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This is one of the 77 letters found in a bog some time before 1960. News: TJ is sailing back to Far East through Suez; Mary OLIVER is not well; Miss McCREADY gone home; Mr ALLEN & family at Liscalgot; hopes of Thomas returning home to Ireland.
Sharon Oddie Brown. October 4, 2006


Urker, Aug 2nd 1875

My dear Tom


            I have had a letter – from David [1] , describing your embarkation, and telling me that if I wrote; any letter might reach you at Suez. So I write a few lines, though I have but little today.


            Poor Aunt Mary [2] is no better; she had another relapse after you left her. Dr Young [3] of Monaghan was with her on Saturday; he says like the others, that she will recover; but that her illness will be tedious. There is certainly no mistake in the latter fact of that sentence; whatever there may be in the forever.


            All here are as well as usual. Miss Macready [4] left us on Saturday. Mr. Allen and family are still at Liscalgot [5] .


            Andy and I intend to go to Monaghan tomorrow and Jemmy [6] goes to Killynure [7] today along with John Jeffers [8] , who is to set up the threshing machine for T. Brown [9] .


            All our hopes and thoughts are centred in the [Bokhavia?] [10] and her freight at present. David sent me a photograph of her. She must be a magnificent vessel. I wonder is Capt Barlow [11] the commander.


            Now dear Tom, may God Almighty (what a comfort that he is Almighty!) bless you and little ones; and all who sail with you. If it be his will, we shall meet again in this world. If not remember we are bound to meet where partings are no more.


            I know you will write often so will I (D&). At least once a month. I will expect to hear from either you or Minnie [12] and I have strong trust in God that my grey hairs will not go down with son [?] the grave; which would be the case if anything evil occurred to you.


            A thousand loves to your dear wife. She is one of the few people in the world with whom I would willingly live my lifetimes. When you come home to dear old Ireland for good; you will have a fine house somewhere; and you will make a little cabin for me just beside it. Then I will end my days in peace. Oh keep that time in view.


            Still keep the children in mind of their absent friends,


            Ever dearest Tom

            Your affectionate Mother,

                        Eliza Jackson

[1] David JACKSON (1855-1903) – youngest surviving brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON.

[2] Mary Jane OLIVER (1821-October 3, 1875) – sister to Eliza JACKSON. Obviously the recovery, if any, was brief.

[3] Dr.Andrew Knight YOUNG of Monaghan; MB, FRCSI Edinburgh and Dublin, JP, 1834-1890; Surgeon of Mon. Co. Infirmary. He and his son Canon Augustus YOUNG of Ballybay are indexed in the Breakey Memoir. One of his daughters married John Reilly, solicitor, of Holly Lodge, Monaghan, (which incidentally was the home of Peter McWILLIAM in our times).

[4] Mary Macready – governess to several of the McCULLAGH family.

[5] Liscalgot is a townland adjacent to Urker. Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON his wife lived there. I don't know what Mr. ALLEN this might be. A Whitworth ALLEN had married a sister of Amelia Lydia DARE.

[6] “Jemmie” James JACKSON (1850-?), younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[7] Killynure, home of Thompson BROWN (1837-1915 & his wife Elizabeth JACKSON (1843-1923)  – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. The land was leased by the OLIVERs –for at least a hundred years.

[8] John JEFFERS?

[9] Thompson BROWN (1837-1915), husband of Elizabeth BROWN (1843-1923) – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON

[10] Since I can’t quite decode the name, I am uncertain about which ship this may have been.

[11] Captain BARLOW? Perhaps related to a BARLOW mentioned in an earlier letter, Nov 12, 1873. There is also a BARLOW who had a deed at Cregganduff (SEE: Deeds Registry 46/434/29449). Interestingly, there is also a record of a John BARLOW marrying a Mary JACKSON in Tamlaghtfinlagan, Londonderry on May 9, 1850. The father was a David JACKSON. (Vital Records Index). There was also an A.H. BARLOW at HSBC.Griffiths evaluation shows a Rev. Wm BARLOW at Creggan ban Glebe as well as Creggan Duff. Who knows what the interest is? I include these snippets in case others may hazard a guess.

[12] Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON



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