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This letter was transcribed thanks to the considerable efforts of Wendy Jack. The footnotes were prepared by myself and then verified (and corrected or amplified) by Wendy. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside and/or Wendy Jack. Any researchers who wish to make further use of them should check with them first.
Sharon Oddie Brown, modified June 8, 2005


Eureka  August 3 1897

My Dear Sister [1]

             I received your letter with the check in it for 50$ dollers but could not get it cashed here so I deposited it in the Bank and the sent it on to San Maria I intended to start on to day's steemer but could not till the money comes back.  So I am for ever obledged to you and the good man [2] .  And inclosed you will find my note for the money Sarah [3] starts tomorow for back east she is going to stop a week at Minnie's so you can rite to her in Minnies [4] and she will rite to you she has been here twice since she got maried we are all well hoping this will find you the same ever your loving brother

                                          John McCullagh [5]

[1] Sarah “Sallie” (McCullagh) Whiteside (1860-1916)

[2] likely he means her husband, Rev. William WHITESIDE (1860-1916)

[3] Sarah MCELMON née McCULLAGH, daughter of John “Jack” McCULLAGH & Adelaide WILLERT. She moved to Nova Scotia where her husband came from.

[4] Minnie WILLERT, a step daughter of John “Jack” McCULLAGH. Her mother Adelaide WILLERT may have been a widow, or else Minnie may have been born out of wedlock

[5] John McCullagh (1847-1909), brother of  Sarah “Sallie” (McCullagh) Whiteside (1847-1909)


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