C/O Rev W.D. Killen [1] D.D. My Dear Mrs. Whiteside [2] I am sure you will be surprised to get a letter from me but when I was at home recently for some Holidays Miss McCready [3] gave me your address and I thought I would write and thank yous for your goodness to me only for yous I would never be like what I am today I am living with Dr Killen eight months now I was in the Home 1 year and nine months Lizzie [4] is in the Home now and if my mother [5] had got her well there would a been none of us in it but thank God it was his choice he has promised to be a Father to the Fatherless so he has been a Father to me in this towne alone Miss McCready showed me babus Photo and I think it is a spleandid little thing I hope Mr. Whiteside [6] and it are quite well also yous self I hope to see yous all again some time if not here I hope in heaven Dear Mrs. Whiteside I would like you would write to me if it was only a line to let me know yous were all well the only way that I can thankyous is to pray to the Lord Jesus to reward yous for your goodness to me I would a been a slave in the fields only for yous give my love to Mr. Whiteside and tell him that I was asking for him. Lizzie and I are quit well and I hope you will write soon for I will be watching for one from yous good bye Yours very Truely Bella Branion [7] [1] Rev W.D> KILLEN? [2] Sarah (née McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE (1852-1939) [3] Mary Anne McCREADY (?-1897), Governess [4] Lizzie? [5] Mother of Bella BRANION? [6] William Sherlock WHITESIDE (1860-1916), husband of Sarah (née McCULLAGH) WHITESIDE [7] Bella BRANION? |
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