Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Kobe 21st February 1918
My dear Mother [1] ,
Following my letter of the first inst. confirming the death of poor old Tandy [2] I am sending you a copy of the same in case the original did not reach you. I am also enclosing cuttings from the Hong Kong papers which show you what a popular member of the community he was and I’m sure it will relieve you in your sore trouble to read how impressive the ceremony was and in what a magnificent manner he was escorted to his last resting place. I am enclosing a letter from Tester [3] from which you will see that everything possible was done to save him. He died without making a will so his estate when wound up will go to his father. I have been greatly cut out about the poor old chap’s death and have lost many nights sleep thinking about it and more especially about the trouble of you all at home. However I am gradually making myself accustomed to the situation and hope that you will do likewise and not brood too much over the sad affair. I will have further news from Tester shortly and will write you in due course. Do not be downhearted, Buck up.
your loving son David [4] [1] Eliza Emily GILMORE (1846-1938), mother of “Tanty” Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON (1881-1918)was a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON and a son of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON & Eliza Emily GILMORE. He was born and raised at the family farms at Lions Den & Forstertown – both near Trim in Co. Meath, Ireland. [2] “Tanty” Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON (1881-1918)was a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON and a son of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON & Eliza Emily GILMORE. He was born and raised at the family farms at Lions Den & Forstertown – both near Trim in Co. Meath, Ireland. At the time of his death, he was a broker with Messrs. Wright & Hornby –previously owned in part by James Francis WRIGHT, also a relation. [3] P. TESTER of Messrs. Wright & Hornby - a dear friend and partner of Tanty. [4] David JACKSON (1884-1925) who was working for HSBC at Kobe at the time
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