Millmount 8th April 1893 My dear Sally [1] , Please accept the enclosed as a wedding present from your attached friends at Millmount. We will pray for your happiness in this world and in the world to come. No doubt your intended husband will gain a great prize. We sincerely hope and trust that he will be very good and kind to you, and that you will both bear and forbear and be very happy. It grieve us very much to think that you are going away so far from us, most likely never to meet in this world, but hope we will in Heaven. God bless you my dear friend and believe me Yours most affectionately
Wm McKean
[2] [1] Sarah (née McCullagh) WHITESIDE recently married to Rev. William Sherlock WHITESIDE [2] William McKEAN (1822-1906), son of Robert McKEAN & Anne JACKSON |
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