1896 October 29 The China Mail
Yesterday the police were informed that a valuable Siamese cat belonging to Mr. T. Jackson[1] of Hong Kong and Shanghai banking was missed from Mr. Jackson's Peak residence. From information gathered by the police two earth coolies were arrested. It appears the cat had strayed from the house, and several terriers chased it, and it sought safety by climbing up a tree. Several earth coolies witnessed the chase, stoned the poor cat to death. That evening a large party assembled around a festive board, at which porch the cat was served up as a principal dish. Rumour has it that a wily Constable was attracted to the house where the feast was held by the delicious odours from the dish, and he thereby secured the two prisoners. At the Majesty Court Commander Hastings sentenced to two coolies to six weeks hard labour. The police are searching for the third coolie who took part in the slaughter.
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