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This letter was transcribed thanks to the considerable efforts of Wendy Jack. The footnotes were prepared by myself and then verified (and corrected or amplified) by Wendy. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside and/or Wendy Jack. Any researchers who wish to make further use of them should check with them first.
Sharon Oddie Brown, modified June 8, 2005

Co. Monaghan.
22 February 1890

Dear Sir

       I enclose you a Draft for £25  I have only got £25 for 1888 and about £20 for 1889  Greys Lease is up in 1888 and the tenants have put Grey in Court and he waiting to see the reductions that they will get and I suppose your Income will be reduced [????] when the matter is settled  I will send you the [bce] for the two years  I am I assure you sending you far more than I have got

  Hoping you and your family are all well

                                      Yours sincerely

                                             M M Rutherford

PS Your sister & Brother are well I showed her your letter

                                                       M M (see: Letter of 1888)



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