Urker Oct 4th 1893 [Answd 14 Nov]
My dear Tom,
I must endeavour to write you a line to congratulate you on the brilliant success of the H &s Bank and its Manager. Remember to whom you owe it. King David said it was the Lord who taught his hands to war, and his fingers to fight. It is the same Lord who has blessed & prospered you, and given you wisdom and courage to overcome difficulties. Oh thank him and serve Him. His mercy endureth forever.
As to the Chairman’s speech [presumably Heinrich HOPPIUS]; my true, and candid opinion is that it could not be exceeded. It was straightforward, business like, modest, & correct in every respect. It was no wonder that the hearers were delighted with it, both in agreement of its own merits, and the good news it conveyed. Some people would not be thankful, no matter how well they were served; but I was happy to see that such is not the case with the Directors & Stockholders of the H & S Bank. And now I must tell you that I never doubted or fretted for a moment about the Bank. I always called for help to Him who can help without making any windows in Heaven, (2nd Kings 7th & 2nd) and it always was borne in on my mind that my prayers were heard and answered. Oh, if all my dear children loved & feared God, what a happy woman I would be! And I am happy in all aspects save that one. I have everything that this world could give me, Food, clothing, shelter, peace, and as much health as a person of my age can expect. Better than all, I have the means of grace and the hope of glory. I pleaded for the Bank as Paul did for Phebes, “She has been a succourer of many, and of myself also.”
There is one thing I must write you about – your two grown up daughters are going out to see you; no doubt they will meet with admirers & offers of marriage. I charge you never give them to wicked or ungodly men; no matter how great the temporal advantages may seem to be. Neither wealth nor rank, nor beauty can make amends for the for the want of the blessing of God; and that blessing the wicked cannot have; nor never need expect it for them. A newspaper was sent to you, containing an account of the successful candidates at the Intermediate examinations. But all the names were not there; only those who won prizes in money or books. Was not, I feared when several of my grandchildren passed the examinations? Eva and Mattie Reed [1] , Andy’s [2] Jane [3] , Frank [4] , Tom [5] and Kathleen Jackson [6] , but best of all poor Johnny’s Jane won an exhibition of ₤20 tenable for three years. Is she not a clever little cutty?
Eva Reed is staying on with Miss Parks [7] as a teacher, and improving herself at the same time; and I intend to send Thomas Reed [8] to a govt school in Monaghan [9] after Xmas. All my grandchildren are doing well, and are being nicely brought up; so that I hope they will be a credit to us all.
Your Tom [10] took great delight in Cavananore [11] when he was here; and spent most of his time there. He is just the good natural affectionate fellow that he used to be. And Amy [12] is a sweet girl; every one likes her. Kathleen [13] is now quite well, but probably you have heard so already. Beatrice [14] , Tom [15] and Julius [16] are to spend their Easter vacation here; the Xmas vacation they are to spend with friends in England. Minnie [17] did not like them to cross the Channel at that time of year. Mary Menary [18] has been very delicate for some time, but nothing dangerous. “The wee Doctor” [19] has ordered her change of air, and she is gone on a visit to Ballinode [20] . I hope it may do her good.
No strange news among us, except that three of Peggy’s children have had measles, but have got well over them. All seems to be going on well at Slieveroe.
No change either for better or worse at Sandymount [21] or Kiltebane [22] .
Now have I not written you a long letter. I did not think to have written one half so long when I began; nor did I write as much since I wrote to you last. But as you say, it was a labour of love. Ever dear Tom your affectionate Mother, E. Jackson
[1] Eva Oliver REED (1876-1978) & “Mattie” Maud Elizabeth REED (1878-1958) are daughters of Margaret JACKSON (sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON) and her first husband, Robert Hamilton REED. [2] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [3] “Jane” Jeannie Coulter JACKSON (later MOORHEAD), daughter of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON. [4] “Frank” Francis Gordon JACKSON (1879-1940), son of deceased John JACKSON, brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [5] Thomas JACKSON (1881-?) son of deceased John JACKSON, brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [6] Kathleen JACKSON (1879-?), daughter of deceased John JACKSON, brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [7] Miss PARKES? She was a governess. [8] Thomas Jackson REED (1880-1956), son of Robert Hamilton REED & Margaret JACKSON, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. [9] I do not know which school this might be. [10] Thomas Dare JACKSON (1876-1954), eldest son of Sir Thomas JACKSON [11] Cavananore, Co. Louth – leased by JACKSONs [12] Amy Oliver JACKSON, daughter of Sir Thomas JACKSON [13] Kathleen McCullagh JACKSON, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas JACKSON [14] Beatrice Minnie Shrieve JACKSON, daughter of Sir Thomas JACKSON [15] Thomas Dare JACKSON - son of Sir Thomas JACKSON [16] George Julius JACKSON - son of Sir Thomas JACKSON [17] Amelia Lydia DARE, wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON [18] Mary MENARY, daughter of William MENARY & Mary JACKSON, sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [19] “The wee Doctor” – would this be MCBRIDE? [20] Ballinode, Co. Monaghan – home of the WRIGHT family. [21] Sandymount, BROWNE residence near Dundalk. [22] Kiltebane, Co. Armagh was the home of Samuel BROWNE – possibly a link to Thompson BROWNE. Most likely a reference to Eliza Johanna DONALDSON nee JACKSON, aunt of TJ & her son James who suffered from mental illness.
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