Nov 5th 96 Cottage My dear Sallie [2] I was very glad to get two letters from you lately, to know that you had got mine sent you the news I had from Eva [3] this morning that her mother [4] yesterday the 4th had a son [5] . they were both doing well I am glad she is over it Mrs Alfred Waddell [6] had a son [7] about 3 weeks ago. I was glad to hear the children were better when you wrote I hope they continue so & that you have got over your fatigue of nursing & moving and that Mr Whiteside [8] is also well. Our [somming] was a week ago. James [9] came up for it & dined here that Sabbath. he could not look better than he did his neighbours were glad to see him John Robb [10] asked him in summer to go to him which he did part of the time he spent a night in [Shore] [son] I spent a day last week Sallie McMurry [11] & Jane [12] they were glad to here about you & send their love to you Jane has got out her upper teeth when her gums are hard she will get in new ones I hope you are all comfortable in the Parsonage and that you will like the inhabitants in that Quarter well Their will be no sale of work Their will be a service of song instead of it I don't think it will do as well. Mrs Irwin opened the Bible class last month I heard that their were about fifty at it some way the don't pull well together in doing work no remark They have got the crop all in except the [????] here and it seems to be a good crop. The [Tates [13] ] bring me up every Sabbath up the hill which is a great help to me I got a nice spring matress which is very comfortable I could not [turn] my [sick] at present we have some frost I may give the remembrance of all congregations friends to you the never forget to ask for you all I sent your message to Mrs Moore [14] she was [not] out or [comments] tell Clair [15] I am glad he is getting a big boy & to love the Lord I send kisses to both of them
from your old [1] Drummuck, home of the McCULLAGH family [2] Sarah McCullagh WHITESIDE (1852-1939) [3] Eva Oliver REED, daughter or Robert Hamilton REED and Margaret JACKSON, later step-daughter of Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH, brother of Sarah McCULLAGH. [4] Margaret (Jackson) (Reed) McCullagh [5] George David McCullagh [6] Mrs. Alfred WADDELL - I have a Mary Anne Henrietta GILMORE who married an Alexander Hamden WADDELL (nicknamed “Sandy”) who gave birth at the right time and the family connections fit. [7] Samuel Gilmore William WADDELL b. October 4, 1896 at Lisnaveane, Tullycorbet, Co. Monaghan [8] William Sherlock Whiteside [9] possibly James McCULLAGH (?-1913), brother of Sarah McCULLAGH [10] John ROBB? [11] Sally McMURRY? [12] Jane SKELLY– mentioned in tandom with Sally McMURRY in many of McCready’s letters. [13] TATEs? [14] Mrs. MOORE? [15] Thomas Clair Whiteside [16] Mary Anne McCREADY (?-1897), governess |
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