Urker, My Dearest Sally [1] , On Friday I got from Slieveroe little Peggie's [2] photo. She is a dear little girl and looks strong and healthy. I hope she has started to walk. I hope Mary and the boy are all right. She will be kept far too busy for health or happiness I fear. There should be a law made to prevent people from having babies oftener than once in six years. Then they would be a pleasure instead, as is often the case, of being a hard trial. I hope you are keeping fit for all you have to do. I often think how well I am off beside any of us. I have Anne O'Hare [3] to dress or undress me and Molly McCullagh [4] to cook dainties for me. I lie in bed for breakfast every day since I got this cold at Xmas time and have never got rid of. It is nice to have your nephew for company to Clair [5] and you. I have not seen my Molly [6] since November. She was here then for my birthday - 76 How many I have seen pass away. I had Maggie [7] for a week lately. She is looking well. She was sad to think of George [8] who will soon be dead two years. Bessie Brown [9] is wonderfully well just now. No sign of peace in Ireland. We need another Cromwell. I cannot write much I get so tired and my sight is dim
Fond love. Yr ever P.S. Sally Gilmore [11] is in Dublin [1] Sarah (McCullagh) WHITESIDE (1852-1939) [2] Margaret McCullagh MITCHELL Oct 31, 1919), daughter of George Anderson MITCHELL(1890-1965) and Mary Ione WHITESIDE (1896-1960). Although she was the first born, her brother was born 13 months later. She is the granddaughter of Sarah (née McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE and William Sherlock WHITESIDE ((1860-1916). [3] Anne O’HARE [4] Mary “Mollie” McCULLAGH (1890-1932), daughter of Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCullagh who would later marry Thomas Dare JACKSON and die after childbirth. [5] Thomas Clair WHITESIDE (1893-1959), son of Sarah (née McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE and William Sherlock WHITESIDE (1860-1916) [6] Mary “Mollie” (Menary) Wright [7] Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCULLAGH (1853-1944), sister of Mary GRIFFIN (née JACKSON) [8] George David McCullagh, killed in WWI, son of Margaret (née JACKSON) (REID) McCULLAGH and Andrew Bradford JACKSON (brother of Sarah WHITESIDE) [9] Elizabeth “Bessie” (née JACKSON) BROWN(E), wife of Thomapsn BROWN(E), sister to Mary (Jackson) (Menary) Griffin & Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCullagh [10] Mary (Jackson) (Menary) GRIFFIN (1844- August 1921), sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [11] Sarah (née JACKSON) Gilmore, sister to above & wife of Eliezer Gilmore |
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