Leases mentioning Sandymount Co Wicklow.
This page is to help me to find the ancestors of Rev.
William JACKSON (1737-1794) - the United Irishman. In the hope of protecting
his estate for his wife, he took poison in the hours after his conviction but
before his sentencing and died in the court. His wife was pregnant with their 2nd child and lived in France for the next 20 years. It has been slim pickings when
it comes to readily available evidence about either of them. So far, I have
been unable to find a first name for either his father or mother. My starting
point was that his mother was a member of the GORE family, and an aunt of his was
married to Dr. Edward SALE, a lawyer. I will soon be posting a blog piece on my progress with this
Just to confound amateurs like myself, it turns out that
there are two Sandymount Parks – one in Co. Wicklow, and one on the outskirts
of Dublin, and both have connections to Jackson leases. The ones for the Co.
Wicklow Sandymount show connections between GORE, SALE and JACKSON families of
the late 1600s and early 1700s. At the bottom of this post, I have links to other
work that I have done as part of making sense of these connections.
It may also be that there is a family connection between the
KENNEDYs in Co. Wicklow of Newtownmountkennedy and the KENNEDYs of Co. Down. I
will post more on that front as this work progresses. In the meantime:
Thanks to Shane Wilson’s post on the IGP Co. Dublin Facebook
site in July 2018, I was reminded of Taylor
and Skinner’s 1777 map. |
More detail beneath - NOTE: Tinny Park is right beneath Sandymount. |

and Skinner’s 1777 map has North at the bottom and South at the top. I
have created a version with our current North-South orientation.
Because I traced the original before adding the names and places, the icons for
the houses are upside down.
This glitch is part of how I continue to retain
my amateur status.
In the clip of a contemporary Ordnance Survey Map beneath,
I have used red circles to identify places from the Taylor & Skinner map,
and green ones to indicate my best guess for places where the exact location
is still not known to me - yet. So far, these place names include:
- Willow Grove, home of William LAMB Esq. (will
proved 1724) – his son was Charles LAMB. The LAMB family connection is
of interest because of leases described near the bottom of this post.
- Johnstown - possibly in Parish of Kilcoole.
- Sandymount (leased at various times by members of
the SALE, GORE and JACKSON families in the 1700s). It is probably in
Parish of Newtown Upper (which used to be referred to as Manor of
Mountkennedy). This parish is west of the Parish of Newcastle Lower and
south of the Parish of Kilcoole.
- Seaview (home of GORE family). I am not sure
which townland it was in.
See also a version at Google
Maps. |
Some Sandymount Park deeds of interest (other leases and clues included in a second chart beneath):
Bk |
Pg |
Mem |
Names |
Place |
Date |
Notes |
17 |
294 |
8878 |
SALE, John |
Wicklow |
1716 Mar 16 |
Deed of Mtg btw John SALE of Co.
Dublin Esq of the other part. Reciting that Edward KENNEDY of Mountkennedy
Co. Wicklow deceased and Dame Katherine KENNEDY his wife did by an indenture
of lease Sept 15, 1709 set unto John SALE all that land by the name Sandymount Park containing 10 acres more or
less in Manor of Mountkennedy Parish and Barony of Newcastle Co. Wicklow for
term of 3 lives renewable for rent of one pepper during the life of John SALE
… mtg to Richard WARBURTON. |
36 |
472 |
23685 |
SALE, John |
Wicklow |
1718 Sep 17 |
Image 248
John SALE Esq. of Round Field, Barony Newcastle, Co. Wicklow 41ac pt Ballyhorsey [Ballyhorsey, Parish Kilcoole, Barony Newcastle] being Knockmorrisbuey, Cross Fields, Lough Park, field adj Rabbit Park, Round Field, house in Ballyhorsey in possession of John ELLIS, Barony Newcastle, co Wicklow. [see ROD:.37-513-23686 and v.65 46602] NOTE: This is just north of Newtownmountkennedy. He is likely the John SALE , grandfather of Rev. William JACKSON,(1737-1795) the United Irishman. |
109 |
354 |
76168 |
JACKSON, Ann & ors |
Wicklow |
1743 Mar 24 |
JACKSON-SALE Book Index 1730-45
Ann JACKSON of City of Dublin widow of
1 pt & Catherine SALE of City of Dublin widow of Edward SALE Esq edc’d
Doctor of Laws. Ann JACKSON in consid of £443 to her paid by the said
Catherine SALE did make over land known by the name of Sandymount Park cont 10 acres in Manor of
Mount Kennedy Parish & Barony of Newcastle, Co Wicklow. WITNESS:
Henry GORE & Pat DUNN both of City of Dublin Gent. Signed by Anne JACKSON |
75 |
270 |
52899 |
GORE, Edward |
Wicklow |
1733 Mar 13 |
BTW John CRAWFORD Esq on behalf
of Sir William DUDLEY Baronet & others interested in the Manor of Mount
Kennedy, Co. Wicklow of the 1 pt & Doctr Edward SALE of the other part.
Whereby the said John CRAWFORD let to the said Edward SALE the lands of Sandymount Park parcel of the said Manor
except such part of Sandymount as the
said Edward SALE is intitled to under a lease of lives heretofore granted to
John SALE Esq. his father. By Sir Richard KENNEDY Baronet Deceased and also
the Lough Meadow on the west side of the orchard of Mount Kennedy which
premises are now in the tenure or occupation of the said Edward SALE and are
lying in the Barony of New Castle Co. Wicklow to hold for Edward SALE for the
lives of him the said Edward SALE and Katherine his wife and Avis SALE
spinster his sister … WITNESS Richard JONES of Newtown Mountkennedy Co.
Wexford Gent & James ENGLISH of the City of Dublin GENT. Mem WITNESS:
James ENGLISH & Harvey SALE jr of City of Dublin |
102 |
223 |
70490 |
Wicklow |
1740 Sep 3 |
Whereby Marlborough STERLING granted
to Anne JACKSON of the City of Dublin Widow & heirs subject to condition
of redemption all that parcel of land known as Sandymount
Park Containing 10 acres in Manor of Mount Kennedy & Parish &
Barony of New Castle Co. Wicklow. WITNESS: William ALKINS & Matthew
PAGEIT both of City of Dublin Gent |
115 |
466 |
81242 |
SALE, Katherine |
1745 Mar 9 |
Btw Katherin SALE of City of Dublin
widow & relict of Edward SALE Esq deceased Doctor of Laws of the one part
and Richard GORE of the City of Dublin Esq. of the other part . Reciting deed
where Katherine SALE in consideration of the sum of £290 paid by Richard GORE
did grant to Richard GORE in his actual possession parcel of land called Sandymount containing 10 acres in Manor of
Mount Kennedy Parish Barony of New Castle Co. Wicklow for life of Katherine
SALE Avis SALE & Garrett WESTLY … WITNESS: Margaret BALAGUIER of City of
Dublin Widow & John ALLEN of City of Dublin Gent. |
117 |
395 |
81244 |
SALE, Katherine |
Wicklow |
1745 Mar 9 |
BTW Katherine SALE of City of Dublin
widow of 1 pt & Richard GORE of City of Dublin Esq of the other part …
land of Sandymount as the said
Katherine SALE is intitled to under a lease for lives heretofore granted to
John SALE Esq deceased by Sir Richard KENNEDY Bart deceased… 10 acres in
Manor of Mount Kennedy Parish Barony Newcastle Co. Wicklow. WITNESS Margaret
BALAQUEIR of City of Dublin widow; John ALLEN of same.
NOTE: Benthams Abstracts: Richard GORE of Sandymount Co. Wicklow Esq.
18 Jun 1763 6 May 1765
Cousin John GORE In Majesty Solicitor
Brother-in-law Rev. Thanley GORE
Wife Anne GORE
Have his children shown
[?] |
117 |
396 |
81245 |
SALE, Katherine |
Dublin |
1745 Mar 28 |
BTW Katherine SALE of City of Dublin
widow of Edward SALE late of City of Dublin. Release made by Katherine SALE
of City of Dublin widow of Edward SALE late of City of Dublin deceased &
Avis SALE of the same spinster only sister and heir at law of Edward SALE of
1st pt; Richard STEELE of City of Dublin Gent of 2nd pt
& Richard GORE of City of Dublin 3rd pt. After reciting
the said Katherine SALE & Avis SALE in consideration of 10s paid to
Katherine SALE and £5 paid to Avis SALE by Richard STEELE granted to Richard
STEELE in his actual possession parcel of land known as Sandymount in Manor of Mountkennedy and
Parish and Barony of Newcastle, Co. Wicklow … during natural lives of the
said Katherine SALE, Avis SALE & Garrett WESTLEY. WITNESSES: Margaret
BALAQUEIR of City of Dublin widow; John ALLEN of same. NOTE: In 1737 Edward
SALE Esq. J.U.D. was the Register of the Consistory Court in Dublin. SOURCE: The
Gentleman and Citizen’s Almanack for 1737.
He died in 1743 The
Gentleman’s and London Magazine or Monthly Chronologer 1741-1794. Richard GORE (1728-1816) was of Sandymount, Co. Wicklow. He was a son of Sir Ralph GORE &
Elizabeth ASHE. |
130 |
221 |
88704 |
Wicklow |
1748 Apr 2 |
BTW Elizabeth GORGES of City of Dublin
Spinster of 1 pt; [?] Richard GORE of Sandymount Co. Wicklow Esq & Joseph GREEN of City of Dublin Esq. of the other &
the release made btw Ralph GORE of Barrowmount Co. Kilkenny Esq. of the 1st pt the said Elizabeth GORGES of the 2nd pt; Hamilton GORGES of
Rathbeale Co. Dublin Esq. & Thomas BURROUGHS of City of Dublin Gent of 3rd pt.. Release of Ralph GORE in consideration of a marriage then intended to be
had betw him the said Ralph GORE & Elizabeth … granted to Hamilton GORGES
… town and lands of Barrowmore … & town and lands of Killblaine &
lands of Ballyleagh otherwise Ballyleogein Parish Rowe Barony Idagh, Co.
NOTE: Ralph GORE married Elizabeth GORGES 7 May 1748. |
Some leases suggest a possible link between at least one
branch of the GOREs and either the JACKSONs of Duddington, Northamptonshire or else the JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry.
- Since Sandymount is not a townland, it was likely located
within the boundaries of one of the townlands mentioned in the leases beneath.
The Francis JACKSON mentioned is probably Francis JACKSON d 1740. He was
the 2nd surviving son of Thomas JACKSON of Duddington Hall. SEE: JACKSONs of Duddington.
- The CUSACK mention is also intriguing because an Arthur
GORE (d btw 1726-1730) married a Maybella CUSACK (d bef 1733). This Arthur
GORE was a son of Brig. Gen. Francis GORE (d. abt 1723) and Catherine GORE
– a marriage which joined the GOREs of Co. Clare with those GORES from Co.
- The Richard GORE (1728-1816) of Sandymount, mentioned above, was a son of Sir Ralph GORE
(1675-1733) of Donegal & Dublin & Elizabeth ASHE (?-1741) of Derry
& Dublin. SEE: The ASHE
CROKER, JACKSON & CUSACK & Lands near Mount Kennedy.
Bk |
Pg |
Mem |
Names |
Place |
Date |
Notes |
74 |
211 |
50840 |
JACKSON, Francis |
Wicklow |
1733 Jan 17 |
Tripartite deed btw John ROSE of
Catherstock Co. Northton [aka Northamptonshire] Esq. of 1st pt;
Sir William DUDLEY of [Clugtown] Co. Northton Esq. of 2nd pt.
John CROKER of City of Dublin Gent of 3rd pt. Indented deed,
Assignment between John ROSE of Catherstock, Co of Northton, Esq made over to
John CROKER all that the manor or lordship of Mountkenny [Parish Newcastle
Upper, Barony of Newcastle] + other lands in Co Wicklow [Newtown aka Newtown
Mount Kennedy], Mount Kennedy (see Kennedy
Demesne (aka Mount Kennedy Demesne), Ballyronan, Killpider aka Kilpedder
East or Kilpedder
West, Johnstowne aka Johnstown, Cooldoyle aka Cooladoyle, Colloughill [probably Callowhill
Lower and/or Callowhill
Upper], Monflough, Trudder, Kildea [probably Kilday], Ballinabarny, Ballinehinch (Ballinahinch
Lower, Ballinahinch
Middle, Ballinahinch
Upper) Monelean (possibly Tuckmill),
Ballygaraid (probably Ballygarrett), Towmore (probably Togher
More), Killouge, Courtfoyle,, Kiltemon aka Kiltimon, Knockballycanig, Feeyour [Teetour], Carrigebogh, Ballynach and
Ballyroughan the two Drombanes & part of Ballyhorse [possibly Ballyhorsey], townlands of Kilmurry [probably Kilmurry
Lower] near Mount Kennedy the town and lands of
Teerakin, Knockralyn, Carrickmuck, Corsillough aka Corsillagh, Moneyspigg a parcel of land called the Point Meadow and also
part of town and lands of Kilmurry [probably Kilmurry],
Parish Upper Newcastle), Glancappin [Glencap
Commons North? Or Glencap
Commons South], for residue of term of 99 years
granted by an indenture of 3 Jun 1730 in presence of Francis JACKSON of
Doddington [sic – Duddington] Co. Northton Gent & John CUSACK of
Blatherwick Co. Northton & Memorial executed by WITNESS John ROSE in
presence of said Francis JACKSON and John CUSACK. NOTE: Some of the notes were
contributed by Nick Reddan.
SEE: NL - MS 38,576/2 Lease of lands at Courtfoyle, Kiltimon,
[Kilpedder], Trudder, Kilday and others in the Barony of Newcastle, County
Wicklow between Sir John [Barlow], Dublin, and Richard Kennedy, Mountkennedy.
2 Oct. 1667 |
The MITCHELBURN-JACKSON link is also enticing.
- Richard MITCHELBURN (d. btw. 1715-1719) and was of Ballyarthur,
Parish Castlemacadam, Barony Arklow. He married a Mary JACKSON, I have yet
to find any JACKSON family connection for her.
- Col. John MITCHELBURN (1647-1721) married Susan
BERESFORD (d. 1706). Her first husband was William JACKSON (1628-1688)
SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine,
Londonderry. Their marriage was not a happy one, and she died
at the St. Mary’s Lane Dublin residence of her brother-in-law Samuel
JACKSON (1641-1706).
- It is not impossible that Mary JACKSON was a relation of the
William JACKSON of Coleraine.
- Richard MITCHELBURNE’s will is suggestive of other
connections to land leases near Sandymount, as is the will of Edward
RILEY. I have yet to follow up on these.
The ASHE family is another worthwhile line of inquiry with respect to connections between GOREs
and JACKSONs. The class of people who held title to significant leases was
quite small, and intermarriages were the rule not the exception.
MITCHELBURNE, LAMB and RILEY related leases of interest
Bk |
Pg |
Mem |
Date |
Notes |
13 |
62 |
5013 |
1713 Feb 26 |
Lease & Release
John OSBURN of City of Dublin of 1st part. Richard MITCHELBURNE Ballyarthur,
[Castlemacadam, Barony Arklow], Co Wicklow Gent of 2nd part .
Release 27 Feb 1713 btw John OSBURN of City of Dublin Gent of 1 pt & Richard
MITCHELBURN of 2nd pt & Rev Thomas WHALEY of Suddent Co.
Meath Clke of 3rd pt. L&R John OSBURN in consid of £400 granted
to MITCHELBURN townlands of Slieveroe [Parish Moyne, Barony Ballinacor South], Newbane & Connygarry part of
Tullyluske [aka Tullylusk.
Parish Dunganstown, Barony Arklow] containing 400a for lease by lives from
George OSBORNE to said John OSBURN in Barony of Arklow,part of Timullin [aka Timullin,
Parish Kilcommon, Barony Arklow] Co. Wicklow in possession of James LINLEA
undertenant to Thomas WILLIAMS farmer granted for 31 years… and likewise
lands of Rahana [possibly Knockrahan] Co. Wicklow for lives of John OSBURN
& wife Sarah OSBURN & Richard MITCHELBURNE … and also lease
from Thomas WENTWORTH to Richard MITCHELBURN… in consid of £400 by Richard
MITCHELBURN to John OSBORNE was the money of Rev. Thomas WHALEY of
Sudden, Richard MITCHELBURNE acting in trust for WHALLEY, for 400a, By
Arklow, Co Wicklow, held on lease
from George OSBURN to John OSBURN
& previously held by George OSBURN. John OSBURN also granting property in
Co Wicklow held by Thomas WILLIAMS, farmer, for 31 years by a lease in
reversion from George OSBURN to Richard MITCHELBURN. |
17 |
104 |
8306 |
1716 July 6 |
Btw Richard Lord Viscount ROSSE of one
pt & Richard MITCHELBURNE of City of Dublin Esq of other pt. … in
consid of £567 paid by Richard MITCHELBURNE… a number of townlands in Baron
Arkloe, Co. Wicklow to hold for lives of Charles LAMBE eldest son of William
LAMBE of Willow Grove Co Wicklow Esq. Richard LAMBE 2nd son and
Lawrence CROW eldest son of William CROW of City of Dublin Gent…. WITNESS:
William LAMB, Francis ANDERSON. |
25 |
172 |
14626 |
1719 Dec 24 |
Will of Richard MITCHELBURNE
Bequeathed to his wife Mary
MITCHELBOURNE, als JACKSON during her natural life the town and lands of Ballyarthur,
[at Kilcandra, nr. Vale of Avoca, Co. Wicklow] and the Mansionhouse thereon
and after her decease he devises the said house and lands to his sister Mrs.
Rachel SUNDHAM and his niece Mrs. Elizabeth SYMS and her heirs., and if no
heirs to Law CROW [Lawrence CROW] eldest son of cousin Jane CROW, and if no
heirs to Richard LAMB, 2nd son of his cousin William and Ann LAMB
From Eustace abstracts: 188 MITCHELBURNE, RICHARD, Dublin, gent. 31
Jan. 1715. Narrate, J p., 24 Dec. 1719. Wife Mary als. Jackson, extx. Sister
Mrs. Rachell Sandham. Niece Mrs. Elizabeth Syms. Niece Mrs. Mary Syms. Law.
Crow, eldest son of his cozen Jane Crow. Richard Lamb, second son of his
cozen William and Anne Lamb. His brother Mitchelburn. Michael and John Syms, William
Crow, Jane Kirby and her children, Alice Charles, Richard Dickinson, Cornett
John Russell, John Osborn (friend) and Sarah his wife, legatees. Ballyarthur,
the two Ballanas [? Ballanagh, Co. Wicklow], Knockduffe, Ballycullen [? Co.
Wicklow], Ballynesragh, Killkashell and Rutland [situation not mentioned? all
in Co. Wicklow]. Witnesses : Richard Vincent, Francis Anderson, Dublin,
gents., Francis Armitstead, clerk to said Francis Anderson. Memorial
witnessed by : Francis Anderson, Chris. Inch, Will, Crow. 25, 172, 14626.
Mary Mitchelburne (seal) |
25 |
190 |
14709 |
1718 Jul 18 |
From Eustace Wills: RILEY, EDWARD,
Dublin, Esq. 18 July 1718. Narrate, 3| p., 18 Jan. 1719. Wife Mary Riley. Son
James Riley. A former settlement of £20 per annum for maintenance of the then
wife of said James the son " whilst she continued his wife and resided
in England." Daughter Martha Towers, Anthony Towers her only son.
Daughter Anne Vincent. Her eldest son Edward Vincent, her second son Thomas,
her third son Spencer and her fourth son Richard Vincent. His brother James.
His grandson Richard Nuttall son of his daughter Lucy Nuttall deceased.
Walter Rily [? Riley], Castletown, Co. Meath, gent. Richard Mitchellburne,
Ballyarthur, Co. Wicklow, Esq., and John Ormsby, Esq., trustees. Lands of
inheritance in counties Meath, Westmeath and Tipperary : Killeen, Rathmore,
Flaghbegg, Fiermore, Killenmoda, Sheashaghinore, Burroskeane and fairs and
marketts, Liscantane and bog and commons, and Gatross [? Gaulross] all in Co.
Tipperary. Orestown, Killmainhambegg, Leastowne, Felltown, St. John's Land,
Kell, Gardenrath, Syddenrath, Rectorys of Gorly [Girley], and Martry,
Tankardstown and tythes, Harlestown, Milltown als. Milestown, Boolish,
Donogpatrick, Archerstowne, impropriate tythes etc., all in Co. Meath.
Williamstown, Simonstown and Mayne, Co. Westmeath. Ormond Key and High
Street, Dublin. Ballymurroghroe, Co. Wicklow. Witnesses: Rev. James
Cunningham, Armagh, clerk, Richard Cunningham, Dublin, merchant, Francis
Anderson, Dublin, gent. Memorial witnessed by : Francis Anderson, J.
Stothard. Ann Vincent (seal) 25, 190, 14709. Rich. Vincent (seal) |
· Articles of agreement concerning sale of the timber and trees by
William Lamb of Willowgrove on behalf of Elizabeth Kennedy (a minor)
sole daughter and heiress
- Dublin Memorials of Deeds - 1708-1725.
- Bethams Abstracts GORE.
- 2018 GORE and SALE aka SALL deeds.
- Mentions of GOREs in the Crossle Genealogical Abstracts.GOREs of Ireland. There are 264 members of the GORE
family listed here - as well as hundreds of other people. This is my first
stab at creating this family tree, and there are bound to be errors.
- Benthams Abstracts. My focus here has been on
JACKSONs, with a few strays caught up in my net because they belong to
collateral family trees that interest me. I have made a start on
cross referencing these entries with deeds etc.
- The ASHE
family. My purpose in researching
this line has been to see what I can learn about some of the collateral
links to both JACKSONs and GOREs. SEE ALSO:
- GORE family of Ireland. There are 264 members of the
GORE family listed here - as well as hundreds of other people. This is my
first stab at creating this family tree, and there are bound to be
errors. My purpose in assembling the tree was to find the mother of Rev.
William JACKSON (1737-1795) - the well-known United Irishman. I still do
not know the surname of his maternal grandmother - and would love to find
- Jacksons of Tobermore. This is a start on making
sense of the likely ancestry and connections of the JACKSONs of Tobermore
- possibly connected to JACKSONs of Coleraine as well as several lines
of JACKSONs in Co. Down. If new evidence comes to light, some of my
assumptions may need to change. I look forward to learning from the
insight of others.