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When it comes to the JACKSONs of Coleraine, there are two key questions that continue to niggle at me.

·         When did they first foot in Ireland?

·         Where did they first set foot in Ireland? Was it Coleraine, or was it Dundalk or Drogheda?

The jury is still out, but evidence from both the prosecution and defence has piled up since the last look at this. This is a grab-bag of deeds that I have found so far, with my added notes. The notes are idiosyncratic - merely to help me take the next steps in my research.

Sharon Oddie Brown. November 2, 2022


2022 JACKSONs and some others in deeds referencing Colerain and Londonderry

SEE also:

  • Timeline of JACKSONs of Coleraine. This page could benefit from an update. November 2022. It is on my to-do list.
  • JACKSONS of Co. Londonderry. This page includes a map and more context.
  • 1659 Census of Ireland - Mentions of JACKSONs. In spite of the fact that this is not really a census, and only notes the tituladoes aka the big landowners of the day. The beauty of it is that it takes us back to pre-1708 when leases were first recorded in the Memorials of Deeds. It strengthens some of the hunches that I have had and takes us further back than we have so far been able to go.


Notes on Tituladoes names etc 1659 Census of Ireland




James JACKSON Gent. Ballenteerebeg, Parish Macasquay. 4 English & Scots & 3 Irish. NOTE John ROWLEY also on same page. SEE: Macosquin, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine NOTE: 1662 Subsidy Rolls (see also 1663 Hearth Rolls) Robert JACKSON - townland of Kinnyglass [Krinnyglugh], Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine – a likely relation. In the 1663 Hearth Money Roll there was a James, John and Robert all recorded at Macosquin-Camus. This was probably Camus Macosquin Glebe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine. In 1729, Lease for Drondarsh, Neighretoy Bigg, Macosquin, Articlave, Ardsome and Lackagh. SOURCE: PRONI D668 Hezlett Papers. SOURCE: An Almost Total Emigration. Richard K. MacMaster …  that the territory from Down Hill to Coleraine was part of the Clothworkers' Proportion, which had been held by the late Rt. Hon. Richard Jackson, general agent for the Irish Society. The Clothworkers Proportion comprised the civil parishes of Killowen, Dunboe and Macosquin.  

Londonderry City



Memorials of Deeds:




Mem #






1712 Jun 14

William JACKSON residing at Coleraine, Co Londonderry exor of Henry BROWNE, whose son William BROWNE was raising £400 mortgage with Robert BACON on 90a profitable land & 253a 2r 26p unprofitable land, Liberties of Coleraine. Lease & Release Sworn 5 Jan 1711. SEE: Jacksons of Coleraine Tree. 




1715 Jun 13

Corp of Coleraine-JACKSON Bk 423: 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Image 213

Btw the Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of the Town of Coleraine in the Province of Ulster and Richard JACKSON of the City of Dublin Esq. of the other part… demised unto said Richard JACKSON all those the customs of the Markets and Faires of the said town of Coleraine and County of Londonderry. WITNESSES: John OLPHERTS. Thomas ADERTON. Samuel KINKEAD all of the said town of Coleraine. SEE: Jackson of Coleraine. Timeline. This is quite likely Richard JACKSON (1673-1730)




1716 Dec 12

Image 254

JACKSON-BANKHEAD Notes in 2009 diary Book Index 1708-1738

James JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent & James BANKHEAD of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry Merchant of the other part. James JACKSON let to James BANKHEAD 11/6 part of freehold called [Glenleary, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Camassmacasque, [NOTE: Camus Macosquin Glebe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.] Co. Londonderry. WITNESS: Benjamin JOHNSON, Clerk & Edward DALTON, Notary.

SEE ALSO: ROD 409-532-269118 Jun 12, 1789 Btw James STEWART of Gracehill, Co Antrim Esq &of 1st part & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Co Londonderry & Elizabeth JACKSON his wife and James JACKSON, eldest son & heir apparent of 2nd part & John GALT & Charles GALT of Londonderry merchants of 3rd pt…. in consid of £400 pd by GALT to JACKSON. tenement on the West side of the New Row in Town of Coleraine marked in Map of said town #28… description of land.

NOTE: Because of other JACKSON holdings in the parish of Macosquin (ie 45822), I suspect that James JACKSON is related to Richard JACKSON (abt 1722-1787). A James JACKSON was also in the 1659 Census (see top of page) and the 1663 Hearth Rolls.

NOTE: A James JACKSON was included in the lists of soldiers (or their representatives) who settled in 1665 in Parish Billy, Baroney Cary, Co. Antrim. Also in Co, Antrim a John JACKSON and James JACKSON who settled in the Parish of Dunaghy, Barony Kilconway. SOURCE: The MacDonnells of Antrim p 466.




1719 Nov 2

Rev. Jasper BRETT, Chancellor of Connor unto Richard JACKSON, Esq. of Dublin City of town & lands of Ballynewport alias Newportstown [Ballynewport , Parish Rathmullan, Barony Lecale Upper,] in Lecale (bar.) Co. Down [term and rents not mentioned]. Michael WARD Esq. of Dublin City mentioned; REGISTRARS: Charles CHURCH; James BATEMAN, mayor and JP, Coleraine; George HAMILTON, JP of Co. Limerick. WITNESSES: Rev. William BOYD, Vicar of Ramoan, Antrim; Magnus PRINCE, Doctor of Phisik, Lisburne, Antrim; John ALLEN, servant to Michael WARD; Edward BRUMHALL[?]. NOTE: This is most likely Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) of Coleraine & Dublin. Rev. William BOYD was his father-in-law. It is also possible that he was Richard JACKSON (abt 1680-abt 1740), father of Rev. William JACKSON (1737-1795)




1714 Aug 5


1720 Feb 3

JACKSON-WRAY & wife Book Index 1708-1738

Image 233

Beresford JACKSON late of Bellymargy [Baile an Mhargaidh aka Bellarena, Parish Magilligan, Barony Keenaght]  Co. Londonderry, Gent to Henry WRAY of Castlewray, Co. Donegal, Esq. & Jane of Machrecannon als Mahreheran [Maghernagran] Gortles [Gortlee] Carnamughogh [Carnamogagh Lower, &  Carnamogagh Upper] Bellinascadden [Bellanascaddan] Killacasting [Killylastin] one tenement in Litterkenny [Letterkenny, ] in possess' of James SAWYERS & one tenement in same in possess'n of Widow ORRAL, in Killmacrenah [Kilmacrennan] Co Donegal [no term or rent shown]. Registrars: Jon DARCES, John WOOTOON & Charles NORMAN. Witnesses: Thomas SKIPTON, Esq. of Ballyshashy [Ballyshasky, Parish Clondermot, Barony Tirkeeran], Londonderry; James WILSON, servant to Henry WRAY & Mary DUFFY. SEE: Descendants of William WRAY [Jane JACKSON was the wife of Henry WRAY] and JACKSONs of Coleraine.

NOTE: Maghernagran, GortleeCarnamogagh Lower, &  Carnamogagh Upper, Killylastin,, and Letterkenny, are all in the Parish Conwal, Barony Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal. Bellanascaddan and Kilmacrennan are both in Parish Kilmacrenan (on the northern border of Parish Conwal], Barony of Kilmacrenan

SEE: Beresford Family Tree. SEE also 1737 will of widow of Beresford JACKSON.




1720 Apr 2


Indenture of Lease. Randall Rt Hon Earl of Antrim demised to Archibald McDONNELL, Gent of Ballynebantry 4 Quarters of land in Attelicur?, Barony of Killconway, County Antrim, for 31 years. WITNESSES: William JACKSON Esq. of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry; Alexander McNAUGHTEN, Esq of Benverden, Co. Antrim; Edmond KEATING, Gent of Berdeville, Co. Antrim & Charles SMITH.




1701 Apr 21


1722 Jun 22

GAGE et al – MONTGOMERY. Book Index 1708-1729

Image 93

Tripartite deed dated April 1, 1701: John HILL of Calmore [Calmore, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin], Co. Londonderry, Gent of 1st pt; Samuel HILL, Calmore & Mary his wife both since dec’d of 2nd part & Wm GAGE of Garvaghy [Garvagh , Parish Errigal, Barony Coleraine] in sd county since dec’d of 3rd part; and of another indenture Feb 17, 1706 made btw said John HILL and Samuel of the 1 pt & William GAGE of the other part … several lands (not listed) in the quintipartite deed were mortgaged to William GAGE for security of £400 … subject to a rent charge to be paid to said John HILL during his life …

Samuel HILL borrowed £150.13 and £20 from William GAGE and £150 pounds from William JACKSON of Tobermore [of Fortwilliam, Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan], Barony Loughinsholin], Co. Londonderry Gent.  And for securing the payment obliged William GAGE 28 Dec 1703  … The loan from William JACKSON dated 27th July 1706.  … Court of Common Pleas 27 Jan 1706  the penalty of £300.. in two separate instalments … Thomas GAGE of Ballymarghy [probably Bellymargy [Baile an Mhargaidh aka Bellarena, Parish Magilligan, Barony Keenaght] , son of William GAGE … equity descended to Rowly HILL of Calmore Esq. son & heir of Samuel and Mary HILL…Robert GAGE Rector of Aghadowey [Aghadowey, Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine] Clke & Robert BACON of Magiligan [Parish Magilligan, Barony Keenaght] both of Co. Londonderry Gents … Feb 9, 1720 btw Thomas GAGE of 1st pt; William MONTGOMERY of 2nd pt; Rowley HILL of 3rd pt; Robert GAGE and Robert BACON of 4th pt & said William JACKSON of 5th pt. sold lands in his actual possession to MONTGOMERY including: Bally[more?] [??] [????] Carrnargie [??], Ballyreagh [Ballyreagh, Parish of Ballywillin, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] in Co. Londonderry & the quarter land of [???lle] Co. Antrim … term of 99 years …£711 …WITNESS: John GAGE of Aghadowey. Co. Londonderry & James GAGE of same. Memorial WITNESS: William LAW of Coleraine Gent & James GAGE of Aghadowey. Thomas GAGE [SEAL] John GAGE [SEAL] Robert BACON [SEAL]

The premises SEE: Jacksons of Tobermore.




1724 Feb 3

JACKSON-HILL Book Index 1708-1738

Image 52

Mtg bearing date 1 May 1724 between Richard JACKSON Coleraine, Co. Derry, Esq. Of 1st part & Rowly HILL, City of Dublin, Esq. Of 2nd and Bernard BRETT of Ballynewport Co. Down, Gent of 3rd part ... in consid. Of £700 BRETT granted to HILL townlands of Ballynewport term of 100 years (but they revert to JACKSON if he pays £720). WITNESS: William BOYD of Drumaewillin Co. Antrim Clerk Richard JACKSON [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine Richard JACKSON (aft 1658-1730)




1725 May 31

RANKIN-JACKSON Bk 423  1708-1738 Grace Church Londonderry & Coleraine

For Henry RANKIN sailor one of the sons of John RANKIN of City of Londonderry late deceased in consid of £100 paid by William JACKSON of Coleraine in City of Londonderry Esq. and Edmond CARY of Redd Castle in Co. Donegal Esq…. had granted to William JACKSON the moiety or full half of the several quarter lands of Shrove [Stroove ?]  Karatravnan Cerehew Ballymacarter [Ballymacarthur] Ballyechan Fardrum and the Terry Greencastle. Also the lands of Curragh o Garry two Tryans [Fryans?] Ballypatton two truans, the quarter land of Mechletterbeall, Clare one Ballyboe and one third Ballyboe all in Barony of Eneshowen Co. Donegall and which were all of Donegall decd And also one moiety of a house in Londonderry…. Signed William JACKSON NOTE: William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances EYRE, and son of Capt. William JACKSON and Elizabeth GORGES. Redd Castle aka Red Castle is in townland of Carrickmaquigley, Parish Moville Upper,. It is on the western shore of Lough Foyle, abt 25 miles north of Londonderry and across the Lough from other Jackson holdings in Coleraine and Londonderry. The Co. Donegal townlands listed here are all in the Barony of Inishowen East, [aka Eneshowen]:

·         Shrove aka Stroove, Parish Movilla Lower;

·         Karatravnan aka Carrowtrasna (it is on the western border of Stroove), Parish of Moville Lower;

·         Cerehew aka Carrowhugh (it is on the western border of Carrowtrasna), Parish Moville Lower

·         Ballymacarter aka Ballymacarthur, Parish Moville Lower

·         Ballyechan aka Balleeghan, Parish Movilla Lower is on the western border of Ballymacarthur;

·         Fardrum aka Tardrum? Tardrum Cottages are about a km northeast of Greencastle in the Eleven Ballyboes, Parish Moville Lower;

·         Terry I do not know what this refers to. Although there is a Terrydrum, Parish of Tamlaght Finlagan, Barony Keenaght, Co. Londonderry, I suspect that it is part of the Eleven Ballyboes, Parish Moville Lower..

·         Greencastle is on the coast north-east from Moville, and probably within the Eleven Ballyboes, Parish Moville Lower

·         Curragh o Garry possibly Moneydarragh, Parish of Culdaff, which is on the northern border of Clare,, Parish Moville Upper

·         Ballypatton aka Ballyrattan, Parish Moville Upper on the eastern border of Clare;

·         Mechletterbeall aka Meenletterbale,, Parish Moville Lower; ,

Clare,, Parish Moville Upper.




1720 Sep 28

Image 140

Rt Hon Randall Earl of Antrim [probably Randall MacDONELL, 4th earl of Antrim (1680-1721)] to James MOORE of Drumaheaglis &Joseph MOORE of  Rosnashane , Co. Antrim Gent. Clogh Mills and other Mills … WITNESSED by William JACKSON, Coleraine. Thanks to Linde Lunney and the further detective work of Nick Reddan. 1725 Dec 10




1726 Dec 30

BALL-JACKSON Creekstown, (Notes not transcript)

A memorial of indented Deeds of Lease and Release bearing date Respectively the thirtieth and thirty first day of December: one thousand seven hundred and twenty six made and perfected between John BALL of Loghross, Co. Armagh, Esq. of 1st part & Thomas JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. Of the other part. By which said deed and release the said John BALL for the consideration therein mentioned Did give grant bargain sell, Release & Confirm to Thomas JACKSON in his actual possession by virtue of the said lease all that tate of the old Castle of Creckstown & 106A 1R 34P of the land thereunto adjoining in the Barony of Ratbath, Co. Meath inders Rents Issues and Profitts of the same. To have and to hold the said premises with the appurtenances the said Thomas JACKSON  and his heirs yielding and paying  therefore and thereout unto the said John BALL his heirs and issue for ever the yearly rent of five shillings sterling per acre for every of the said acres and after that rate for the said one Rod and thirty four perches in half yearly payment viz on every first day of May and November the first payment to be made on the First Day of May next ensuing the Date of  the said Deed of Release. Which said Deeds of Lease and Release were duly perfected on the said thirtieth and thirty first Days of December one thousand seven hundred and twenty six. . WITNESS: William CHURCH of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, Gent; John DOWNING of City of Dublin, Gent; Henry ARKWRIGHT, City of Dublin.

NOTE: Lieut. Thomas Ball, of Fleetwood's Regt., , the father of John BALL, received grants of land in several counties of Ireland, which were confirmed under the Act of Settlement. In Crickstown, barony of Ratoath, he received "a mansion house, orchard, garden, and groves,''. They were same BALL family with leases at Urker and elsewhere in Creggan Parish. This is the Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751) son of William JACKSON (1628-1688) & Susan BERESFORD (died aft 1715).
SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine Richard JACKSON (aft 1658-1730)




1725 Apr 4

JACKSON-The office of Clerk of market Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Btw Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of Corporation of Colerain, Co Londonderry of 1 pt & William JACKSON Esq. & Griffin HOWARD Gent two of the aldermen of the said Corp. inconsid of £100 paid by JACKSON & HOWARD let to them the office of the Clerke of the Market of Coleraine and also all that and those the Customs of the faires and Markets… rent of 36 pounds sterling. Executed by Arthur CHURCH, mayor of Coleraine Gent, & Frederick CURTIS Chamberlaine. WITNESSES John GALT, William & John CURTIS, all of Coleraine. See JACKSONs of Coleraine. In all likelihood, this is William JACKSON (abt 1695-1744). Griffin HOWARD was a witness to his father’s will.




1731 May 13

GODFREY-JACKSON Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Image 100

Btw Lieut William GODFREY of the Hon Col HOWARD’s Regiment of foot of the one part & Richard JACKSON of the City of Dublin Esq. of the other pt.  150 pounds paid to GODFREY for lease of Drommore als Drumore situate in territory Ballibette or Portion of land called Moytullagh [Moyhillagh? Moyheeland, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin], Co. Londonderry [or Moydamlaght in Parish Ballynascreen?]. WITNESS: Alexander McCAULEY of City of Dublin Esq. & James SAUNDERS clerk to Richard PREST of same city. William GODFREY [SEAL]

See JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1731 Jun 19

ASH-AVERILL Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine Pennyburns Mills

For for £623 9s 9d William ASH made over to Isobel AVERILL mills called Pennyburn Mills [Pennyburn, Parish Templemore, Barony North-West Liberties of Londonderry] near City of Londonderry.




1727 Feb 3

ASH-JACKSON Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Image 517

2 tenements on Pump Street in City of Londonderry marked 211 & 212 transferred from William ASH to William JACKSON of Colerain Esq.  In consid of £50. WITNESS: John RODGER of City of Londonderry Baker & William DENT of City of Londonderry.

SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore and JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1734 Nov 2

GODFREY-DONALDSON Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Stephen GODFREY to James DONALDSON of Parish of Coleraine part of Dundooen [Dundooan, Parish Ballywillin, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine OR Dundooan, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine, OR Dundooan, Parish Ballyaghran, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine], formerly held by Alderman William GODFREY.




1734 Jun 9

JACKSON-TODD Book Index 1730-45 Image 413

William JACKSON Merchant of Colerain Co Londonderry demised to Isaac TODD of same Merch. All that bleach yard with the house etc formerly belonging to Sarah MELVINS, then in possession of said Isaac TODD together with a [garden and two parks of land] park or meadow abt 2a lying at the Bann side & North side of the lower part of the Wilderness with a small Guarding formerly Archbishop McKINLEYs & opposite to Mr. John DUNLOPs Gurding [garden?] on which said Isaac had enclosed with a stone wall then in his possession together with a park and field formerly Mr. ADERTONs adjoining on the South side with Thomas HALADYs [aka HALLIDAY] field and bounded on the west with the road that leads to Ardicleave [Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine].

.  35 yr lease... WITNESS: William KENTON of Coleraine schoolmaster & Samuel BRINDLEY Clerke to said Isaac TODD SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine Probably William JACKSON (1695-1744)




1735 Jul 24

JACKSON-ADERTON Book Index 1730-45

Image 413

William JACKSON of Colerain Co Londonderry demised to Thomas ADERTON town and lands of Lenon Garron [aka Lennongarron] [??] then in his possession in Parish of Dunboe [Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.], Manor of Clothworkers & Co. WITNESS: Samuel BRINDLEY Clke & Isaac TODD Merchant. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine William JACKSON (1795-1744)




1735 Feb 2

JACKSON-HALLIDAY Book Index 1730-45

The House and garden in possession of Archibald LYON & ye Barn and Hog Yard in Captain Richard HAMILTON’s possession.

Lease btw William JACKSON, of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, esq to Thomas HOLLYDAY of Waterside [Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine]  in the parish of Killowen, Co. Londonderry, Innkeeper .. house or tenement which HOLLYDAY possessed in the south side of Bridge St., Co. Londonderry… meared and bounded by Edward ADERTON’s field on north & south and in west with road leading to Ardiclave  [Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]. WITNESS: William KENTON of Coleraine, schoolmaster & Samuel BRINDLEY clke to Isaac TODD. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine William JACKSON (1695-1744)




1734 Mar 27

LINDSAY Book Index 1730-45

Image 178

William JACKSON of town of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry demised to David LINDSAY of the same, merchant, Co. Londonderry… land (unspecified) in Parish of Drumboe [Parish Dunboe], Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry for term of 35 years at rents of  11 pounds 15s 2d. WITNESS: Thomas HOLLYDAY, linen draper & William CHURCH  both of Coleraine. NOTE: SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1736 May 31

MOORE Book Index 1730-45

Image 358

Lease btw William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry of 1st pt; Frances his wife of the 2nd pt;  & the Hon Elizabeth MOORE of the City of Dublin , widow of 3rd pt. JACKSON had received payment of £1300 from MOORE for lands of Ballimadigan, Drumnequile, Donbally-Carn Ringrashbeg Ringrashmore Ardaclave etc … in Co. Londonderry. WITNESS: William CHURCH & William KINKEAD.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

NOTE: William JACKSON (1695-1744) was the husband of Frances EYRE. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1736 Nov 11

CAREY Book Index 1730-45

Image 407

William JACKSON of Coleraine in consid of  5s paid to him by Henry CARY of Dungivin, Co. Coleraine Esq. Arthur CHURCH  of Coleraine Esq.  & Thomas JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq sold to  Messrs Henry CARY, Arthur CHURCH & Thomas JACKSON  town and lands of Ballimadigan, Drumnequile, Donbally=Carn Ringrashbeg Ringrashmore Andaclave etc. WITNESS Farmer GLOVER & William CHURCH of Coleraine.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

NOTE: This is William JACKSON (1695-1744) SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1736 Nov 11

CAREY Book Index 1730-45

Image 407

Whereby William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry Esq. having contracted many & great debts & minded to vest his estate in Trustees in payment  thereof and in consideration of the sum of 5 pounds sterling sold to  Messrs Henry CARY, Arthur CHURCH & Thomas JACKSON  town and lands of Ballimadigan, Drumnequile, Donbally=Carn Ringrashbeg Ringrashmore Andaclave etc…. all that Manor commonly called the Manor of Clothworkers, Barony of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

NOTE: This is William JACKSON (1695-1744) SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1736 Oct 1

Image 208

between William ROWLEY of Abbottstown Co. Dublin Esquire of the one part and William HALL of the city of Dublin Esquire of other part whereby the said William ROWLEY and consideration of an indenture executed by the set William HALL to the said William ROWLEY granted for several annuities or yearly rents of 500 pounds and 60 pounds to William HALL by James HAMILTON and John HAMILTON Esq. during the natural life of a said William HALL coming out of several tenements and hereditaments in the said  indenture mentioned …

Quoilley [probably Quilly, Parish Desertlyn, Barony Loughinsholin] Leighumhier [possibly Lecumpher, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Dunmurry [Dunmurry, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] & Maydamlagh als Madamloghi [Moydamlaght, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Carndegsie [Carndaisy, Parish Desertlyn, Barony Loughinsholin] Carncoase [Carncose, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Tamlagh als Tamleighmore [Tamlaght, Parish Tamlaght, Barony Loughinsholin], Ballyarlea als Ballyfarlea [either Ballyforlea, Parish Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin or Ballyforlea, Parish Lissan (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Tullybuy [Tullyboy, Parish Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Dunaveragy als Dunabragy [Dunnabraggy, Parish Lissan (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Drumrott [Drumrot, Parish Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Ballyloghaan [Ballyloughan, Parish Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Anagavill als Anaghavill [Annahavil, Parish ?, Barony Loughinsholin] Calhin [??] McSparan [??] Duny Crunny als Derry Cromey [Derrycrummy, Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Turneyface als Turna fase [Turnaface, Parish Lissan (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] Ballygonybagg als Ballyownybeg [Ballygonny Beg, Parish Tamlaght, Barony Loughinsholin] Ballymoyle [Ballymoyle, Parish Tamlaght, Barony Loughinsholin] Cullian [Cullion, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Bavagh als Boveagh [Boveagh, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Gortachurk als Gortachork [probably Gortahurk, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] Derrynascallan als Durnascallon [Durnascallon, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Longfield [Longfield, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Tirgan als Terrygan [Tirgan, Parish Desertmartin, Barony Loughinsholin] Moykerran [Moykeeran, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Moykeelan als Moyheelan [Moyheeland, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Gortnaskea [probably Gortnaskey, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Carnamoney [Carnamoney, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Ballynure [Ballynure, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Breckagherly als Brackagh [Brackagh, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Reilly [possibly Owenreagh, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] & Turnabreak [possibly Tullybrick, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] All in Manor of Drapers in Barony Loughinsholin. [Co. Londonderry] in the province of Ulster and Realm of Ireland and of the lands and are elements contained in several indentures from the master and wardens and brethren and sisters of the gilded fraternity of the blessed Mary the Virgin of the Mystery of the Drapers of the City of London unto Clotworthy UPTON and they said William ROWLEY severally and respectively for several terms of years now to come an unexpired. To hold to the said William HALL and is assigned the residue of the several terms for years. WITNESS: John SMITH Esq. Counsellor at Law & John DENNIS and Mark WHITE Gent attorney. William OWLEY [SEAL]

NOTE: France UPTON, sister of Clotworthy UPTON, was the wife of Sir Hercules ROWLEY




1736 Oct 1

Image 472

BTW William ROWLEY of Abbotstown Co. Dublin Esq. of 1 pt & William HALL of City of Dublin Esq of the other. For £1,604.9.1 towns [long list in Drapers lands connected to Clotworthy UPTON] Co. Londonderry

Image 472

William HALL of City of Dublin Esq of the 1 pt & William ROWLEY of Abbotstown Co. Dublin Esq. of 2nd pt. [see above]




1736 Jan 13


Image 146

Tripartite release BTW George CARY Gent son & heir of Arthur CARY late of Derryard [Derryard, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght], Co. Londonderry, Esq. deceased Henry CARY of Dungiven [Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry Esq Henry DOWNING eldest son & heir of Adam DOWNING late of Rocktown [Rocktown, Parish Maghera, Barony Loughinsholin], Londonderry Esq. deceased. John CHURCH eldest son & heir of Lieut. George CHURCH late of Coleraine Co. Londonderry deceased William McCULLOGH of Peymount Co. Antrim, eldest son & heir of James McCULLOGH late of Grogan Co. Antrim deceased & Daniel CARMICH of Oghill [either Oghill , Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenagh or Oghill, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] Co. Londonderry, Gent of 1st pt. William SCOTT of City of Dublin Esq. of 2nd pt. & Thomas GOWAN of Dublin Gent of 3rd pt. Lands: Killyblought als Killyblight als Killyblaght [probably Killibleught, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght], Derryreflaugh als Derrylane als Derrylone Derrynafla [Derrynaflaw, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]  Ballymoney Farclare als Farclone als Farclow als Farclowane [probably Farkland, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]], Ballyrearagan [??] Derryard [Derryard, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]] & Flanders [Flanders, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght] all in Co. Londonderry to William SCOTT… WITNESS: William MACKY and John SMART both of City of Dublin Gents & Audly FANNING & Thomas GIVIN both of Co. Londonderry Gent.

NOTE: Col Adam DOWNING (1666-1719) was the husband of Anne JACKSON (bef 1693-aft 1718). SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry




1736 Jan 13


Image 146

Tripartite release BTW George CARY Gent son & heir of Arthur CARY late of Derryard [Derryard, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght], Co. Londonderry, Esq. deceased Henry CARY of Dungiven [Dungiven , Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry Esq Henry DOWNING eldest son & heir of Adam DOWNING late of Rocktown [Rocktown, Parish Maghera, Barony Loughinsholin], Londonderry Esq. deceased. John CHURCH eldest son & heir of Lieut. George CHURCH late of Coleraine Co. Londonderry deceased William McCULLOGH of Peymount Co. Antrim, eldest son & heir of James McCULLOGH late of Grogan Co. Antrim deceased & Daniel CARMICH of Oghill [either Oghill , Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenagh or Oghill, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] Co. Londonderry, Gent of 1st pt. William SCOTT of City of Dublin Esq. of 2nd pt. & Thomas GOWAN of Dublin Gent of 3rd pt. Lands: Killyblought als Killyblight als Killyblaght [probably Killibleught, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght], Derryreflaugh als Derrylane als Derrylone Derrynafla [Derrynaflaw, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]  Ballymoney Farclare als Farclone als Farclow als Farclowane [probably Farkland, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]], Ballyrearagan [??] Derryard [Derryard, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght]] & Flanders [Flanders, Parish Bovevagh, Barony Keenaght] all in Co. Londonderry to William SCOTT… WITNESS: William MACKY and John SMART both of City of Dublin Gents & Audly FANNING & Thomas GIVIN both of Co. Londonderry Gent.

NOTE: Col Adam DOWNING (1666-1719) was the husband of Anne JACKSON (bef 1693-aft 1718). SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry




1737 Jul 29

JACKSON-Wm-MAULEVERER Book Index 1730-1745 Fortwilliam,

Image 354

Between William JACKSON Sen. & William JACKSON jr. both of Fortwilliam [Townland Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan], Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Londonderry, Gent of the one part & Bellingham MAULEVERER Ck. Rector of Maghere [Parish Maghera]  in sd. Co. Of the other. Leased corn mill & lands in of Dunarnan [Dunarnon, Parish Magherafelt, Barony Loughinsholin] Owenreagh [Parish Owenreagh ] Cavanreagh [Cavanreagh , Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Moneyconey [Moneyconey, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] Tullybrick [Tullybrick, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] – parish of Ballynaforeen, Co. Londonderry.

SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1732 Apr 10

Image 98

Conveyance of Lease John KINCAID and Jane KINKAID als NOBLE his wife both of Aghansallagh [Aghansillagh, Parish Balteagh, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry for consideration of £16 paid by Robert SCOTT of Little Derry [[Little Derry, Parish Balteagh. Barony Keenaght], farmer, made over to Robert SCOTT the holding called Ballynhairy [Ballynahery, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght] then in possession of James MARTIN together with all the Houses Gardens Tenements & other appurts for the full term of the grand lease which the said John KINCAID held by right of his wife Jane KINKAID als NOBLE  under the Rt Hon Viscount Tyrone the said Robert SCOTT… rent £1.11.7… WITNESS Mathew SCOTT of Little Derry, William SCOTT of Largy [Largy, Parish Carrick, Barony Keenaght] & Hugh FORSYTH then of Newtown Limavady Newtownlimavady, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght] ] co. Londonderry. Memorial witnessed by Matthew SCOTT & William CHURCH of Coleraine merchant. … Charles CHURCH, Griff HOWARD Mayor of Coleraine. Arthur CHURCH Justice of the Peace for Co. Londonderry.




1738 Nov 14

JACKSON-MARRON Bk 423  1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine

Image 189

Btw Clark JACKSON of Drumballyhagen [Drumballyhagan or Drumballyhagan Clark Parish of Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Londonderry Gent of 1 pt & John MARRON of Maghera [Parish Maghera] Merchant of other pt. Reciting Rt. Hon William CONNOLLY Esq by indenture 29 Mar  1734 demised to Clark JACKSON the south half of Drumballyhagen then in possession of said Clark JACKSON 64a 2r 26p par of Manor of Vintners Barony Loughinsholin Co. Londonderry… for natural lives of Adam JACKSON eldest son of Clark JACKSON aged abt 13 years Samuel PATERSON eldest son of William PATERSON Tobermore [Tobermore Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin],in proportion aged about 11 years & John  O’CAHAN 2nd son of James O’CAHAN of Drumballyhagen aged abt 12 years … in presence of Thomas ASH and Rowly HILL Justices of the Peace for Londonderry. SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1739 Jul 11

Image 224

BTW Col. John EYRE of Eyerscourt, Co. Galway of 1st pt & William JACKSON of Coleraine Co. Londonderry Esq & Hercules DAVIS of City of Dublin Esq of 2nd pt. Baldwin CROWE of Kincorr [Kincora, Parish Wheery or Killagally, Barony Garrycastle]  Kings Co Esq of 3rd pt & George CAULFIELD Esq. of 4th pt…. Lands in Galway and [Garbally?] [Galbally, Parish Kilmurryely, Barony Clonlisk] Kings Co. .. £800 … WITNESSES: Henry CRITCHLY Gent & Thomas CAVE Mathematical Instrument maker both of City of Dublin & James SAUNDERS clerk to William PARRY of Dublin Notary public

NOTE: John EYRE (bef 1677-1745) of Eyrecourt. William JACKSON (abt 1695-1744) of Coleraine husband of Frances EYRE (1711-aft 1730). Frances EYRE was a niece of John EYRE. John married twice but died d.s.p.




1739 Mar 15


Image 207

Btw Mary KINKEDD of Waterside in Parish of Killowen, widow of 1 pt. William JACKSON of Coleraine Esq. of other part KINKEDD assigned house at Waterside [Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] lately built wherein she dwells and the field and park of land No 52 divided into three parks 52, 53 & 54 all situated in Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry…. WITNESS: Charles KINKEAD of Somerseat [Somerset, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine ] Esq & William KINKEAD of Coleraine Shopkeeper both of Co. Londonderry   SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1737 Oct 8


Image 498

Mary KINKEAD of Waterside [Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Killowen, Co. Londonderry widow of 1 pt & James INNES of City of Dublin Esq. of other pothouse at Waterside where Mary KINKEAD dwells and the field or Park of Land No. 52 divided into three parks (Viz) 52, 53 & 54 formerly HOUSTONs holding  & the House and Garden adjoining Mr. COOPERs now in possession of Thomas STURGEON all in Parish Killowen WITNESS: Elizabeth KINKEAD spinster & William KINKEAD vintner both of Paris Killowen & Robert MILLER of Coleraine Merchant Mary KINKEAD [SEAL].….. NOTE: See also William JACKSON of Coleraine: ROD: 96-378-68385.




1740 Jan 20

Image 92

Lease by Catherine ROWLEY of City of Dublin spinster & Rowley HILL of Walworth [Walworth, Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenaght and/or Walworth, Parish Faughanvale, Barony Tirkeeran NOTE: They share a border], Co. Londonderry esq. to William JACKSON Jr of Dunnigrenan [possibly Drumballyhagan or Drumballyhagan Clark, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] Co Londonderry Surgeon bearing date  the 17th day of June 1735 whereby Catherine ROWLEY demised to said William JACKSON  all that part of the half town of Dunnigrennan formerly held by David BIGOTT John McMICHAEL together with the old Highway from the housestead  wherein Gillaspy M’CONNAGHY formerly lived to the Flush called Dunigrinen Flush also that part of the town of Tobermore [Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] cont 3 tenements ranging to the street of Tobermore Town on the South and to a road or way  of forty foot broad of the rere made  out of Tobermore town to Dunigrinnan Fort on the West which was served out of this demise… more description.. were demised by Hugh ROWLEY to Robert Mc[ILREE?]  and the same was held by Capt William JACKSON father to the said William JACKSON excepting unto the said Catherine ROWLEY & Rowley Hill the meadow next to the Flush which Hugh ROWLEY kept to his own use. All to William JACKSON jr for lives of said William JACKSON jr.  Ann CUNNINGHAM jr daughter of Gorges CUNNINGHAM of Spring Hill, Co. Londonderry & Martha CORNWALL daughter of John CORNWALL of Mullaghmargaret Co. Tyrone Gent. WITNESS: Letitia HILL, spinster, John CORNWALL Sadler George MOORE Public Notary all of City of Dublin. NOTE: See reference to marriage of a William JACKSON to a Martha CORNWALL ROD #70504. This may link the JACKSONs of Tobermore  to the JACKSONs of Coleraine and also given the ROWLY connection to the JACKSONs of Tullyvallen and from there to the JACKSONs of Urker.

NOTE: Dun Grianan Fort (in this deed as Dunigrinnan Fort?) is in Co. Donegal. Greenfort Demesne (Grianfort) , Clondavaddog Civil Parish, Barony of Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal

Greenfort Island (aka Green Fort Island) , Clondavaddog Civil Parish, Barony of Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal

NOTE: In 1796 there was a Robert McIlree at the Vow [a townland on the River Bann where there once was a ferry]. Belfast News Letter. Thanks to Linde Lunney for this.




1735 Dec 1

JACKSON-MOORE & ors Book Index 1730-45

Image 188

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq in consideration of rents paid by John WHITE, Samuel MOOR, John HANNA, Duncan CALVY, James MITCHELL & James REED  all three parts of Ballystroan [Ballystrone, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] now in their possession … rent of £34 together with 18 Pullets to be delivered yearly on 1st Jan or 6s sterling also to carry every summer to the Mansion House near Coleraine of their own cutting and Winning 90 sacks of Turf every sack containing ten bushels …. WITNESS: William CHURCH & Henry PLATT both of Colerain & William KINKEAD of Coleraine

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1734 Nov 9

JACKSON-FORBES & ors Book Index 1730-45

Image 192

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq.  in consideration of £14.11.9 set to John FORBES, Mary FORBES, Joseph LEIGHTON, John BOYD & James FORBES all of Ballywoodrickmore [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] in Parish Dunboe … yearly rent of £11.15s  with Duties to wit one Dozen of good Puletts  … 35 sacks of turf …. WITNESS: William CHURCH & Samuel MOORE both of Coleraine Memorial WITNESS: William CHURCH & John BOYD of Ballywillrickmore William JACKSON [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1735 Aug 14


Image 243

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry, Esq. For rent set to John HOLMES land of Ardadillon [Artidillon, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Dunboe, Manor of Clothworkers, Co Londonderry … Duties 6 bushels of  [?] clean oats … 30 sacks turf of his own cutting and winding every sack containing 10 bushels… WITNESS: William CHURCH & John BOYD of Ballywillrick [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]. John HOLMES [SEAL] SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.





1734 Oct 25

JACKSON-CASKEY Book Index 1730-45

Image 248

William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq. in consideration of £1.10.7 ½ in consideration of rents, let to Samuel EASKEY, Mathew HINES & Wm NESBITT all of Toymullan [probably Formullen, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] in Parish Dunboe [NOTE: Borders Parish Dunboe] in Parish Dunboe,] all of the two parts of Toymullan now in their possession in parish of Dunboe, Manor of Clothworkers, Co Londonderry for term of 35 years.  At yearly rent of £6.14.2 with duties to wit Six Bushels of Good Sufficient Merchantable Oats or 2s8p… also 30 sacks of turf of his and their own Cuting and Winding or 7s 6p in lieu and turf to be delivered at the Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] near Coleraine … and every sack containing 10 bushels WITNESS: Thomas ADERTON & Wm CHURCH both of Coleraine and memorial witnessed by Wm CHURCH and John BOYD of Ballywillrick [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Co. Londonderry. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1734 Jul 22

JACKSON-COCHRAN Book Index 1730-45

Image 84

BTW William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. ... set to Samuel COCHRAN of Fox Dardaress in Parish Dunboe all that third part of Foxdardress [probably Dartress, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]  … 4 bushels of sufficient clean oats 20 barrels of Turf to be delivered to Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] near Coleraine  . … WITNESS: William CHURCH & & Mathew STEELE both of Coleraine. Samuel COCKRAN [SEAL] SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1735 Aug 11

JACKSON-MILLER Book Index 1730-45

Image 322

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. .. town land called Bogtown [Bogtown, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] lands in Drumboe, Manor of Clothworkers to David MILLER & John MILLER… rent of 15 pounds 13s 8d together with one Bowl or twelve bushels of fluffed and cleaned oats… and deliver to the Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] one hundred barrels of turf every barrel containing ten bushels of their own cutting and winding…35year term.. Witnessed: Samuel MOORE & John BOYD. Of Ballywillrick [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine],, Co Londonderry. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1741 Oct 21

JACKSON-LONG Book Index 1730-45

Image 323

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry to John LONG for 1/3rd part of Ballyhacket Moygilligan [Ballyhacket Magilligan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,] in parish of Drumbo, Manor of Clothworkers for similar terms as above. WITNESS: William KINKEAD & William CHURCH

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1741 Oct 21

JACKSON-BOYD Book Index 1730-45

Image 323

WilliamJACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry part of Ballyhacket Clonconney [Ballyhacket Glenahorry, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Drumbo, Manor of Clothworkers,  to Benjamin BOYD. Similar to above. WITNESS: Samuel MOORE & Henry HAMILTON.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1741 Oct 21

JACKSON-FENSON [BENSON?] Book Index 1730-45

Image 323

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry to Joseph TERSON (BENSON?) of Ballywooldrichmore [Ballywildrick Lower, and/or Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] all that part of Ballywooldrichmore now in his possession, parish of Drumbo. Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry for 35 years. WITNESS: William CHURCH & James FORBES. William JACKSON [SEAL]

Similar to above. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1742 Jul 9


Lease of townland of Ballymoney [Ballymoney, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Dunboe, Manor of Clothworkers did set to farm to James WILSON, James RANKIN & Wm LOUGHRICK all of Ballymoney also that townland of Ballymoney now in their possession… term of 35 years.. yearly rent of 5 pounds 5 s 6p with duties to wit 30 sacks of turf of their own cutting and winding and every sack containing ten bushels or else 7s 6d in Lieu to be delivered yearly at the Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] near Colerain. WITNESS: William CHURCH & Samuel MOOR both of Colerain Memorial witnesses Samuel MOOR & John BOYD. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1843 Feb 4


Image 139 Crean’s Close

BTW William Ash RIENY [aka RAINEY or REANEY] of BallymCuggin [??] Co. Londonderry and Lawrence VERNON of Sligo Co. Sligo Esq of 1 pt & Carnacross NESBITT of Aghamore Co. Longford Esq. of the other pt. Reciting Benjamin BURTON of City of Dublin Alderman by indenture of lease 8 April 1710 demised to Mary YEEDON of Sligo Widow plot of land lately in possession of George CROFTON Gent in Stephen Street in Town of Sligo … lives of Mary YEEDON Mary YEEDON eldest daughter & Margaret YEEDON 2nd daughter of said Mary YEEDON and that Mary YEEDON in natural love and affection unto Peter SMITH and Margaret SMITH otherwise YEEDON his wife .. reciting that Benjamin BURTON on 28 Oct 1725 demised to Mary YEEDON Park commonly called Creane Close containing 1 acre 3 roods in town of Sligo for lives of Toby PEYTON of Laheen, Co. Leitrim, Gent Mary PEYTON wife to Toby PEYTON and Margaret YEEDON daughter to Mary YEEDON… Mary YEEDON 1 June 1728 in consideration of natural love and affection she bore to Peter SMITH & Margaret his wife transferred the lease and that Margaret SMITH otherwise YEEDON one of the lives of the 1st recited deed and that Samuel BURTON of City of Dublin Alderman and heir of said Benjamin BURTON by deed of renewal 15 Nov 1730  inserted Peter SMITH in place of Margaret SMITH otherwise YEEDON deceased … lives of Mary YEEDON and Mary YEEDON eldest daughter of said Mary YEEDON and then wofe of Tobas PEYTON of Co. Roscommon Gent and said Peter SMITH by deed 6 June 1733 in consideration of £40 paid by Luke ASH of Sligo Co. Sligo Gent sold the Park to Luke ASH … reciting that whereas the said Mary YEEDON one of the lives is dead Benjamin BURTON of Burton Hall Co. Carlow Esq by deed of renewal 17 Oct 1739 and in consideration of £2 paid by Luke ASH instead and place of the said Mary PEYTON otherwise YEEDON deceased … now for lives of Mary YEEDON Peter SMITH & Luke ASH … whereas Philip COX of Sligo, Co. Sligo Esq by indenture 27 Nov 1739 set to Luke ASH the three following parkes that is to say the Two North Parkes mearing the Pious uses and the Middle Park between the park in possession of James GIBSON and a park in possession of said Phillip COX. The 3 parks = 7 acres granted to Phillip COX by Owen WYNE of Hazelwood Co. Sligo Esq. unto Luke ASH for lives of Phillip COX Lewis ORMSBY son of George ORMSBY of Tobberwaddy Esq. & George ORMSBY 3rd son of George ORMSBY … 25 March last past those 2 Parkes part of Lands of Cloonebikin containing 4 acres 3 roods for lives of Luke ASH Samuel ASH son of William ASH of Maghenny [??] Co. Londonderry Gent … bog of Killbreedy 6 acres 3 roods in Barony Carbery and Manor of Sligo for lives of Luke ASH William ASH & Daniel McNEALE and whereas Luke ASH by his last will 8 May 1742 appointed William Ash RAINY & Lawrence VERNAN executors … incl two Parkes or Closes part of lands of Cloonhebikin bounded on the east by Henry KING’s Park on the south by the River on the west by William GRIFFITHS Park and on the North to the lane leading to the bogg cont 4 acres 3 roods and also that part of the bogg of Kilbreedy cont 6 acres 3 roods in Barony of Carbury Manor of Sligo for lives of Mary YEEDON Peter SMITH & Mary YEEDON the younger and also lives of Luke ASH Samuel ASH son of William of Magherifelt Co. Londonderry Gent & Daniel McNEAL son of John McNEAL deceased in the first 4th & 5th recited leases … WITNESS: Edward SMITH & Frances BILL

NOTE: William ASH-RAINEY and Luke ASH were sons of Lt. Col Thomas ASH & Elizabeth RAINEY. Their sister Sarah ASH, wife of John JACKSON, had many children including Hugh JACKSON, Luke JACKSON & Martha JACKSON. Dr. Daniel McNEIL was of Monaghan and was a son of Dr. John McNEIL and Mary ASH (sister of Luke ASH & William ASH-REINEY)  SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1741 Feb 2

WARD & others – GORGES of Tyrone Book Index 1730-45

Image 151

BTW Michael WARD Esq. One of the Justices of his Majesties Court & Hugh BOYD of Ballycastle [Ballycastle, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght] late Drumawillen [Drumawillin, Parish Ramoan, Barony Cary, Co Antrim Esq. & John ANDERSON City of Dublin Apothecary executors of the last will and testament of Richard JACKSON Esq. late of the City of Dublin dec’d of the first part. Hamilton GORGES of the City of Dublin Esq. Of the 2nd pt. & William JACKSON Esq. of Colerain, Co Londonderry of 3rd pt ... reciting earlier deed.13 Oct 1729  btw said William JACKSON of 1 pt & said Richard JACKSON deceased of the other pt, the said William JACKSON for securing the repayment of £2,059 2.6 ½ in consid of 5s granted to said Richard JACKSON the several freehold messuages .. Ballymadagan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Drumnaquil [Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Donballycarn [possibly Drumballyhagan Clark], Ringressbegg [Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Rinressmore [Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Artecleave [Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], the lower Altabrean [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border] situate in Co. Londonderry … for 500 years at the yearly rent of one peppercorn but subject to be void according to a proviso therein contained. Michael WARD, Hugh BOYD & John ANDERSON in consideration of £2,003.5.3 did at the instance of said William JACKSON transfer to said Hamilton GORGES all said mortgaged lands, tenements & premises to hold to said Hamilton GORGES… for remaining term of 200 years subject to the proviso or condition of redemption and by which the said Hamilton GORGES declared that the said deed was taken in his name. John TRUST for the Rt. Hon. Marcus Lord Viscount Tyrone... WITNESS: William McCAUSLAND & Fairfax MERCER both of Dublin, Gent & by the said Hamilton GORGES in presence of Sackville BERESFORD of same, Gent & Wm McCAUSLAND & Hugh BOYD & Wm JACKSON in presence of Sackville BERESFORD & Dom HEYLAND of Castleroe. Hamilton GORGES [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1739 Aug 1

Image 151

William Ash-RAINEY of Magherafelt [Parish Magherafelt], Co. Londonderry of 1st pt; William MONTGOMERY of Rosemount Esq. & Robert WARD of Downpatrick Esq. & Thomas NEVIN of same. All in Co. Down of 2nd pt. Charles JOHNSTON of Ballee, Co. Down Gent of 3rd pt. … lands of Milltown, Ballyhassett, Ballywarren, [?]ttall & other lands in Barony Lecale, Co. Down … NOTE: Major William ASHE-RAINEY (1703-1766) SEE: Jacksons of Tobermore.




1744 May 28

BENNETT-JACKSON  between KINKHEAD-JACKSON deed & related ones

Image 361

Btw John BENNETT of Colerain, Co. Londonderry Gent of the 1 pt & William JACKSON of the same Esq. of the 2nd pt. reciting an earlier deed March 2 1724 made an executed by the said William JACKSONJACKSON had demised to BENNETT the garden & tanyard & waterside in the Parish of Killowen Maner of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry which had been late of the possession of Samuel CORBETT deceased… BENNETT assigned this all back to JACKSON. WITNESS: Hercules HEYLAND of Castleroe [Castleroe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Co. Londonderry Esq & by the eldest Robert GIVEEN of Kiltowen [Parish Killowen] in said Co. linen draper & by John M’ALESTER of Colerain Gent. William JACKSON [SEAL]. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

NOTE: Wiki Tree: Hercules HEYLAND (abt 1693-1750, husband of Mary GALT.




1735 Nov 1

JACKSON-TOMM Book Index 1730-45

Image 379

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry ..to Samuel TOMM of Ardwillan  [Artidillon, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] all of Ardwillan in his possession, Parish of Drumboe, Manor of Clothworkers... SEE; JACKSONs of Coleraine




1741 Apr 13

CORRY-HYLAND & ors Book Index 1730-45

Image 421

BTW William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. and Henry CARRY of Dungiven [Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry Esq of 1st pt. Hercules HEYLAND of Castlerowe [Castleroe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Co. Londonderry Esq. of 2nd pt and Marcus Lord Viscount Tyrone of 3rd pt.. Reciting earlier deed Oct 13, 1729, the Clothworkers of London had demised to Richard JACKSON of Dublin Esq all that Manor of Clothworkers in the Kingdom of Ireland for a term of 51 years dating from May 1, 1720… reciting that the said Richard JACKSON had by his deed bearing date Oct 13, 1729 declared that the said indenture so made by the Master Wardens & Commonwealth aforesaid was made in trust for the said William JACKSON by way of a better security for the sum of £2,050.4.6 which the said William JACKSON then owed unto him… William CARY & William JACKSON discharged the debts and assigned townlands to Hercules HEYLAN. in Manor of Clothworkers: Ballantiremore [??], Balantirebeg [??], Ballydunaallismore [??], Gortycavans [Gortycavan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ballywibrickmore & Ballywillrickbeg [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballygarrow Toymullan[probably Formullen, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] Four Ballyhackets [Ballyhacket Magilligan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,] [Ballyhacket Glenahorry, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballyhacket Lisawilling, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], [Ballyhacket Toberclaw, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] & Ballyhowan [??], With appurtenances set to solvent tenants WITNESS Connolly MCAUSLAND of Fruithill [in Townland Derry Beg, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght], Esq. & John M’ALESTER of Colerain Gent & Dominick HEYLAND of the same Esq. & Richard RANKIN servant to said William JACKSON Hercules HEYLAND [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

NOTE: Wiki Tree: Hercules HEYLAND (abt 1693-1750, husband of Mary GALT.




1745 Jan 4

TROTTER Book Index 1730-45

Image 148

Btw John JACKSON of Tobermore [Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] Co Londonderry Gent of the 1 pt & Thomas TROTTER of Magherafelt [Parish Magherafelt] in the same Co Merchant reciting that the sd John JACKSON by virtue of contract and by intermarriage  btw William JACKSON father of  the said John JACKSON & Thomas ASH aforesaid of Magherafelt [Parish Magherafelt] Esq. … John JACKSON married Sarah daughter of Thomas ASH…… annuity of 30 pounds chargeable to John JACKSON & his issue of the rents & profits of 6 townlands in parish of Ballymascreen [Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin]  Co Londonderry  WITNESSES Samuel LAIRD & Josias FLEMING both of the town [Townparks of Magherafelt, Parish Magherafelt, Barony Loughinsholin] and parish of Magherafelt.

NOTE: See: JACKSONs of Tobermore. SEE: ROD 50-32-33227. 1713 Feb 18




1748 Feb 15

CONGREVE 1746-1758

Image 170

Btw Richard JACKSON, City of Dublin, Esq & Grand-nephew & heir at law of John EYRE late of Eyre Court., Co. Galway Esq. Deceased… townland of Annaccalla, Barony Longford, Co. Galway. Also a dwelling house on west side of Dawson Street, City of Dublin wherin Matthew FORD lately dwelt. Built by William WILD containing 19’ in breadth, on Dawson St, , 25’, in depth from front to rere 220’adjoining on east to Dawson Street, on west to lane and waste land belonging to WILD and to the north to a house owned by John DAWSON Esq. & on south to another house owned by William WILD together with the Coach House and Stable behind the said dwelling house   NOTE: Frances EYRE (1708-?) of Eyre Court was wife of William JACKSON (1695-1744) John EYRE, uncle of Francis EYRE, died 1745, therefore this Richard JACKSON is likely Sir Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789)  SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1750 May 5

WHYTE 1746-1758

Image 136

Btw Hamilton GORGES City of Dublin Esq. of 1st pt & Rt Honorable Marcus Earl of Tyrone of the 2nd pt; Mark WHYTE of the City of Dublin Esq. of the 3rd pt. & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry Esq. of the 4th pt…. reciting whereby Hamilton GORGES at the request of and by and with the consent of the Earl of Tyrone & Richard JACKSON transferred to Mark WHYTE townland Ballymadagan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Drumnaquill [Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Donbalycarn [possibly Drumballyhagan Clark], Ringressbogg [Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.], Ringresmore [Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Artecleave the Lower Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine & Altabreen [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border] Co Londonderry and all other hereditaments of William JACKSON hereafter named for term of 500 years then unexpired by virtue of a deed dated 13 Oct 1729 btw William JACKSON Esq of Coleraine of 1 pt and Richard JACKSON Esq of City of Dublin since deceased of other pt. … this is a memorial of that deed WITNESS: Edward STORLING of City of Dublin Esq & his clerk James WHITE.  Signed by Richard JACKSONNOTE: Hamilton GORGES (1712-?) was a nephew of Elizabeth GORGES (1645-1747) wife of William JACKSON (1665-1712). Their son was a William JACKSON (1695-1744) – likely the signatory to the recited deed of 1729. Both William JACKSONs and Hamilton GORGES were related to both of the Richard JACKSONs mentioned. See: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1750 Aug 17

CROMIE 1746-1758

Image 272

btw Hon Michael WARD Esq one of the trustees & Justices of the Court of Kings bench & Hugh BOYD lately of Drumawillin [Drumawillin, Parish Ramoan, Barony Cary, Co Antrim] but now of Ballycastle [Ballycastle, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght] Co. Antrim last surviving executor of Richard JACKSON Esq late of City of Dublin deceased, & Alexander McAULEY Esq. of City of Dublin only son and heir of Alexander McAULEY Esq.  deceased of Drumnagesson, Co Antrim and Mary CROMBIE widow & Relict of Andrew CROMBIE  late of City of Dublin, merchant, deceased of the other pt. and the release made btw Michael WARD, Hugh BOYD and Richard JACKSON only son and residual legatee of Richard JACKSON of the 1st pt Alexander McAULEY of the 2nd pt & Mary CROMBIE of the 3rd pt. whereby the said Michael WARD, Hugh BOYD and Alexander McAULEY for consideration mentioned granted to Mary CROMBIE 2 quarter lands of Ballyhomes [townland in Parish Dunluce, 516a), the quarter land of Drumcrotagh (In Parish of Derrykeighan, 252a), the quarter land of Maghreboy (parish Kilraghts), the quarter land of Carnaff (Parish of Derrykeighan, 268a), the quarter land of Lisnabragh (Parish of Derrykeighan 188a), the quarter land of Ballybullion (Parish ?), and the two quarter lands of Brachoghs (possibly Breckagh, Parish of Ballymoney) all situate in Barony of Dunluce, Co. Antrim & the quarter land of Drumnegesson (Parish of Ballintoy, 349a), the quarter land of Drumnagee (Parish of Ballintoy, 229a), the two quarter lands of Ballyboys (Parish ?) Barony of Cary, Co. Antrim. WITNESS: Richard MAGENNIS & Andrew MATTHEWS both of City of Dublin, Gents. Memorial by Hugh BOYD  WITNESS: Richard MAGENNIS & Samuel WALLACE City of Dublin Gent & release Richard JACKSON and Alexander McAULEY WITNESS: Richard MAGENNIS & Samuel WALLACE. NOTE: These townlands are clustered in the upper north-western part of Antrim, bordering on Coleraine in Co. Londonderry. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. Hugh BOYD (1690-1765) was a brother of Elizabeth BOYD, wife of Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) of Dublin. Richard JACKSON (1722-1765) was likely their only surviving son at this time. He was the Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Lodge, Co. Armagh.




1750 May 5

Earl of Tyrone-JACKSON1739-1810

Image 35

Honorable Marcus Earl of Tyrone [aka Sir Marcus BERESFORD (1694-1763) son of Sir Tristram BERESFORD of Coleraine] granted to Richard JACKSON of Coleraine.

Castleloothery [probably Castletoodry, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Killcranny [Killcranny, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Killyvitty [probably Killyveety, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballyboughtmore [?? – longshot simply because it is contiguous: Ballywildrick Lower] Knocknocgher [Knocknogher, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Fox Dartress & 1/3rd Upper Dartress [probably Dartress, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Little Ardina [Ardina, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballywillen [either Ballywillin, Parish of Ballywillin, in the Barony of Dunluce Lower or Ballywillin, Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine] Exornan [Exorna, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ardidillon [Artidillon, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Brattwell [Bratwell, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] Lennongarrow [?? -possibly Belgarrow, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] Knockmult [Knockmult, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] Two Artiherraghs [possibly Artikelly (Ard Uí Cheallaigh), Parish of Aghanloo, in the Barony of Keenaght] Upper Ardiclave [Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ardina [Ardina, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Bogtown [Bogtown, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Carnitty [Carneety, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] & Ballymoany [probably Ballymoney, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]  Being part of Manor of Clothworkers Co. Londonderry for residue of term of 51 years


SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1750 Aug 9

HOWARD 1746-1758

Image 190

A Declaration of trust executed by William JACKSON of Dublin Gent & Thomas HAMLIN of Drogheda Gent. Reciting Francis BELAGH of City of Dublin Brewer in Court of Exchequer 1740 against John HAMLIN late of Town of Drogheda for £300 Debt costs to William JACKSON assigned by Ann BELAGH, widow, executor of Francis BELAGH to ensure and remain for sole benefit of Gorges Edmund HOWARD. William JACKSON [SEAL]. NOTE: This probably relates to William JACKSON (1695-1744). Gorges Edmund HOWARD (1715-1785) was a son of Francis HOWARD & Elizabeth JACKSON. He was also a 1st cousin once removed of Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill, Co. Armagh. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. SEE: ROD 143-109-95843




1750 Aug 5

Image 62

BTW Gerald BYRNE of City of Dublin Gent of 1st pt. Mary HAMLIN otherwise WOOTON widow of John HAMLIN of 2nd pt & Gorges Edmund HOWARD of Drogheda of 3rd pt. Reciting Gerald BYRNE for £720 sold to Gorges Edmund HOWARD in his actual possession several Messuages Houses Lands Plotts of Ground & Mills Tenements and Gardens therein  with Dwelling House where Margaret HAMLIN widow formerly dwelt in West St., Drogheda now in possession of William ELLIOT .. also one house known as slaughter house formerly in tenure of James BIRD and now in possession of James SANDIFORD in Fair St., Drogheda & house formerly in tenure of Widow WARD on Fair St. … Saint Sunday’s Gate … St. Laurence’s Gate … James Gate … Duleek Gate …  West St. formerly in possession of Elizabeth HALE … Dyer St …in town of Drogheda in Possession of William JONES and undertenants … St. John St. … Duleek Gate in possession Terence NEALE … land and Mills and tenements and gardens on West Street in City of Drogheda … much description mention of St Laurence Gate… tan yard … two mills formerly in possession of James MEADE…. Two pages of descriptions …£1,200 paid by Gorges Edmond HOWARD to Gerald BYRNE & Thomas HAMLIN … WITNESS: Chapman HUDDLESTON & Lewis MOORE both of City of Dublin Gent. NOTE: No JACKSON mentions, although the descriptions of land are similar to lands they had leased in an earlier generation and Gorges Edmond HOWARD was a nephew of JACKSONs of Coleraine. SEE: ROD 142-359-95853 JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1750 Dec 4


Image 168

Lease whereby Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq leased to John WORTHINGTON, City of Dublin Carpenter, piece of land whereon are built two front dwelling houses and one back house on South side of Kings Street near Stephens Green containing in front to King Street 38’ from front to rere 88’ bounded on East by McNOWLAND, on the west to a house belonging to Richard JACKSON on the south to McSWEETMAN’s Malt House and North to the Kings pavement … yearly rent of 9 pounds John WORTHINGTON [SEAL] WITNESS: William JACKSON City of Dublin, Gent.& Matthew BOURKE servant to Gorges Edmund HOWARD of City of Dublin Esq.. Mem WITNESS: William JACKSON of City of Dublin & Chapn HUDDLESTON

See: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1750 May 5


Image 243

Richard JACKSON Fellow Commoner of Trinity College [aka undergrad] of the one pt & Philip FLETCHER of Lisburn Co. Antrim Esq. whereby Richard JACKSON demised to FLETCHER the Capital messuage or tenement commonly called and known by the name of the Manor or Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] and all the lands and tenements belonging in the manor of the Clothworkers in the Parish of Drumboe  [Parish Dunboe] Co Londonderry and also Dardrees [probably Dartress, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] the Higher now being accounted for two Ballyboes of Land and thertofore one Ballyboe of Land and the Lower for two Ballyboes of land with their and every of their members  and appurtenances whatsoever in the Territory Ballibetto [??]  or portion of land called or known by the name of Lacklum [??] in Barony of Colerain ,,, for term of 51 years computed from 12 June 1719 subject to a clause of redemption upon payment of £500 & interest. WITNESS” Edmund WILSON and Richard LEWIS both of City of Dublin Gents.   NOTE: I believe this is the Richard JACKSON (1729-1789) who later became the representative for Coleraine. He would have been 21 years old. SEE: Trinity College JACKSONs.




1751 Jun 24

GEARY Image 127

Btw Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. of the 1 pt & John GEARY of City of Dublin Dairyman of the other… land on south side of Kings Street 20’ in depth; front to rere 88’ and in rere 27’. Bounded on north by Kings Street on the west to Mr. Nowlands holding, on the east to holding of John GEARY, & on the south to Mr. DEACONs holding for term of 48 years for rent of 8 pounds. WITNESS: William JACKSON & Joseph WADDY clerks to Gorges HOWARD of Dublin Esq.& Benjamin PEMBERTON of City of Dublin Bricklayer. Memorial witness: Benjamin PEMBERTON & Charles MEARES of Dublin Gent. NOTE: I believe this is the Richard JACKSON (1729-1789) who later became the representative for Coleraine. He would have been 22 years old. SEE: Trinity College JACKSONs.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

NOTE: Also recorded at ROD: 148-293-99570




1752 Jan 22


Image 162

William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq. of 1 pt & Joseph WATSON of Knockaduff [Knockaduff, Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine], in Parish of Aghadooey & John WATSON & William WATSON both of Ballymadakin [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Co Londonderry farmer of the other pt. JACKSON for consid demised to WATSON all that half townland of Ballymadagin [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]. John WATSON [SEAL] and William WATSON [SEAL] WITNESS: William KINKEAD John McALESTER both of Coleraine.

See: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1751 Jun 11


Image 57

BTW William ANNESLEY and William SCOTT both of City of Dublin Esq. of 1st pt; Henry CARY of Dungiven  [Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry Esq. of 2nd; Thomas NEWBOURGH of Ballyhays [NOTE: There are two Electoral Districts: 24 townlands in Ballyhaise & 4 townlands in Ballyhaise] Co. Cavan Esq and Martha NEWBOROUGH otherwise CARY his wife, one of the daughters of Henry CARY of 3rd pt & Revd Bellingham MAULEVERER of Maghera [Parish Maghera ] Co. Londonderry Clerk of 4th pt. £1,500 pd on intermarriage of Edward CARY Esq. eldest son of Henry CARY with Honorable Jane BERESFORD …

Granted to Bellingham MAULEVERER

All that Mannor of Phillipar [??] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine & Tyrone in province of Ulster … being part of said Mannor (that is to say) the late Dissolved Abby Monastery or Religious house of  Dungiven [Dungiven] in Barony Kenouoght [Keenaght] in Co. Londonderry … fraternity of Skinners London  and also Castle Town [??]and lands of Dungiven [Dungiven] alias Mahoriboy  [Magheraboy, Parish Dungiven, Barony KeenaghtNonbeg [Nonebegg als Owenbegg [Owenbeg, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],being one Ballynoe of land Strahanshmore Ballymulgo [??] being one Ballyboe of Land & Ballielassen [??] being one Balliboe of land Lestaheloge [??] being one Quarter Balliboe of Land Machriboy [possibly Magheraboy Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], being one Ballyboe of land in Barony Kenaught In co. Londonderry alia Coleraine … also Lacha [Lackagh, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght,] being one Balliboe of Land Ballymonyles [possibly Ballymonan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght,] being one Balliboe of Land Killerseagh [??]being one Balliba of land Derryware [Derryware, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],being one Ballyboe of Land Shregony [possibly Scriggan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] being one Balliboe of land Derryduff [Derryduff, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], being one Balliboe of land Nahasson possibly Hass, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] being one Balliboe of land Brihey [Brishey, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] being one Balliboe of Land Terrivolen [possibly Tirgoland, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght]  being one Balluboe of land & Ballycohill [??]  being one Balliboe of land Ballymackever [Ballymakeever, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], being one Ballyboe of land all in Territory Ballieeehassan [??] in Barony Kenaugh within Co. Londonderry als Coleraine & also Clatgore Gortge [possibly Cluntygeeragh (Cluainte cCaorach), Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],  being one Balliboe of Land Carn [Carn, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] being one Balliboe of Land Cashell [Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],being one Balliboe of Land Boville [Boviel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] being one Balliboe of Land Croweback [??] being one Balliboe of Land in Territory half Balliebeltoe or portion of land known as Benadi [Benady in Townland Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],in Barony Kenagh in Co. Londonderry alias Collrane … & Fineame [Fincarn, Parish Banagher (Keenaght portion), Barony Keenaght], being one Balliboe of Land Gallard [possibly Gallany, Parish Banagher (Keenaght portion), Barony Keenaght]  being one Balliboe of Land Tulladan [??] being one Balliboe of Land in Territory Balliebelloe or portion of Land known as Ballyahare [possibly Ballynahery, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenagh] in Barony Kenaught … Tully [Tully, Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenaght,] being one Balliboe of Land Tanduffe [??] being one Ballyboe of Land Ardgreven [possibly Ardgarvan, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenagh]  being one Ballboe of Land Moycashell [??] being one Balliboe of Land Gortnersheath [??]being one Balliboe of Land Ballickillahan [??] being one Balliboe of Land Cloghoge [Cloghog, Parish Derryloran (Derry portion), Barony Loughinsholin] being one Balliboe of Land all in Territory Ballilbettoe or portion of Land commonly known as Croshalt within Barony Annagh [now called Tirkeeran] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine … Brackinoy [possibly Brackfield, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of Land Kilcaran [probably Kilcaltan, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of land Gortnerane [Gortnaran, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of Land … land commonly known as Balliemackgahny [Ballymaclanigan, Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] in Barony Anaght [now called Tirkeeran] Co. Londonderry & also Lisbany [Lisbunny, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran]  being one Balliboe of Land Salleboyle [Sallowilly (Salach-baile), Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of Land Altahoney [Altaghoney, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of Land in Territory Balliebeltoe or portion of Land called Altdaurannell [??] in Barony Annaght [now called Tirkeeran] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine … and also Balliedanegan [Ballydonegan, Parish Banagher (Tirkeeran portion), Barony Tirkeeran], being one Balliboe of Land Tanniahean [??] being one Balliboe of Land Coolmoney [possibly Coolnamonan Parish Banagher (Tirkeeran portion), Barony Tirkeeran], being one Balliboe of Land in Territory of Ballibeltoe [??] or portion of Land called or known by the name of Ballienaltan [possibly Ballyartan, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], in Barony Annaght [now called Tirkeeran] Gortnahan [probably Gortnaran, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] being one Balliboe of Land in territory of Balliofogar [??] in Barony Annaght [now called Tirkeeran] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine & also  Dromlirge [??]being one Balliboe of Land Shrahsmore [probably Strawmore, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin], Latiniskey [??] being one Balliboe of Land Mallinavotts [??]being one Balliboe of Land Droard [??] and Money Gorgan [??] being one Balliboe of Land Dodgilduffe [??] being one Balliboe of Land Ballienahanbegg [??] being one Balliebeg of Land Ballyclappye [possibly Ballyclaber, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] being one Balliboe of Land Shradrongalga [possibly Shregeny als aforesaid Serigan - Scriggan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght being one Balliboe of Land Tullatima [??] being one Balliboe of land Brackalion Morley [??] being one Balliboe of Land in Territory Balliebeltoe or portion of land known by name Ballienemetagh [??] in Barony Loughlinsholin [Loughinsholin] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine or Tyrone in Province of Ulster  … contained in portion of Master and Wardens of the Guild or Fraternity aforesaid (Number twelve) according to their Lott or Division drawn at Guildhall in City Londondon December 1613 based on survey by Archibald STEWART of Kingdom of Ireland and Phillip JACKSON of London surveyors 1740 and are as follows Lackagh [Lackagh , Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght,] 390a Ballykellaghan West 100a 3r Ditto East 181a 3r [possibly Ballykelly  and/or Ballykelly Level (Intake), Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenaght]  Gortneskea [probably Gortnaskey, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 285a 2r Glenlough [Glenlough, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 409a Cooldoig upper [probably Kildoag, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] 284a 2r Ditto lower 196a Ardgrewen Upper 155a 1r Ditto Lower [possibly Ardgarvan or more likely Ardground, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] 153a 2r Tonduff [possibly Tamlaghtduff Brown or Tamlaghtduff Jennings] 302a Tully als Legathory [Legaghory, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] 276a Braefield 201a 2r Lettermyer [Lettermire, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] 121a 3r Kileatan Upper 103a 2r Ditto Lower [probably Kilcaltan, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] 51a 3r Gortnerane [Gortnaran, Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 162a 3r Lisbuny [Lisbunny, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran]  540a 2r Altehoney [Altaghoney, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 489a 2r Sallaghboaly [Sallowilly, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 253 2r Ling [Ling, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] 276a Carnanbane [either Carnanbane, Parish of Learmount (Tirkeeran portion), in the Barony of Tirkeeran and/or Carnanbane, Parish of Banagher (Keenaght portion), in the Barony of Keenaght] 154a 2r Laughtilube [??] 233a Coolnamonan [Coolnamonan, Parish Banagher (Tirkeeran portion), Barony Tirkeeran] 220a Ballydonogan [Ballydonegan, Parish Banagher (Tirkeeran portion), Barony Tirkeeran] 641a Tamniahagan [Tamnyagan, Parish Banagher (Tirkeeran portion), Barony Tirkeeran] 220a 2r in Barony Anaght [now called Tirkeeran] in Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine Tullygoan [??] 209a 2r Tincarn [??] 108a 2r Gallinagh [??]  & Moygerive [??] 202a2r Ovill [Ovil, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] 384a Ballygoddan 146a Owenbegg [Owenbeg, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght]  283a Dungiven [Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght]  including Ballycaslem [probably Ballymacallion, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] & Balliemollie [possibly Ballymonan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] 227a 2r Killterfeagh [??] 88a 2r Hass [Hass, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] 155a Lackagh [probably Lackagh, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] 205a 2r Derryware [Derryware, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], & Ballyohellan [??]  212a 3r Serigan [??] 153a 2r Ballymacever [Ballymakeever, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], and Deryduff [Derryduff, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 187a 3r Tiergolan [Tirgoland, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Ballyhanet [??]  262a Brisha [Brishey, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 240a Curagh Lane [Curraghlane, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 208a Ballymonan [Ballymonan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 211a Magherabeg [Magheraboy, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 202a Lisnakilloge alias Westeravebarkey [[?? possibly near  Crabarkey] 266a Crevebarkey [Crabarkey, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 185a 1r Cashell [Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 226a Bovill [Boviel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 299a Carne [Carn, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 604a 2r Mountain of Tiergolan [Tirgoland, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 552a 2r Aslamaduff [Ashlamaduff, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 496a Edenticall [Eden (Eadan Tighe Cathail), Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Mountain of Bovill [possibly Boviel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 898a Mountain of Cashell [possibly Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 1179a Clontegeragh [Cluntygeeragh, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], 2300a Glenshane [Glenshane, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],1282a in Baron Keenagh Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine Drumderigg [Drumderg, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin], 546a Glengomna [Glengomna, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin], 620a Carveragh [Cavanreagh, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] alias East Glengomna 313a part of Glengomna [Glengomna, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] held with Labby 68a 2r Labby [Labby, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 302a Brackagh [Brackagh, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 196a Cloghfin [Cloughfin, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 207a 2r alias Shadrumgalgan [??]  263a Dezert [Disert, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 247a Doon Upper [Doon, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 193a 2r Shamore Upper [Strawmore, or Straw, or Straw Mountain, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 118a Ditto Lower 97a Shaneghey part of Stramore [Strawmore, or Straw, or Straw Mountain, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 104a Tonagh [Tonaght, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 188a Drumard [Drumard, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 523a Mullanawoe Upper [probably Mulnavoo, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] 56a Ditto Lower 69a 2r Drumdoe [possibly Drumderg, Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin]  50a 2r in Barony Loughlinshillin Co. Londonderry alias Coleraine or Tyrone all premises before mentioned contain 20,507a 1r except several lands of Nonebegg als Owenbegg [Owenbeg, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Lackah als Lackagh [Lackagh, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Shregeny als aforesaid Serigan [Scriggan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Derryware [Derryware, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], als Upper Derrywead & Lower Derrywead [??] Gortnecrane als Gortnerane [Gortnaran, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], Kilterane als Kileatan [possibly Kilcaltan, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran]  Lettermoyer als Lettermoyre [Lettermire, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] Ling [Ling, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], Ballykeallaghan als Ballycallagha [Ballycallaghan, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], Gortneskeash als Gortnasky [Gortnaskey (Gort-na-sceach), Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], Tonduff [Toneduff, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran], Glenlough [Glenlough, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran],  Altahoney [Altaghoney, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran],  Brackfield [Brackfield, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran] Tully alias Legacorn [probably Legaghory Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran], Ardregiven [probably Ardground (Ard-grian), Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran], Upper & Lower Cooldoig als Culdoige [probably Kildoag (Coill-Dubhog), Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran], Lackagh [Lackagh, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran], Lisbane alias Lisbune [??] Kilalooy [Killaloo, Parish Cumber Lower, Barony Tirkeeran],  Tomkins freehold commonly called Ballymullins [??]  Dunedy [Dunady, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran], Ballyarton [Ballyartan, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran or Ballyartan, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] & Lettermuck [Lettermuck, Parish Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran] being part of portion of Pilipar [??] held by Lease from Masters and Wardens of Guild or Fraternity of Skinners London  to hold to Bellingham MAULEVERER his heirs …  for natural lives of Henry CARY, Edward CARY & Frederick CARY Hamilton [CARY?] sons of Henry CARY … demised to aid Henry CARY by Lease from Lord Arch Bishop of Armagh in said recited deed … further witnessed that Thomas NEWBOROUGH and Martha his wife for consideration granted to Bellingham MAULEVERER … WITNESS: Mervyn FANNING & James MAULEVERER son of Bellingham MAULEVERER. Henry CARY [SEAL]

NOTE: Bellingham MAULEVERER was a brother of Robert Lindsay MAULEVERER (abt 1811-1850), the land agent murdered in Co. Armagh. Edward CARY, son of Henry CARY, lived at Dungiven Castle, Dungiven, Co. Londonderry. On Aug 10, 1743, he married Jane BERESFORD (1720-1792) dau of Marcus BERESFORD (1694-1763) and Catherine POWER.




1752 Jun 19

Image 101

lease between Richard JACKSON of the city of Dublin Esquire of the one part: and Gorges Edmond HOWARD of the city of Dublin gent of the other part… reciting deed 17 Dec 1751 £350 paid by Gorges Edmond HOWARD in pursuance of articles of agreement 1 Feb 1752 btw said Richard JACKSON of 1 pt & said Edmond HOWARD of the other . Richard JACKSON granted to Gorges Edmond HOWARD Parcel of land on the Westside of Fishamble Street in the city of Dublin containing in front to east to said Street 23’5” and running backwards to the westwards to the rere of Rose Alley tenement bounded on the north to land belonging to Henry SEGRAVE Esq & on the south to land belonging to John BAGGOT Esq, together with  three houses now built thereon and called Virginia Court subject to interest of Nicholas TYRELL of City of Dublin Baker … conveyed to said Richard JACKSON  by said deed … WITNESS: William JACKSON and Joseph WOODY

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. NOTE Samuel JACKSON had property on Fishamble until his death in 1706. He had willed it to his nephew Richard JACKSON. 1705 December 4 - Will of Samuel  JACKSON Capt. Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) was the eldest son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. Gorges Edmond HOWARD (1715-1786) was a grandson of Capt. William JACKSON who died abt 1712 and was of JACKSON Hall, Coleraine. Richard JACKSON was his grand-uncle.




1752 Nov 23


Image 587

NOTE: There are 3 Richard JACKSONs in this document.

Deed btw Hon Michael WARD Esq one of the trustees of his Majesties Court of Common Pleas in Ireland and Hugh BOYDE of Ballycastle [Ballycastle, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght] Co Antrim Esq. Surviving executors of Richard JACKSON late of the City of Dublin Esq. deceased [1673-1730]. Of the 1st pt; Richard JACKSON of the City of Dublin Esq [1722-1787] only surviving son of the said Richard JACKSON deceased of the 2nd pt; Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq [1729-1789] husb of Anne O’NEIL] only son and heir and devisee of William JACKSON Esq. late of Coleraine [prob 1695-1744] deceased of the 3rd pt. All that and those the Mannor of Clothworkers London, with the appurtenances in the County of Londonderry also Coleraine… All that capitall Messuage or Tenement commonly called the Mannor or Mantion House [aka Mansion House or Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside , Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] lately erected with all the appurtenances lately in occupation of William JACKSON Esq. And also .. Balliboes ,,, Custan Foodre [??] being one ballyboe of Land, Kelenenan [??]being one ballyboe of Land, Mahereboybegg [possibly Magherabeg, Drummullan Townland, ??]being one ballyboe of Land, Mahereboymore [??] Ballymoremore being one ballyboe of Land [not likely but possibly Ballymore], as well as tenements & dwellings on a certain street called Bridge Street built upon part or parcel of the lands before mentioned [Townlands of Waterside on west side of river or Coleraine on east side of river] together with the yards, Backsides, Gardens.. Dromdarse [??], in Barony Coleraine, Co. Londonderry and lands towns, villages Hamlets, Places Balliboes, Parcels of land … Ballinterebegg [North Ballinteer, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine]…Macosquin in Barony Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, … Lower Balledonnelemore [??], Balledonelbegg [long shot - possibly Ballydonnell, Parish of Ballinderry, in the Barony of Loughinsholin], Gorton Cavanmore, Gortoncavanbeg [possibly Gortycavan , Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] the north being one balliboe of land Foymallon [possibly Formullen, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine], Ballebond [??],, Knockcrahere [possibly Knocknogher, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Rallenolbuck [??],, Ballenollrichbeg, [??],, … Lacklum [??], in Barony of Coleraine … Ballewoolen [Ballywoolen, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ardena [Ardina, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ardacleve [Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine],  Ballemoney [probably Ballymoney, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] , Carneta [probably Carneety, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine],  Rooge [Booge?] [??], [Evina?] [possibly Exorna, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] , … inner part of Donossore in Barony Coleraine… Farmoile [Formoyle, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine], & Ballavore [??], Bratwell [Bratwell. Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine], Lennongarron [??], Knockduffe [??], als Donossere [??], Knockmoile [??], als Knockmutt [??], … Ahaheramore [??], Aharherabeg [??], Kilnavita [possibly Killyveety, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Balleboulbegg [possibly Burren Beg (Boireann Bheag), Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ardadelin [possibly Ardina (Ard-an-ath), Parish Dunboe, Barony ColeraineLonghoge [possibly Liffock (Leabhog), Parish Dunboe, Barony ColeraineBallyhackett Clonconey [probably Ballyhacket Glenahorry, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] ,, Ballyhacket Lyssawollen [Ballyhacket Lisawilling, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], als Ballihackett Macgilligan [Ballyhacket Magilligan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ballinhacket Dongande [??], als Ballihackett Glassentarney [??], [NOTE: There is also Ballyhacket Glenahorry] the one half of Ballihackett Toberclare [Ballyhacket Toberclaw, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] in Territory Nallibethot or portion of land known as Ballymackhugh in the Barony Coleraine, … Dromnaquill [Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] in territory of Matosquin [Parish Macosquin?], Ardacleve the Lower [Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] in Territory of the Inner part of Donossere aforesaid, Allabroan in Territory of Ballemackhugh [could this be in Co. Cavan?], Ballemaddegan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] … lands within the proportion of the Clothworkers Number five according to their lot or division … and all other premises demised by said Clothworkers Company to Richard JACKSON in recited Lease … transferred to Richard JACKSON son of William JACKSON his executors, administrators and assigns … term of 51 years granted by indenture 13 October 1729 made by the Master Wardens and Commonality of Freemen of the Art or Mistery of Cloathworkers of the City of London unto Richard JACKSON WITNESS: Redmond MORRES of Castleward, Co. Down servant to Michael WARD and William KELLER of City of Dublin servant to above named Richard JACKSON of Coleraine and as to the execution thereof by the above named Hugh BOYD is witnessed by Wm KELLER & John MAGERLY of Ballycastle Co. Antrim Gent. Richard JACKSON’s signature witnessed by Wm KELLER & Thomas WOOLSEY of Dundalk, Co. Louth. Also James HONEDGE of City of Dublin Gent. Sworn 23 Nov 1752. James SAUNDERS Deputy Registrar.

NOTE: William JACKSON and Frances EYRE also had a daughter named Mary Barton JACKSON (born aft 1729).

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.

NOTE: 1656 Census: In the parish of Macosquin, Co. Londonderry: Cornelius WALL of Macosquin, Edward CANNING of Macosquin; Francis HOWARD of Creghan; John ROWLEY of Castleroe [likely the son of Sir Edward ROWLEY of Castleroe who was killed in battle in 1641]; James JACKSON of Ballinteerbeg. SOURCE: Coleraine in by-gone Centuries. Rev. T.H. Mullin D.D. Belfast 1976, p101.




1752 Nov 23


Image 116

Philip FLETCHER of Lisburn Esq of 1 pt & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq of other pt for 500 pounds  pd by Richard JACKSON … granted to JACKSON tenement commonly called Manor or Mansion House [aka Jackson Hall in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] and all the lands in Manor of Clothworkers, Parish of Dunboe, Londonderry & also to gardens  commonly called the Higher and Lower  Dardrees [probably Dartress, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] the higher being accounted for two ballyboes of land and  the Lower for two ballyboes of land… Barony of Colerain, Co Londonderry.….  WITNESS: John McALLISTER of Coleraine Gent & William KILLER, City of Dublin servant to above named Richard JACKSON. Philip FLETCHER [SEAL]




1752 Nov 23


Image 117

Marcus McCAUSLAND of Daisiehill [Daisy Hill is in Newtownlimavady, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght],, Co Londonderry Esq administrator of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of Hercules HEYLAND of Castleroe [Castleroe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine],, Co Londonderry Esq. of one pt & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq. of other pt…. Recites articles of agreement btw William JACKSON therein named by the name of William JACKSON of Colerain Esq & Henry CARY named as Henry CARY of Dungwen [Dungiven Castle, Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry of 1st pt & Hercules HEYLAND of Castleroe Co. Londonderry Esq of 2nd pt. & Marcus Lord Viscount Tyrone of 3rd pt dated 13 April 1741 reciting in said deed William JACKSON & Henry CARY for themselves agreed with Hercules HEYLAND upon payment of £3,750 paid to William JACKSON & Henry CARY to be applied I part discharge of sum of 10,669 2s 6d in the said deed of which this a memorial and William JACKSON & Henry CARY would convey to Hercules HEYLAND townlands of Ballantiremore [??], Ballintirebeg [??], Ballydunallismore [??], Gorticavan [Gortycavan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballyweldrickmore, & Ballyweldrickbeg [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballygarrow [??], Foymullan [probably Formullen, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine], four Ballyhacketts -all in Parish Dunboe, Barony ColeraineBallyhacket Glenahorry, Ballyhacket Lisawilling,

Ballyhacket Magilligan, Ballyhacket Toberclaw & Ballystroan [Ballystrone, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] all in Manor of Clothworkers Co. Londonderry  for remainder of term of 51 years … and reciting Richard JACKSON & Hercules HEYLAND agreement 12 Feb 1749 Marcus McCAUSLAND in consideration of £3,200 paid by Richard JACKSON  for lands of Ballinteremore, Ballantirebagg, Balydunallismore, Gorticavans, Ballywoldrickmore Ballyweldrickbeg Ballygarrow, Foymullen Four Ballyhacketts and Ballystroan  … WITNESS: John McALLISTER of Colerain & William KILLER of Dublin servant to above. Marcus McCAUSLAND [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. Prob Richard JACKSON (1726-1789)

NOTE: Wiki Tree: Hercules HEYLAND (abt 1693-1750, husband of Mary GALT.




1752 Nov 23


Image 421

BTW William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. and Henry CARRY [aka CARY] of Dungiven [Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght] Co. Londonderry Esq of 1st pt. Hercules HEYLAND of Castlerowe [Castleroe, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Co. Londonderry Esq. of 2nd pt and Marcus Lord Viscount Tyrone of 3rd pt.. Reciting earlier deed Oct 13, 1729, the Clothworkers of London had demised to Richard JACKSON of Dublin Esq all that Manor of Clothworkers in the Kingdom of Ireland for a term of 51 years dating from May 1, 1720… reciting that the said Richard JACKSON had by his deed bearing date Oct 13, 1729 declared that the said indenture so made by the Master Wardens & Commonwealth aforesaid was made in trust for the said William JACKSON by way of a better security for the sum of £2,050.4.6 which the said William JACKSON then owed unto him… William CARY & William JACKSON discharged the debts and assigned townlands to Hercules HEYLAN. in Manor of Clothworkers: Ballantiremore [??], Balantirebeg [??], Ballydunaallismore [??], Gortycavans [Gortycavan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Ballywibrickmore & Ballywillrickbeg [Ballywildrick Lower, & Ballywildrick Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballygarrow Toymullan[probably Formullen, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] Four Ballyhackets [Ballyhacket Magilligan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,] [Ballyhacket Glenahorry, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Ballyhacket Lisawilling, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], [Ballyhacket Toberclaw, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] & Ballyhowan [??], With appurtenances set to solvent tenants WITNESS Connolly MCAUSLAND of Fruithill Esq. & John M’ALESTER of Colerain Gent & Dominick HEYLAND of the same Esq. & Richard RANKIN servant to said William JACKSON Hercules HEYLAND [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine

NOTE: Wiki Tree: Hercules HEYLAND (abt 1693-1750, husband of Mary GALT.




1752 Dec 12

JACKSON-HART Articlave Lower, Artcleave, Parish Dunboe, B. Coleraine

Lease btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq of 1st pt;  John McALISTER of Coleraine Gent of 2nd pt;  & Henry HART of City of Dublin Esq of 3rd pt.  land released to Henry HART – in his actual possession -  Ballymadegan Drumnagil Donballyrne Ringgrafsbeg Ringgrafsmore  Artaclave and the Upper and Lower Altabreen all in Co Londonderry WITNESS: John BOWDEN of City of Dublin Esq & William KEELER servant to sd Richard JACKSON.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

·         Upper and Lower Altabreen aka [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border].

NOTE: Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. Prob Richard JACKSON (1726-1789)




1753 Jul 12


 Btw Hon William CONNOLLY of City of Dublin Esq of the 1 pt & Clarke JACKSON of Drumballyhagen [probably Drumballyhagan Clark, Parish of Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] in the proportion of the Vintners Co Londonderry of the other pt. CONNOLLY demised the south half of Drumballyhogan to Clark JACKSON – land in his possession cont 64a  2r 24p of arable and pasture Plantation measure for the natural life and lives of Adam JACKSON eldest son of sd Clark JACKSON aged abt 13 years; Samuel PATTERSON eldest son of William PATTERSON of Tobermore [Tobermore Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] aged about 11 years & John O’COCHRANE 2nd son of James O’COCHRANE of Drumballyhagen abt 12 years…. Yearly rent of 13 pounds. WITNESS: Marcus McCAUSLAND of Mullogh Co Londonderry Esq & George FINNEY & Memorial by Arthur CLARK of Dublin SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1752 Dec 19

JACKSON-HART Atchave Lower, Adcleave, B. 1739-1810

Image 174

Btw Richard JACKSON of Colerain Co Londonderry Esq. of 1 pt &  John McALLISTER of the same Gent.  And Henry HART of City of Dublin Esq. of 3rd pt. Reciting that HART was granted town and lands of Ballymaegan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine]  Drumnaquill Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Donballycarne [possibly Drumballyhagan Clark] Ringrassbegg [Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Ringrassmore [Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Ardacleave [Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], And the Upper and Lower Altabreeen [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border]  all  in Co. Londonderry for sum of £5,000.  WITNESS: William RICHARDSON of Somerset Co. Londonderry Esq. Sir John BOWDEN of City of Dublin Esq. & William KILLER servant to aforesaid Richard JACKSON. Richard JACKSON [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1753 Nov 28


Btw Richard JACKSON of the parish of Killowen Co Londonderry [Of Jackson Hall, in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine]] of the 1 pt & Isaac TODD of the same, merchant of the other. Pt. JACKSON demised to TODD one field or park containing abt 8 acres bounded on the south by the Rev. Mr. THOMPSON on the north by John ALLENs and on the west by the new road leading to Ballycarn and on the east by the River Bann and also 16 acres on the north side of Ballycarn bounded on the south by the said John ALLENs on the west by Alexander McKACHANs lands on the north by Killcranny [Killcranny Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine]. and on the west by the River Bann. All situate in the parish of Killowen, the Manor of Clothworkers… during the natural lives of Isaac TODD the younger son to Isaac TODD aged abt 9 years and John ALLEN son to John ALLEN aged about 8 years or 61 years WITNESS Andrew LYLE & William KILLER both of Killowen yeomen. Mem WITNESS: Andrew LYLE & Robert GAGE, Killowen, Merchant.




1754 Dec 11


Image 58

Between Hugh JACKSON of Tobermore [Tobermore Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin], in County of Londonderry, gent of the one part and Henry JOY of Belfast in the County of Antrim printer of the other part. Whereby the said Hugh JACKSON for the consideration therein mentioned did give grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said Henry JOY his executors, administrators and assigns one annuity or yearly sum of £10 to be had and taken, and to be issuing out of the six church land pounds of Ballynasircon [aka Ballynasarren Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] in the County of Londonderry and all his the said Hugh JACKSON right title interest trust property claim and demand whatsoever of in and to the said annuity or yearly sum of £10 and of in and to every part and part of there of, with the appurtenances and all benefit in advantage to be had gotten thereby to have and to hold to the same in every part thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Henry JOY his executors, administrators and assigns to his in their own proper use and behoof from the first day of May last for and during all the term and time to come of the present lease of said six Church Land Town of Ballynasircon [aka Ballynasarren ] and for and during all such further term on terms that any person or persons by from or under William JACKSON of Tobermore aforesaid gent deceased shall, or may obtain renew of the same. By which said deed the said Henry JOY declares the said purchase to be made in trust for Barbara JACKSON, a minor grand daughter of the said William JACKSON under the terms and upon the trust in said deed mentioned which said deed and also this Memorial are witnessed by John CAMPBELL, gent and James ARCHIBALD merchant both of Belfast in the County of Antrim. Hugh JACKSON. [SEAL]. Signed and sealed by the above named Hugh JACKSON in presence of John Campbell, James Archibald.

SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore. Barbara JACKSON was later wife to John STEVENSON.

NOTE: The Henry JOY connection is interesting in light of other JACKSON-JOY connections in Co. Down.




1753 Jul 14

JACKSON-McCACHAN aka McKATCHAN Book Index 1758-1768

Image 45

Richard JACKSON Esq.of the one pt & Alexander MAKACHAN of Colerain Co Londonderry of the other.... transfer of part of townland of Donballykarn [Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin , 47 acres situate in Manor of Clothmakers.... SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. and JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1756 Feb 10

John DOWNING gave Sarah and Charles a marriage settlement, witnesses Alexander CLOTWORTHY and Rowe DOWNING. NOTE from Penny Thorn

 Marriage btw John DOWNING of Rowes Giftin [Roes Gift, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] Co Londonderry sq & Ann DOWNING his wife of 1st part.  Charles DAWSON of Castle Dawson [Parish Castledawson] Co Londonderry & Sarah DOWNING of the sd John & Ann DOWNING of the 2nd pt. Richard JACKSON of Colerain Esq of 3rd pt;… marriage btw Charles DAWSON & Sarah DOWNING… made over to John DAWSON & Richard JACKSON town and lands of Warrenstown & other townlands in Co Meath… 500 pounds marriage portion. NOTE: Sarah DOWNING’s grandmother was Anne JACKSON, wife of Col Adam DOWNING. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1758 Jul 28

FIELDING Book Index 1758-1768

Image 177

Richard JACKSON Esq. of Ballriggan [Balriggan, Parish of Faughart], Co. Louth of 1st part & William FIELDING, merchant of Dublin City of 2nd part.

Messuage in Church Street [Oxmantown] Dublin city adjoining to North West to messuage formerly in possession of Col. Theophilus JONES, now in possess of MESS'R SHERWAND COMPANY containing 1 dwelling house in which Richard JACKSON, Esq. Dec’d formerly dwelt and lately in possess of George, Prince of Wales, in manner as held by Richard JACKSON, then George, Prince of Wales, from 28 March last for lives of William Henry DRURY, son of Richard DRURY, Richard DRURY, silk truster of Drazers Hill [aka Lazer’s Hill] & Edward DRURY nephew of Richard DRURY at £18 Ster with renewal for ever on payment of 1 peppercorn. George Edward HOWARD [aka Gorges Edmund HOWARD] executed deed by letter of att'y from Richard JACKSON. WITNESSES: John GRANT, Merchant of Dublin City; Henry Humphrey ADAMS, attorney HM Court of Exchequer; John WOODS. William FIELDING [SEAL]

NOTE: He may be related to the JACKSONs of Urker as well as to the JACKSONs of Coleraine




1760 Jul 17

McNEIL-STEVENSON Book Index 1758-1768

Image 283

BTW Neal McNEAL & Martha McNEAL otherwise JACKSON his wife of Culbane, [NOTE: A Culbane is in Co. Antrim: Parish Loughguile, Barony Dunluce Upper] Co Londonderry of the one pt & John STEVENSON and Barbara STEVENSON otherwise JACKSON his wife of Fort William [Townland Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] in the said County... townland of Mullaghmarget [Mullaghmarget, Parish of Tullyniskan, in the Barony of Dungannon Middle]  in Co Tyrone. NOTE: This is part of the William JACKSON of Tobermore line. SEE: JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1759 Dec 31

JACKSON-STEPHENSON Book Index 1758-1768

Btw Luke JACKSON of Ternafau in Co Londonderry Gent John STITT of Gortnagilly [??] in sd County Gent & Martha STITT otherwise JACKSON his wife & John STEVENSON of Fortwilliam Luke JACKSON, John STITT & Martha his wife did convey 6 townlands of Ballynaseeran [in Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] for 350 pounds. NOTE: This is part of the William JACKSON of Tobermore line. I believe that Luke JACKSON is the son of John JACKSON & Sarah ASH.




1751 Jul 20

GOLDING & wife-GAGE & ors Book Index 1758-1768 Coleraine,

Image 396

Revd Edward GOLDING Archdeacon of Diocese of Derry of 1st part Mary JACKSON otherwise GOLDING his wife of 2nd part & Rev. John GAGE of Aughadowey [Aghadowey, Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine] Co of Londonderry ... whereas marriage had taken place between Edward GOLDING & Mary JACKSON & Mary his wife had come to an agreement with Richard JACKSON of Colerain in said Co  Esq brother to said Mary ... bond of 4,000 pounds for which Mary gave Richard a release of demands on the will of her father William JACKSON dec’d SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1762 May 18

TYRONE, MARCUS EARL OF 18 May 1762. Narrate 2£ pp. 2 May 1763.

Image 48

Marcus Earl of Tyrone [aka Marcus BERESFORD (1694-1763)]. His wife Catherine Countess of Tyrone, extx. His eldest son Geo. De La Poer BERESFORD. His second son Jno. BERESFORD. His third son William BERESFORD (youngest son, under 21 years). His six daughters. Hamilton GORGES, Catherine's Grove, Co. Dublin, Esq., and Rt. Hon. the Earl of Arran trustees. His advowson or right of presentation to the living of Termonmaguirk (Termonmaguirk), Co. Tyrone. His fee farm and other estates in and about the town of Carrick, Co. Tipperary. Town and lands of Knocknecrew, Co. Waterford and all other lands etc. in said counties of Tipperary and Waterford. His dwelling house in Dublin and house in possession of Richard GORGES, Esq. [situation not mentioned]. His leasehold lands of Aghalow and all other lands held under the See of Derry. His leasehold interests in Coleraine. His real estate of Young's Castle and all other his real estate in the city of Dublin. Reciting that the Hon. Lieut. Genl. Frederick HAMILTON deceased, before testator's marriage assigned the manor of Walworth, Co. Londonderry in trust for testator after his said Frederick HAMILTON's death, and by deed of settlement 2 April 1726 the said manor of Walworth was assigned to trustees for use of testator's younger children. Said Frederick HAMILTON died in 1748 and the testator obtained from the Corporation of Fishmongers, London, a new lease, expending £7,215, and £200 yearly rent more than the former rent. Reciting that the manor of Freemore, Co. Londonderry and Manor of Beresford, Co. Cavan were also vested in trustees for his younger children and testator has paid the portions of his four eldest daughters and charged said lands with £9,998 10s. Od. for his two youngest daughters. Witnesses: Hans BAILIE, Edward STERLING, Dublin, Esq., Benjamin HIGGINS, Dublin, gent. Memorial witnessed by: Edward STERLING, Benj. HIGGINS. 226, 80, 146279 C. Tyrone (seal) . SOURCE: Abstract of Wills. Vol II.


·  Termonmaguirk (47 townlands)

·  Termonmaguirk (Upper Strabane portion) (1 townland)

·  Knocknacrooha Lower Parish Whitechurch, Barony of Decies without Drum, Co. Waterford

·  Knocknacrooha Upper Parish Whitechurch, Barony of Decies without Drum, Co. Waterford

Young’s Castle in Oxmantown, City of Dublin

Sir Randal BERESFORD & Hon Katherine ANNESLEY were parents of Marcus BERESFORD, Jane BERESFORD & Sir Tristram BERESFORD.

Marcus BERESFORD (1694-1763) married Catherine POER.

Their first-born son was George De La Poer BERESFORD (1735-1800) - a Member of the Irish House of Commons for Waterford County from 1757 to 1760, and for Coleraine from 1761 until 1763, when he inherited his father's earldom, entered the Irish House of Lords and was admitted to the Privy Council of Ireland. He had 4 sons and 4 daughters  with his wife Elizabeth MONCK and 2 illegitimate sons born before this marriage.

Jane BERESFORD (aft 1662-1716) married Frederick HAMILTON (?-1748). There was no known issue. NOTE: See Will of Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706)

Sir Tristram BERESFORD married Sarah SACKVILLE, Anne ROWLEY and finally Hon. Nichola Sophia HAMILTON. 

The first husband of Nichola Sophia HAMILTON was Lt. Gen Richard GORGES.  Their son Hamilton GORGES (1712-1786) was of Catherine’s Grove.

NOTE: Haberdashers Manor of Freemore : Initially this proportion was in the hands of William Freeman and Adrian Moore [two members of the Company] and managed by their agent, Tristam Beresford. The name Manor of Freemore is made up from the names, Freeman and Moore. In 1617 a lease of 51 years was given to Sir Robert McClelland from Kircudbright in Scotland [with a fine of £1,000 and an annual rent of £350.10.0 from 1620].  McClelland built a castle at Ballycastle in Aghanloo. He brought over tenants from his estates in Scotland. He was probably the most successful of all the undertakers in the county. Work on buildings on the estate had already begun before McClelland took over. Beresford had granted leases  to Messrs Cooke and Warren of Limavady for five townlands. Ballycastle eventually passed to Sir Robert Maxwell of Orchardtoun who had married McClelland’s daughter. After the Restoration new grants of the Manor were made to the Company. The Civil Survey of 1654-56 shows that Sir Robert Maxwell, Col. Tristam Beresford, George Phillips and Daniel Manus O’Mullen [an Irish protestant], among others were in control of the estate. By 1657 Randal Beresford, a son of Tristam, had the major share in the estate. The final sale of the estate in perpetuity took place in 1674. The sum involved was £1,200. By 1686 most of the estate was in the hands of the Beresfords, although parts of the interests of Moore and Freeman passed to the Jackson, Upton and Carey families. This particular branch of the Beresford family became the Marquis of Waterford, so this estate became part of the Waterford estate which ranged over various parts of Ireland. SOURCE: Bill MACAFFEE




1764 Jun 3


Image 182

BTW John DOWNING of Rowesgift [Roes Gift, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Derry and Anne DOWNING his wife otherwise ROWE of 1st pt; Rev. Alexander Clotworth DOWNING of City of Dublin eldest son & heir of John DOWNING and Ann DOWNING his wife of 2nd pt & Richard JACKSON Esq. of Coleraine Co. Londonderry & Adam WILLIAMS of City of Dublin Esq. of 3rd pt. Release town & lands of Drimard [??] the upper half Town and Lands of Broagh [Broagh, Parish Termoneeny, Barony Loughinsholin] the south division of town and lands of Killberry [??] the upper division of the lands of Galladuffall [??] situate in the Barony of Vintners & Co. Londonderry & part of Annaghmore [Annaghmore, Parish Magherafelt, Barony Loughinsholin] demised to John DOWNING by Hon Arthur DAWSON Esq. in manor of Castle Dawson [Parish Castledawson] Co. Londonderry. To hold to Richard JACKSON & Adam WILLIAMS for lives … also town and lands of Ballydermott [Ballydermot, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] & Edenragh [Edenreagh, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] in Barony Loughinisholin Co. Londonderry then in possession of John DOWNING … to Richard JACKSON & Adam WILLIAMS … WITNESS: Peter METGE of Athlumney Co. Meath Esq. & Samuel HATCH Gent Clerk to Adam WILLIAMS of City of Dublin Eq.

 NOTE; John DOWNING was a son of Adam DOWNING & Ann JACKSON. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1764 May 31

Image 182

BTW Peter METGE of Athlumney Co. Meath Esq of 1st pt; John DOWNING of Rowesgift [Roes Gift, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Derry and Anne DOWNING his wife otherwise ROWE of 2nd pt & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq. & Adam WILLIAMS of City of Dublin Esq. of 3rd pt.  … METGE to JACKSON & WILLIAMS the four messuages and four gardens in Town of Dunboyne [Dunboyne, Parish Dunboyne, Barony Dunboyne], Co. Meath which were the estate of Anne DOWNING as one of the daughters & Heirs at Law of Simon ROWE deceased to hold to the said Richard JACKSON & Adam WILLIAMS … WITNESS: Samuel HATCH & James Andrew TOBIN

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.

NOTE: Peter METGE (abt 1700-1774) of Athlumney, Navan, Co. Meath was a son of Peter METGE (abt 1665-1735) and Joyce HATCH. His daughter Christina METGE married Dr. George BARTLEY of Monaghan.




1763 Mar 6

Will of John BALL, Frederick St., Dublin, Esquire.

Image 82

My wife Margaret BALL, Thomas BALL, Seapark, County Wicklow, Esq.,

John BALL of Frederick Street City of Dublin Esq in last will devise all my interest in Lands of Loughross [Loughross, Parish Creggan, Barony Fews Upper],, The Island of Loughross [??], Crunkill, Tullyard [Tullyard, Parish Creggan, Barony Fews Upper], Clarbane, Ratreelan, Creeckeeran [probably Creenkill, Parish Creggan, Barony Fews Upper], and the moiety of the customs of the Fair of Cross [aka  Crossmaglen, Parish Creggan, Barony Fews Upper] and the commonage thereunto belonging, Ballyonan otherwise Ball Moore, Upper and Lower, Scarve -McKea [??], Anahecussy [??] Darsy [probably Dorsy, Parish Creggan, Barony Fews Upper], Mullaghglass, Stripe of Camolly [??] Darsy, Lisdomgrany [??],, Caracullen [possibly Cargalisgorran, Parish Derrynoose, Barony Tiranny],, Cargarovady and Tullynemaloge  ,[Tullynamalloge, Parish Keady, Barony Armagh] (Co. Armagh)

To Thomas BALL of Seapark Co. Wicklow Esq.  Richard JACKSON, Coleraine, Esq., and Richard JACKSON, Forkhill [Parish Forkill, Barony Orior Upper], County Armagh, Esq., my trustees and executors. Three Castles and other land in Co. Kilkenny. Reciting deed 10 Jul 1762

… Yearly annuity to beloved wife Margaret BALL of £100 issuing out of lands of Kilkenny.  My dear stepdaughter Martha RANSFORD an annuity of £30 out of lands of Kilkenny as before devised to Mary BALL provided she shall give place to said Margaret. To beloved wife Margaret BALL 50 guineas for mourning to beloved step-daughter Martha RANSFORD 30 guineas for mourning … My sister Araminta CAULFIELD 20 guineas for mourning. My old servant Brian MURPHY 15 guineas in lieu of any wages that can be due to him at my decease. My old friend Mrs. Elizabeth ADAMS alias KYLE 10 guineas. My friend Mar: PATERSON, Sgt. at law, 50 guineas. My friend Dr. Charles LUCAS 60 guineas for his constant friendship attendance and care of me in my illness. My good friend and stepson Robert RANSFORD for his friendship and trouble 30 guineas. To my dearest beloved wife Margaret her watch which I gave her during her life made by Gordon after her decease I devise the said watch and chain to my dear step daughter Martha RANSFORD. I devise my large diamond ring fit with nine or ten diamonds & a brilliant large diamond in the middle during her life after her decease I bequeath said ring to my Dorothy Margaret SHINTON & her children quite out of her husband’s power. I devise all my plate to my said daughter Dorothy Margaret SHINTON & her children quite out of her husband’s power to either pawn sell alter deface by adding or altering any Coat of Arms that are present on it except such plate as my dearly beloved wife should make choice of for her own use during her life. I devise to Margaret RANSFORD the Mahogany Scructure which she now has and which I gave her. All my household furniture to said daughter Dorothy Margaret SHINTON & her children except my dearest wife’s Margaret BALL her own Scrutores and such goods besides as my dear wife shall make choice during her life. I bequeath to Thomas BALL Esq my silver mounted Pistolls made by Segula in London; I bequeath my other silver mounted case to Captain Samuel BALL if living at time of my decease, if not I bequeath them to Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Esq.  All Debts to be charged on my real estate in Co. Kilkenny in the manner except herein mentioned Viz I direct & devise that if my said estate in Co. Armagh shall not be sufficient to pay and discharge my debts and Legacies that what shall remain unpaid or unsatisfied shall be charged on the estate & premises in Co. Kilkenny … A lease of the house, gardens and 70 acres of land [situation not mentioned] to Folliot WARREN, Esq. dating from March 1763 and at expiration of said lease that my Daughter Dorothy Margaret SHINTON may live in said house & have said number of acres in her lifetime but not her husband or any one of their family to be set by my trustees after her decease to the best improved Rent for the benefit of her Children nor shall the said SHINTON have any power during said Dorothy Margaret’s life to burn, plow or cut down any Oak Ash Elm Hazel Apple Tree or Trees Crab Trees or Hedges whatever or on any account & to keep up the improvements for the benefit of her children … if Richard SHINTON dies without male issue by Dorothy Margaret and that she survive … [much more detail which led to future legal cases as the SHINTONs and the BALLs duked it out in the courts. The Court Case can be found at: The Revised Reports. VOL. XXXII.



RICHARD BALL PATRICK MANNIN.] … appoint Thomas BALL, Richard JACKSON senior & Richard JACKSON Jun. Esq as Trustees. John BALL [SEAL] WITNESSES John SHEE, Charles BUTLER, Robert MURPHY & Memorial WITNESS Mark WHITE of City of Dublin Esq & John HILL Gent Clerk to WHITE. Richard JACKSON [SEAL] … Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq.

NOTE: This in my earlier transcription: My cousin Samuel BALL, now in Germany. Esq.

NOTE: John BALL’s 1st wife was Dorothy JACKSON. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1765 Sep 25

McALLISTER-JACKSON Lodge holding & house in Blackgate Lane Carthall & 3 houses in commons of Coleraine & the bakery. NOTE GALT in Church St

Image 48

Btw John McALESTER of Coleraine in Co. Londonderry of the one pt & Richard JACKSON [probably of Jackson Hall, Waterside , Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], James LESLIE & Stratford CANNING Esqs & Mr. Hugh LYLER Merchant of the other pt.. Lands included 6th  of lands of Glenlary otherwise Clonlary [Glenleary, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Co Londonderry; town and lands near Colerain commonly called The Lodge [Lodge, Parish of Coleraine, in the Barony of N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] lately held by Thomas M’LOCKLIN deceased; and another in Blind Gate Lane [aka South Gate. NOTE: In a Griffiths link to a contemporary map, Blind Gate Street intersects with New Row According to T.H.Mullin Coleraine in Bygone Centuries., p43, it leads to what is now called Mountsandel Road. It was also named “Upper Stone Row” Mullins p49. In a Griffiths Historic map, it has houses on the east side, and a flour mill on the west side.] in Coleraine [Coleraine, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine]  [SEE: Coleraine History] now possessed by Robert SIMPSON Innkeeper; … made over to JACKSON LESLIE & CANNING & LYLE farm called Carthall [in Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] near Coleraine now in possession of Christopher CUNNINGHAM; three houses in the commons of Coleraine; the bakery in the New Row [NOTE: New Row runs South from Church Street, and there is also a New Row West. NOTE: Martha’s House Café is on the corner of New Row & Abby Street. SEE: Griffiths Map and also Irish Townlands Map. Houses were built here as early as 1611.] SOURCE: T.H.Mullin Coleraine in Bygone Centuries p 62] in Coleraine; a moiety of the Bleach Yard & farm at Ballydivit [Ballydevitt, Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine] in Londonderry; part of the townland of Fermoyle [Formoyle, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] a stock farm  in the townland of Sconce [Sconce, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] … John McALESTER [SEAL]

NOTE: ROD: 19-477-10608. Dec 12, 1716

NOTE: The M’LOCHLIN name is interesting, given the fact that a Margaret O’LAUGLIN (abt 1722-1797) married George JACKSON (1718-1782) of Urker and Liscalgot, Co. Armagh. A significant number of circumstantial facts leads me to believe that his George JACKSON’s line traces back to the Coleraine JACKSONs.

NOTE: I cannot be sure which Richard JACKSON this might be. He might be the Richard JACKSON butcher, or he could be one of the Merchant-class Richard JACKSONs  - Richard JACKSON (1726-1789).  - who originated from Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1762 Jan 17 & 18

McCULLOCH Dorothea Beresford, Henry & Jane to McCULLOCH, CRAWFORD & ors 1758-1768

James McCULLOCK… Henry M’CULLOCK of Ballyaarten [either Ballyartan , Parish of Upper Cumber, Barony Tirkeeran or Ballyartan, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] Co Londonderry Esq of the 4th pt; Dorothea Beresford McCULLOCK daughter of Henry McCULLOCK of 5th pt, James McCULLOCK & James NESBITT of the 6th pt… Jane McCULLOCK eldest daughter of the sd Henry McCULLOCK of the 9th pt… marriage between James McCLINTOCK and said Dorothy Beresford McCULLOCH.. 500 pounds sterling.. lands in Co Tyrone. SEE: McCULLAGH connections




1743 Jul 25

GORGES & ors Book Index 1758-1768

NAMES: Richard GORGES; Elizabeth FIELDING [Daughter of John FIELDING, Governor of Jamaica]; Hamilton GORGES [probably Hamilton GORGES (1712-1786), son of Richard GORGES and Nicola Sophia HAMILTON); Right Honorable William Lord Baron of Howth aka William St. LAWRENCE [Right Honorable William Lord Baron of Howth aka William St. LAWRENCE (1688-1748). He married Lucy GORGES, daughter of Lt-Gen Richard GORGES (1662-1728) and Nichola Sophia HAMILTON.]; Thomas JACKSON [probably Thomas JACKSON (1680-1750), son of William JACKSON of Coleraine and Susan BERESFORD.] ; Gorges Edward HOWARD [aka Gorges Edmund HOWARD (1715-1786)]; John SMITH; George LOWTHER of Kilbrew, Co. Meath.

NOTE: I have not followed up on the huge number of townland names included: Ballygalley Moyaner Hornascowtra, Knocknagallynagh, Carrickstubla, Largnegrillagh, Hurnaseightragh, Ederown Drumshansee, Cochlenagheneene Almuskvane and otherwise Lisemusker otherwise Altamuskim Gortnafiloge Manemaloge otherwise Altneight. Leighee, Alteloghfim otherwise Minenanta, Esher, otherwise Aytonesuggard Surgamae otherwise Mullaghmassagh otherwise Meandough otherwise Boylebrach Syanoth Altnagullan Hallagherim, Aullacedone Corkerkascagh Corkascagh Ballymacleroy, Shanconagh otherwise Shanleney Melich otherwise Mulix Cavansturt Cavanmelich Trostem otherwise Mymesheagh Mullaghmore, Liscaforge, Aghteene Skeaghboy, Tatealtnager otherwise Tatealtnigor Cumsmackenally Cavansturke Cansturlme, Konckaneshamagh Tatebusher Coyener, Downmoyner Aghteedonelligan Tyrenesky otherwise Tyrnashey, Saneveagh otherwise Shanvellagh, Gallanagh, Corbatton Lisgonnell Knockeeroghery, Knocknigurcom, Knockamy otherwise Knocknamy otherwise Knockenny otherwise Knockacumy and Tynouragh, Killmorgan Hindrom, Harres, Twoforemassee Lurganboy Mantry, Artmulloghy, Creevenagh, Killenery and Tyllavannan. Upper Cloghfinn Lower Cloghfinn, Ballykeel Aghenagar otherwise Aghmagore and Eshermore all of which said last mentioned Town and lands and appurtenances are situated in County Tyrone SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1766 Jan 14

John JOHNSTON his will

John JOHNSTON, late of Castle Dawson [Parish Castledawson, Barony Loughinsholin] bequeathed to his two sons, Duncan JOHNSTON and John JOHNSTON the will tenement in the town of Castle Dawson with the land thereunto belonging together with all the working tools, instruments and Utensils of his trade as long as they both shall remain single or as long as they can in concord continue together in joint trade. And if at any time his said sons shall change their purpose of life or any difference or animosity shall arise between them that his elder son Duncan shall in such case give to his son John JOHNSTON 30 pounds sterling in consid of his half of said tenement etc and bequeath to his daughter Jane JOHNSTON the sum of 20 pounds and a chest of drawers to be paid her on her marriage provided she marries agreeable to his executors but if otherwise a British shilling and no more to be paid her by his sons. Thirdly he did give and bequeath to his daughters Sarah HAMERSLY and Margaret McNEIL a British shilling each fourthly he did bequeath to his grand-daughter Mary McNEIL a heifer or the value therof and a chest of drawers. Fifthly he did give and bequeath a comfortable maintenance to his dearly beloved wife Mary JOHNSTON from his said sons as long as she and they can comfortably live together and if she choose to live separate from them that she shall have the kitchen end of the Mill House to be properly repaired for her during her life together with her bedding and furniture and three pounds support as long as she lives separate. Sixthly, the remainder of the estate divided between his sons as long as the worked and lived in concord… Son Duncan JOHNSTON & Samuel LAND of Magherafelt [Parish Magherafelt], Co. Londonderry appointed executors. WITNESS: Matthew WEBB Mason & Robert JOHNSTON, Clothier both of CastleDawson [Parish Castledawson, Barony Loughinsholin]. & Ezekial RICHARDSON of Magherfeld [Parish Magherafelt], yeoman. NOTE: Grand-daughter Mary McNEIL may be related to JACKSONs of Tobermore.




1766 Jan 14


James JOHNSTON of Magherafeld [Parish Magherafelt], Co. Londonderry, Gent demised to David DUNCAN of Killyfaddy, Londonderry, farmer, demised land of Killyfaddy  now in possession of David DUNCAN and his widowed mother Sarah DUNCAN. For 27 years for 60 acres. WITNESSES: Ezekial RICHARDSON; Thomas NAUTON both of Magherafelt;  & John HAMILTON of Listnamora, Co. Londonderry, yeoman & John McNEIL of Magherafeld farmer.




1766 Nov 3

Image 91

BTW Robert MACKY of City of London Esq. Merchant only son & heir of John MACKY late of Coleraine Co. Londonderry of 1 pt & Andrew TODD of Shane’s Castle Co. Antrim Esq. of other pt. Release btw said Robert MACKY and Captain Edmond ARMSTRONG of Garry Castle Kings Co. Esq. Son-in-Law & Jane MACKY wife and widow of John MAKY of 2nd pt & Andrew TODD of Shanes Castle Co. Antrim Esq. of 3rd pt. … [several names of townlands in Co. Antrim] … reciting that Richard JACKSON Esq & John ALLISTER Linen Draper executor of will of John MacKAY, Coleraine, d.1765, … Robert MACKY [SEAL] Edmond ARMSTRONG [SEAL] Jane MACKY [SEAL]

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1767 Dec 2

JACKSON-METGE Book Index 1758-1768

Richard JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry, Esq. Of 1st pt Charles DAWSON of Limerick in Co Limerick of 2nd pt & Peter METGE of Athlunmney, Co Meath Esq.... lands of Warrenstown, Co Meath... SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1769 Feb 10

JACKSON-DEAKEN Book Index 1768-1776

Image 275

Richard JACKSON only son and heir at law of Richard JACKSON late of City of Dublin. Esq deceased. & Ruth DEACON of City of Dublin widow. JACKSON demised to DEACON land on north side of Alley commonly known as Glover’s Alley., Parish of St. Peters, Co Dublin. WITNESS: Samuel EDWARDS & William JACKSON both of City of Dublin. Richard JACKSON [SEAL]  NOTE: This is the Richard JACKSON of Forkhill SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1752 Jul 3


1768 Mar 25

ALLEN Book Index 1768-1776

Btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry of 1 pt. & John ALLEN of town & Co aforesaid, Innkeeper of the other pt. … part of townland of Ballykern [??] then in ALLENs possession and divided by Richard JACKSON 23 acres 3 rood plantation measure…. Lives Isaac, son of Isaac TODD & Mathew son of Mathew MULLAN of said town innkeeper and John son of John ALLEN…. WITNESS: William KENTON of Coleraine schoolmaster & William [SHINTON?] servant to Richard JACKSON Signed and sealed by Susanna FERGUSON executor to said John ALLEN witnessed by William SHINTON & Henry NEWTON of Colerain

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1772 May 9

BUTLER Book Index 1768-1776

Image 328

Btw Richard JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq. of 1 pt & Jane BUTLER relict of Humphrey BUTLER of City of Dublin Gent deceased of other pt…. demised plot of land on south side of Kings street formerly in possession of William HUDDLESTON containing in front 25’ and in rere 23’ and in depth 71’ and on which land is a Dwelling House bounded on the East by Widow BALLANGE’s concerns and on the west by the Concerns possessed by Patrick ROONEY and enjoyed by said Humphrey BUTLER in his life time … and now by Jane BUTLER … term 53 years ren £6.5.9 WITNESS William JACKSON attorney & Hugh ROBINET attorney. Richard JACKSON [SEAL] SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1771 Feb 15

Clothworkers-JACKSON 1739-1810

Image 56

BTW Clothworkers of London & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine ? Feb ? (illegible year) - 15th year of reign of King George III (1753?) and Henry HAMILTON of City of Londonderry Esq and John THOMSON of Coleraine Gent of 3rd pt.. [NOTE: This a 4 page deed including names of many townlands – not transcribed]. Lives Royal Highness Charlotte Augusta aged 3 (b 1766) or thereabouts & Ann JACKSON age 3 or thereabouts & George JACKSON age 2 or thereabouts daughter and son of Richard JACKSON & wife Anne.  NOTE: Sir Richard JACKSON (abt 1730-1789) & Anne O’NEIL (1738-1781) parents of Anne JACKSON (1766-1837) and George JACKSON (1766-1840). The children’s ages in this deed are not a perfect fit with their known birthdates, but are close enough.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1771 Feb 16

CROMPE Book Index 1768-1776

Image 58

Richard JACKSON of Coleraine of 1 pt & Giles CROMP of Mincing Lane Parish St. Dunstan, City of London of other pt. Reciting indenture of 4 parts 27 Jan (1771?)  btw Richard JACKSON of 1st pt; Clothworkers of London of 2nd pt; Giles CROMPE of 3rd pt; John PATERSON of parish of St. James Westminster Co. Middlesex of 4th pt. WITNESS: William BRIAN and Redmond KANE both of City of Dublin.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1772 May 11

GEARY Book Index 1768-1776

Image 331

Btw Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Lodge Co Armagh Esq. of 1st pt & John GEARY of Merrion Co Dublin Farmer.  Yearly lease of parcel of ground on south side of Kings Street City of Dublin now in possession of John GEARY abt 20’ in front & 88’ to rer.. bounded on the north by Kings St.. WITNESS: William JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent. & Daniel O’NEIL servant to said Richard JACKSON.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1770 Feb 10

KING-QUIN Book Index 1768-1776 Forkhill,


Image 25

Margaret & Mary KING daughters & Heirs of Macarrell KING late of Dublin Esq dec’d of 1st pt.; John Carleton WHITLOCK of City of Dublin Esq.  of 2nd pt; Michael CLARK & Robert KING Esq. of City of Dublin surviving executors of will of Alderman John MACARRELL deceased of 3rd pt; James KING of City of Dublin of 4th pt; ...Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Co Armagh Esq Richard JACKSON of Colerain in Co Londonderry Esq & Thomas BALL of Seapark Esq Co Wicklow of 5th pt.. Richard SHINTON of Brownstown Co. Meath Esq & Margaret Dorothea SHINTON otherwise BALL his wife of 6th pt; Henry QUIN of City of Dublin Esq. of 7th pt. … with consent of both. Richard JACKSONs. Confirmed to QUIN townlands of Crinkill, Tullyard, Clare otherwise Loghross, the Island of Loghross, Shermichaille, Rathelan, Crusheon, Ballyonan, Lisdrumgrany, Stripe of Camolly, Mullaghglass, Cargaculan,Cargaravady, Tullnamologg, Serimaghea otherwise Searvkilla, Aghaenacussen otherwise Annagherinuss otherwise Annaghemssin and Clarebane in Co. Armagh .. NOTE: The connection of the Forkhill/Coleraine JACKSONs to the BALL family. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1771 Mar 29

JACKSON-QUINN Book Index 1768-1776 Forkhill,


Image 26

Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Co Armagh Esq Richard JACKSON of Colerain in Co Londonderry Esq & Thomas BALL of Seapark Esq Co Wicklow Continuation of above – same townland names. Richard JACKSON Forkhill [SEAL] and Richard JACKSON Coleraine [SEAL]

NOTE: The connection of the Forkhill/Coleraine  JACKSONs to the BALL family. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1733 Jan 1

JACKSON-CARY Book Index 1768-1776

Image 298

William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. & Edward CARY of Dungiven [Dungiven, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Co Londonderry Esq.in consideration of £730 one full half or moiety of 4 quarters of land – Ballymanarthur one quarter Crehugh one quarter Balleyhan one quarter Farrdrum one quarter and one half of the Terry of Green Castle and ¼ Shrove & ¼ Clare als Ardnofioghy Ballyratten  In Barony Inishowen Co. Donegal and also double Messuage or Tenement in Grace Church St. City of Londonderry marked No 148/149 together  with a Moiety of the acres and perches thereto belonging … Lucy CARY of Claremount Barony Inishowen Donegal spinster & executor of last will of Edward CARY.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1775 Jun 3

CALDWELL & ors Book Index 1768-1776

Image 41

Lease 27 Jan 1775 whereby Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq demised to Margaret CALDWELL and Robert RICE of said town all that and those the three fields at Spittlehill [Spittle Hill, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] within a quarter of a mile of Coleraine as the same was then possessed by Margaret CALDWELL (Royalties excepted) to hold to 31 years at the rent of 24 pounds sterling WITNESS: John LITTLE of Coleraine Gent & Patrick SMYTH of City of Dublin Gent. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1770 Sep 4

In Names Index under WRAY

Image 190

Btw Jackson WRAY late of Coleraine but then of Ballycastle, Co Antrim Esq. & Rev. James SMYTHE Vicar of Ardmay, Co. Antrim of the 1 pt. Thomas THOMPSON of Greenmount, Co Antrim Esq and the lease made btw Jackson WRAY, Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Co Armagh Esq & the surviving Executors of the will of Hugh BOYDE the younger of Ballycastle Esq son & heir of Alexander BOYDE late of Ballycastle Esq, deceased. Who at the time of his death was son and heir of Hugh BOYD… more BOYD  & townlands in Co. Antrim SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1728 May 15

Image 300

BTW Hamilton GORGES eldest son and heir apparent of Richard GORGES late Kilbrew, Co. Meath Esq. Deceased of 1st pt. Robert DALWAY of City of Dublin Esq. of 2nd pt & Dennis DONAN of City of Dublin Esq. of 3rd pt. Reciting deed of settlement 6 Aug 1768 made on intermarriage of Hamilton GORGES with Anne HOWARD eldest daughter of Gorges Edmond HOWARD of City of Dublin Esq. … [several other names] … Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Co. Armagh and Rev Bigo KENZELL [?] of Dunshaghlin Co. Meath Clerke of 4th pt and Blayney Tawnley BELFOUR of Tawnley Hall, Co. Louth and Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Co. Londonderry Esq. of 5th pt .. convey the Manor of Ballyally with the appurtenances the Towns and Lands of Ballygally otherwise Ballygawley Moyaner and several other lands in Co. Tyrone and Towns and Lands of Thomastown Smithstown and several other Lands in Co. Meath to said Thomas Earl of Howth and Hamilton GORGES the brother … Richard GORGES and Hamilton GORGES his son … reciting deed 13 Dec 1778 sum to be raised to be applied to their debts and further reciting that Richard GORGES shortly thereafter died and that Hamilton GORGES by deed 19 May 1778 … assigned to Dennis DALWAY £2,000 and that Robert DALWAY did afterwards advance and lend to Hamilton GORGES a further sum of £600. WITNESS: Andrew STEWART & Andrew Thomas HAMILTON of City of Dublin Gents.




1779 Apr 28

LaTOUCHE jr Names Index: 1777-1785

NAMES: Richard JACKSON of Coleraine; George HART aka HARTE of Dublin; David LaTOUCHE jr. of Dublin; Henry HART aka HARTE; William JACKSON; Frances EYRE of Eyrecourt, Co. Galway; Elizabeth MOORE; John McALLISTER; William GREER; Thomas HAND; John LITTLE; Thomas STEPHENSON; William KELLY. OTHER PLACES: Ballymadegan; Drumnaquilt; Donballycarne; Ringrassbegg Ringrassmore [Parish of Macosquin, Barony Coleraine]; Ardaclaire Upper and lower Altabrean, County Londonderry.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

·         Upper and Lower Altabreen [Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border].

NOTE: See Link: 1779 April 28 for full transcription. Richard JACKSON (aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine was the sole surviving son of William JACKSON and Frances EYRE.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. Prob Richard JACKSON (1726-1789)

NOTE: D1118/3/5/8. 28 Apr 1779 To David LaTouche Esq, his heirs …for £2000 Richard JACKSON … was to pay interest only for the sum of £5000 … and also to pay George HART interest NOTE: This is also in the Deeds Registry: 329-368-219853, transcribed by Dawn Lowe, and annotated by myself. Richard JACKSON (1729-1781) [aka Sir Richard JACKSON] had a bond dated Oct. 30, 1752 with Henry HART. There was also a deed of lease and release March 10-11, 1735 with William JACKSON (1695-1744) and his wife Frances EYRE (1708-?), to Elizabeth MOORE.




1780 Feb 1

YOUNG & ors Names Index: 1777-1785

Image 240

Hatton TILLE of Coleraine of 1 pt & Rev. Galbraith Young of Coleraine; James STEWART of Grace Hill Antrim & Richard JACKSON & Elizabeth his wife. Of 3rd pt. TILLE conveyed to YOUNG and STEWART a tenement on west side of New Row [NOTE: New Row runs South from Church Street, and there is also a New Row West. NOTE: Martha’s House Café is on the corner of New Row & Abby Street. SEE: Griffiths Map and also Irish Townlands Map. Houses were built here as early as 1611. SOURCE: to T.H. Mullin Coleraine in Bygone Centuries p 62] in Co. Coleraine attached on map as No 28 containing front [?[ depth 150’ & bounded on South by No 29 on the west by New Row  and on the North by Tenement 27. Also 11a land  marked No 68 bounded on North by road to Baldrashane on the east by road leading to Ballymoney and on the south by No 37 and on the west by No 62 about half a mile distant from said Town … subject to permit by Richard JACKSON and wife Elizabeth … after death of Richard JACKSON & Elizabeth JACKSON that Galbraith YOUNG & James STEWART  shall out of the profits pay Martha JACKSON daughter of Richard JACKSON  should she attain age of 21 … WITNESS: William HUNTER of Colerain Charles SWENEY of Colerain Distiller Magher & William ODILEN of Coleraine tanner… Richard JACKSON [SEAL] SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.

NOTE: I do not know which Richard JACKSON he was – possibly Richard JACKSON (1726-1789), son of Thomas JACKSON & Margaret BERESFORD.




1780 Feb 15

JACKSON Names Index: 1777-1785

Btw William JACKSON of the City of Dublin Gent and Mary JACKSON otherwise AIKIN otherwise PAINE his wife of the 1st pt; Ephriam THWARTS of the City of Dublin Gent of 2nd pt & Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Lodge [Parish Forkill, Barony Orior Upper] City of Armagh Esq of 3rd pt. reciting a deed.. 69 pound 12s owing by William JACKSON to  Richard JACKSON did release and confirm unto Richard JACKSON one moiety undivided of  parcel of land with a house built and a shed lying and being in Dolphins Barn Lane near the Bridge on the North side in the Liberties of St Thomas & Donore containing in front from the river to Mr. POOL’s holding 62 feet and in rere from the river to Mr Pool’s ditch  78 feet and from the front to Mr  POOLs park abt  256 feet as formerly granted by Thomas WESTON of City of Dublin Merchant for 3 lives renewable [more description of land and neighbours]. NOTE: This connects the JACKSONs of Coleraine (and later of Forkhill) to the JACKSONs of Dolphins Barn, Dublin SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine. And probably SEE: JACKSONs of Pimlicoe

NOTE: Mary was the widow of Francis AIKIN late of Murragh, Co. Dublin, son of George AIKIN. When she married William JACKSON in 1755 she was “of London”. SEE: ROD: 178-185- 118494 and ROD: 270-436- 173413. The BRYANs had Co. Kildare connections.

SEE: also  Michael JACKSON, Clothier of Pimlico

NOTE: This William JACKSON was most likely the clothier of Upper Coombe. SEE: ROD: 200-346- 133444 and ROD: 270-346- 173413 and 202-462- 134758 and ROD: 219-308- 143791




1784 Jun 7

BARTLEY – BARTLEY  Dunrimond & Losset

NAMES: John BARTLEY of Coothill; George BARTLEY, Dr. of Monaghan; Agnes BARTLEY of Magherra [Parish Maghera], Co. Derry; Letitia BARTLEY; Blayney Owen MITCHELL; Henry MITCHELL; OTHER PLACES: Dunrimond aka Dunraymond; Lossett.




1769 Feb 3


Marr art. Btw James McCULLOUGH of Ballynees [There are 3 Ballynease in Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] in the proportion of Vintners Co Londonderry farmer of the 1 pt;  & Francis DICKSON of Ballymacombe [Ballymacombs More, or Ballymacombs-Beg, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin] Co Londonderry farmer of other part. Marriage to be had btw John McCULLOGH son and heir to James McCULLOUGH & Sarah DICKSON eldest daughter of Francis DICKSON… half of his farm at Ballynees from James & Jane McCULLOGH (his wife) for son John McCULLOUGH… 40 pounds marriage jointure from Francis DICKSON. WITNESS: William DICKSON now of Coleraine & Morgan WILSON of Limnary & Richard DICKSON of Ballymacombe & John STEEL of Ballymacombe farmer.




1785 Oct 14

BELL Names Index: 1777-1785

Btw Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Co Armagh Esq. of the one pt & Sarah BELL of City of Dublin widow of the other part. Reciting that William JACKSON late of the City of Dublin Gent  and Mary JACKSON otherwise [SECHIN?] otherwise PAINE his wife both since deceased by Indenture of Release dated 9 May 1763 in consid of 69 pounds 3 shillings to them lent and advanced by sd Richard JACKSON granted released and confirmed unto the sd Richard JACKSON all that piece or parcel of ground with an house thereupon built and shed situate lying and being  in Dolphins Barn Lane near the Bridge on the North Side thereof in the Manor and Liberty of Thomas Court  and Donore Co Dublin  containing in front from  the river to Mrs. POOLs holding 62 foot and in the rere from the river to Mr POOLs ditch 78 feet and from the front to Mr POOLs park about 256 feet to the same more or less in as full and ample manner as demised by Thomas WILSON of the City of Dublin Merchant & John HIGGINSON of Dolphins Barn aforesaid. Merchant for three leases renewable forever and as the said John HIGGINSON Granted and Conveyed the same unto Samuel PAINE late of Cork St. Co Dublin, brewer deceased. To hold toward Richard JACKSON his heirs and assigns for three lives then in being and the survivor or survivors of them and for the life and lives of such other person and persons should forever be added to the time and term granted of said recited premises by virtue of the lease which they said William JACKSON and Mary his wife held same and the covenant for perpetual renewal subject to a moiety  of the rents therin contained and subject to the Condition of redemption therin also contained a payment of said sum of  69 pounds  12 shillings with Lawful Interest on a day therein mentioned and long since past and reciting that the said sum with a considerable arrear of interest was still due and owing to said Richard JACKSON. By said deed of which this writing the said Richard JACKSON for the consideration therin mentioned did Grant Release and Confirm unto the said Sarah BELL in her actual possession then being by virtue of the Bargain and Sale therein mentioned all that the aforesaid premises and all said Richard JACKSON interest therin and thereunto to hold to said Sarah BELL her heirs and assigns forever… WITNESSES: John JOHNSTON City of Dublin; & John BELL. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine and Michael JACKSON, Clothier of Pimlico.




1787 Feb 12

BROWNE Names Index 1786-1794

Rt Hon Richard JACKSON of Coleraine of 4th pt… land in High St Belfast. NOTE: Richard JACKSON (1732-1787) SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1787 Nov 8

Will of Andrew TODD 1739-1810

Image 180

Registered 1787 Nov 8

Andrew TODD of Shanes Castle[Shanes's Castle, Parish of Antrim, Barony Toome Upper], Co Antrim… lands of Crossreagh [Crossreagh, Parish Ballywillin. Barony Dunluce Lower], Slenmay [??], Carnanlevy [probably Carnany Lower, Parish of Ballymoney, Barony Dunluce Upper], Islandmore [Parish Kilraghts, Barony Dunluce Upper ] & Ballyeraye [??], held by lease for lives under Earl of Antrim dated 1 June 1750 & also Lands called the live quarters of Priestland [either Priestland East  and/or Priestland West, Parish Dunluce, Barony Dunluce Lower] & quarter of Killiny [??], & ¼ of park commonly called [Fernelesvey?] West Park (Fearann na Leathsheisrí) (aka Faranlessery), Parish Dunluce, Barony Dunluce Lower],  held from the Earl dated 2 July 1745 all in Barony Dunluce, Co. Londonderry  and also lands of Gortgole [Gortgole, Parish Portglenone, Barony Toome Lower] in lower half Barony of Toom in Co. Antrim held for lives under John O’NEILL ….  £50 to be paid to Sister Elizabeth PATTERSON otherwise TODD wife of William PATTERSON now of City of Derry, Gent….  Subject to levies by John O’NEILL of Shanes Castle Esq.  & to John O’NEILL of Portglenane Esq. & their lives & also several trusts …  boy called and named as John TODD age 14-15 at grammar school in Town of Workington Cumberland, Great Britain – board and lodging with Mr. & Mrs. WHITESIDES of Workingtown if John TODD dies before reaching majority, then trusts to ….. Andrew TODD, eldest son of Daniel TODD now of Randlestown Gent  & of his issue male in the same manner as for John TODD …… John PATTERSON eldest son of Walter PATTERSON Governor of the Island of St Johns in Gulf of St. Laurence and his issue…. Niece Elizabeth PATTERSON wife of Rev Edward PATTERSON of Belfast £100. To servant Ann MAGILL all my right & interest in lands of Tobernaveen [Tobernaveen, Parish Grange of Shilvodan, Barony Toome Upper] together with sum of £50 … other servants Thomas O’NEILL Charles MAGILL & Elinor MACTRANEY one year’s wages to each  … guardianship of John TODD [?] William DUNKIN of Clogher Esq. & Edward HOGG of Lisburn Linen Draper my executors … signed Andrew TODD Esq in presence of Richard DRUE of Duncliffe, Robert McLEAIN of Shanes Castle, Samuel McCLEAN of Belfast Merchant. Memorial witness Samuel McCLEAN & Samuel HERON of Lisburn Gent & Atty at Law. John TODD [SEAL] 27 Aug 1787.

NOTE: An Andrew TODD of Carricknaveagh, near Saintfield married the 3rd daughter of James BIRCH (?-1727) and Mary JACKSON (?-aft 1732).: SOURCE: Thomas Ledlie Birch: United Irishman. Aiken McClelland. The TODD family of Carricknaveagh, [Carricknaveagh , Parish Killaney, Barony Castlereagh Upper, in the County of Down] which was known as Toddsville as early as 1625, were prominent United Irishmen. The name of Andrew TODD (Birch's cousin) and Andrew Tod junior, appear in the "Black Book of the North of Ireland", a list of some 200 names of the leaders of the United Irishmen. When the rebellion broke out Andrew Todd junior, joined the rebel ranks, and acted as Captain of the Town Guard when Ballynahinch was in insurgent hands. After the rebellion was crushed he was imprisoned for a short time in Lisburn. Todd later married a sister of Birch's successor, Rev. Henry SIMPSON (1799-1843), and his descendants still live in Carricknaveagh.

SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry for connections to Shanes Castle and O;NEILLs.




1788 Oct 29

HARTE Names Index 1786-1794

Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq to George HART of City of Dublin Esq. Reciting deed of release 7 Mar 1735 made btw William JACKSON then of Coleraine  Esq. since deceased of 1st part, Frances  his wife of the 2nd pt & the Hon Elizabeth MOORE then of City of Dublin widow and since deceased of the 3rd pt. William JACKSON died leaving Richard JACKSON his only son & heir who upon the death of this William JACKSON became entitled equity & mtg to Elizabeth MOORE invested in John McALLISTER of Coleraine in trust for Richard JACKSON and reciting that Henry HART late of the City of Dublin Esq since deceased on or about the 30th day  Oct 1752 did lend and advance to Richard JACKSON the sum of 5,000 pounds re deed of release 9 Dec 1752 [secured against lands mentioned in previous deed - lands of Ballymadegan, Drumnaquil, Dunballycarne, Ringrassbeg, Ringrassmore Ardaclave and upper and lower Altabreen]. WITNESS Croasdale MOLONY & Michael MOLONY.

NOTE: Co. Londonderry Townland Links:

·         Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine,

·         Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine,

·         Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is. Possibly Drumballyhagan Clark.

·         Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.

·         Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine,

·         Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.

·         Upper and Lower Altabreen aka [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border]

NOTE: Because of echoes of these townlands in other deeds, I believe that this Richard JACKSON was the Richard JACKSON (aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine, the sole surviving son of William JACKSON and Frances EYRE.SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1788 Oct 29

JACKSON-HART Agreement Names Index 1786-1794

Image 489

Rt Hon Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq of 1 pt.; George HART of City of Dublin Esq. of other pt. Reciting deed of release 7 Mar 1735 made btw William JACKSON then of Coleraine  Esq. since deceased of 1st part, Frances  his wife of the 2nd pt & the Hon Elizabeth MOORE then of City of Dublin widow and since deceased of the 3rd pt. William JACKSON died leaving Richard JACKSON his only son & heir who upon the death of this William JACKSON became entitled equity & mtg to Elizabeth MOORE invested in John McALLISTER of Coleraine in trust for Richard JACKSON and reciting that Henry HART late of the City of Dublin Esq since deceased on or about the 30th day  Oct 1752 did lend and advance to Richard JACKSON the sum of 5,000 pounds re deed of release 9 Dec 1752 [secured against lands mentioned in previous deed]. WITNESS Croasdale MOLONY & Michael MOLONY. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine.




1789 Jun 12

JACKSON-GALT Names Index 1786-1794

Image 589

Btw James STEWART of Gracehill, Co Antrim Esq &of 1st part & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Co Londonderry & Elizabeth JACKSON his wife and James JACKSON, eldest son & heir apparent of 2nd part & John GALT & Charles GALT of Londonderry merchants of 3rd pt…. in consid of £400 pd by John GALT and Charles GALT to JACKSONs.. tenement on the West side of the New Row [NOTE: New Row runs South from Church Street, and there is also a New Row West. NOTE: Martha’s House Café is on the corner of New Row & Abby Street. SEE: Griffiths Map and also Irish Townlands Map. Houses were built here as early as 1611. SOURCE: to T.H. Mullin Coleraine in Bygone Centuries p 62] in Town of Coleraine marked in Map of said town #28 on the west by Stone Row & on the North by tenement 27 together with 11a marked as #63 in the map of the acres bounded on the North by the road leading to Ballyrarhean [Church Road?] on the east by the road leading to Ballymoney and on the south by the acre (No 37) and on the north by the acres No 61 and 62 and abt ½ mile distant from the town with the appurts being and near the Town Colerain in Co. Londonderry… WITNESS: James HAMILTON of Bush Bank Co. Antrim & James PARKS of same place. Richard JACKSON [SEAL] James JACKSON [SEAL] NOTE: It is possible that he was the Richard JACKSON (1726-1789)., but there was also another JACKSON in Coleraine. He may also be linked to the line of JACKSONs in Drogheda SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1790 Jul 7

OLIVER, Martha-OLIVER Notes in 2009 diary 1786-1793

Martha OLIVER otherwise MILLER of Granaught [probably Grannagh, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght], Co. Londonderry widow & Joseph OLIVER of Granaught farmer of other part. Martha sold to Joseph for £100 part of Drumreighlin [Drumraighland, Parish Tamlaght-finlagan, Barony Keenaght], Barony of Kinaught, Co. Londonderry.




1791 Jun 16

JACKSON - DOWNING Names Index 1786-1794

Image 415

Deed of Assignment btw Samuel OLIVER of Leicester, Leicestershire & Thomas JACKSON & John JACKSON both of London Executors of last will of Richard OXLEY late of Broad Street City of London, Linen Draper deceased of the 1 pt & Rev Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING of Maghera [Parish Maghera], Co. Londonderry Clke, eldest son and heir at law of John DOWNING late of Rowansgill [Roes Gift, Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin], Co. Londonderry Esq deceased of the other part. Reciting the said Samuel OLIVER, Thomas NICKSON and John JACKSON in consid of 600 pounds & 33 pounds paid by Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING granted to by Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING the sum of 600 pounds given by John DOWNING to Jane DOWNING his daughter by an indenture 1 Feb 1773 chargeable on certain towns and townlands … Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING [SEAL] WITNESS: John DOWNING, [?] NESBITT & Charles MACKIN. NOTE Anne JACKSON, wife of Col. Adam DOWNING, was the grandmother of Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING (1735-1812). The question is: Who were Thomas & John JACKSON? 1677 John JACKSON will - house in Coleraine may be relevant.

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1791 Jun 1

JACKSON - O’NEIL Names Index 1786-1794

Marriage article btw John Hamilton O’HARA of Crebilly  Co Antrim of 1 pt Mary Jane JACKSON daughter of  Rt Hon Richard JACKSON late of Jackson Hall, Londonderry deceased of 2nd pt Rt Hon James O’NEIL of Shanes Castle in Co Antrim & George JACKSON of Jackson Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Esq. of 3rd pt…. in consid of marriage £2,000 pounds as marriage portion… more detail Henry Hutchison O’HARA late of Crebilly, Co Antrim Esq deceased in last will dated 29 May 1759 devised to John Hamilton O’HARA the lands commonly called the Kart Estates in Co Antrim. WITNESSES: Rev Nathaniel ALEXANDER George Richard GOLDING & John JOHNSTON of Crebilly SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1738 Jul 14

JACKSON - YOUNG Names Index 1786-1794 Townland 1739-1810

NOTE the time-lag from when it was made to when it was memorialized (1792).

Image 233

Capt. William JACKSON of Fort William [Townland Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan], Barony Loughinsholin] Co Londonderry Gent of 1st pt. William YOUNG and John KNOX of Cavenreagh [Cavanreagh, Electoral Division The Six Towns, Civil Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin], Parish Ballinascreen Co. Londonderry set to Wm YOUNG 2/3rd pts of Cavenreagh & being part of 6 Church land towns of Ballynascreen for term of 7 years. SEE: JACKSONS of Tobermore.

NOTE: The 6 townlands are:

·         Cavanreagh 1726 A, 3 R, 9 P

·         Glenviggan 1723 A, 0 R, 19 P

·         Moneyconey 1121 A, 2 R, 4 P

·         Moyard 1591 A, 3 R, 30 P

·         Owenreagh 758 A, 2 R, 20 P

·         Tullybrick 2271 A, 1 R, 0 P




1793 Mar 9

JACKSON-HILL Names Index 1786-1794

George JACKSON of Jacksons Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Co Londonderry Esq.  Gent then of City of Dublin Esq of the 1 pt and Sir Henry HILL of the City of Derry Bt of the other.. Jackson did confer the dwelling house of Jackson Hall with all the offices houses gardens and pleasure ground thereunto containing 15 acres Plantation measure in Liberties of Colerain, Co. Londonderry with the use of all fixtures goods and furniture of every kind for yearly rent of 56 pounds… NOTE: This is George JACKSON (1776-1840) – one of JACKSONs of Coleraine.. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1738 Aug 4


[I first had Mem # 2984934 which was incorrect.]

Image 73 & Image 74

Btw Capt William JACKSON of Fort William [Townland Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan], Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Londonderry Gent of 1 pt & James GRAHAM of Caveneagh [Cavanreagh, Electoral Division The Six Towns, Civil Parish Ballynascreen, Barony Loughinsholin] –Parish of Ballinascreen Co Londonderry of the other pt. JACKSON set to GRAHAM land in JACKSONs possession being the 6th part of the half townland of Caveneagh being part of the Six Churchtowns of Ballynascreen for term of 7 years for rent of 2 pounds 10s renewable for such terms and times as JACKSON should renew his lease with the Lord Bishop of Derry.. Toties Quoties … WITNESS: William JACKSON jr. & Clark JACKSON. James GRAHAM [SEAL] NOTE: SEE: ROD 88-77-61667 SEE: Jacksons of Tobermore.NOTE: The 6 townlands are:

·         Cavanreagh 1726 A, 3 R, 9 P

·         Glenviggan 1723 A, 0 R, 19 P

·         Moneyconey 1121 A, 2 R, 4 P

·         Moyard 1591 A, 3 R, 30 P

·         Owenreagh 758 A, 2 R, 20 P

·         Tullybrick 2271 A, 1 R, 0 P




1793 Feb 8

HARTE Names Index 1786-1794

Image 596

Rt Hon John O’NEIL of Shanes Castle Co. Antrim of 1st pt, George JACKSON of Jackson Hall, [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Co Londonderry, Esq. Eldest son of Rt Hon George JACKSON dec’d of 2nd pt, George HARTE of City of Dublin Esq. of 3rd pt. Lands of Carrick[?]ler otherwise Carrickdisart otherwise Carickdesert formerly held by Thomas QUELSH 4a 34p and also town of Cruicetown otherwise Crusetown otherwise Cruistown except that part granted to Gustavius LAMBERT Esq  and the town and lands of Pigshill otherwise Begshill and Rossboy otherwise Rushee parcels of Cruistown with the water Corn Mill and wears [aka weirs?] belonging to townland Carrickadealer and Cruicetown on River Boyne, Co. Meath …




1793 Feb 28

HARTE-LATOUCHE Names Index 1786-1794

Image 596

Btw George HARTE of City of Dublin Esq. Eldest son of Henry HARTE late of the City Alderman of 1st pt & David LATOUCHE of Dublin of 2nd pt & George JACKSON of Jackson Hall, [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Co Londonderry, Esq. Eldest son of Rt Hon Richard JACKSON late of Jackson Hall dec’d of 3rd pt Rt Hon John NEAL of Shanes Castle Co Antrim of 4th pt & John LATOUCHE of City of Dublin of 5th pt.... lands of Ballymaclegan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Drumnaquill Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Donballycarne [possibly Drumballyhagan Clark], Ringgrassley [Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine.], Ringsmore [Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] Ardaclave [Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine and the Upper and Lower Altabrean [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] in Co Londonderry to hold to John LATOUCH in trust to pay annuity to George HART ….

NOTE: Sir Richard JACKSON (btw1729-1731 – d. 1789) Son George JACKSON (1766-1840)

SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1793 Nov 22

JACKSON - HUTCHINSON Names Index 1786-1794

Btw James STEWART of Gracehill Co Antrim Esq of 1st pt; Richard JACKSON of Coleraine & Elizabeth his wife and James JACKSON their eldest son of 2nd pt; John GALT & Charles GALT of Coleraine merchants of 3rd pt… released to James HUTCHINSON land on the west side of the New Road in Coleraine marked on the map of the said town as #28 with the land marked #63  and also the Gardener waste known by the name of Glovers Waste with all the houses Gardens Improvements in town of Coleraine WITNESS: James PARK of S of Pushbank and Richard JACKSON jr of Coleraine SEE: (possibly) JACKSONs of Coleraine – although I do not yet know where he fits in. He may have been the one who was a butcher.




1793 Sep 1

Hamilton O’HARA-O’NEIL

Btw John Hamilton O’HARA of Cordilly, Co Antrim Esq & Mary Jane O’HARA als JACKSON, his wife of 1 pt & Rt Hon John O’NEILL of Shanes Castle & George JACKSON of Jackson’s Hall, [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Co  Londonderry of other pt... all the Manor of Crebilly commonly called the Kart Estate... many other lands in Barony of Killonway, Co Antrim SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1793 Sep 23

HAVELAN Names Index 1786-1794  

Image 359

Btw George JACKSON of Jackson’s Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Parish of Killowen Co Londonderry of the 1 pt. & Dennis HAVELAN of Bridge St Waterside in Killowen, Co Londonderry Innholder of other pt. JACKSON demised land commonly known as the Park bounded on the North by James WALLACE’s holding,  on the south by the Widow ORRs holding on the East by John LITTLEs holding and on the west by the Great Road leading to Downfull cont 9 1/2A now in possession of Cornelius DOUGHERTY, Bernard DOUGHERTY and Widow DOUGHERTY and Richard her son… SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1794 May 13

JACKSON-SMYTH Names Index 1794-

Image 44

Btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, butcher of the 1 pt & John SMITH of Gillsboat [possibly Gills, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Co Londonderry, farmer of the other pt. Reciting that Elizabeth JACKSON wife of sd Richard JACKSON being entitled to an estate for life in a certain Tenement Situate on the West side of New [Row?] in the town of Coleraine with 11 acres of and by virtue of deed Hatton TETTLE deceased did that desire of Richard JACKSON ad in order him to pay his Debts upon an Engagement to a Trustee for her use.. 2 Nov 1793 James STEWART of Grace Hill, Co. Antrim Esq. of 1st pt. Richard JACKSON, Elizabeth his wife and James his eldest son of 2nd pt. John GALT and Charles GALT of 3rd pt and James HUTCHINSON of 4th pt.  convey to James HUTCHINSON two tenements Brick House and Gardens on north side of Backlane in town of Coleraine cont in front 48 and in width 20 feet by lease from the Mayor Aldermen and Burgess of the Corporation of Coleraine dated 10 Jun 1773 for term of 48 years. … to John SMYTHE said tenement and premises in Back Lane in Town of Coleraine and two fields of land in Ballasas [Bellasses, Parish Coleraine, Barony N.E. Liberties of ColeraineNOTE: It borders Lodge] near Coleraine with the appurts in Co. Londonderry  & all Cattle Goods household stuff furniture and implements of household and all other Goods and Chattles wherein said Richard JACKSON resided in Town of Coleraine … in trust for the Sole and Separate use of said Elizabeth JACKSON and her assigns WITNESS: John PARKS of City of Dublin & James JACKSON of Coleraine aforesaid butcher. Richard JACKSON [SEAL]


WITNESS: John PARKES att. Of City of Dublin, James JACKSON of Coleraine afsd butcher. NOTE: He may be related to JACKSONs of Coleraine and also may not be.




1794 Nov 10

JACKSON-KENDRICK Names Index 1794-

Image 127

 Btw John LATOUCH of Dublin Esq of 1st pt. George JACKSON Esq. eldest son & heir at law of the Rt Hon Richard JACKSON late of Jackson’s Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine]. Co Londonderry Esq since deceased of 2nd pt. The Right Honorable John Baron O’Neil of Shanes Castle of the 3rd pt.  & James KENDRICK of Shanes Castle of 4th pt… demised Ballymadegan [Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], Drumnapull [Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine], Donballyearne aka Donballycarn [possibly Drumballyhagan Clark], Ringrassbeg [Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Ringrassmore [Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Ardacleave, [Articlave Lower (most likely) or Articlave Upper, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine], the Upper and Lower Altabreeen [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border] &Upper and Lower Altbean [probably Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine, - the parishes of Dunboe & Formoyle share a border]Co. Londonderry To hold to James [LESNICK?]  … WITNESS: Andrew KNOX, Neal McNEAL the younger both of City of Dublin. John [LESNICK?] [SEAL] SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine [Sir George JACKSON (1776-1846)]




1790 Feb 11

Image 399

BT Rev Steward BLACKER of Carrick [Carrick, Parish Seagoe, Barony Oneilland East], Co. Armagh & Dean of Old Leighland of 1st pt & Rt. Hon Edward CARY of City of Dublin of 2nd pt. & Alexander OGILBY of Beaufort Lodge & Leslie OGILBY of Dungiven, Co. Londonderry of 3rd pt. reciting Stewart BLACKER release of an annuity by Edward CARY   …  late dissolved Abbey Monastery or Religious House of  Dungiven [Dungiven] in Barony Kenouoght [Keenaght] Co. Londonderry …  including Castle Town [??], and lands of Dungiven alias Magheriboy [Magheraboy, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Ovil [Ovil, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght]  Nonbegg [[Nonebegg als Owenbeg, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],, Shatunahmore [??], Ballynamulge  [??], Ballycastle Ballycastle, , Lislahelodge [??],, Magheribas [possibly Magheraboy Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], in Barony Kennaught  … Lacha [Lackagh, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght,] Killerseagh [??], Derryware [Derryware, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Skregony [possibly Scriggan, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Derryduff [Derryduff, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Nahone [aka  Nahasson possibly Hass, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Brishy [Brishey, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], [??], Ballyheohillan [??], Ballymacever [Ballymakeever, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],, in territory Balliabollo [??],, Ballychaseran [??],, Barony Kenaught, … Clogore [??],, Carn [Carn, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Cashell [Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Boville [Boviel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght], Crowhack, [??]  … half Balliboe Benade [Benady in Townland Cashel, Parish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght],Barony Kennaught, Co. Londonderry … Tinean [??],, Gallena [ possibly Gallany, Parish Banagher (Keenaght portion), Nulladen [??]  , Magree, [??]  Ballyahain [??], … 2 ½ more pages of lists of lands in Coleraine aka Londonderry

NOTE: See ROD: 152-99-100921, Jun 11, 1751 for hyperlinks to all these townlands.




1797, Dec 5


Meml of a Deed John OLIVER of Cloghan [Cloghan, Parish Balteagh, Barony Keenaght], Co. Londonderry of the first part & Thomas OLIVER of Clogham Co. Londonderry of the other part. Witness Henry OLIVER & Samuel MARTIN




1788, July 24

OLIVER-his wife

Last will and Testament of John OLIVER of Cloghan [Cloghan, Parish Balteagh, Barony Keenaght], parish of Balleagh, Co. Londonderry

Son, Thomas OLIVER – the one full half of Sd John OLIVER farmer in Main in the County of Londonderry. Witness John CALDWELL & Alexander PATTISON both of Cloghan, all in the County of Londonderry




1794 May 19


Image 240

Btw John MURRELL of Ballyquinn [Ballyquin, Parish Carrick, Barony Keenaght], Londonderry & Daniel DUNLOP of Main, Londonderry, of 1st part; Paul CHURCH of Dumbane [possibly Drumbane, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght or Drumbane, Parish of Errigal, in the Barony of Coleraine] Co. Londonderry of other pt. In consideration of £295  paid by Paul CHURCH granted lands of Shanevy [Shanvey, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght] est 40a to John JACKSON deceased of Shanevy Lands of Clonevy [??] & Ballyvolane [possibly Ballyvelton Lower and/or Ballyvelton Upper, Parish Ballyrashane, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine [Londonderry?]. WITNESS: Mathew PATTERSON & Samuel JACKSON Roz McC




1802 Aug 9


Image 249 faint

Btw Charles GARDENER of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry & Robert STEWART of Glenarm, Co. Antrim Doctor of Medicine & Jane GARDNER otherwise STEWART his wife, Edward CROOK of Newry, Co. Down Merchant & Martha CROOK other wise GARDNER his wife; John BERWICK of Moira, Gent & Elizabeth BERWICK otherwise GARDNER his wife; James JACKSON of Coleraine Gent & Rachel GARDNER otherwise JACKSON his wife; Randal GARDNER late of Piedmount in his Majesty’s regiment of Antrim [?] in Ireland and Theophilus  GARDNER of Downpatrick Co Down, Merchant which said Charles Jane Martha Elizabeth  Rachel Randle & Theophilus are children of James GARDNER late of Ballymoney Gent deceased. Of 1st pt Thomas GARDNER eldest son & heir  Jane GARDNER one of the children of the said James GARDNER & Alice McNEIL [Alexander?] of Ballycastle, Co. Antrim Esq of 3rd pt [NOTE: 2nd part was not mentioned]…. In consid of 610 pounds paid by Alexander McNEIL land at Ballywillan, Barony of Dunluce Co. Antrim… WITNESS; Robert STEEL Francis WHITLA & Charles O’DONNELL all of Belfast, Co. Antrim NOTE: James JACKSON was possibly son of the Richard JACKSON of Coleraine who may have been a butcher.




1801 Apr 4

JACKSON-BROWNE. Names Index 1800-1809 a dwelling house & office houses yard on Captain St Coleraine

Image 584

A Memorial of an indenture made between Colonel George JACKSON of Jackson Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine]  in the County of Londonderry Esquire of the one part and Francis BROWN of Coleraine in the County of Londonderry, gent of the other part. Whereby the said George JACKSON did demise sett and confirm set unto the said Francis BROWN all that and those the dwelling house, office yards and garden on Caplan Street in said town of Coleraine, together with the field on the road leading to Derry containing by estimation 3 acres and 15 perches Irish Plantation Measure to the same more or less and now in the possession and occupation of Francis BROWN bounded as therein mentioned. To hold unto the said Francis BROWN his heirs executors etc for one for the natural lives of the Duchess of Württemberg [aka Charlotte (1766-1828) – daughter of King George III] and Mrs ALEXANDER [Anne JACKSON wife of Rev. Nathaniel ALEXANDER] or 30 years [?] shall longest continue at the yearly rent of £24.13. 5 as by said lease containing other covenants and clauses and agreements witnessed by Marcus Samuel HALL of Coleraine in the County of Londonderry Esquire this Memorial is witnessed by the said Marcus Samuel HALL and Samuel KNOX of Coleraine aforesaid gents. Francis. BROWN. Seal. NOTE: Col George JACKSON (1776-1840) later Sir George, and Anne JACKSON are children of Richard JACKSON & Anne O’NEIL. SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine




1803 Mar 16


Image 19

Btw Susanna BARTON of Forkhill, Co. Armagh widow of 1st pt & George JACKSON of Jackson Hall, Co. Londonderry & Beech Hill in co. Surrey, Great Britain Lieut Col in her Majesty’s Service of 2nd pt & Rt. Rev. Nathaniel ALEXANDER Bishop of Clontfort… for lives of Susanna BARTON & Julianna Eliza BARTON otherwise OGLE wife of Col. John OGLE … Trustees of Richard JACKSON of Forkhill.

SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry




1807 Mar 27


Image 283

Btw Lieut.-Col George JACKSON formerly of Jackson Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Co Londonderry but then of the City of London of the 1st pt. Thomas Knox HANNINGTON of Dungannon Co Tyrone of 2nd pt.   James CAULFIELD of Cookstown Esq of 3rd pt … transfer of Ballykeen [probably Ballycairn], Parish Killowen

Ringrash [Ringrash Beg and Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine], Parish Macosquin, Drumnaquill [Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine] Alta Bryan [Altibrian, Parish Formoyle, Barony Coleraine] & Lower Artaclave Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine. in Parish Dunbow With all buildings & Improvements, Timber & Timber Fees Mines Minerals & Quarries Waters & Water Courses Turbary Fishings Commons Easements privileges & appointments Rights & Royalties all in Barony Coleraine Co. Londonderry. WITNESS: John THOMPSON of City of Dublin Attorney & Arthur FULLAN of City of Dublin




1808 Oct 31

JACKSON-Marriage arts. Names Index 1800-1809

Image 479

Marriage Arts John JACKSON of Crieve Esq of 1 pt & James Stephenson GIVENS of Bushmills Co Antrim Esq Linen merchant of other part. Reciting marriage to be had between GIVENS & Mary JACKSON daughter of John JACKSON… Marriage portion £800 …. More detail … WITNESS: Joseph CUNNINGHAM of Crieve, Co. Monaghan Linen Merchant & Sidney Hamilton ROWAN of Crieve Gent. John JACKSON [SEAL]

NOTE: Mary GIVEN’s grave is at St. John, Parish Killowen, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry. SEE: JACKSONs of Lisnaboe




1810 Jan 17

McCULLOGH John to ESPY (1800-1809 (1810))

John McCULLA, farmer of Furnabraigh, [??] Co. Londonderry and David ESPY, farmer, Laurafarn [possibly Largantogher, Parish Maghera, Barony Loughinsholin] Co. Londonderry. Mrs. Arabella GIBBES, daughter of Sir William BOWLEY; Sir William BOWLEY, late deceased; Witnesses: Robert MILLER, Attorney at law of Moneymore [probably Moneymore, Parish Maghera, Barony Loughinsholin], Co. Londonderry & John CARGAN, servant man to MILLER of Moneymore. Registrar: George GRIFFIN. Farm in Furnabrach, Londonderry [80.1.32 plantation] for £50 from John McCULLA to David ESPEY in ESPEY's poss for & during life of GIBBES or term of 6 years, whichever lasts longer, from 1 Nov 1807 sub to yearly rent therein, with proviso for redemption upon payment of £50 + interest.

Notes thanks to Mike in Vancouver.




1817 Aug 16.

Reference to lease August 1, 1780: ROD 718-473-491308. 1817 Aug 16. Sir George JACKSON Bart residing at Paris, Baronet of 1st part & Anthony Bart[?] VALLE of the Haymarket, Baker of the City of London, Merchant & George SPARKS, Exeter, Co. Devon & Thomas MILLS Esq. Middlesex... reciting 13th & 16th Mar 1803 between Suzanna BARTON, widow of the 1st part; George JACKSON of the 2nd part; the Bishop of Clonfort & Frans DODDs of the 3rd part... Susanna Julia Eliza OGLE orse BARTON wife of Col OGLE... lease dated 1st Aug 1780 .. Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Esq... NOTE: This is the Sir George JACKSON (1776-1840) who died in Belgium, and before that had resided in Paris and London. Susanna BARTON was a sister of Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill. They were first cousins once removed of Sir George JACKSON (1776-1840). The Richard JACKSON of Forkhill is not to be confused with the Richard JACKSON, younger brother of Sir George JACKSON (1776-1840), who died in May 6, 1797 at Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London.

In the Deeds Registry in Dublin, there is a memorial of a deed #718-473-491308, dated 1817 Aug 16. This mentions Sir George JACKSON Bart residing at Paris, Baronet of 1st part. It recites an earlier deed dated March 13th & 16th, 1803 between Susanna Barton & Anthony Bart[?] VALLE of the Haymarket, Baker of the City of London, Merchant & George SPARKS, Exeter, Co. Devon & Thomas MILLS Esq. Middlesex... reciting 13th & 16th Mar 1803 between Suzanna BARTON, widow of the 1st part. She was a sister of the Sir Richard JACKSON of Forkhill. He and Sir George of Bruges were both descended from William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD of Coleraine and were 1st cousins twice removed. Clearly, there were property entanglements that were still to be resolved. The deed refers to an earlier lease dated Aug 1st, 1780, while Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Esq. was still alive. NOTE: Since it refers to this Richard JACKSON as Esq. not Sir, I suspect that the reference is to Sir George’s younger brother Richard.




1800 Apr 22

SPUNNER 1816-1818


Image 357

BTW George JACKSON of Jacksons Hall [Townland Waterside, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine],Co. Londonderry Esq. of 1 pt; William COCHRAN of Articlave [Articlave Lower, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine] Co. Londonderry of other pt…. Water Corn Mill in Articlave & Toll Grist & Multure ,,, in Manor of Clothworkers Co. Londonderry the estate of George JACKSON with the Shilling Hill [??] thereunto belonging & also two tenements in Articlave and a park of land which was possessed by Widow THORPE … to William COCHRAN … for lives of Anne ALEXANDER sister of George JACKSON & George Jackson COCHRAN [??] son to William COCHRAN aged 2 years from 1st Nov … WITNESS: John KNOX & Robert HAZLETT both of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

NOTE: Anne JACKSON (died Aug 1837) was wife of Rev. Nathaniel ALEXANDER (1760-1840).




1823 Nov 1

WILSON Gr otherwise GILKEY 1822-1824

WILSON Gr otherwise HANSON

Image 82

BTW Rev. David GILKEY of Omagh Co. Tyrone and Martha GILKEY otherwise JACKSON his wife & Mark HANSON of McCleary [Macleary, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine ] Co. Londonderry and Mary Anne HANSON otherwise JACKSON his wife. Martha GILEY and Anne HANSON are administrators of Samuel JACKSON late of Raphad [Rathfad, Parish Aghanloo, Barony Keenaght,] Co. Londonderry of 1 pt. Joseph WILSON of Ballygallon [Ballygallin, Parish Ballyaghran, Barony N.E. Liberties of Coleraine] Co. Londonderry farmer of other pt. Recites Paul CHURCH Esq by indenture 27 Jan 1757 set to Finley EVINS all the half town of Raphad at north side of town held under Lord Tyrone. Finley EVINS deceased bequeathed to his eldest son John EVINS who on 4 Oct 1793 assigned all rights of lands to Samuel JACKSON deceased and rights and credits of said Samuel JACKSON deceased was granted by Diocesan Court of Derry to his daughters Martha JACKSON and Mary Anne JACKSON now the wives of GILKEY & HANSON … rights excepting royalties mines minerals water courses mill races, and mill dams and the seal of a mill. To hold to Joseph WILLSON for remainder of term… WITNESS: John JACKSON of Raphad and John LAURENCE of Coleraine both in Co. Londonderry Gents.

NOTE: Rathfad borders on Shanvey and Ballycastle, other townlands held by JACKSONs




1829 Aug 28

Deed Poll 1828-1832

Image 183

Andrew JACKSON of the townland of Ballygrainey, Co. Down in 1822 obtained a judgement in his Majesty’s Court of Kings Bench in Ireland against Hugh KENNEDY of Cultra Co. Down Esq. for sum of £5,000 obtained on foot of bond pd by lands of Ballykeele in Parish Dundonald  and the Hollywood Mill with 6a of land in Parish of Hollywood … lands in Cashel, Co. Tipperary also mentioned.

Image 185

… OF Andrew JACKSON WITNESS: James Kennedy JACKSON & John JOHNSTON both of Belfast…

NOTE: This James Kennedy JACKSON was a coroner in Belfast. He died 20 July 1865 at Rose Lodge, Co. Down. His obit is at Belfast Morning News July 24, 1865. Buried at Holywood 24 July. He was a brother of John JACKSON (1800-1889) of Londonderry. He is likely related to the JACKSONs of Cultra in the 1910 Directory,

Jackson, Wm. J., J.P., Ingledene, Cultra
Johnston, F. W., The Cottage, Cultra

A transcript of his will is at PRONI. In it, he identifies William Archer JACKSON as his nephew, and John JACKSON as his brother, and his estate is to be divided amongst the children of his brother. This John JACKSON had a will at PRONI where he mentioned that his son William A. JACKSON was deceased and had been the executor of John JACKSON’s brother James JACKSON’s will. This seems to be the John JACKSON relating to much of these related agreements: The Will of John JACKSON late of Clarendon-street Londonderry Gentleman who died 25 September 1889 at same place was proved at Londonderry by Mary JACKSON Widow and Jane JACKSON Spinster both of Clarendon-street Londonderry the Executrixes. John and Mary JACKSON had a son also named James Kennedy JACKSON who was declared a bankrupt in 1884, and his parents John & Mary were both described as resident in Moville, Co. Derry [NOTE: Moville is in Co. Donegal, on western shore of Lough Foyle, abt 30 km from Londonderry] with holdings in Holywood, Co. Down. This James Kennedy JACKSON (?-aft 1889) also resided at Teddington, Middlesex, London.

Thanks to Ros Davies work on JACKSONs, we have: Andrew JACKSON [1765-1840] of Ballygrainey; died 11 Feb 1840 aged 75; husband of Mary who d. 12 Jun 1823 aged 49; father of James & Mary (d. 1828 aged 15) & Andrew (d. 1851 aged 41) & John (d. 1881 aged 74) ; buried Holywood parish graveyard.

SEE: JACKSONs of Co. Down who first settled in Dundonald

NOTE: 1889 Sep 25 John JACKSON age 89 Retired Bank Manager,  21 Clarendon St Derry. Born abt 1800.


Later deeds (they are in a different format)





Transcription and Notes




1852 Jan 10

Image 129

Anthony McALESTER of Garvagh [Garvagh,  Parish Errigal, Barony Coleraine] Co. Londonderry Gent. Plaintiff

Robert William JACKSON of City of Armagh, Co. Armagh Esq. Barrister at Law Defendant.

In Court of Queens Bench, Anthony McALISTER of Garvagh Co. Londonderry Gent age 50+ plaintiff in this case … on 21 Nov 1851 obtained a judgement against Robert William JACKSON for £1, 000 plus £3.1.11 for costs … assets Tullymore, Ballycrummy, Ballytrodden all in Parish Armagh & Barony Armagh; Ballytrawley in Parish Eglish Barony Armagh; Corneycrew and Mullaghbrack in Parish Mullaghbrack Barony ONeiland West all in Co. Armagh and sum of £500 secured remains due. Sworn at Coleraine.




1851 Nov 1

Image 128

Anthomy McALISTER of Garvagh [Garvagh,  Parish Errigal, Barony Coleraine] Co. Londonderry age 50 years and upwards obtained a judgement against Robert William JACKSON of City of Armagh solicitor for sum of £1,000 debt levies £3.1.11. … The word “Esquire” being also interlined on the 33rd line and the word William being struck out and interlined throughout [NOTE: What does this imply?]




1885 Jan 16

David JACKSON – William J. GUTHRIE

Image 20

BTW William DONAGHY of Ballylarghy [possibly Ballyleagry, Parish Balteagh, Barony Keenaght,] Co. Londonderry farmer of 1 pt; John JACKSON and David JACKSON both of Ardgarvin [Ardgarvan, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenagh] Co Londonderry farmers of 2nd pt; William Jones GUTHRIE of Greysteel [either Gresteel Beg or Gresteel More, Parish Faughanvale, Barony Tirkeeran] Co. Londonderry famer of 3rd pt.In consideration of £200 paid by William James GUTHRIE to William DONAGHY John JACKSON & David JACKSON conveyed Townland of Ballymully [Ballymully, Parish Balteagh, Barony Keenaght] Barony of Kennaught, Co. Londonderry 60a 2r 31p …& 64a in Ardgarvin, Barony of Kennaught  and townland Largyreagh [Largyreagh, Parish Drumachose, Barony of Keenaght] containing 57a with undivided share of the mountain grazing attached… WITNESS: Hugh Dillon LANE Barrister & James ALLEN writing Clerk John [X] JACKSON [SEAL] & David JACKSON [SEAL]

NOTE: 1901 Census John JACKSON age 49 & David JACKSON age 46 at Ardgarven (b abt 1855). Both brothers unmarried in 1911 Census.




1891 Feb 16

John JACKSON- Richard Magennis DOUGLAS (very long deed – lots of other names). John JACKSON of Melbourne, Australia of 1st pt; Fanny Lyster KING otherwise JACKSON wife of John KING of Earlsfield Road Wandsworth Common in Co Surrey, England, merchant & Archer Bayley JACKSON of Westcoft Oakhill Rd., Putney Co Surrey, England Esq of 2nd pt  Henry O’Neill JACKSON of City of Londonderry steamboat agent of 3rd pt; Jane Bayley JACKSON, spinster city of Londonderry 3rd pt…. James Kennedy JACKSON gent of Albert Rd., Teddington, Co. Surrey. England gent of 8th pt; … Ann JACKSON of Westcroft Oakhill Rd., Putney, Co Surrey England  widow of 10th pt; … will of James Kennedy JACKSON deceased… Anna JACKSON executor of will of William Archer JACKSON [d 1878 in Londonderry] … land on south west of Shore St, town of Holywood abt 60X203’… called “The Elders”… ref to indenture of Apr 1, 1840 lately in occupation of John JACKSON, parish of Holywood, Barony of Castlereagh, Co. Down …lease of portion dated Mar 1, 1839 between John JACKSON and John JACKSON jr. for term of 900 years… sublease 21 Dec 1856 btw James Kennedy JACKSON of one part & John POOLE.

SEE: JACKSON Probates in Co. Down. NOTE; Many people in this family seem to have been based in London. A will for Archer Bayley JACKSON was probated 1941 to Annie Evelyn KING. A will for Fanny Lyster KING, wife of John KING was probated to Annie Evelyn KING. In the 1901 Irish Census, Henry O’Neil JACKSON is age 42, born in Londonderry, Episcopalian, and residing in Londonderry with his wife & three children. He died at Balliniska, Springtown [Springtown, Parish Templemore, Barony of North-West Liberties of Londonderry] on 9 Jun 1911 and his will was probated to his wife Annie Wilson JACKSON (1866-?). Effects £173 9s 3d. James Kennedy JACKSON was a solicitor in Belfast (will probate 1875). Also in the 1901 Census, Jane Bailey JACKSON is unmarried, age 73 and living at Clarendon Place, Londonderry. She is also in the 1911 Census, age 82. Her death cert: 1912 Feb 1 Jane BAYLEY JACKSON age 84 death spinster Springtown Londonderry




1891 Jul 6

Image 683

BTW Anne King SMITH of Ballyg[?] Co. Londonderry of 1 pt & James OLIVER of Derrybeg [Derry Beg, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght]  Co. Londonderry farmer of the other. Anne King SMITH mortgagee conveyed to said James OLIVER 29a of Derrybeg held by Andrew OLIVER & James OLIVER under [?] Thomas McCAUSLAND in Parish Drumachose Barony Kennaught, Co. Londonderry

NOTE: 1901 Census shows a James OLIVER at Fruithill, [in Townland Derry Beg, Parish Drumachose, Barony Keenaght],, age 45, wife Margaret age 30 and mother Martha age 72 & visitor Alexander BROWN age 83, visitor. SEE: BMD: 1897 Jan 8 James OLIVER son of Andrew OLIVER farmer Derrybeg marriage  Margaret BROWN dau Alexander BROWN, engineer. WITNESS: Robert John OLIVER


1888 Nov 14 James Richard JACKSON Castlerock Colerain son of William JACKSON & Katherine RADSHAW Articlave land agent NOTE: Parents born in England. In 1901 Census as Catherine R. JACKSON age 44 & William JACKSON age 46 at Articlave.



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