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This is one of the 77 documents found in a bog in Ireland. NEWS: Eliza's financial planning; gifts from TJ; a rant about Mary MENARY (nee JACKSON's) affair with Fred GRIFFIN; mention of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON & Lionsden & Cavananore.
Sharon Oddie Brown October 6, 2006
Updated March 21, 2010

Urker January 1st 1884


My first letter of the New year is to my dear Tom. It will not be posted until tomorrow, when I hope to go to Crossmaglen to settle my Bank account. By the advice of Mr Rogers [1] the Manager I lodge the whole of my money at once with him and then draw cheques according as it is wanted. This plan brings me some interest, which though but small is better than nothing; so you need not fear but that I have still something to call on. Yours of Novr 13th reached me safely, & I distributed your Xmas gifts according to directions. They were most thankfully received; and were quite unexpected. Aunt Oliver [2] desired me to give you her warmest thanks, she is no great pen woman, or she would write herself.


            Miss Macready [3] is well and happy. She is thankful both to her Maker and you for the comforts of her declining years. She will probably write to you herself. All have got their share, except Kate [4] , who desired me to keep hers, till she would come here, which she purposes to do, in a few days; and Mary [5] , who has been in Slieveroe [6] , since before your letter came; but I have it safe for her. I am very sorry that you sent her anything; and I beg that you will not do it again; unless we are able to say that she has given up her folly. It is only giving her the means of mischief. Everyone belonging to her is disgusted with her. Eliezer Gilmore [7] would not speak to her, and I would not endure her in this house; only that to order her out of it, would be to throw her at the gentleman’s head [8] . If she was living in a place of her own, he would always be after her, and she would lose her character; so I think it best to let her be here where he dare not show his nose; hoping that as they do not intend to marry until he gets a place to bring her to, which will probably be never; that something may turn up to cure her of folly. Anything more foolish, stubborn or ungrateful than her conduct, I never met with. I do not know whether they correspond by letter or not; but I know that they have no great opportunities of meeting.


            Andy is here on a visit at present. I must make him write to you. He is doing to admiration in Lionsden [9] and except yourself, there is not one of my children of whom I am prouder than I am of him. I can point to him now and say “There is the man who could not be trusted to pay the rent of C.nore” [10] .


            The Gilmores [11] and Browns [12] are also doing as well as heart could desire. So is Peggy [13] . So is Jemmy [14] . The last accounts of Johnny [15] were favourable; but when Kate [16] visits she will be able to give you the latest news. I hope you will not throw any more after New Holland [17] . They have their own son [18] now able to help them; and they have a good increase besides, that might keep them comfortable without any help. The McCullaghs [19] also ought to be able to do for themselves, and I hope they will be. I intend writing to Minnie [20] by this mail; all other news will be in my letter to her. And now, all I will add is that whatever you can imagine of love and gratitude cannot be more than is felt for you by your ever affectionate Mother, Eliza Jackson, who daily and hourly blesses you and yours and blesses God for giving you to her.


[1] Mr.William E ROGERS, Manager of the Crossmaglen branch of the Belfast Bank.

[2] Possibly Anne HANNA wife of Andrew Bradford OLIVER – brother of Eliza (OLIVER) JACKSON, but more likely Mary Jane OLIVER, sister of Eliza.

[3] Mary McCREADY (d. 1896) governess to the McCULLAGH family.SEE: Will

[4] Kate Maria Jane WILDING, wife of John JACKSON – older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[5] Mary (JACKSON) MENARY – sister to Sir Thomas JACKSON

[6] Home of her sister Margaret (JACKSON) REID, widow with four young children.

[7] Eliezer GILMORE husband of Sarah JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[8] Frederick Richard GRIFFIN, suitor of Mary (JACKSON) MENARY.

[9] Lions Den, Co. Meath is where Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON – farmed.

[10] Cavananore, Co. Louth.

[11] Eliezer GILMORE & his wife Sarah JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON who lived at Liscalgot.

[12] Thompson BROWN & Elizabeth JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. They lived at Killynure.

[13] “Peggy” Margaret JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[14] “Jemmy” James JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[15] “Johnny” John JACKSON – older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[16] Kate Maria Jane WILDING, wife of John JACKSON – older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[17] New Holland,Keady, Co. Armagh. This is the family of Daniel Gunn BROWNE. There is a further reference in a letter dated Apr 6, 1887. Also, Lieut. J. McLEAN R.N.lived at New Holland Mills, Keady, Co. Armagh..

[18] This is most likely a reference to Thomas McCullagh BROWNE (1857-1937), a cousin of Thomas Jackson and a son of Daniel Gunn BROWNE (180-8-1892) and Margaret JACKSON (1815-1895). He was gainfully employed, also by HSBC in the Far East.

[19] I am unsure which branch of the McCULLAGH family this might be.

[20] Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON



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