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This letter was transcribed thanks to the considerable efforts of Wendy Jack. The footnotes were prepared by myself and then verified (and corrected or amplified) by Wendy. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside and/or Wendy Jack. Any researchers who wish to make further use of them should check with them first.
Sharon Oddie Brown, modified June 8, 2005


                                                 Fort Bragg.  Nov 30th. 97

Mrs Whiteside [1] ,

My dear Friend,

                           I recd  your kind & welcome letter some time ago & certainly thought to answer sooner.  I know you must think me very thoughtless & untrue as a friend, but believe me I am a better friend than correspondent.  We all speak of you so often & always with love.  Was delighted to hear that the children were doing so nicely.  I always felt that the little blackeyed Miss would make brother stand around when she could get at him.  How much comfort they must be to you.  There is nothing so warms the heart as the dear children. I hope Mr. Whiteside's [2] health is fairly good & that he is brave & courageous to labor for the Master even when the circumstances surrounding his life & work are not all that might be desired.  The Enemy of our souls will allow no person to do effectual work with-out trying to hinder, but "thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory".  Russell is still in Ukiah at school.  Mamie will be home the last of this week or first of next.  Her health has been very poor these last two months took a heavy cold & never got entirely over it.  Am anxious for her to get home so that I can doctor her.  Russell likes the Ukiah climate very much.  He looks well so every one says.  I am feeling much better than when I saw you last.  Have done less hard work this year.  There is a Methodist minister preaching in the Baptist Church now & he seems to be well liked.  I believe there is a great deal of trouble in the Presbyterian Church again but I do not know what it is or what it is about.  I am very sorry.  I am afraid you will think that I am wearing your wrapper.  Am thoroughly ashamed of being so slow, but I waited a long time for Mrs. McC. to send some velveteen & though it is cut I have delayed finishing.  Look for it soon.  Mrs. Shaver looks very tired.  I am sorry that she has the prospect of another grandchild before the winter is over.  My little niece Ruth is so sweet and cunning she loves "Auntie" as well as ever.  Says the drollest things.  Her great distress when it rains is that she cannot see me any more.  I wonder if Clare [3] remembers me.  Bless his curly head.  The army does good work here now the last two Captains have been educated & gentlamen by nature.  It tells even in the Army.  More & more do I learn to trust God & closer does my Saviour draw me as I "follow on"  O that glorious day when we shall meet each other there, in His presence all danger & doubt & sin gone forever.  Nothing more to overcome.  I know that I can be wholly satisfied with the farthest corner in Heaven if I can only behold the face of Him who hs loved me & washed me in His own blood & made me heir to an eternity of love.  God grant us grace to live for Him.  Love to the dear little ones & Mr Whiteside with your own large share

                                   Jennie C. [L????]

[1] Sarah (McCullagh) WHITESIDE (1852-1939). This would appear to be someone who became a friend or acquaintance when Sarah and her husband lived in America. I have not tried to find the names mentioned.

[2] William Sherlock Whiteside

[3] Thomas Clair Whiteside


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