July 21. 38 Slieveroe My dearest Sallie [1] , I think its about time you were getting some news from the old country. One of the cheeriest items is that Jack [2] & family are home. We had him here for five weeks. He left May [3] & Terence [4] & his amah with her mother in London so we had him all to ourselves. His little girl [5] is in school in England, and when her holidays start, all are going to the sea side. I really did not feel equal to having the whole family here besides I feel May would be happier in or near London, which is the headquarters of her mother & two widowed sisters. Jack looks real well & hardly a day older for the last five years. He is just the same loving home bird - never happier than when he is going about with Tom [6] . Unfortunately the weather was not kind to him. It rained almost all the time. Indeed we are having a most depressing wet cold summer, & a poor prospect of crops. We have fires still in the sitting rooms fancy such a thing in July!! I am much better than I was, but I can't boast of my walking achievements, but I have a wheeled chair, which the girls take me out in [7] , when there is a glimpse of sunshine. Otherwise I am really very well but I do miss not being able to fly about as formerly. Sallie Gilmore [8] , though four years older than I am, is quite active but is very thin, while I keep my condition wonderfully. She lives principally with Eily [9] her married daughter, in Dublin. She is quite happy there but is greatly distressed over the long & seemingly hopeless illness of her youngest son Tommy [10] . I fear his is a case of T.B. He and his wife [11] have been in Switzerland for months, for the sunshine treatment, but so far no improvement. Brownie [12] & her flock are well. We see them generally every week. Margaret [13] has passed her entrance exam in Trinity & will be going to Dublin in Oct. & George [14] has won a £30 scholarship in the Royal School Armagh and is to go there after the summer holidays. Samuel [15] keeps well but is not allowed to study yet. Thompson [16] & Blin [17] "Hold the Fort" in Killynure. Its a big change since the big houseful of long ago. Davy Gilmore [18] , his wife & 2 children are in Liscalgot & Urker belongs to Jim & Molly Wright [19] . They bought it when Tommy Jackson [20] sold it. Molly loves it for old times sake. I have not been there since poor Aunt Mary [21] died. How few of the old folk remain! I had a visit from Martha Carson [22] last week. She was enquiring particularly for you. I hope you keep well also Clair [23] & Mary [24] & their respective families. Love to them all including your dear old self. Ever dearest Your fond sister Maggie [25] [1] Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside [2] I am assuming that that this is John Andrew McCULLAGH (1897-1971), son of Andrew Bradford McCullagh & Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCullagh. A letter of May 4,1920 shows him bound for six years in Singapore. Perhaps he stayed longer. [3] May Owen COLTMAN, wife of John "Jack" Andrew McCULLAGH [4] John Coltman "Terrence" McCULLAGH (1936-), son of May Owen COLTMAN adn John Andrew McCULLAGH. [5] Eileen McCullagh [6] probably Thomas Jackson Reed, son of Robert Hamilton Reed & Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCullagh [7] NOTE: unless I am mistaken, she is only 58 at this stage of her life [8] Sarah (Jackson) Gilmore, wife of Eliezer Gilmore, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [9] Edith Eileen (née GILMORE) RYDER (1890-1977) [10] Thomas Jackson Gilmore, who died about 1939 [11] Marion Elizabeth ARKCOLL [12] Alice Margaret (McCullagh) Alexander, wife of Andrew Alexander [13] Margaret Rankin Alexander, daughter of Alice Margaret (McCullagh) Alexander [14] George Alexander, son of Alice Margaret (McCullagh) Alexande [15] Samuel Alexander (three years older than his brother, George, but seemingly in need of shelter) [16] Thompson Brown jr. [17] Sarah “Blin” Brown [18] David Gilmore, son of Eliezer Gilmore & Sarah Jackson, husband of Elsie Muriel Coulter [19] James Wright & Mary (Menary Wright (daughter of Mary Griffin) [20] probably Thomas Dare JACKSON, so of Sir Thomas JACKSON [21] Mary (Jackson) GRIFFIN, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [22] Martha CARSON? [23] Thomas Clair WHITESIDE, son of Sarah [24] Mary Ione WHITESDIE, daughter of Sarah [25] Margaret (née JACKSON) (REED) McCULLAGH, sister-in-law of Sarah WHITESIDE |
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