21] bought from Wm. Robert THORNTON[22].

Nephews Wm. Empson[23] of Dublin, W. MADDEN[24] of Kilmon?, Jas HAMILL[25],

Nice [sic] Mary GILES[26]?;

friends Robert KING[27] & Jas BAYLEY[28]; Nicholas EVERELL[29] of Coleraine

Drakrath[30] Castletown more[31] [Drishole[32]] Ardlonan[33]  [Kisk[34]] [?] Orestown[35]

Emlagh[36] Marvelstown[37] Co Meath

Knittstown[38] & Ballyclea[39] Co. Dublin bought from Trustees of Forfeited lands

5 tates of Drumod[40] Latton[41] Meaghan[42] Money[43] & Drumcanon[44] in Co. Monaghan

bought from Hugh ROWLY[45]

3 tates of Drumgola[46] Bratley[47] Lisnagroat[48]Co. Cavan bought from Sir Robt. HAMILTON[49] [Kt.]

estate of Clifford[50] in Yorkshire bt from [W?] WITHERS[51].

[?] Capt Henry ARKWRIGHT[52] of Galway  Capt Adam DOWNING[53] of Londonderry.

Witnesses Chas King[54] Jn Mason[55] Ter Reilly[56] Probt 1-2

[1] Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706), son of Rev. Richard JACKSON (1602-1681) of Kirby Lonsdale, Co. Westmorland, England, and his 1st wife, Dorothy OTWAY (1605- abt 1645). SEE:Jacksons of Coleraine & Kirkby Lonsdale.

·         In the records of the London Rolls, in 1656, he was named as a new apprentice with the Draper’s Guild with Robert BELLEW, an upholsterer of Holburn [Westmorland?] as his Master. His apprenticeship was for 8 years and involved a £100 bond.

·         At the time of his death he resided in a house that he owned on Mary Lane, Dublin. His his sister-in-law, Susannah BERESFORD, and her son, his nephew, Richard JACKSON (abt 1656-1730) lived with him. This nephew was widowed in 1698 (Anne BATE 1674-1698), and then remarried to Elizabeth BOYD. My guess is that he was between wives at the time of Samuel JACKSON’s death. We have no date for Richard JACKSON’s 2nd marriage, but it was his son Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) who founded the Forkhill Trust in Co. Armagh.

·         The number of houses owned or leased by Samuel Jackson in Dublin – many mentioned in this will - makes it appear that he was a property developer of sorts. Many properties were in the Oxmantown area, which was being newly developed at the time. Many were only blocks away from the Linen Hall – of interest because of his apprenticeship with the Draper’s Guild. One was on the western border of Stephen’s Green.

·         Samuel JACKSON became the 2nd member of Parliament representing Coleraine, Londonderry in the Irish House of Commons from 1695-1703. Many of his family members were also M.P.s.

·         Samuel JACKSON died January 19, 1706. SOURCE: Announcements In Impartial Occurrences, JAN. 1705—FEB. 1706 by H. F. MORRIS, LL.B., M.A., PH.D. 4. Tues. 15-19 Jan 1706. [page 189 of The Irish Genealogist Vol 5, No 2, 1975.]  ... This morning Sam Jackson Esq. died, 'tis said he was worth £30,000 which he left to his two nephews. About half an hour after, Madam Mitchelburn, sister to the said Jackson, died in the same house. [Included as a footnote to this article: Richard Mitchelburne, Dublin, gent, whose will is dated 31 Jan. 1715 (Eustace, Registry of Deeds Dublin, Abstracts of Wills, vol. I, p. 79), was married to Mary Jackson; she, however, was still alive in 1715.].

o    MY NOTE: There are two MITCHELBURN-JACKSON relationships that have been conflated in this article.

§  Susan MICHELBURN née BERESFORD (d. 1706) was the widow of William JACKSON (1628-1688). She & John MITCHELBURN [not Richard MTCHELSON] were estranged not long after their marriage in 1690. After the marriage break-down, she lived with her brother-in-law, Samuel JACKSON, on Mary Street.  

§  The Richard MITCHELBURN mentioned above was married to a Mary JACKSON, widow of Thomas JACKSON. Richard MITCHELBURN and John MITCHELBURN were brothers.

o    Initially, I thought Eliza might be a sister of Samuel JACKSON (SOURCE: The Irish Landed Gentry When Cromwell came to Ireland lists(pg. 460) under Grants made as part of the Acts of Settlement and Explanation (O’Hara does not date this section, but the Acts of Settlement were made in 1662 and the Acts of Explanation in 1665.):

§  JACKSON “- alias Mitcheburne, Eliza.), but when I found more details  in the Irish Records Commission 14th & 15th (pp 151 & 184), apparently she was the widow of Thomas JACKSON and they had a daughter Mary JACKSON. SOURCE: 14 ROGER PARKE, THOS SODDEN, DAVID LINCHIAN, ELIZ MICHELBURNE als JACKSON relict of Thos Jackson, Mary and heir of said Thomas Jackson , and WILLIAM TAYLOR – in Glancarbery, 252 A 5P – in Magherymore, 39A 2R 32P. 2l 19s 2 ½ d. – to Parke – Grange …[more detail – Co. Westmeath]  … - to M. Jackson – in Lissawra [Lissavra Big & Lissavra Little,] , 85a 1r 14p 1l 13s 6 ¾., bar Moycashell [Moycashel], same Co. to Taylor. – Date 13th April 20th year. Inrolled 13th October 1668.

o    MY HUNCH: This Thomas JACKSON was the Thomas JACKSON who was born 13 Sept 1629 and died before 1668 and was a brother of Samuel JACKSON, hence Richard MITCHELBURN and John MITCHELBURN were brothers-in-law.

·         This letter from 11 December 1688 is most likely from him:

o   Samuel Jackson, Dublin, to Sir Albert Conyngham, Mount Charles House, Strabane, about Capt. Hamilton's affairs.'... We have been in great consternation here about a letter which I presume you must have heard of, wherein it was said that on the 7th instant the Protestants was [sic] to be cut off; which alarm hath caused I believe 2000 [?] people to go for England. But, God be thanked, now people begin to come into their right wits again. For my part, I never believed anything of that report, and I do not doubt but in a little time all things in England will come to a good accommodation. ...' SOURCE: PRONI T2825/C/47/2.

·         I suspect that this is another Samuel Jackson – albeit in the same time frame and economic class, so therefore worthy of interest (in case I am wrong).

o   Mortgage for £1,000. Recites enclosed include one from Hugh McGill dated 15th July, 1686 for the "sume of fourty two pounds three shillings and eight pence sterling by a bill drawne by me upon him for said sume payable to Mr Samuel Jackson or his order at Eniskilling the 14th of August next and alsoe ... paid me in iron and otherwise ... the sume of seventeen pounds sixteene shillings and foure pence in all sixty pounds sterling which is in full satisfaction of one yeares interest of " £1,000 sterling due to me for my wifes porcon. Charles Balfour of Lisnaskea, Esq. to Hugh McGill of Kirkstowne, Co. Down, Esq. 4 tates called Slush-Hill or Lislost in the possession of Thomas Bushell, the tate of Drumwha in the possession of Alexander Browne, Merchant, the 4 tates called Carrowmakoskar in the possession of John Foster, 3 half tates of Rosscadd, etc, in the possession of John Noble, the 3 tates of Glassdrummond, Coonagalliagh and Drestornan in the possession of William Armstrong. PRONI D1939/15/8/16 30 September 1687

·         PRONI D948/8/38 List of debts and amount of assets. Samuel Jackson deceased. NOTE: I have yet to see this.

·         To avoid confusion with another Samuel Jackson – the Samuel JACKSON of this probate was neither a pewterer nor was he from Nantwich. SOURCE: Some Protestant Settlers in Ireland 1662-1737 presented by Brian W. Christmas. The Irish Genealogist.Vol. 7, #3, p349. 1988.




Year of taking oaths

Jackson, Samuel



20 May 1669


[2] Ardlonan, Parish of Kilbeg, Lower Kells, Co. Meath. SEE: Samuel JACKSON’s Co. Meath Holdings.

[3] Inkerstown. NOTE: I can find no record of such a townland or parish name in either Meath or Dublin (there is some ambiguity in the notes). My best guess at present, since the TGF Paterson notes did not mention it, is that the script was hard to read and what Groves recorded as Inkerstown was actually Marvelstown. Also, Irishtown, Burry Civil Parish, Barony of Upper Kells, is another possibility – but it is not in the same Barony as the others. Richard GORGES, and the GORGES family intermarried with JACKSONs in this timeframe, and they held land at another Irishtown  in Co. Meath: Parish of Kilmoon, in the Barony of Skreen.

[4] Drakrath aka Drakerath, Parish of Staholmog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath. SEE: Samuel JACKSON’s Co. Meath Holdings.

[5] Village of Clifford, West Yorkshire, about 3 miles south of Weatherby.

[6] Leonard JACKSON. to my brother Leonard JACKSON son of my decd brother Nathaniel Jackson.  In TGF Paterson’s Notebook No 135, the wording differs from the Groves: Mr. Withers to my nephew William Jackson son of my brother Nathaniel Jackson of Leeds in Yorkshire, deceased & his issue male. Then to my brother Leonard Jackson, Rector of Tatham in Lancashire.

·         William JACKSON (?-bef 1729) was the first-born son of Nathaniel JACKSON (1640-1698) of Burley, near Leeds, in Yorkshire and of Elizabeth WOODS.

·         Rev. Leonard JACKSON (1650-1726) was the Rector of Tatham, Lancashire and never married. He was a younger half-brother of Samuel JACKSON

·         The nature of the discrepancies between the Groves and Paterson’s versions suggests that TGF Paterson was likely working directly from the will itself and not from Groves notes. Paterson’s version also mentions a legacy to a sister named BOND. She was not included in Groves’ notes. A sister Hannah JACKSON (1636-aft 1688) who was a wife of Major BOND was included in a 1688 Bentham Funeral Entry NOTE: I need to check whether Paterson’s notebooks are dated..

[7] Nathaniel JACKSON was baptized14 Oct 1640 at Halton, Parish of Skipton, Lancashire and was buried 2 Sept 1698.

·         NOTE: Given the frequency of the name Nathaniel in the Quakers of Mountmellick, it makes me curious about a possible connection between Samuel JACKSON’s family and the early Irish Quaker Jacksons – especially given the unreliability of some of their alleged roots in England (supposedly stemming from a Sir Richard of Killingwold Grove, Yorkshire). Perhaps they were cousins.

[8] There was a significant JACKSON presence in Leeds in this era, which I am still learning about. Many of them were connected to cloth-related industries.

[9] Rev. John JACKSON brother-in-law of Samuel JACKON and minister of Skipworth in Yorkshire. Since every other sister of Samuel JACKSON was either dead by 1705 or else married to someone else at the time of this will, I suspect that Rev. John JACKSON was a husband of Abigail JACKSON (1655-1721). He died before 1721. Of course, one other possibility is that Samuel JACKSON was not a bachelor, but a widower, hence there could be other brothers-in-law. This seems most unlikely. Thanks to Jan Waugh for much of the research on this name. I do not yet know whether Rev John JACKSON and his wife Abigail may have been cousins, nor whether they had children. If they did, they may have ended up with the lands in Co. Meath.

  • Marriage: John Jackson of Halton Gill and Mrs Abigail Jackson of Whittingdon mar 21 Sep 1685 St Mary, Ingleton
  • John JACKSON: pleb. Christ Church, matric. 3 July, 1663, B.A. 1667, M.A. 23 March, 1669-70; one of these names rector of Sessay, Yorks, 1676, vicar of Skipworth, Yorks, 1690, and vicar of Doncaster 1690 SOURCE: Alumni Oxonienses:. [NOTE: Sessay & Doncaster go with John Y1650/1 – JACKSONs of Doncaster]  
  • John Jackson born abt 1645 (if age 18 when adm Oxford) and died aft 1700.
  • The Yorkshire Archaeological & Topographical Journal  Vol 3. Inscriptions on the Church Bells of the East Riding Skipwith (S. Helen)
    Ut Tuba Sic Sonitu Domini Conduco Cohortes 1700
    J. Jackson, Vic(ar)
    Tho. Waide, Ar. Movie?, church Wardens  Ebor
  • Rev. John JACKSON was alive when Samuel JACKSON wrote his will but died bef 1721 when his wife was described as a widow.

[10] Skipworth is ten miles south of York in North Yorkshire. See: About Skipworth. Also: A photo of St. Helen's Skipworth church can be seen with more photos at the bottom of another post. See Also: Genealogy links for Skipworth.

[11] Leonard JACKSON (1650-abt 1724), Rector of “Totham” aka Tatham in Lancashire. He was admitted at Christ Church, Oxford in 1668. 

·         He is recorded as performing a marriage at the Church of St James the Less in the Parish of Tatham as late as 1718. Other JACKSONs were also in the Parish at this time.

·         Leonard Jackson, a son of Richard Jackson, rector of Whittington, was educated at Christ's Coll., Camb.; M.A. 1677. He was a benefactor. SOURCE: British History on-line.   Richard JACKSON became Rector of Whittington in 1641, July 26. SOURCE: The registers of the parish church of Whittington in the County of Lancaster. Christenings, burials, and weddings, 1538 to 1764

·         Jackson, Leonard: son of Richard: born at Whittington, Lanes. School : (1) Lancaster, under M'' Holden : (2) Kirkby Lonsdale, under M"' Garthwaite for a few months. Admitted sizar under M"' [Chris.] Bainbridge [who held his Fellowship till Mids. 1669] 20 May 1668. Age 17.  B.A. 167|; M.A. 1677. Born 21 April 1650, of Jane the second wife of Richard (uiaf*. 1619) rector of Halton, then of Whittington near Kirkby Lonsdale: half-brother of Francis (1649). Ordained deacon, Chichester, 1673 May: priest, York, 1676 May. Rector of Claughton in Lonsdale, Lanes. 5 Sept. 1678: held it till 1681, when according to Croston-Baines (5. 534) he died : but he pretty certainly is the same who resigned the vicarage of Sheritt' Hutton before April 1700: and on 3 Feb. of the same year he became rector of Tatham near Wennington. Added a steeple to the church tower 1722. Died 1734: or 1726 (Croston-Baines, 5. 555) when at all events he ceased to be rector, Robert Jackson succeeding. (Information from B. N. North, Esq., Kirkby Lonsdale.) SOURCE: Biographical Register  Of  Christ's College  1505-1905  And Of The Earlier Foundation, God's House  1448-1505   Cambridge University Press  1st Edition: Cambridge University Press  1913  NOTE: B.N. NORTH aka Bordrigge NORTH (1862-1936) is a 5th great-grandson of Oliver NORTH (d. 1723) & Jennet JACKSON (b abt 1650) – a sister of Samuel JACKSON.

[12] Tatham proper lies in the valley of the Wenning, the parish church being placed on the northern side of the river, which is crossed by a bridge; but nearly the whole area of this township-parish lies to the south of the river, occupying hilly country between the wooded valley of the Hindburn and the border of Yorkshire. SOURCE: British History Online.  

[13] Update: March 17, 2025 I now believe that this William JACKSON was a son of Nathanial JACKSON. More work needed.

Capt. William JACKSON (-1712) of Coleraine.

·         Son of William JACKSON (1628-1688) and Susanna BERESFORD (d. 1706)  – daughter of Sir Tristram Beresford. In 1690, after she was widowed, she - married a second husband, John MITCHELBURN). SOURCE: Irish Genealogist. SOURCE: Further Notes on the High Sheriffs of Co. Sligo. Edward Stewart Gray. The Irish Genealogist Vol. 2, #9, July 1952. p271

o   More on Susanna BERESFORD: Susannah Beresford was the daughter of Sir Tristram Beresford, and sister of that other Tristram Beresford, who was involved in the Williamite wars. Her family were extremely powerful in the Coleraine to area and her marriage to William Jackson who also owned substantial estates near Coleraine and acted as agent for the Irish Society, can be considered a dynastic alliance. She had perhaps seven surviving children to what was her first and her husband's second marriage. Her husband fell out of favour with the society over the improper exploitation of timber belonging to them. Richard Jackson of Draperstown who served in Michelburne's regiment is probably her son. In the aftermath of the siege Susannah married John Michelburne and both she and her daughter stood guarantee for a loan given by the Stronge's to her new husband. Her son William Jackson stood in the 1697 by-election for county Londonderry which followed the death of George Philips MP. Although the election was won by James Lennox, Mayor of Londonderry, Jackson overturned the result and had himself declared MP for the county. Susannah's relation with Michelburne was a stormy one and after their separation Bishop William King then Bishop of Derry attempted to mediate between the parties with little success. During Michelburne's imprisonment in London, Susannah lived in the home of her fabulously wealthy brother in law in Coleraine. Her disputed settlement with Michelburne perhaps tied up his capital investments, thus lengthening his imprisonment in the Fleet. SOURCE: Lynx 2 Ulster: Culture History & Heritage.

·         Husband of Elizabeth GORGES (1675-1747) of Kilbrew, Co. Meath. (Her brother Richard GORGES owned leases in Co. Meath)

·         Captain in Army. Will proved 1712. m. 1690.

o   SOURCE: Coleraine in by-gone centuries, Rev. T.H. Mullin. D.D., Century Services, 1976.

o   Also, p 59 and 106-7: Captain William Jackson had a lease for lands in 1663. In 1673, a dispute between Captain William Jackson, tenant of the Clothworkers Estate, and the town [of Coleraine].

[15]Update: March 17, 2025 I now believe that this Richard JACKSON was a son of Nathanial JACKSON. More work needed

Capt. Richard JACKSON (1668-1730) was the eldest son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. He married firstly Anne BATE and then Elizabeth BOYD, daughter of Hugh BOYD.

·         It is likely that he was the Ensign Richard JACKSON who was under the command of Col. MICHELBURN at the siege of Derry. SEE: Defenders of Derry. It is possible that his brother Samuel, another nephew of the Samuel of this will, had already died.

[16] Mary’s Lane, in the Parish of St. Michael’s and intersected by Old Church Street, is in the Oxmantown area of Dublin, near where some other buildings that Samuel Jackson owned were situated. It is just one block up from where the Jacksons of Pill Lane had their offices and iron works.

[17] “Houses” - Samuel JACKSON may have had multiple houses at these three locations: Young [Castle?] and Fishamble. SEE: Leases of land in Dublin with known connections to JACKSONs of Coleraine. NOTE: Last updated 2016.

[18] Young Castell aka Young’s Castle was located on the east side of Old Church Street near the intersection of Kings Street. The castle itself was destroyed sometime between 1669 and 1690. Whether it was rebuilt, or whether the subsequent references are merely to the land it stood on, I am unsure. Sometime btw 1705-1740, Marcus BERESFORD, a half-brother of Susan BERESFORD aka MICHELBURN widow of William JACKSON and sister-in-law of Samuel JACKSON, came into possession of Young’s Castle. I have posted a page showing a timeline of its history. (NOTE: Initially, I had thought that this reference was to Young St. and Castell aka Castle St. – but I found no mention of this street name in Dublin Street Names. Rev. C.T. McCreedy. Hodges, Figgis and Co., Dublin 1892 or in Irish Historic Towns Atlas, no 19: Dublin Part II, 1610-1756. Colm Lennon. Royal Irish Academy,)

o   1721 Jul 18 ROD: 34-34-20343.. Image 22 Between Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. & Edmund MALONE. Of sd City Esq. – rent of a messuage in Church St. joining in the north and northwest part thereof by the great large Messuage of Col Theophilus JONES containing one dwelling house wherein the said Richard Jackson and his family and after him Col GODBY lately dwelt. Also one yard brewhouse and stable in the said yard next adjoining to the said dwelling house and the use of the fixt Copper Panns and other fixt goods in in the said dwelling house... NOTE: Based on the description given in ROD: 97-409- 68933, this land was known as Young’s Castle. This Richard JACKSON is most likely the Richard JACKSON (1673-1730), nephew of Samuel JACKSON(1641-1706), and he would have been living there with his 2nd wife, Elizabeth BOYD and their new son Richard JACKSON.

o   1721 Sep 22. ROD: 30-455-19132--JACKSON-HUMPHRIES Image 324 Memorial of deed 7 Dec 1715 between John JACKSON of City of Dublin, Linnen Draper and Ann HUMPHRYS also JACKSON his wife of the one part & Elias HUMPHRYS of said City Painter of the other part. In 1695 deed to Elias HUMPHRYS demised house called Court of Guard near Young’s Castle in Oxmantowne. Now Elias, father of said Ann JACKSON died intestate on or about 1707 but letters of Admin entitled Anne to 1/5 part & since Jane HUMPHRYs, another daughter of Elias died about 1711 minor and under age 21, her portion is divided equally (lots more if this proves of interest). Grantors in 1695 Oct 18 included: William WATT Esq. Rt. Hon Lord Mayor of Dublin; Andrew BRICE Esq. Sherriff of Dublin; William STOWELL, Sherriff of Dublin; & citizens of Dublin unto Ellis HUMPHRY, smith of Dublin city; died abt 1707 intestate – also father of Elias HUMPHRY & Ann HUMPHRY  of house "court of Quard" nr Young's Castle in Oxmantown formerly in lease to Alderman Daniel BETTINGHAM  and afterwards Sir Daniel BETTINGHAM  and lately surrendered to the treasurer of Dublin by Richard BETTINGHAM, son & heir of Sir Daniel BETTINGHAM, 66x20 ft for 61 years at £7;  that John JACKSON became intitled to 1/5 share; that John JACKSON became entitled to 1/4th share including 3 houses built in possess'n of Thomas JONES. Deputy Registrar: William PARRY; Witnesses: James SOMERWELL, Gent of Dublin City; Steevens STEEVENS, Gent of Bony Batter, Dublin; Mary [COSION?] SEE Also: London Rolls for HUMPHRY-JACKSON connections.

o   1740 May 23 ROD: 97-409- 68933.. Image 520 BTW William BODLE of Gibralter Merchant then in Dublin & John JOHNSTON of City of Dublin Gent of 1st pt. & John MARTIN of City of Dublin Gent of other part … [reciting 1739 Nov 9th & 10th] John BODLE granted to William BODLE premises due to John JOHNSTON based on securites of £400  and a further £50 borrowed from John MARTIN … all pd to John MARTIN, then to him …. Piece or plot of ground on East Side of Church Street being part and parcel of the ground commonly called Young’s Castle…containing in breadth to Church Street 20’ in breadth in the rere 23’ and from depth from front 120’ next adjoining to the house of Coll PONSONBY  on the west to said street and on the east to a lane called Stirrup Lane [aka Beresford Street – It was not then, as now, open to Church Street. SOURCE: Dublin Street Names. Rev. C.Y. McCreedy. 1892.] and on the north to other ground held by Theo JONES to hold to said John MARTIN ….

o   ROD: 226- 80-146279. 1762 May 18 Image 48Marcus BERESFORD. His wife Catherine Countess of Tyrone, extx. His eldest son Geo. De La Poer BERESFORD. His second son Jno. BERESFORD. His third son William BERESFORD (youngest son, under 21 years). His six daughters. Hamilton GORGES, Catherine's Grove, Co. Dublin, Esq., and Rt. Hon. the Earl of Arran trustees. His advowson or right of presentation to the living of Termonmaguirk (Termonmaguirk), Co. Tyrone. His fee farm and other estates in and about the town of Carrick, Co. Tipperary. Town and lands of Knocknecrew, Co. Waterford and all other lands etc. in said counties of Tipperary and Waterford. His dwelling house in Dublin and house in possession of Richard Gorges, Esq. [situation not mentioned]. His leasehold lands of Aghalow and all other lands held under the See of Deny. His leasehold interests in Coleraine. His real estate of Young's Castle and all other his real estate in the city of Dublin. Reciting that the Hon. Lieut. Genl. Frederick HAMILTON deceased, before testator's marriage assigned the manor of Walworth, Co. Londonderry in trust for testator after his said Frederick HAMILTON's death, and by deed of settlement 2 April 1726 the said manor of Walworth was assigned to trustees for use of testator's younger children. Said Frederick HAMILTON died in 1748 and the testator obtained from the Corporation of Fishmongers, London, a new lease, expending £7,215, and £200 yearly rent more than the former rent. Reciting that the manor of Freemore, Co. Londonderry and Manor of Beresford, Co. Cavan were also vested in trustees for his younger children and testator has paid the portions of his four eldest daughters and charged said lands with £9,998 10s. Od. for his two youngest daughters. Witnesses: Hans BAILIE, Edward STERLING, Dublin, Esq., Benjamin HIGGINS, Dublin, gent. Memorial witnessed by: Edward STERLING, Benj. HIGGINS. 226, 80, 146279 C. Tyrone (seal)

[19] Initially, I had thought this was likely Castle Street (see footnote 18). In the 1698 map, Castle Street is at the south end of Fishamble Street near Christ Church Cathedral. The Castle-street market was built in 1704. Source: p19 Dublin Street Names. Rev. C.T. McCreedy. Hodges, Figgis and Co., Dublin 1892.

[20] Fishamble Street. It leads south from the Liffey towards the east side of Christ Church Cathedral.: ".

  • [Christ Church Deeds] 1948. Wm Bishop of Kildare, dean, and the Chapter of Holy Trinity with consent of the Prebendary of St. John’s Dublin, in consideration of the surrender of Preb. St. John’s (  ) conveyed by John ALEXANDER to Henry SMITH and of £150 to be expended on the premises by the present lessee, lease to Samuel JACKSON, of Dublin, esquire, assignee of Henry SMITH, the said premises now described as inhabited by Samuel ANDREWS and situate between Fishamble Street on the west, the butcher’s market formerly the Kill Garden on the east, the prebendary’s tenement in the possession of Widow BOYSE on the south, and that of Widow WILLIAMSON on the north; term, rent and covenants for forfeit and voiding as in said lease and lessee further covenants to expend £150 on the premises within 21 years and keep them in repair (map annexed).Signed by lessee in presence of Tho Harrison, Ben BOYCE and Cha BALDWIN. Dated 17 Apr., 1699, and 11 Wm. III NOTE: I found this reference beneath in a book in the gift shop in Christ Church Cathedral in 2017.  I don’t know if there is a copy of the map that had been attached. Among the maps held at RCB is: Nov 1716 Survey of the ground plot of the several houses and backsides in Fisher's Alley in the parish of St John, Dublin belonging to the Dean & Chapter of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin by John Greene 420x345 mm20 feet/1 inch.
  • ROD: 10-78-3089 BTW Charles AUGHMUTY of City of Dublin Finger weaver and Robert LEVESLY of City of Dublin Weaver Proctors of Parish Church of St. John Evangelist Dublin of 1 pt & Simon ANYON of City of Dublin Gent of other pt.  … in consid of deed 25 Mar 1692 made by Henry SMITH and William MIDDLEBROOK then Proctors … with consent of John BULL of Dublin shoemaker deceased for 81 years … on east side of Fishamble St Dublin held by Simon ANYON containing in front from North to South 25’ ½ and from East to West adjoining Mr. PEPPARDs House from the Kings Pavement 45’ to the East adjoining Mr. JACKSONs holding formerly Mr. SMITH’s holding backwards 18’ from East to West joining to Mr. JACKSONs formerly Mr. SMITHs holding called the Marble Post 38 feet … witness: Mark DESMYNEECE, George LEECE and James SOMERVELL [aka SOMMERVILLE] of City of Dublin Gent.
  • 1704 Dec 31. [NOTE: the date reads "One thousand seven hundred and four [extra space] four"] ROD: 51-205-33384- HAYES-JACKSON Image 419 John HAYES, merchant of Dublin City to Thomas JACKSON, merchant of Dublin City of 4 houses in Fishamble Street Dublin as held by John HAYES for term as held by John HAYES except for last 2 years, at £73 from 25 March next. WITNESS: Thomas ETON of City of Dublin Gent & Thomas MULLOCK of City of Dublin Gent Thomas JACKSON [SEAL] NOTE: I suspect the lessor is Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751), one of Samuel JACKSON’s nephews (1641-1705). He may also be Samuel's brother, Thomas JACKSON (1629-1688). The death date of 1688 is simply a guess based on the lack of mention in his brother William's will.

·         1730 May 15. ROD: 64-220-43550-Image 432. Endorsed on the back of a Lease dated 6 Dec 1704 whereby Samuel JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. demised to John WILLIAMSON that brick house or tenement wherein John WILLIAMSON and Mrs. Mary WILLIAMSON widow his mother dwelt with the yards Backsides Ways Waters Lights Pavement and appurtenances on East Side of Fishamble Street City of Dublin for 41 years at rent of £28 and by which assignment Isaac HAYES of City of Dublin Merchant in consideration of £80 paid by Lawrence PAIN of Cloghill Co. Meath Esq assigned to said Lawrence PAIN all his interest in said lease for remainder of term. WITNESS: Thomas ANDREWS & William JORDEN Clerk to William SUMNER Notary in Dublin. Isaac HAYES [SEAL].

·         1751 Dec 16. ROD: 154-152-103167--Sarah LITTEN-JACKSON. PLUNKETT & orse-JACKSON. Image 84. BTW Ann PLUNKETT widow & relict of Plunkett PLUNKETT late of Rathbeat Co. Dublin Esq. deceased of 1 pt. Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq of the other pt. Reciting  deed btw William COOPER Esq. Dr. of laws & one of Majesty’s High Court of Chancery in Ireland of 1st pt; Ann PLUNKETT of 2nd; Gorges Edmond HOWARD of City of Dublin Gent & Richard JACKSON of 3rd pt; William COOPER of 4th pt; John LELAND Dr. of Divinity Samuel OWENS of City of Dublin & Thomas LITTON of City of Dublin Esq. executors of will of Ralph LELAND Merchant deceased of 5th pt … piece of ground on North side of Christ Church yard in Co. Dublin together with several houses built & erected thereon now in possession of Samuel HOLBRAND his undertenants … annuity pd to Richard JACKSON … WITNESS: Michael SWIFT of City of Dublin Gent & Christopher DEEY of City of Dublin. NOTE: There are several deeds following - 103168–103170 - that are connected to the GORGES family. NOTE Samuel JACKSON had property near here on Fishamble until his death in 1706. He had willed it to his nephew Richard JACKSON.  Capt. Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) was the eldest son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. Gorges Edmond HOWARD (1715-1786) was a grandson of Capt. William JACKSON who died abt 1712 and was of Jackson Hall, Coleraine. Richard JACKSON was his grand-uncle.

·         1752 Feb 1 ROD:153-209-102332--HOWARD: Source: Names Index. Image 138 BTW Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. of 1 pt & Gorges Edward HOWARD of City of Dublin Esq. of the other pt Reciting that several parcels of ground and houses included in decree of a Hugh Court of Chancery set up to sale by William COOPER one of the Masters of said Court on North side of Christ Church Yard in Co. Dublin together with three houses built and erected theron and in possession and occupation of Rev. Mr. Samuel HOLT and his undertenants subject to interest of Robert SAVAGE of City of Dublin Cordwainer. All that piece or parcel of ground on West side of Fishamble Street in City of Dublin containing in front to East to said street 23’ 5” and running backwards to Westward to rear of Rose Alley bonded on the North to land belonging to Henry SEGRAVE Esq & on the South to Land belonging to John BAGGOT Esq. together with three houses built now called Virginia Court formerly in possession of Teresa MAGLEW widow and afterwards in possession of representatives of William HAYES Esq. subject to interest of Nicholas FERRELL of City of Dublin Baker … details of Court Case. … Richard JACKSON had executed unto Gorges Edmund HOWARD his Bond with Warrant of Attorney for confessing Judgement theron of penalty of £1,800 … WITNESS: William JACKSON Chapw HUDDLETON. NOTE: Gorges Edmund HOWARD Esq was a son of Capt Francis HOWARD & Elizabeth JACKSON. She was a daughter of Capt William JACKSON ( bet 1665-1668 – 1712) and Elizabeth GORGES. It is likely that the Richard JACKSON here was Sir Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill Lodge, the first cousin once removed of Gorges Edmund HOWARD:. It is extremely likely that the land was part of the inheritance of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706).

  • 1752, Jun 19, ROD: 156-185-104182. Image 101 lease between Richard JACKSON of the city of Dublin Esquire of the one part: and Gorges Edmond HOWARD of the city of Dublin gent of the other part… reciting deed 17 Dec 1751 £350 paid by Gorges Edmond HOWARD in persuance of articles of agreement 1 Feb 1752 btw said Richard JACKSON of 1 pt & said Edmond HOWARD of the other . Richard JACKSON granted to Gorges Edmond HOWARD Parcel of land on the Westside of Fishamble Street in the city of Dublin containing in front to east to said Street 23’5” and running backwards to the westwards to the rere of Rose Alley tenement bounded on the north to land belonging to Henry SEGRAVE Esq & on the south to land belonging to John BAGGOT Esq, together with  three houses now built thereon and called Virginia Court subject to interest of Nicholas TYRELL of City of Dublin Baker … conveyed to said Richard JACKSON  by said deed … WITNESS: William JACKSON and Joseph WOODY SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. NOTE  Capt. Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) was the eldest son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. Gorges Edmond HOWARD (1715-1786) was a grandson of Capt. William JACKSON who died abt 1712 and was of Jackson Hall, Coleraine.
  • 1752 Jun 19. ROD: 156-186-104183 Image 101 [see above] lease between Richard JACKSON of the city of Dublin Esquire of the one part: and Gorges Edmond HOWARD of the city of Dublin gent of the other part … Ground lying on the North side of Christ church yard, Co Dublin together with three houses built thereon and now in possession of the Reverend Samuel HOLT. WITNESS: William JACKSON and Joseph WHADDY
  • Fish Shamble or Fishamble Street: Location unknown. Fishstreet 1621; Fistreet 1656 (St John’s  vestry, 32, 204). Fish Street 1755 ( Universal Advertiser  25.1.1755). For another Fish Street, see next entry. [early to mid 10th cent.]. Fish Shambles; Fish Street 1610 Fishamble Street (Speed; Christ Church deeds, 1470). Fishamble Street 1618 (Cal.  pat. rolls Ire., Jas I , 339), 1636, 1653; Fishambles Street 1662  (Christ Church deeds , 1533, 1573, 1629). Fish Shamble Street  1673 (de Gomme). Fishambles Street 1687–8 (Denton, 534).  Fish Shamble Street 1704; Fish Amble Street 1710 ( Flying Post  11.4.1704, 13.11.1710). Fish Shamble Street 1728 (Brooking).  Fishamble Street 1736 (Dublin Advertiser  21.10.1736). Fish Amble Street 1755 (Universal Advertiser 14.1.1755). Fishamble Street 1756 (Rocque). See also 16 Trades and services. SOURCE: Dublin City University.

[21] King Street: SEE: Jacksons of King Street near Stephens Green, Dublin.

·         Nine months after the death of Samuel JACKSON, Richard JACKSON, his nephew, assigned two pieces of land on King St. near St. Stephen's Park to Joseph WORTHINGTON. One lease included a house on Kings St, and the other included a Waste piece of ground leading from Love Lane to Kings St. In 1699, an earlier deed involving Samuel JACKSON had also referenced land here on Kings St.  Samuel JACKSON had also built a Stable here sometime between 1699 and 1706. After the death of his nephew Richard JACKSON (1673-1730), the land was then owned by Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill, Co. Armagh, a grand-nephew of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706).

[22] William Robert THORNTON. Perhaps significantly, on p.33 of Notebook #5 of TGF Patteson manuscripts at the Armagh County Museum there is a mention of a Robert THORNHILL of Clough, Co. Wexford in connection with his selling some land on Feb 10, 1657/58. This rings bells because of later connections between Co, Wexford and the Creggan JACKSONs

[23] William EMPSON. The handwriting in Grove’s transcription is challenging, but TGF Paterson also transcribed this as EMPSON.

·         There was a William EMPSON in Finglass Parish in Dublin. SOURCE: Page 32 The Families of Co. Dublin. Michael C. O'Laughlin.

·         In a post about The Parish of Finglass: by Marcine Lohman (I highlighted the name of John BALL because of other JACKSON-BALL connections): amongst other residents in George the First's reign there are found Boyle Moore, a son of Colonel Moore, who probably went to reside at Johnstown in 1718 when it became vacant on Archbishop Marsh's death, and a son of Squire Robert Ball, Captain John Ball, who appears to have maintained a connexion with Finglas, although the seat of his family was moved to Drogheda from Ballygall. Besides these there is mention of John Jephson, a king's counsel; the Honourable Ignatius Nugent, a brother of Lord Riverston Sir Nathaniel Whitwell, who received his knighthood at the court of St. James's; Paul Barry, a son of the resident of that name previously mentioned; Lewis Layfield, a well-known Dublin actor; Alderman William Empson ; and Phineas Ferneley. Finglass is a parish on the western border of Dublin, surrounded by the parishes of Mulhuddart and Cloghran, Townlands include: Ballyboggan North, Ballyboggan South, Ballygall, Ballystrahan, Balseskin, Bishopswood, Broghan, Cabragh, Cardiffcastle, Cardiffsbridge, Charlestown, Coldwinters, Cruicerath, Cruiserath, Finglas Town, Finglas East, Finglas West, Finglas Wood, Glasnevin Demesne, Glebe, Jamestown Great, Jamestown Little, Johnstown, Kildonan, Kilreesk, Kilshane, Laurestown, Poppintree, Shallon, Skephubble, Springmount, Stang, Stockens, Tolka Town, Toberburr, Tolka, Westercave

·         [At first I had read the name EMPSON  as JEPSON – but I am retaining this red herring in case it is of use to others.]There was a William JEPSON: The rush to get the troops to the war theatre was clearly tremendous, as on 19th April 1689 William Jepson, Secretary to the Treasury, instructed the Customs Commissioners to permit to pass, customs free, for transport to Holland, some bundles of long Western Cloths, with baize for lining, “now on board ‘The Hopewell’, Nicholas Ashley, Master, the same being for Col. O’Farrell’s regiment, he not having time enough during his stay in England to make up said cloth for his regiment, and intends to have them made up in Holland”. SOURCE: Francis Fergus O'Farrell 1650-1708 Also, the name crops up in relation to the production of Lancashire sailcloth and in the support of the school at Kendal (JOPSON).

·         There are also two deeds between an Alderman EMPSON and a Josiah JACKSON in Co. Kildare: ROD: 79:7:54258 & ROD: 91:72:63376

[24] W. MADDEN

[25] James HAMILL

[26] Mary GILES or GILIS

o   NOTE: None of Samuel’s brothers have a known daughter named Mary. Samuel’s half sister Mary JACKSON may have married a GILIS, and had a namesake daughter. None of his other sisters seem likely to be the mother of a Mary GILIS..

[27] Robert KING

[28] James BAYLEY. Other notes indicate that he was a Dublin merchant.

[29] Nicholas EVERELL of Coleraine

[30] Drakerath aka Drakerath, Parish of Staholnog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

[31] Castletown More, aka Castletownmoor Parish of Staholnog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

·         National Library: Dublin D16, 275 p119 Lease made by Mr. Robert JACKSON of town and lands of Castletownmoor near Kells for 31 years to commence from 1st May 1730 at yearly rent of £80 above taxes to Mr. John PIPPARD and set by Mr. PIPPARD in two holdings, the one to Valentine ELSON Senr & Valentine ELSON Jr. at £65.. the other to Capt Bury IRWIN at £62 … sd. Pippard has referred & last year of his lease to himself & right of tenancy. the profit rent is £47 … Cpt IRWIN has given sd PIPPARD £58 to stand as a security for his yearly rent which he forfeits if he suffers himself to be ejected for nonpayment of rent or otherways should leave said lands, but PIPPARD to allow him Interest for sd sum for [?] time he holds the same had profit rent of [?] last year to goe to sd IRWIN to reimburse him if soe long he holds [?] same which reduces [?] sd PIPPARD profit rent of £43-10- neat or clear of all deductions. NOTE: This Robert JACKSON may or may not be a relation. If this was Rev. Robert JACKSON (1690-1733), I would have thought that the word "Rev." would have been included, but it may have been before he became a minister.

·         This property was leased in 1759: ROD: 310-658-208530. Miles NORTH of Whittington in the Parish of Whittingtone Co Lancaster Esq of the 1 pt George CONNOR of [?] Castle Co Meath Esq of the other pt… released Castle town and lands of Ardlonan Castle cont 206 acres est  NOTE: Miles NORTH was a great-grandson of Jennet JACKSON, daughter of Rev. Richard JACKSON of Kirkby Lonsdale and she was a sister of Samuel JACKSON of Dublin. These were lands that had been owned by Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) of Dublin.

[32] Drishole is my guess at a transcription. TGF Paterson transcribes Grove’s transcription as Drishoe. A townland named Drissoge- which sounds similar - is in the Parish of Athboy, Barony of Lune in Co. Meath. I doubt that this is the correct townland because all the other Co. Meath townlands mentioned in this will are in either the Barony of Upper Kells or the Barony of Lower Kells. Also, in the Paterson version, they are described as “Estate of Inheritance”. This would make it even more likely that it was a townland close to the others, but with a later name that bears no resemblance to Drishoe. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

[33]  Ardlonan, Parish of Kilbeg, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

·         This property was leased in 1759: ROD: 310-658-208530. Miles NORTH of Whittington  in the Parish of Whittingtone Co Lancaster Esq of the 1 pt George CONNOR of [?] Castle Co Meath Esq of the other pt… released Castle town and lands of Ardlonan Castle cont 206 acres est  NOTE: Miles NORTH was a great-grandson of Jennet JACKSON, daughter of Rev. Richard JACKSON of Kirkby Lonsdale and she was a sister of Samuel JACKSON of Dublin. These were lands that had been owned by Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) of Dublin.

[34] Kisk. A townland of this name does not exist in Co. Meath. TGF Paterson transcribes it as Keske but that does not exist either. Instead, it is Reask aka Reisk aka Reask, Parish Emlagh, Barony of Lower Kells. It is geographically close to other townlands that Samuel JACKSON owned, SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

·         It is also a townland that Rev. Robert JACKSON (a nephew of Samuel JACKSON) inherited. SEE: ROD: 6-155-40941.

  • See also ROD: 339-371-229119 1781 Sep 7 Indentured deed between Miles NORTH late of Jackson's Hall in the County of Westmorland and now of the City of Dublin Esq. and Edward NORTH of Bloomfield in Co Dublin Esq. of the other part…. Miles NORTH had levied a fine sur conveyance de droit com ceo [ NOTE : Sur Cognizance De Droit Come Ceo. ... acknowledgment of a former conveyance originally made]; made and provided  unto the said Edward NORTH of all and singular the town and lands  of Knightston otherwise Kingstown otherwise Knitstown, Coleman's Town and Ballycle  otherise Ballanclea otherwise Ballinclea and the Commons belong to Ballincea situate lying and being in the County of Dublin…[also] lands of Castletownmore otherwise Castletownmoore, Ardlonan, Drishoge otherwise Dryshook, [Maxwellstown] Drakeath, Raisk otherwise Reiske otherwise Reuske, Emlough otherwise Emlogh and Oristown situate lying and being in the County of Meath [with all land and appurtenances] …. [also] lands of Lisgrea otherwise Lisgreath otherwise Lisgoath Drumagolan otherwise Drumaghagolan otherwise Drumgola, Brooklany otherwise Brackloney otherwise Bracklonagh otherwise Brally, Drumsamoney, Ashon otherwise Ashain or Asham otherwise Assondrass & Liskerry sitate lying and being  in Co. Cavan with all the appurtenances … [also … Town and lnds of Lattin otherwise Lattone, Dromad otherwise Dromadmoney, Meaghan, Dromconar otherwise Drumcannon otherwise Drumkenan otherwise Shentenagh otherwise Dromkonnan Drenkennan situate lying and being in Co Monaghan with the appurtenances etc…. WITNESS: Will CUTHBERT & Thomas ARMSTRONG both of the City of Dublin clerks to Henry BELAGH of the said City Gent. 

[35] Orestown aka Oristown, Parish of Teltown, Barony of Upper Kells, Co. Meath. 1,835 acres of it is now known as Baile Órthaí, with a smaller section on the east known as Oristown Town. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705. This is of interest since in the Trinity University Down Maps Project, of  the holding of Isaac JACKSON in Co. Meath (I believe he was the Quaker Isaac JACKSON):

Townland of FYANSTOWN

Down Survey Name: Oristowne
1641 Owner(s): Barnwell of Brymore (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): James Duke of York (Protestant); Barnewall, Matthias Baron Trimleston (Catholic); Jackson, Captain Isaack (Protestant)
County: Meath
Barony: Kells
Parish: Donnaghpatricke
Profitable land: 868 plantation acres
Forfeited: 868 plantation acres

NOTE: Fyanstown, Parish Donaghpatrick, Barony of Upper Kells, Co. Meath is on the western border of Oristown aka Baile Órthaí, Parish Teltown. SERIOUS HUNCH: Worth exploring: Since Isaak JACKSON was a Quaker, this could lead to the Quaker JACKSONs having more than business relationships with Samuel JACKSON and his family.

[36] Emlagh, Parish of Staholnog, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath. In the townland registry, it was sometimes called Island or else Island of Emlagh. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

  • NOTE: This holding went down through the generations and ended up with the NORTH family. ROD: 783-506-530241 May 5, 1823.  BTW Richard Taulmin NORTH of Thurland Castle Co. Lancashire of 1st pt & Christopher Armitage NICHOLSON of Balrath, Co. Meath, Ireland Es. Of the other pt. For considerations mention NORTH demised to NICHOLSON Town and Lands of Emlough otherwise Emlogh otherwise Emlach otherwise Emla in Barony of Kells, Co. Meath now in actual possession of Rt. Hon. Thomas TAYLOR commonly called Earl of Bective by virtue of lease 14 July 1883 made by late Miles NORTH Esq. deceased father of Richard Toulmin NORTH to the late Rt. Hon Thomas Earl of Bective deceased grandfather of the beforenamed Thomas Earl of Bective … WITNESS Susanna REYNOLDS of Harley Street Co. Middlesex  widow & John William BALL of Dominick Street, City of Dublin.

[37] Marvelstown, Parish of Kilbeg, Barony of Lower Kells, Co. Meath. SEE: Map of Samuel JACKSONs Holdings in Co. Meath in 1705.

[38] Knittstown – aka Knightstown, Lusk Civil Parish, Barony of Balrothery East, Co. Dublin.

·         55. SAMUEL JACKSON of Dublin, 22d June 1703; consideration, 500l.—In Colemanstowne, 40a.in Knightstowne,100a; bar. Newcastle and Nethercrosse, co. Dublin.—the estate of the late King James — Inrolled 20th October 1703. NOTE: In Index of Abstracts of Conveyances forfeited in 1688. SOURCE: Irish Records Commission 14th & 15th  p.370

This property was later leased in 1754:

·         ROD: 120-79-81900. Indentured deed btw Sir Oliver CROFTON of the City of Dublin Bart & Dame Abigail CROFTON otherwise Buckley otherwise JACKSON his wife. & Jane JACKSON of the City of Dublin spinster of the other part. Thomas COCKS of Mt Cashell in the County of Clare Gent of the other part imparting that the said Sir Oliver CROFTEN Abigail his wife, and  Jane JACKSON in pursuance of a minitt or article therein mentioned have been made theretofore made by Samuel JACKSON deceased to John BETSON deceased and in consid of the rents & agreements… demised to said Thomas COCKS the town and land of Knightstown otherwise Kingstown containing therin mentioned 121a 3r 2p in Parish of Lush Barony of Nethercross & Co of Dublin for 31 years. NOTE: Abigail was a daughter of Rev Leonard JACKSON, and Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) was her uncle.

[39] Ballyclea. aka Ballkintle aka Ballinclea Parish of Kill, Barony Rathdown, Co. Dublin. In the Down Survey of 1656-58, Rowland Goodman (protestant) held title of 30 acres in Ballintle, in the Parish of Kill. I suspect this is the same townland. At the time when King James was the Duke of York, the land was held by Sir William Domvill. After the Williamite War, the townland was once again up for grabs, and Samuel Jackson bought it in 1703. Some time after the abdication of James II, they were put up for auction by the trustees of the forfeited estates and sold to Mr. Samuel Jackson. SOURCE: A History of the County Dublin, Francis Errington Ball, Dublin 1902. p 60

·         23 SAMUEL JACKSON of Dublin esq. 14th June 1703, consideration 358l  - The town and lands of Ballyclea, 40A; bar Rathdowne, Co. Dublin. – the estate of the late King James – Inrolled 12th August 1703. NOTE: In Index of Abstracts of Conveyances forfeited in 1688. SOURCE: Irish Records Commission 14th & 15th  p.366

  • There is a story about Ballinclea & Sir Oliver Crofton husband of Samuel Jackson’s niece, Abigail:  The lands of Ballinclea, or the Town of the Mountain, were first mentioned in the time of the Commonwealth. They were then forfeited lands, and had belonged to the owner of Loughlinstown, James Goodman, who had mortgaged them to his cousin, Roland Goodman. The tithes were paid to the Cathedral of Christ Church, as they had, no doubt, been in mediaeval times to the Priory of the Holy Trinity. After the restoration of the lands, on which the two houses and a population of nine Irish, were granted amongst much other property, to the Duke of York, afterwards James II, and remained in his possession until his abdication. Some years after that event, in 1703, there were put up for auction by the trustees of the forfeited estates, and sold to Mr Samuel Jackson. They subsequently became the property of Sir Oliver Crofton, Bart, whose baronetcy, conferred on an ancestor after the restoration, became extinct on his death. Crofton was a rollicking blade, and did not bear the most immaculate character. In early life he had stood his trial for killing a man, one of the Massys of Duntrileague, in a duel, and his proceedings, after the death of his predecessor in the title, had not been to his credit. Attempts were made from time to time to induce people to build on the excellent sites which the lands of Ballinclea afforded, and finally Crofton came to live there himself. Loftus, was lands adjoined, found Crofton a most unpleasant neighbour, and, on his boundary wall being thrown down by Crofton and his servants, sought, in 1765, the protection of the House of Commons. The house found that a breach of privilege and been committed, and some of Crofton, servants, who had insulted Loftus, were taken into custody. The fine mansion, which now stands on the lands was built, in the last century, by the Talbots of Malahide, and is still occupied by members of the family. FOOTNOTE of source: Fleetwood’s Survey; Census of 1659; Certificate for adventurers and Soldiers, i., 58; book of postings on sale; Pue’s Occurrences, vol.xl., No 49, vol. lx., No. 9; Dublin Journal, Nos. 2026, 2522; Journals of the Irish House of Commons. A History of the County of Dublin: The People, Parishes and Antiquities from the earliest times to the close of the Eighteenth Century. Francis Erlington Ball. Dublin, 1902

·         In A list of the claims as they are entred with the Trustees: at Chichester House on College Green Dublin on or before the Tenth of August, 1700. Great Britain. Trustees for the Sale of the Forfeited Estates in Ireland. Printed by Joseph Ray. 1701. The transactions prior to 1701 are described on page 108. It had been held: By Lease from the late King James, when Duke of York, dated the 24th of June 70 to Sir Will. Domvill, came to Claimants Testator, as Executor of Sir Will. Domville, in trust for Sir Thomas Domvill, and now in the Claimants, as Executors to the Lord Bishop of Meath.

[40] Drumod, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne, Co. Monaghan.

o   In the 1670 survey, Michael Pockeridge held title to 205 acres of Drumod aka Drumood

o   NOTE: This may be a long shot, but a Mary JACKSON, daughter of a John JACKSON of Banbridge, listed in her 1860 will a lease to Drumfaldra, in the Parish of Aghnamullen, in the Barony of Cremorne. She also resided at Derryroosk, Parish Aghnamullen, Barony Cremorne. Both Drumfaldra and Derryroosk are close to Drumod. Mary JACKSON’s father was a John JACKSON of Banbridge (and I suspect in the linen industry).

[41] Latton, Parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan. In the 1670 survey, Edward ROWLEY held title to 139 Plantation acres in Latton;

[42] Meaghan aka Maghon, Parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan. In the 1670 survey, Matthew COLE held title to 147 acres of Maghon in 1670.

[43] Money, Parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan. In the 1670 survey, Michael Pockeridge held title to 87 acres in Money;

[44] Drumcanon probably aka Drumcunnion, Parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan. In the 1670 survey, Matthew COLE held title to 142 acres in Drumcanon. NOTE: In the 1781 deed, the property is described as:"Dromconar otherwise Drumcannon otherwise Drumkenan otherwise Shentenagh otherwise Dromkonnan Drenkennan" in Co. Monaghan. NOTE: There are two townlands of Shantonagh:

·          Shantonagh, Ballybay Civil Parish, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan

·         Shantonagh, Aghnamullen Civil Parish, Barony of Cremorne,

[45] Hugh ROWLEY. Among the tenants of the barony of Dunluce in the liberties of Coleraine were Sir John Rowley, Hugh RowleySOURCE: Coleraine in By-gone Centuries. Rev. T.H. Mullin. Belfast. 1976.

·         There are two Hugh ROWLEYs who are the most likely contenders to be this person:

o   Hugh ROWLEY of Culmore, son of William ROWLEY of Tobermore & Londonderry & Mary DILLON of Castle Dillon; This Hugh ROWLEY served as MP in 1692 for Newtownlimavady, and married Mary ROWLEY, eldest daughter of Edward ROWLEY of Castleroe.

o   Hugh ROWLEY son of Edward ROWLEY who married Martha O’CONOLY. He was famed for preventing a plot on October 23, 1641 for the overthrow of Dublin.

[46] Drumgola, Parish of Urney, Barony of Upper Loughtee, Co. Cavan aka Drumgolan [ROD:91-158-63780] Drumagolan is in Civil Parish of Killinkere, in the Barony of Castlerahan, NOTE: Because Drumagolan is in the Civil Parish of Killinkere, in the Barony of Castlerahan, , as is Lisgrea is on its western border, this is the most likely townland (rather than Drumgola, Parish of Urney, Barony of Upper Loughtee, Co. Cavan aka Drumgolan) See: ROD:91-158-63780. ROD: 339-371-229119 1781 Sep 7 NOTE: I have made many stabs at trying to organize my thinking around the JACKSONs of Co. Cavan. My Cavan Links are here.

[47] Bratley. Probably Brackloney Castlerahan Civil Parish, Barony of Castlerahan, In ROD:91-158-63780 dated 1781 Deed, a deed where one of Samuel JACKSON’s relations holds these Co. Cavan lands, there is a townland described as: Brackloney [Castlerahan Civil Parish, Barony of Castlerahan,] otherwise Bracklonagh otherwise Brally in Co. Cavan. NOTE: Earlier I had thought that it might have been Pollymore Near & Pollymore Far, Parish of Annagaliff, Barony of Upper Loughtee, Co. Cavan. My hunch is based on where these townlands are located, which is close to other Jackson townlands, and as well as there was an earlier Jackson lease for a Pollybrolly - which sounds a bit like a "poll of Bratley". SOURCE: The Conquest of Ireland: An Historical Account of the Plantation in Ulster at the Commencement of the Seventeenth Century. By Rev. George Hill. Irish Genealogical Foundation, 2004 reprint. Page 466: Sir George [MAINWARING], on 20 August 1616, ... did demise unto Bartholomew Jackson and his assigns the other pole called Pollybrally, for 41 years. See also: Jacksons of Co. Cavan.

[48] Lisnagroat –. Aka Lisgrea (Lios Cré) , Lurgan Civil Parish, Barony of Castlerahan, Co. Cavan SEE: ROD:91-158-63780 and ROD: 339-371-229119 1781 Sep 7. NOTE: I have made many stabs at trying to organize my thinking around the JACKSONs of Co. Cavan. My Cavan Links are here.

[49] Sir Robert HAMILTON. SOURCE: Genealogical and heraldic history of the extinct and dormant baronetcies ... Sir Bernard Burke p607: HAMILTON, OF MONELLA. lineage.

John Hamilton, esq. of Carronery, in the county of Cavan, and of Monella, in the county of Armagh, next brother of James Hamilton, created Viscount Claneboy, in 1362, m. Sarah, daughter of Sir Anthony Brabazon, governor of Connaught, and died in 1639, leaving issue Hans, his heir, James, Francis of Tullyhrick, in the county of Armagh, and of Cran, in Cavan; Mary and Ellinor. The eldest son,

Sir Hans Hamilton, knt. of Monella, and Hamilton's Bawn, M.P. for the county of Armagh, was created a Baronet 6th April 1662. He m. Magdalen, daughter of Sir Edward Trevor, knt. and had an only daughter,

Sarah, m. to Sir Robert Hamilton, knt, of Mount Hamilton, in the county of Armagh. Sir Hans died suddenly 15th February 1681, when the Baronetcy became Extinct, but the estates devolved on Sir Hans' son-in-law,

Sir Robert Hamilton, knt. of Mount Hamilton, who was appointed Sir Hans' successor as custos rotulorum of the county, and 19th February, 1682, created a Baronet. He d. in 1703, and was s. by his son,

Sir Hans Hamilton, second Baronet, ft. in 1676, who m. Jane, eldest daughter of Clotworthy, second Viscount Massereene, and had an only daughter and heiress,

Anne, m. to James Campbell, esq. of London,

who assumed the surname of Hamilton, and

d. 7th July 1749, aged eighty.

Sir Hans d. at Utrecht in 1729 or 1730, and with him the second Baronetcy became Extinct.

Amu— Gu. three cinquefoils erm. on a chief or, a lion passant guardant gu.

·         SOURCE: Heraldry of HAMILTONs.

[50] Clifford is a small village in Leeds – another Leeds connection for the Jackson family – in West Yorkshire.

[51] [W?] WITHERS. This is a name found in the landowning class in Yorkshire. The Rev. William WITHERS (?-1737) was the Vicar of Tunstall near Kirkby Lonsdale (This may or may not be him). He was appointed by George I in 1718 to replace Vicar Edmund TATUM who was ejected for not taking the oaths within the time directed by Act of Parliament. William WITHERS lived at Overtown aka Over Town, a small hamlet in the village of Tunstall. He had a brother Edmund WITHERS.

[52] Henry ARKWRIGHT was the husband of Dorothy JACKSON, one of Samuel JACKSON’s nieces. She was a daughter of his brother John JACKSON of Balleghy, Co. Londonderry. Henry ARKWRIGHT probably died after 1726, and was of Dublin.

  • Benthams Abstracts: John JACKSON of Ballyaghy Co. Londonderry Gent. To Elizabeth FARQUHAR als JACKSON wife of John FARQUHAR the Relict – Dorothy ARKWRIGHT (wife of Henry ARKWRIGHT), Ann DOWLING [sic – DOWNING] (wife of Adam D), Elizabeth, Margaret, Alice & Martha JACKSON all the children. 6 Feb 1693
  • He appears in a Memorial of a deed in 1718 – ROD: 21-540-12421: Henry Arkwright of City of Dublin Esq & Thomas JACKSON same Esq of the second part and John Reyly of the same Gent of the third part. Proper Lane in Oxmantown ...witnesses Whitfield Doyne, Richard JACKSON, of the City of Dublin & by Michael Doyle and Thomas Cook of Dublin.
  • And in another deed in 1726 – ROD: 52-89-33668: John BALL of Loghross, Co. Armagh, Esq. of 1st part & Thomas JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. Of the other part ... sell to Thomas JACKSON all that tate of the old Castle of Creckstown & 106A 1R 34P of the land thereunto adjoining in the Barony of Ratoath, Co. Meath. WITNESS: William CHURCH of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, Gent; John DOWNING of City of Dublin, Gent; Henry ARKWRIGHT, City of Dublin.
  • He is also named in the will of Samuel Jackson’s brother William JACKSON: Per will made 24 January 1686/7 proved 29 Oct 1688 :Wm Jackson of Coleraine, Londonderry

Settlement of 23-24 June 1679 of estate in England & Ireland on eldest son William charged with £500 for 2nd son Richard when 21 altered now by ordering that Richard should have lands in Manor of Kirby Lonsdale in England

£500 to each younger child

My leases of Manors of Mercers & Clothworkers

Wife to be guardian of children till sons be 21 & daughters 18

& to be executrix & to her use of Mansion House etc

[?] my brother Samuel Jackson & Henry Arkwright

The latter if in my service

[53] Capt Adam DOWNING (1666 - 1719) of Londonderry.

·         He was the husband of Ann JACKSON, and she was the daughter of John JACKSON (1630-?), a brother of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) .

o   NOTE: Initially I had Adam DOWNING’s wife’s name as Margaret JACKSON based on Burke’s pedigree, but DOWING family research has compelling evidence that the wife of Adam DOWNING was Ann JACKSON, daughter of John JACKSON -not Margaret, daughter of Thomas. This information is on the Downing family vault St Tida’s Church, Bellaghy Co. Londonderry. Adam Downing also named his wife as Ann in his will. SOURCE: A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland Vol. 1 A-L. John Burke, Esq. London 1847. p.453. Col. Adam Downing, who went over to Ireland's William III, held the rank of colonel in his army. He was present at the siege of Derry, and there gave early and signal proofs of his courage. Subsequently he raised a body of men at his own expense, and served during the war in Ireland, participating in the battle of the Boyne, and contribute eminently, by his gallantry and skill, to the success of the party with which he was engaged. For these services he received the appointments of deputy governor of the County of Derry, Colonel of the militia, and one of the commissioners of array, and was also granted by his royal master a large tract of land in the County of Derry, still possessed by his descendent. He married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Jackson, Esq. of Coleraine, ancestor of Sir George Jackson, Bart, by Margaret Beresford, of a noble family of Waterford, and had a son and successor. John Downing, Esq. of Dawsons Bridge, who inherited the spirit of his father, and raised, during the rebellion of 1745, at considerable expense, a body of men to serve his King and country in a moment of great difficulty and danger. He married Margaret, daughter and heir of the Rev. J. ROWE, D.D., descended from an ancient Devonshire family, and had three sons namely, Clotworthy, his heir who had two sons John and Giffard. The latter a military officer, was severely wounded at Corunna. John died D.S.P.

[54] Charles KING

[55] John MASON One possible clue is in the 1659 Census of Ireland which includes the Barony of Ratoath, and the mention of a Matthew MASON

[56] Terrence REILLY. NOTE: The REILLY aka REILY name crops often in JACKSON legal agreements. There is likely a family connection here that I have yet to find.



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