Derrivalley [1] My Dear Sarah [2] , I hope your spree will not be a dangerous one and that you will beware of [???] and canals and especially young men as there is not so much danger in the ladies, I need not warn. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Belfast but I am afraid you have been tippling as you say you did not know the Antrim road. I am glad to hear that the B's [3] are well. I hope J. Jackson [4] has got a mud-wall to bring his bride [5] to for I think they would fight like cats in Urker [6] with so many she's in it. I think Mary [7] is counting the chickens before they are hatched. I am sorry to hear of Cready's [8] illness but hope it will not signify. You say you think you are glad at the prosperity of Range ducks, turkeys. I say thinking is bad witt for a child of your age. The girls are doing very modestly coming on to May. We have got all the corn in at home and Andy [9] is at Drummalt [10] putting in his. John [11] is gone up to Baliaborough* since Tuesday and has not returned. I did not see Mary Reid [12] but once since you left so you see they do not care much about us you being absent but their is an excuse as their [horse] has been ill twice and the crop to put in. We rote to Mr. Dickie [13] about your money and let him know it was full time he would do something. And now in conclusion to him who loves you even as a hen loveth her chickens, and as a cat gathereth her kittens under her wings, to him be all the fun. Amen James McCullagh [14] Sarah McCullagh [The following is in Sarah McCullagh's writing, written on an empty part of the page.]
[1] Derrivalley, home to McCULLAGH family in Co. Monaghan [2] Sarah McCULLAGH later to be WHITESIDE, sister of the writer of the letter. [3] “The Bs”? I would guess who she stayed with in Belfast. [4] John JACKSON (1839-1886), older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON married about 1877 [5] Kate Marie Jane WHITING , wife of John JACKSON [6] Urker, Crossmaglen, the family home for the JACKSONs. Mary GRIFFIN would have been living there having just married in October 1876, also her daughter Mary MENARY from her previous marriage. Also David JACKSON (1814-1899) and his wife Eliza OLIVER (1815-1903). There were also likely more family members there as well. [7] Mary GRIFFIN née JACKSON (1844-1921) [8] Miss Mary Anne McCREADY (?-1896), the governess of the McCULLAGH family. [9] Andrew Bradford McCullagh [10] Drummalt – another townland associated with McCULLAGHs [11] John “Jack” McCULLAGH (1847-1909), this is the brother that would emigrate to America. [12] Mary (McCullagh) Reid, sister to Sarah (McCullagh) Whiteside, wife of William Reid. [13] Likely one of the DICKIE solicitors in Dundalk who were related to the McCULLAGH family [14] James McCULLAGH (?-1913) |
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