Bona Vista October
27 Dear Sarah [1] - I have just had your address from Sarah Rackie [2] . So now I send you a box which your dear Mother [3] gave me. it was from her I learned all the painting of flowers that I know, and I can recall many happy hours spent with her, when I received her much valued lessons old as I am 84. I have a very clear rememberance of those days. I have heard from Sarah what a roving life yours has been, such has pleasures and trials too. I hope you are blessed with good health and able to enjoy such times - that alone makes happiness. I am rather shaky often, but I only have to look around to see many worse. And now good bye until we meet in our home above. With love yours affectionately
Essie Wade [4] [1] Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside [2] Sarah RACKIE? [3] Sarah McCULLAGH (1816-1857) [4] “Essie” Esther (née McCULLAGH) WADE (1827-1911), daughter of James McCULLAGH of Corfad and Sarah MURDOCH. She died December 25, 1911. |
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