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This is one of the 77 letters and documents that surfaced from a bog in Ireland. It is one of very few from the Father of Sir Thomas JACKSON. In it, he is requesting help for a son of Parker SYNNOT.
Sharon Oddie Brown. October 6, 2006

Urker Nov 25 1884


My dear Tom,


            Mr. Parker Synnot [1] , a gentleman of the County, has a son [2] about to go to Hong Kong, and he has requested me to give him a letter of introduction to you. I know that you are always glad to see a fellow countryman and that you will pay him any attention in your power.


            Your affectionate Father,

            David Jackson


[1] Parker George SYNNOTT was the Grandmaster of the Grand Orange Lodge of Armagh in 1893 SEE: http://www.armaghorange.org.uk/part1.htm He was from Lurgana, Whitecross and died in 1900. Whitecross is just a few km east of Ballymoyer. An email says that he lived at Ballymoyer and was a Justice of the Peace and owned a corn mill. SEE: http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/NIR-ARMAGH/2003-11/1069526290

[2] There is no record that he worked at HSBC. There is a son, Captain Arthur Hart Synnot –“ scion of a protestant Anglo-Irish family from Ballymoyer in Armagh” and veteran of the Boer War who fell in love with Maza Suzuki when on a posting to Tokyo early in the 20th Century. A new book based on recently discovered letters chronicles their story. SEE: http://www.asianreviewofbooks.com/arb/article.php?ref=pdy&article=670  Falling Blossom, Pagnamenta, Peter and Williams, Momoko. 318pp, Century.  2006. It is soon to be published in the USA by Penguin under the title “Sword and Blossom”.



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