Urker Sept 7th 1887
[Answd 17 Oct – in Sir Thomas’ handwriting]
My dear Tom – I cannot longer defer writing to you, though I am not well able to write. I took a boiling in my left ear on Friday. fortnight, which caused no great pain for a week; at the end of that time it broke; and has ever since been discharging great quantities of matter. It has taken down my strength surprisingly, but now I hope the worst is over. Except for this, I am in good health, and as are all the rest of this family. Uncle Brown [1] has been ill with bronchitis; Aunt Brown [2] is always delicate. Beatrice [3] also was not well; and Elizabeth [4] was written for. to go to help to nurse them. She has been there for the last fortnight, and Jemmy [5] with her since last Saturday.
Peggy’s [6] wedding took place on the 31st ult. It was a very quiet affair’ just what suited my health. She and Sarah McCullagh [7] came here the previous evening; and went to Creggan Presbyterian Church next day; [a move?] praised by Father. The bridegroom & Miss Macready [8] met them there; & immediately after the ceremony, the new married couple started for Dublin. They met our Andy [9] accidentally next day; & he insisted on bringing them home with him to Forstertown [10] . They were much pleased with their visit; I heard from Peggy since.
Annie Reed [11] has left Slieveroe [12] of her own account; and has taken a situation somewhere in the south of England. Peggy told her when going, that she would always be welcome to come back. Peggy has always been kind to her; and very unthankful she has been for Peggy’s kindness. She was unthankful to poor Robert although he always did his best for her; & even her own sister Mrs. Wright [13] would not bear with her temper. Being among strangers will make her wiser, & make her know the good of home better [14] . Though I would have preferred that Peggy should have remained as she was; I am not displeased at her marriage; & neither Father [15] nor I can see anything to prevent them from doing well and being comfortable. Thompson [16] & Bessy [17] are displeased. Thompson does not like the McCullagh family [18] ; and true it is, they did not deserve to be liked; but Andy is not to blame for what others did; & there should be no prejudice against him. They also blame Peggy for keeping the affair secret from them; I was the very one who desired that it should not be mentioned to any one; till we would know whether it would take place or not.
Poor Minnie [19] is greatly disappointed at your prolonged absence. She wrote asking my advice what she should do. I advised her just to stay quietly where she is; & if she could, to get one of her cousins to stay with her; the months will quickly pass over till you return, & she will not feel lonely when she has her children about her. I think you did right to stay in the East, when you found that your services were required; for it would be bad for us all should anything go wrong with the old cow; but on no account prolong your stay beyond the time last appointed; you cannot stay all your life in the East, nor sacrifice yourself altogether. Though we approve of what you have done; we feel the disappointment very much. Every delay makes the chance less to your Father & me of seeing you again in this life, but duty should always come before pleasure,
May God bless & keep & prosper you, A blessing always followed you; and I hope it will not forsake you now.
[1] Daniel Gunn BROWNE [2] Margaret (JACKSON) BROWNE [3] Beatrice Matilda BROWNE, daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON [4] Elizabeth Sarah BROWNE, daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON and wife of “Jemmie” James JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [5] “Jemmie” James JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [6] “Peggie” Margaret (JACKSON) REID – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON - married Andrew Bradford MCCULLAGH [7] Sarah MCCULLAGH (1852-1939), sister of Andrew Bradford MCCULLAGH [8] Mary MCCREADY, governess for the MCCULLAGH family. [9] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON, brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [10] Forstertown, Co. Meath near Trim – where Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON farmed. [11] Annie REID AKA REID – sister of Dr. Robert Hamilton REID, first husband of Margaret JACKSON [12] Slieveroe, Co. Monaghan where the REID AKA REED family lives and where Robert Hamilton REID and his father both had a dispensary and practiced medicine. [13] Sarah Jane REED sister of Robert Hamilton REED & wife of Robert WRIGHT a mill owner of Ballinode. Five of their six children either worked for HSBC or married men who did. [14] Apparently not, as she died in England [15] David JACKSON (1814-1889) [16] Thompson BROWN, husband of “Bessie” Elizabeth JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [17] “Bessie” Elizabeth JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [18] There was a complicated history of land dealings gone sour between the two families. [19] Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON
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