HOUSE, 7 Nov 1914 My dear Mary [1] , We heard from Nesta [2] last night by Telephone that Julius [3] was better than he had been since he arrived in England less pain and in good spirits; same is all to the good but bright days are often succeeded by gloomy ones; so we must not be too sanguine. We have had distressing news about Raymond Marker [4] – First came a telegram from him through the War Office as follows:- “Battered a bit will be with you soon”. Bea [5] & Tat [6] once started for London to enquire at the War Office (where Raymond has many friends) they said “severely wounded in leg and arm”. A further message “Leg had to be amputated” bore operation well. Minnie went off to join Bea and Tat. A telegram since says he is at Boulogne. I will let you know further when I know more particulars – A thousand pities, Loving brother, Tom [7] [PS] Letter from Tommy [8] yesterday “five days continuous fighting quite well”. TJ [1] Mary GRIFFIN (1844-1921), sister of Sir Thomas resident at Urker, Crossmaglen. [2] Nesta Katherine BARCLAY, wife of George Julius JACKSON, son of Sir Thomas [3] George Julius JACKSON (1883-1956), second son of Sir Thomas. This wound is mentioned in future letters and resulted in permanent damage. [4] Raymond John MARKER, husband of Beatrice Minnie Shrieve JACKSON. Died 13 November, 1914. [5] Beatrice Minnie Shrieve JACKSON (1879-1972), fourth daughter of Sir Thomas. [6] This is a guess, but “Tat” may be Dorothy St. Felix JACKSON (1887-), a younger sister of Beatrice. [7] Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915) [8] Thomas Dare JACKSON (1876-1954), eldest son of Sir Thomas. |
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