I have assembled a pretty extensive table containing all that I have collected so far that may relate to both Tullyvallen as well as to various relations of JACKSONs. I suspect they will turn out to be related to the families of Liscalgot & Urker.
Sharon Oddie Brown December 29, 2010 Update: January 1, 2019. Added map of all Tullyvallen townlands.
SEE: JACKSONs of Tullyvallen.
Updated January 13, 2019 New images and details - in highlighted cells. |
Updated February 17, 2021. (Additions shaded in light blue) |
Tullyvallen Jacksons and various relations of theirs.
The map beneath is based on the map which can be found at Irish Townlands. There are 6 townlands with the name Tullyvallen. |
NOTE the uppermost tip of Tullyvallen Hamilton West. It is bounded by the Cullyhanna River. Further north, the Cullyhanna River was known as the White River, and further south it was known as the Creggan River. Eventually the White, Cullyhanna and Creggan Rivers (all the same river) flow into the Castletown River in Co. Louth which enters the sea at Dundalk. Bearing in mind that rivers often made for better transportation routes than roads, this is a significant river to track.
The map beneath includes a property looks to be a perfect fit with that section in the uppermost tip of Tullyvallen Hamilton West. This section of 5 acres includes the ruins of a mill. SOURCE: This image has been made available for use on this site thanks to the Armagh County Museum (accession # ARMCM.1.2019). |
was also known as Tollyvallen. The site https://thecore.com/seanruad/ shows their relative acreages:
Townland |
Acres |
County |
Barony |
Civil Parish |
Tullyvallan |
4,655 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
(Hamilton) West |
81 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
(Hamilton) East |
294 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
(Macullagh) |
181 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
(Tipping) East |
151 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
(Tipping) West |
204 |
Armagh |
Fews Upper |
Newtownhamilton |
Castleblayney |
Other sites with more Tullyvallen info:
http://www.cregganhistory.co.uk/newtownhamilton/tullyvallen.htm and
Also: The MacGeogh Bond Papers: http://www.proni.gov.uk/records/private/macg_b.htm
Newtownhamilton is on the northern border of the Parish of
Creggan. Thi is near where the JACKSONs of Urker and Lisnadill lived.
I have also included the BROWNEs of Tullyvallen in the
following table. They are potentially interesting in terms of my notion that Rev.
Daniel Gunn BROWNE – who lived and held a lease at Glenborn House at
Tullyvallen - is very possibly an uncle of Thompson BROWNE. Rev. BROWNE’s wife
was Margaret JACKSON, also their daughter, Eliza, was married to a nephew, James
The proximity of the JACKSONs of Forkhill may also prove to
be significant to the ancestry of the Tullyvallen JACKSONs. The Forkhill
ancestors – leading back to the mid-1600s in Coleraine, Co. Londonderry - are
well researched and include the Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of the famous Forkhill
JACKSON trust. Significantly, his family crest includes the same kind of bird
that was incorporated into the crest of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915) whose
ancestry traces back to the JACKSONs of Liscalgot in the mid-1700s and is a
main focus of this web site.
Data on Tullvallen JACKSONs and several of their
Date |
Source |
Comments |
1641 |
Down Survey Maps: Landowners of 1641 - Henry O'Neill. Sir Henry O'Neill owned the lease to Tullyvallen in the Parish of Creggan. He also held title to most of the other townlands in the Parish of Creggan. NOTE: I still need to find out which portion of Tullyvallen was Edward Rowley's retrenchment. |
Parish boundaries were later redrawn so that Tullyvallen is now in the Parish of Newtown Hamilton. |
1659 |
Census: Patrick Groumy O Coune gent was the Titulado for Tullyvallane & Culehannagh, Parish of Creagan. Thomas Ball was Titulado for Clare
& Cablane. |
No JACKSONs were recorded in Ardmagh at this time, but this Thomas BALL was either the same one who held land in Tulleyvallen, or else was his father. |
1664 |
1664 Hearth Money Rolls TOLLIVALLEN.
Patt Grome O Quynn
Owen Mclnering
Bryan O Markroll
Patte O Dullaghan
Cormock O Quayne
Murtagh O Murkroll
Shane O Dullaghan
Shane O Marbin (O Mackin ?)
Edmund boy McCardill
Patte McMoyne |
1668 |
Properties in Civil Survey 1640: Henry O’NEILL Papist
Denomination |
Unprof |
Prof. |
Acres for
Disposal |
Persons named to whom disposed |
Tullivallen |
112 |
1,948 |
163 |
Thomas BALL & others Cert 17 May 1667 |
447.2 |
Samuel HILL by Cert 19 Oct 1666 |
249.1.13 |
Thomas BALL & others Patent 19 Oct 20 Car II |
31.1.4 |
Hercules LANGFORD Cert 26 Oct 1666 |
237.2.34 |
Capt. J. PIERSON Cert 27 July 1666 |
92.1.21 |
Edward ROWLEY Cert. 20 Dec 1667 |
80 |
Carol BOLTON Patent 3 July 21 Car II |
446.25 |
Thomas BALL |
By Patent
19 Oct 20 Car II |
211.07 |
About 249 acres of Tullyvallen,
Parish of Creggan were granted to Thomas BALL to the use of Daniel & Sarah JACKSON. In another
source, Thomas BALL of Creggan was also listed in Ferguson Certificates as having 5,253 acres as an assignee of Edward Richardson, Ellinor
Blackiston, Dan Jackson, Sarah Jackson,
Elisabeth Hepburne and Katherine Jones. SOURCE: The History of the Parish of Creggan in
the 17th & 18h Century. L. P. Murray, Isaac Dobson, Wm. Frankland,
J. Southey. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol.
8, No. 2 (1934), pp. 117-163.
45 THOMAS BALL, to y« use of DANL. and SARAH JACKSON — in ye north-east part of Edward Rawley’s [aka ROWLEY] retrenchment in Tullyvallan, 249a. 1r. 13p. plant. (403A. 3R. 20P. stat.) with a proportion of unprof., 3l 7s. 3½ d • bar Fewes, co Ardmagh SOURCE: Irish Records Commission 14th & 15th page 178. NOTE: p 179 there is mention that see the patent for other lands remitted which had been granted to John ORSON and Edward ROWLEY but are not passed to them under ye Acts of Settlement all of which had been conveyed to and purchased by the said Ball. NOTE: Edward ROWLEY was slain in battle December 31, 1641. His sister Anne ROWLEY married Sir Tristram BERESFORD (1669-1701). Her great-grand-daughter was Susan BERESFORD, wife of Capt William JACKSON (1628-1688) of Kirkby Lonsdale and of Coleraine. Capt. William was the son of Rev. Richard JACKSON (1602-1681). It is possible that John JACKSON was a brother of Capt. William JACKSON.
Daniel & Sarah were
the infant children of John JACKSON of Antrim [SOURCES: Reports and Schedules claimed in respect of lands in Antrim]. John Jackson was one of the ex-soldiers settled in the Parish of Dunaghy, Barony of Kilconway, County Antrim who was displaced by Antrim's recovery of his estates His reprise in the Fews consisted of 249 acres ‘in the north east part of Edward Rowley’s retrenchment in Tullivallen’ and is included in the lands shown as Balls in the Book of Survey and Distribution. SOURCE: Armagh: History and Society: Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish County. Ed. A.J. Hughes and William Nolan. Geography Publications 2001. . Land Confiscations and Plantations in County Armagh During the English Commonwealth and Restoration Periods 1650 to 1680. Harold O’Sulivan. p359. See also: An Historical Account of the McDonnells of Antrim page 466. NOTE: I assume that the children were either orphaned, or at least their father was dead. The reference to Antrim's recovery is to Randal Macdonnell, 1st Marquess of Antrim. He was a wealthy Catholic Landowner, who sued to gain back his estates and in 1665 succeeded, thus displacing the adventurers, such as John JACKSON, who had been awarded the lands as a result of their service under Cromwell. MacDonnell's 2nd wife was Rose O'NEILL, daughter of Sir Henry O'NEILL, but they had no issue. The Parish of Dunaghy includes 37 townlands, one of which is Ballyreagh - which means being cautious since there is also a townland of that name in Co. Down, as well as in Coleraine. NOTE: Dunaghy, the site of John Jackson's original land grant, is a parish just east of Ballymoney. It may be worth noting that there were two JACKSON with holdings in Ballymoney Town in the Antrim Hearth tax rolls in 1669: David JACKSON & ffranc aka Francis JACKSON. If John JACKSON was a son of Rev. Richard JACKSON (1602-1681), then Francis JACKSON was likely his brother. In the 1860s, at the time of Griffiths Valuation, there were 4 JACKSONs in Ballymoney.
There is a good chance that this is the right Daniel JACKSON (Source: Inscriptions on Ancient Tombstones by Robert Pillow. 1870s. (Robinson Library. Item: P001594318):
Legar Hill, Charlemont
Here lieth the body of
Daniel Jackson who died 4th of
December 1717 aged 56 years
And Ursella his wife the 4th of
March 1727 aged 70 years |
Some 50 years later, the land for Creggan school was
granted by a Thomas BALL. Like George JACKSON, he was supposedly a descendant
of one of Cromwell’s soldiers. He was probably a grandson of Lieut. Thomas
BALL of Fleetwood’s Horse.
SOURCE: P 15 Creggan Charter School 1737-1811. Mary
Cumiskey, Creggan Local Historical Society. 2007.

Unlike modern maps, North is at the bottom.
The townland boundaries in 1656 differ from the boundaries at the time of the Griffiths Valuation.
Tollivallen in the Down Survey done in 1656-58. Sir Henry O'Neil lost his lands to Thomas BALLwho was the largest recipient when the lands in the Barony of the Fews were redistributed
In the mid-1700s, Jacksons held a lease at Tullyogallaghan (aka Boggy Mountaine Pasture - in 1641 it was held by the church), a townland slightly to the east of Tullyvallen. I suspect there is a connection between these Jackson leases, but I have yet to prove it. |
1692 |
Lt. BALL's Dividend. It includes mention of several townlands that were later connected to JACKSONs: Lisacalgot, Tullyvallen & Creggan. May 21, 1692 |
1693 |
Image 119 ROD: 75-260-52844 1733 Mar 11 (see beneath 1733)
John JOHNSTON of the Fews, Co. Armagh & John Archdeacon of City of Dublin Gent – transfer interest in article made 22nd Aug 1695 btw William CUNNINGHAM of Moneymore in Co. Derry Esq. of 1 pt & John GRAHAM late of Drogheda Alderman [see also 78-23-52843] and also one other article bearing date 17 Nov 1693 btw Rt Hon William GRAHAM Son and Heir and Residual Legatee of the said John GRAHAM of the 1 pt & John JOHNSTON of the other pt. and to the lands of William CUNNINGHAM and and near Loghross and the land of William CUNNINGHAM in Camely and Tullyvallen Co. Armagh… WITNESS: Rev. John GRAHAM of Drogheda Clke & Charles CALDWELL City of Dublin Gent |
1695 |
ROD: 78-23-52843
GRAHAM-JOHNSTON Tullyvallen & Loghross Mr Cunninghams land B Fews Par Kreggan Image 312
Memorial of agreement 7 Nov 1733 btw Rt. Hon William GRAHAM Esq. son & heir residuary legatee of John GRAHAM late of the town of Drogheda, Alderman & John JOHNSTON of the Fews , Co. Armagh …various lands including Tullyvallen leased from William CUNNINGHAM of Moneymore, Derry. Reference lease 2 August 1695 by John GRAHAM father of William GRAHAM . WITNESS: Rev John GRAHAM of Town of Drogheda & Charles CALDWELL of City of Dublin. |
1733 |
Deed: 75-260-52844 John JOHNSTON of the Fews, Co. Armagh & John Archdeacon of City of Dublin Gent – transfer interest in article made 22nd Aug 1698 btw William CUNNINGHAM of Moneymore in Co. Derry & John GRAHAM late of Drogheda.
Deed: 78-23-52843 Memorial of agreement 7 Nov 1733 betw Rt. Hon William GRAHAM Esq. son & heir residuary legatee of John GRAHAM later of the town of Drogheda, Alderman & John JOHNSTON of the Fews , Co. Armagh …various lands including Tullyvallen leased from William CUNNINGHAM of Moneymore, Derry. |
1739 |
Diocesan records at PRONI 14973: Cows and turf
were purchased from the Master’s father (referred to as Mr. Jackson) at a
cost of £12. |
This would seem to indicate that George JACKSON’s father
lived close to the Charter School at Liscalgot and Tullyvallen would fit
the bill.
SOURCE: P 15 Creggan Charter School 1737-1811. Mary
Cumiskey, Creggan Local Historical Society. 2007. |
18 Feb 1744 |
PRONI T524-7
Thomas TIPPING leased to James McCULLAGH 18 acres of lands
of Tullyvallen Cunningham. |
John BROWN was a brother-in-law of these McCULLAGHs, who
are also likely to be related to the same McCULLAGHs who married into the
JACKSON family. |
1745 May 17 |
Deed: 115-466-81254 James McCULLAGH of Piedmount Co Antrim Esq to Thomas TIPPING of Castletown Co Louth lands ofTullyvallen Cunningham contg 80A in the Barony of Fews Co Armagh then in possession of Thomas TIPPING.. for lives of said Thomas TIPPING, William Henry FORTESCUE & James FORTESCUE of Reynolds Town, Co. Louth… |
1745 Aug 10 |
249-Geo II, Lease 10 Aug 1745.
Henry MITCHELL of Dublin & Alexander HAMILTON of Dublin. An undivided 1/2 of Tullyvallen, B.vallen, Drumhill & Tullynavall as conveyed to him by John BALL to hold for lives of himself and his sons Hugh & Robert forever at peppercorn fine at 139.10 pounds for 1st 11 years and the 155 pounds. Enrolled 11 Sept 1745.
249. Geo II. Lease 10 Aug 1745 for 500 pounds fine
By James MACARRELL of Dublin to Alexander HAMILTON same lands as above, same terms and conditions. Enrolled same date
NOTES by TGF PATTERSON: Notebook #112 Vol 2. Held at the Armagh Museum. |
30 Oct 1747 |
Belfast Newsletter
At a reasonable rent, for lives renewable forever, from
the first day of May next, several convenient farms, all in about 1600 acres
of good land, part of Tullyvalen, in
the Barony of Fews, and County of Armagh, lying on the great road leading
from Armagh to Dublin by Dundalk, the estate of Alexander Hamilton Esq.;
within 8 miles of Armagh, eight of Newry, 11 of Dundalk and four of
Castleblaney, all good market towns, and on which lands of Tullyvallen is
held a market every Saturday. On each of said farms there is plenty of good
meadow and turf; a large river runs through the middle of said lands and
never wants water sufficient to turn many Mills, with many places very proper
for bleaching greens, and a fall of 180 feet in less than 2 miles, and places
where mill ponds may be easily made. By the great plenty of turf, water, bog,
timber for building, and meadow, the linen manufacturing and distilling may
be carried on as cheap as in any part of Ireland.--- Mr. Hamilton’s servant
at his house on the lands, will show the ground; and those who have a mind to
take any part of it, may send their proposals to Mr. Hamilton at his house in
Henry St., Dublin, or give the same to Mr. John Gordon, a merchant in
Belfast. |
This description fits with the picture of the JACKSONs
being supposedly connected to the linen industry. |
7 Mar. 1763. |
PRONI MIC555/6 Copy of the deed of settlement made
between and among the co-heiresses of the late Francis Hall.1762-1771.
Original lease (of 1765) and 4 case and other papers, all all relating to
'The lands of Conlon and Tullyvallen Tipping [barony of Fews, Co. Armagh, which]
were demised by the late Mr [Thomas] Tipping of Beaulieu to Mr [Faithful]
Fortescue, as is supposed in trust for the family of Beaulieu, at a small
rent for 3 lives ..., [and] afterwards demised to Mr Garstin by Mr Fortescue
in trust for Laurence Plunkett, a Roman Catholic, at the improved value, and
Plunkett afterwards sold his lease to Mr Waddle. |
NOTE: The question that was to be
laid before the lawyers was whether the lease made to Mr Fortescue should stand
(good against the late Edward Tipping Esq. [brother of Thomas Tipping of
Beaulieu], upon the supposition of a fraud intended against him.'1794. 'An
account of the manner in which the purchase money of the Fews estate
[Tipping, not Hall], amounting to the sum of £22,845 ..., was made and paid
by ... [Joshua] McGeough to ... [Francis] Tipping.'1817 |
1765 |
Rev. Mr. McCOMB's Seatholders: Robert McKAIG; Samuel McROBERTS; Robert THOMPSON; John CONN; Richard JACKSON; William CONN; William KENNEDY; James McANLIS; John McCONNELL; Hugh BAILIE; John LOWRY; John KENNEDY. SOURCE: A Statistical Account of the Barony of Upper Fews in the County of Armagh. John Donaldson 1838, p15. |
1766 |
1766 April 8. Religious Census (included in: History of the Parish of Creggan, L. P. Murray, Isaac Dobson, Wm. Frankland and J. Southey. County Louth Archaelogical Journal Vol VIII, 1934.):
- Owen JACKSON of the Five Towns in the Parish of Creggan.
- George JACKSON of Liscallgot
- Richard JACKSON of Tullyvallen NOTE: He was also included in the Townland of Tullivallen in the list of Rev. Mr. McCombe's Seatholder's List for 1765 (indicating that he was Presbyterian?). SOURCE: John Donaldson Account of the Barony of Upper Fews. Creggan Local History Society, Crossmaglen, 1993. p15.
NOTE: Other family names of interest in this
census: Hugh BAILLIE; Robert BOYD (because of the connection to Daniel Gunn
BROWNE whose mother was Martha BOYD); James BRADFOOT (who is possibly a James
BRADFORD – given the history of the BRADFORDs here); Elizabeth DONALDSON; Art
& Bryan McCULLA |
NOTE: Nailing the ancestry of Richard JACKSON will likely be
key to finding the link to the generation that precedes my earliest known
ancestor, George JACKSON (1718-1782) of Liscalgat & Urker. |
1768 Mar 3 |
ROD: 271-36-173316. BTW John REED the elder of Lurganah, Parish Armagh, Co. Armagh to his son John REED the younger osf same. Those parts of Tullyvallen formerly held by Robert ROLAND, Terence HUGHES, Edmund HUGHES and Thomas HUGHES, also one acre of John REEDs turbary James McCLANLASS’s & mearing a road from same by John MATHERS, mearing across the little river where Bernard HUGHES dwelt containing 147 acres & 32 perches with right to quarry limestone etc. In Creggan Parish & Fews Barony. Held by lease for 99 years from Alexander HAMILTON to John REED. Registered Dec 5, 1768. NOTES by TGF PATTERSON: Notebook #112 Vol 2. Held at the Armagh Museum. |
12 Nov 1768 |
Btw Robert PATTON Tullynale [in Tullyvallen], Parish of Creggan, C. Armagh. & John LILY of Bresagh, Co. Down, farmer. 40 acres meared and bounded by Francis HAMILTON’s farm and Samuel HARRISON’s situate in the townland of Tullyvallen, released to William WALLACE of Newry. WITNESS: Isaac GLENNY of Dublin, Arthur ATKINSON. ROD: 270-405-172912 |
NOTE: In 1840, a William WALLACE was a witness to a JACKSON marriage. Also in 1839 a Richard JACKSON of Tullyvallen married a Mary WALLACE. |
1773 |
20 townlands that had been included in the Parish of Creggan were included by Primate ROBINSON, Archbishop of Armagh, in the Parish of Newtownhamilton. 50a out of the Glebe lands of Creggan Parish were exchanged with Dr. Hugh HAMILTON, then Dean of Armagh, for part of the lands of Tullivallen. SOURCE: A Statistical Account of the Barony of Upper Fews in the County of Armagh. John Donaldson 1838, p4. |
1778 |
Richard Jackson b: Abt. 1778 in of
Tullyvallen, Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh, Ireland d: 17 Feb 1848 in at Liscalgot, Co. Armagh NOTE: He may be the 1780 [Forename?] JACKSON b. Abt 1780, Tullyvallen, Newtownhamilton,
Co. Armagh. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow SEE also: Jacksons of Tullyvallen, Parish of Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh |
He likely connects to my earliest known
ancestor, George JACKSON (1718-1782) of Liscalgat & Urker. |
1780 |
Estimated birth date of the [Forename?] JACKSON b. Abt 1780, Tullyvallen, Newtownhamilton,
Co. Armagh. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada.NOTE: This JACKSON may be the Richard JACKSON b. abt 1778 (see above). His brother John JACKSON b. 1764, Tullow, Parish Fenagh, Barony
Rathvilly, Co, Carlow married Sarah Esther aka Hester KERSEY b. Sep 1805, Near
Coolkenna, Co. Wicklow. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada. |
The birth of his brother in Co. Carlow may be significant. NOTE: Amy Oliver JACKSON (1874-1962), daughter of Sir Thomas
JACKSON: The Jacksons came from Northamptonshire and went to
Ireland in Elizabeth's reign [, and were given grants of land in Co.
Carlow (N. Leinster) for distinguished service in the Army. |
1 Nov 1780 |
NOTE: I have misplaced the citation that should be here. |
NOTE: Kiltybane, also known as Lisleitrim, is now described as a townland to the south west of Tullyvallan |
26 Oct 1785 |
Andrew OLIVER & wife Elinor DAWSON, both of
Newtownhamilton, leased part of land in Tullyvallen then in possession of John MURPHY |
These OLIVERs would have been distant relations of Eliza
OLIVER, wife of David JACKSON |
9 July 1787 |
1787 Deed. David Jackson, to John
Bohannon and Richard Bohannon, ... all that farm of land known by the name of Tullyagomore bounded in the West by
part of Tulleyagallaghan on the north
by Curromonon on the south by Mr. Reed’s farm lasting the space of thirty one
years or John Bohannons life forty five or thereabouts providing the said
David Jackson lasts so long from November next. Containing by estimation
sixty five |
NOTE: Apparently, Dorsey, Ummericam and Tullyogallaghan
“are all listed as aliases for the one townland” SOURCE: The
O'Neills of the Fews Tomás Ó Fiaich, Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of
the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1974), pp.
Tullyogallaghan is on the eastern border within the Parish
of Newtownhamilton and is only a couple of small towns away from Tullyvallen. I have been unable to find
Tullyagomore. It is possibly within the borders of what would now be Dorsey. |
14 Nov 1788 |
PRONI T618/322.
Will of Robert Ballie, of Tullyvallen,
Co Armagh. |
1790 |
Index to Bonds Armagh Diocese 1742-1847 &Drohegda
Admon Bonds 1822-1846
Alexander Donaldson, farmer |
23 Jan 1796 |
Will of David JACKSON: I also leave to my son John
JACKSON the lease of Tullyagallaghan |
See 9 July 1787 |
1800 |
Index to Bonds Armagh Diocese 1742-1847 & Drogheda
Admon Bonds 1822-1846
Hugh BAILEY aka BAYLEY, farmer at Tullyvalley. |
Tullyvalley may be Tullyvallen – based on ongoing
family presence at Tullyvallen. |
1801 |
The will of Joseph JACKSON of Tullyvallen was probated. NOTE: Rootschat: Joseph JACKSON & Mary LONSDALE b 1810??? immigrated to Australia on "Herald"1841 from Belfast with their family.Their County Armagh. Their shipping papers say their native place is Altnamackan Newtownhamilton. His parents Joseph & Martha Jackson, & her parents Thomas & Lonsdale. |
NOTE: I do not know where I once saw this probate. |
1804 |
Creggan Parish register – burial.
John JACKSON (1804-1840) of Tullyvallen Burial at Creggan, December 7, 1840 |
1815 |
Mary Jane JACKSON b. 1815, Tullyvallen, Parish
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada. |
20 Apr 1817 |
Value of estate of John JACKSON (1780-1817).
The Value of [Difft?] Cows & Horses both at home &
in Tullygallaghan |
27 Oct 1817 |
PRONI ARM/5/2/2 D/1928/F/20A
John BRADFORD leased from Alexander HAMILTON in the names
of Francis & John BRADFORD as well as David CARROLL. |
26 May 1819 |
William JACKSON b. 26 May 1819, Tullyvallen,
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh, d. 2 Nov 1880, Collingwood, Ontario,
Canada. He went back and forth between Ontario, Canada; Tullyvallen,
Co. Armagh; and even (at one point) Roscomroe, Kings Co. NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada. He married and had a sister Mary Jane b 1815 and two sons: John JACKSON (1837) & William JACKSON (1839). SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow |
1820 |
John JACKSON of Tullyvallen will probate |
13 Jul 1821 |
Creggan Parish register
William, son of John BROWN of Tullyvallen born. |
1823 |
There were two Masonic Lodges listed under Newtownhamilton in 1823:
Lodge |
Date of Issue |
To whom Issued |
1703 |
10 Nov 1823 |
John Jackson, Newtownhamilton |
1710 |
12 Feb 1824 |
James Jackson, Lurganearly |
Newtownhamilton L.O.L #9 |
7 Jun 1827 |
An account started and Settled between Mr Andrew Coulter
Bradford of Cavananore in the County of Louth and Mr. James MClelland and Mr.
John MClelland both of Tangaree in the County of Armagh respecting the
purchase of their interest in the lands of Dungooley in the County of
Louth & Tullyvalley & Maybawn in the County of Armagh |
Andrew Coulter BRADFORD was the nephew of Margaret
BRADFORD who in turn was the widow of David JACKSON of Liscalgot & Urker. |
1830 |
Tithe Applotment
In the Tithe Book The names of the tenants are grouped in
32 divisions, which correspond to individual landholders, or townland
sub-divisions. One of them is COULTER FULTON &c.
Richard JACKSON was
one of Captain REID’s tenants at Tullyvallen Hamilton. |
Other landlord names of interest with respect to possible
family connections are: Captain REID’s tenants; DONALDSON &c.
Other inhabitants of interest – and there may be more - are:
Hugh & James BAILIE; Henry & William BARKER Esq (because of the BARKER-JACKSON
connection in Co. Carlow); John BRADFORD; Joseph & Matthew BROWN[E];
COULTER & SMITH; Alexander & William DONALDSON; Thomas GREER (because
of GREE-JACKSON connections); James GROSET (Jane JACKSON, daughter of George
JACKSON & Margaret O’LAUGHLIN married an Unnamed GROSZET sometime before
1782); Richard JACKSON; a number of
PEPPER names – interesting in terms of the PIPPARD link with JACKSONs at
Drogheda and the fact that the spelling of the name has been known to morph);
Samuel REED; Alexander STITT; |
2-3 Mar 1830 |
Farm to be sold at Tullyvallen by Andrew MARSHALL |
Mar 1831 |
Belfast Newsletter
John Jack, lessee
of Alexander Hamilton, Esq., versus Walter MM`Geough Bond, Esq.
This was an ejectment for the recovery of a certain
portion of the lands of Tullyvallen.
It came on for trial on Saturday morning, and occupied almost the entire day.
-- the details were most dry and uninteresting: the merits of the case may be
compressed into a nutshell. The matter in dispute was two acres and a half of
land of a boggy description. The ancestors of the present Mr. Hamilton, who
held the estate in fee, granted a release, in 1756, a farm called Tullyvallen, to a Mr. Tipping; this lease
was for lives renewable forever. The farm so leased had descended to a Mr.
Montgomery, from whom it was purchased by the father of Mr. Bond. Adjoining
this property was another, called ``the Mill Farm``, which also had been
bestowed by Mr. Hamilton's ancestor but had now reverted back into his own
hands. Between these two farms lies a disputed piece of land; it was formerly
a bog but having been lately drained, we believe by an under tenant of Mr.
Bonds, on part of the Tipping farm, has become a subject of more importance
than originally, perhaps it was entitled to. The object of the plaintiff was
to show that the bog tract did not belong to, nor had ever constituted part
of, Mr. Tipping's farm; to this end a variety of ancient documents, and a
number of as ancient men were produced -- Nonagenarian, excited some
merriment in Court, when being complemented by the judge on account of the
quickness of his ear and the keenness of his eye, he replied with the utmost
naievite, ``oh my Lord, I'm well taken care of -- I've got a young wife!`` --
In the same way the counsel for the defendants distinctly proved that the
disputed land did not belong originally to the Mill Farm; -so that it does
appeared the bog, in the old surveys, had not been included in either one
farm or the other. This however, while it would have militated against lease
holders of these farms, did not affect the right of Mr. Hamilton, as owner of
in fee of the entire property. Such was the view taken of it by both judge
and jury, and a verdict for the plaintiff, in consequence, recorded there was
but another record for trial. |
Given that I have seen no record of a John JACK leasing in
this vicinity in this time frame and there are records of JACKSONs, I am
tempted to suggest that this is perhaps a John JACKSON. |
11 Apr 1833 |
Newtownhamilton paper
Resistance to paying tithes. |
25 Dec 1833 |
On the 23rd instant at Tullyvallen Glebe, Newtown Hamilton, the ladt of the Rev. William MacLean of a daughter. SOURCE: Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail December 25, 1833 |
He was the Presbyterian minister. |
19 Dec 1834 |
Note the absence of JACKSONs - although John DONALDSON (abt 1818-1854) was the husband of Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON (1817-1900) who was born at Urker and died at Kiltybane.
Thomas ROWLAND was likely related to Susannah ROWLAND (abt 1779-1865) of Tullyvallen (her son was a Thomas ROWLAND - see death cert details under 1865. |
14 May 1837 |
John JACKSON b. 14 May 1837, Tullyvallen,
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh Son of William JACKSON (1819-1880) and Isabella McLENAN. William JACKSON was born in Tullyvallen, and died in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada. |
9 Aug 1837 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
John McCULLAGH had a son Robert baptised. They were of Cloghog. |
I suspect that she was related to the Tullyvallen JACKSONs |
1838 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
James JACKSON and Fanny McCOMBE of Tullyvallen, son Thomas baptised |
A James JACKSON had a holding in Newtwonhamilton noted in Griffiths. |
5 Jan 1839 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
James JACKSON son of Richard
JACKSON & Sarah McKEE his wife of this congregation to Fanny
daughter of [blank] McComb____? [blank] his wife of
the congregation of Covenanters
at Bellilane. Present at
ceremony John McNEELY & John JOHNSTON. |
Going from other references, I presume this Richard
JACKSON is of Tullyvallen |
8 Sep 1839 |
William JACKSON b. 8 Sep 1839, Tullyvallen,
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh, d. 6 Mar 1917, Parry Sound, Ontario,
Canada. Son of William JACKSON (1819-1880) and Isabella McLENAN. William JACKSON was born in Tullyvallen, and died in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. SEE: 2021 John JACKSON of Carlow & Wicklow NOTE: Many members of this family moved to Lanark, Ontario, Canada. |
10 Oct 1839 |
Belfast Newsletter:
On the 27th ult by the Rev. S.G. Morrison, Minister of the Congregational Church, Armagh, Mr. Richard Jackson, Tullyvallen, Newtownhamilton to Mary eldest daughter of the late Mr. Edward Wallace, Drumgaw, Armagh. BNL Sep 10 1839. |
27 Jan 1840 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Archibald BIGGAM of the Congregation of Clarkson son of
Samuel BIGGAM & Mary BUTTER to Sarah
JACKSON daughter of Richard JACKSON & Sarah McKEE his wife of this congregation. Present John JACKSON, William WALLACE & Edward
Going from other references, I presume this Richard
JACKSON is of Tullyvallen |
12 May 1840 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Agnes McLEAN had a son William baptised |
27 Nov 1840 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Richard JACKSON & Mary WALLACE had a daughter Jane baptised |
7 Dec 1840 |
Creggan Parish register
Creggan burial of John JACKSON, age 36 (hence b. 1804) |
27Oct 1842 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Richard JACKSON & Mary WALLACE had a son Richard born |
9 Feb 1843
Freeduff Parish Register:
Edward WALLACE a member of the Independent Congregation of
Armagh son of the late Jas WALLACE married to Eliza daughter to Richard JACKSON of this congregation and
Sarah McKEE (or McKEEN) his late wife of Tullyvallen.
14 Sept 1843 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Agnes McLEAN had a daughter Sarah baptised |
2 Dec 1843 |
To be sold,
In the County Armagh,
containing 36 acres and two roods, late Irish measure, within a quarter of a
mile of Newtonhamilton, and held by lease for three lives, renewable forever,
at a small yearly rent. These lands are used as Town-Parks, by solvent and
respectable tenants.
Also to be sold, A GROUND RENT of £15 PER YEAR, arising
out of HOUSES IN NEWTONHAMILTON, held under a similar lease. The whole
producing a clear well-paid Profit -- Rent of £71 per year. For further
particulars, as to title, etc., apply to WILLIAM BARKER, Esq., solicitor,
Armagh; or, WILLIAM REED, Esq., Ballymoyer. Dated 16th of October, 1843. |
3 Feb 1844 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Edward WALLACE & Elizabeth
JACKSON had a daughter Sarah baptised. They were now ”Of Lisnadill” |
Nov 1844 |
Settling of accounts of the late A.C. BRADFORD mentions balance of the rents of Dungooley & Tullyvallen. Much of the note is illegible, hence I have not
yet transcribed it in full.
- 258.8.2
40.12.4 |
258.8.2 |
30 Aug 1845 |
Freeduff Parish Register:
Agnes McLEAN had a son James baptised |
7 Dec 1842 |
Anne Jane DONALDSON daughter of Alexander DONALDSON of Tullyvallen married Richard HENRY |
This would have been the Alexander DONALDSON (1765-1834)
whose son, John DONALDSON (1818-1854) married Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON
(1817-1900) |
26 Mar 1847 |
Will of Andrew Coulter BRADFORD:
my one undivided Moiety of the lands of Tullyvallen |
Sept 1850 |
On the night of the 16th instant a comfortable farmer, named RAFFERTY residing at Tullyvallen was waylaid and beat, after the rockite intimidation fashion.SOURCE: Newry Telegraph, September 24. |
1 Nov 1854 |
Letters of Administration of the Personal estate of John
Donaldson late of Tullyvallen in the
County of Armagh deceased who died 1 November 1854 at same place were granted
at Armagh to Elizabeth Donaldson of Tullyvallen aforesaid (Newtownhamilton) the Widow of said deceased. |
Elizabeth DONALDSON was born Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON |
1864 |
Griffiths Valuation was completed for Armagh in
1864: An Anne JACKSON is the lessor of
two modest buildings and the occupier of one piece of land amounting to 9
Rev Daniel Gunn BROWN[E] – house valued at £6.0.0. as well as 30 acres of land rented from reps of John REID. Note this was near the more substantial holdings of Rev. CROSSLE. Alexander STITT is in the town of Newtownhamilton living in buildings valued at £24.0.0 and also owning buildings valued at £16.0.0 which he leased out to Michael MARKEY.
Ellen DONALDSON leased building(s) valued at £19.5.0 on 13 Newry Street. Likely the Ellen DONALDSON who lived 1816-1888. She also leased two properties neighbouring one owned by Alexander STITT. A James JACKSON was also on the same street.
p 69 Anne JACKSON leased one holding [#369] from Rev. Alexander H. SYNGE: 5 perches valued at 3.15.0 (NOTE: Why was the value of this land so high when the acreage was so small?) Anne JACKSON also held title to two adjacent buildings (likely small cottages): 369a valued at 0.15.0 leased to Peter DUFF and 369b valued at 0.10.0 leased to Bridget MALEW. NOTE: On page 55 of the Revision Valuation Books 1864-1876, the name of Anne JACKSON was struck off. James WARRINGTON assumed the house and land leased from Rev. Alexander SYNGE (it would seem to be in 1867). The land included 9.0.5a valued at 3.15.0, and the value of 1.0.0 for a house was added making the total value 4.15.0.
Rev. Daniel Gunn BROWNE is included at this time, as is Elizabeth
DONALDSON. Other family names of interest: Hugh, John & Robert BAILLIE; Elizabeth
DONALDSON; George, John & William McCULLAGH; John S. McLOUGHLIN; PEPPER; Alexander
1865 Jan 7 |
Anne JACKSON (1810-1865) died age 55 after 10 months of phsisis. Her son W. JACKSON was present at her death in Tullyvallen. There is no record of her burial at either Freeduff or at Creggan. She is a perfect fit with the Anne JACKSON in Griffiths valuation above. Also, W. JACKSON is an intriguing match for a J.W. JACKSON who wrote a letter in 1900 to his "cousin" Thomas JACKSON. In a letter from 1893, Eliza Jackson, the mother of Sir Thomas Jackson says: I had another letter from England. John W. Jackson’s foot is not yet so well that he can wear a boot. I sent him the remaining two pounds today. |
On Dec 22, 1876, a John William JACKSON married a Sophia SHEKLETON in the Dundalk Parish Church. He was a saddler and his father was a John JACKSON. He is very unlikely to be the son of Anne. |
1865 Jun 2 |
Death of Susannah ROWLAND, age 86, widow of farmer. Son Thomas, occupier of home at Tullyvallen. SOURCE: Death cert. |
17 Apr 1867 |
SOURCE: Freeman Journal |
20 Oct 1887 |
The Will of John Donaldson late of Tullyhumphrey County
Monaghan Farmer who died 20 October 1887 at same place was proved at Armagh
by Mary Bailie of Tullyvallen County
Armagh Widow the Surviving Executor. |
5 Aug 1892 |
The Will of Charlotte Bailie late of Tullyvallen County
Armagh Widow who died 5 August 1892 at same place was proved at Armagh by
David Donaldson and James Meeke both of Tullyvallen Farmers the Executors. |
20 May 1896 |
In a letter of 1896, May 20, Eliza JACKSON writes to
Thomas JACKSON: Derryvalley & Tullyvallen being a joint property are in the hands of the Receiver who has been
appointed over Sam’s property; but eventually I am told, we will get our
share. |
19 Mar 1902 |
Interesting that the case dragged on for so long. |
1911 |
Bagnels Castle Project
Rental and particulars
In the High Court of Justice in Ireland, Chancery
Division, (Land Judges) in the matter of the estate of Alexander Hamilton
Synge, owner and ex parte George Christopher Lawder, petitioner, the sale, by
auction, of the rental and particulars of part of the lands of Tullyvallin
otherwise Tullyvallen, containing
965a. 3r. 1p., statute measure and part of the lands of Tullynavall,
containing 16a. 0r. 35p., statute measure, both situate in the Barony of
Upper Fews, county Armagh. Includes surnames McConnell, Tierney, Hamilton,
Callan, Connell, Runcie, Logue, Quinn, Kerly, Byrne, Cooke, Pretson, Sinton,
Maclean, Black, Mulligan, Douglas, McMath, Stitt, Morris, McFerran, Morrison,
McCage, Shaw, Palmer, Babe, McCaffery, Synge, McClean, Maguire, Wright,
Kennedy, McMurry, Garland, Pollock, McCamon, Simpson, Oliver, McCardal, Aull, Kelly, Pepper, Kearney, Kilpatrick,
Well, Carraher, Mallon, Fitzgerald, Boyd, Patton, Jenkins, Porter, Marshall,
Tell, Swanzy, Bailie, Reid, Hughes, McAnlisse, Mathews, Reed,
Ballard, Gass, Corbett, Wiles, Lennon, Ard, Carroll, Mackin, Kincaid,
McBirnie, McWillie, Cooke, Lowry, McMerdy, Couser,
McCombe, Milligan, Donaldson,
Mulhollan, Melvin, Cowan, Copeland, Callaghan, McCullagh,
Gilmer, Charlton, Bradford, McGowan,
McAnlis, Read, Murphy and Bond. Includes maps of properties. |
22 Feb 1921 |
Letter from William REID to Mary GRIFFIN about annuities
being paid on Dungooley & Tullyvallen. |
24 Feb 1921 |
Letter from Bessie BROWN to Mary GRIFFIN re: Dungooley
& Tullyvallen. |