[1] “Tanty” Andrew Hugh Gilmore JACKSON (1881-1918)was a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON and a son of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON & Eliza Emily GILMORE. He was born and raised at the family farms at Lions Den & Forstertown – both near Trim in Co. Meath, Ireland. At the time of his death from typhoid, he was a broker with Messrs. Wright & Hornby –previously owned in part by James Francis WRIGHT, husband of “Mollie” the author of this letter. [2] Edith Eileen GILMORE sister of Effie & daughter of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON. [3] This company were lawyers for the family and the CORR partner was distantly related and lived nearby to Urker Lodge. [4] I do not know who lived at “Sherries” [5] I do not know who lived at Clareden [6] Perhaps Edith Eileen GILMORE sister of Effie & daughter of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON. [7] The O’REILLY family seem to be friends. [8] Likely a relation of the previous O’REILLY [9] “Effie” Ethel Sarah McBRIDE née GILMORE, wife of William Scott McBride & daughter of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON. [10] Liscalgot – home of Eliezer GILMORE’s family – uncle of Tanty. [11] Edith Eileen GILMORE sister of Effie [12] Probably Mary GRIFFIN née JACKSON (1844-1921), sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [13] Sarah GILMORE, née JACKSON, wife of Eliezer GILMORE, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON, aunt of Tanty. [14] Eliza JACKSON née OLIVER (1815-1903), mother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [15] David JACKSON(1855-1903) younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON who died in Yokohama of an aneurysm. [16] Mr BELL – hard to know which one this might be. [17] Elizabeth Oliver Muriel JACKSON (1890-1970), sister of Tanty. [18] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON (1846-1929) younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON and father of Tanty [19] Edith Eileen GILMORE (1890-1977), daughter of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON. [20] Three of Sarah GILMORE’s children had predeceased her. [21] “Mollie” Mary WRIGHT née MENARY (1872-1946), aunt of Tanty & daughter of William MENARY & Mary JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Her husband James Francis WRIGHT had been a part owner of Hornby & Wright where Tanty worked as a stockbroker. [22] Eliza Emily JACKSON née GILMORE(1846-1938) mother of Tanty [23] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON (1846-1929) younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON and father of Tanty [24] P. TESTER, friend of Tanty & co-owner with him of Hornby & Wright. [25] James Francis WRIGHT (1874-1954), husband of Mary MENARY. [26] Mr. R. J. SAVAGE – I don’t know who he is, but there is a photo of a G.R.R. SAVAGE in uniform in 1919 from the MOORHEAD collection [27] Frances Jane SIMPSON née CORR (1847-1933), wife of John Thomas SIMPSON. There is a photo of her in the CORR collection. [28] possibly Susan DONALDSON née CORR – who I am still trying to track down. [29] Hugh CORR of Crossmaglen. [30] M. BAYNE. It is interesting that there is a BAYNE in the Far East with HSBC and a later generation married a BAYNE – that being said, I don’t know who this is. [31] “Mattie” Maud Elizabeth SKUCE (1878-1958) née REID, daughter of Robert Hamilton REID & Margaret JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [32] I suspect the date should have been Feb 4 NOT Jan 4 [33] Allan E. SKUCE – husband of Maud Elizabeth REID. [34] Edith Eileen GILMORE (1890-1977), daughter of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON. [35] Probably Elizabeth Oliver Muriel JACKSON, sister of Tandy. [36] Mary GRIFFIN née JACKSON (1844-1921), sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [37] Rev. Robert John TWEED, husband of Martha Anne GILMORE – sister of Eliza Emily JACKSON née GILMORE (the mother of Tanty). One of his brothers James Kirkpatrick TWEED served HSBC in the Far East. [38] I do not know what sorrow he is referring to, but since I do not know the date of his wife’s demise, it could be that. [39] “Mollie” Mary WRIGHT née MENARY (1872-1946), aunt of Tanty & daughter of William MENARY & Mary JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Her husband James Francis WRIGHT had been a part owner of Hornby & Wright where Tanty worked as a stockbroker [40] Jane Amelia Coulter GILMORE (1869-?), wife of William REID, a solicitor in Cavan and daughter of Samuel GILMORE & Georgina Victoria Wilhelmina HENRY. [41] Acheson George Henry GILMORE (1874-1907), son of Samuel GILMORE & Georgina Victoria Wilhelmina HENRY. He also died in Hong Kong and was in the employ of HSBC at the time. [42] William REID – I have no other information on him, but with all the intermarriages, there may be a connection to the REID family that had other JACKSON connections. [43] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON (1846-1929) younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON and father of Tanty [44] Home of the GILMORE family near Crossmaglen.
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