Urker Sept 11 1895
My dear Tom
The perennial Bank Report has not arrived, perhaps it is on the way. I always take great delight in seeing the Reports, and have them all safely laid [past?].
I am as you may see, past writing; and though Mary [1] has written, I do not know what she has said; and one thing I am anxious about, Minnie [2] has written that she and the children will be home at Easter (D V) but if you come with them what is to become of the dear “old cow”? She never yet throve in your absence. And if you stay where you can, that will be another division of this family. It is hard to know what is best to be done. May the Lord direct you.
I suppose you have all the news of the family from other sources - how poor old Aunt McCullough [3] died on the 12th of July, and how the Browns [4] have left Sandymount [5] bag and baggage, and gone to live with Maggie [6] at Birdhill [7] . They went last week and we heard since that Beatrice [8] bore the journey well. They made Lizzie [9] none the richer since her Parent’s death, nor ever told her how they had settled their affairs. They have all along treated her like a bastard or a step child. But she is no step child to me.
If I mistake not you mentioned in one of your letters that you had written to the McCullaghs of Drummuck [10] . I hope you throw nothing more after them. Nothing seems to do them good; they do not even pay Mary’s [11] annuity. All they gave her this year was five pounds; but she wants for nothing while she is with me. Johnny [12] is still ill, and not likely to get better.
I was much pleased with your letter of Aug 7th. I see you do not forget your Mother’s old lessons. Do you remember how I used to tell you how Jacob crossed the Jordan, with his staff; & came back divided into two bands? The same God is Lord of all still. I have great reason to be thankful for the prosperity of my family.
Eliezer Gilmore [13] is on the top of the world, and deserves it. Thompson Brown [14] and Andy [15] are well enough off; Jemmy and Peggy are a little straightened. I suppose you might hear how poor Father [16] destroyed the most of Jemmy’s [17] money on Harriet Donaldson [18] ; and Andy McCullagh [19] was left in debt by his awful old Father [20] . I am doing what I can to help them both. One thing is satisfactory; Andy McCullagh is doing well, most attentive to his business, and kind to the family.
I have not heard from the children in England very lately, but I presume they are doing well. I was telling Tom [21] when he was here that it was time that he should be doing for himself. It is time, he is a great big fellow. You should set him to something.
Mary Menary still keeps a little delicate; it is a great pity. She is a fine good girl. The rest of us are much as usual. No change in Kilteban [22] , nor no sign of it.
We expect to finish reaping today. The weather has not been very good.
With love and blessing to you all, ever your affectionate Mother Eliza Jackson PS I see by the newspaper that Kathleen Jackson [23] has won an exhibition at the Intermediate examinations. Frank [24] has got a situation with the York St. Mill [25]
[1] Mary MENARY (1872-1946) did a fair bit of letter writing for Eliza JACKSON, but this also may have been a reference to her mother, Mary (JACKSON) (MENARY) GRIFFIN – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [2] Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON [3] Eliza WALLACE (1809-1895) wife of James McCULLAGH of Ednafirkin, Co. Monaghan. [4] These would be the adult children of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON – Beatrice Matilda BROWNE & Hugh Kirkpatrick BROWNE ( -1904) [5] Sandymount – I believe near Dundalk. [6] Margaret Jackson BROWNE daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON [7] Birdhill – I think this is near Keady, Co. Armagh. [8] Beatrice Matilda BROWNE [9] Elizabeth Sarah BROWNE, wife of James JACKSON (brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON) and daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON [10] The McCULLAGHs of Drummuck are the relations of Elizabeth McCULLAGH who married John JACKSON – and are the descendants of James McCULLAGH & Eliza WALLACE. The first mention of the Drummuck lands in the joined JACKSON-McCULLAGH families can be seen in the 1811 Marriage Agreement [11] Probably Mary (JACKSON) (MENARY) GRIFFIN? [12] Probably John Wallace McCULLAGH (1840-?) son of James McCULLAGH & Eliza WALLACE. A letter from his sister Sarah McCULLAGH mentions him still coughing. [13] Eliezer GILMORE, husband of Sarah JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [14] Thompson BROWN husband of Eliza JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [15] Andrew Bradford McCullagh JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [16] Davis JACKSON (1814-1889) father of Sir Thomas JACKSON [17] James JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [18] Harriet DONALDSON (1817-1891) unmarried daughter of Joseph DONALDSON & Mary ? [19] Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH – second husband of Margaret JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [20] Thomas McCULLAGH of Derryvalley (1793-1877) [21] Thomas Dare JACKSON, son of Sir Thomas JACKSON [22] Eliza's son James JACKSON and his wife ELizabeth BROWNE (daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE) lived at Kiltyban and had cared for many years for old Harriet DONALDSON (1817-1891). An Elizabeth DONALDSON who died at age 93 and died 22 March 1900 also came from Kiltyban (see Creggan burials). Also, a Samuel BROWNE lived there which may be a link to Thompson BROWNE, or Daniel Gunn BROWNE or both. NOTE: More to learn about the family connectiuons to this townland. [23] Kathleen Maria JACKSON (1879-?) daughter of Kate Maria Jane Whiting & John JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1839-1886). [24] Francis Gordon JACKSON (1879-1940) twin ok Kathleen. He emigrated to South Africs as an adult and his descendants live there still. [25] York St. Mill – a linen mill in Belfast which closed in the early 1960s.
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