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This letter was transcribed thanks to the considerable efforts of Wendy Jack. The footnotes were prepared by myself and then verified (and corrected or amplified) by Wendy. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside and/or Wendy Jack. Any researchers who wish to make further use of them should check with them first.
Sharon Oddie Brown, modified June 8, 2005


                                                   Derrivalley [1] 17th. Sept. 1873


My Dear Sal [2]

          I am very happy to hear that the Dr. has so good opinion of your Chin and that you will be able in a few days to dress it yourself and still feel better content that you will be home in a few days, as we are very lonely so that you see I am very selfish, as I like to have you at home.  I am glad to hear that you got all your things safe and well.  I hope to see you again in good health and spirits.

    I hope you are satisfied with seeing the Convent, and that you do not wish to become a nun.  I hope you enjoyed the boat racing on the canal, it must be very exciting, that is provided you had a good view.  I enclose you two pounds but if you can do without it do not lay it out.  I suppose you will leave next Monday, as your will be up  Let us know whether you will come by Cavananore [3] , or come home direct.  Take care of yourself and you will obl.

                                       Your loving Father

                                         Thos McCullagh [4]

P.S. excuse the bad writing as my is very bad

[1] Derrivalley, Co. Monaghan, home of MCCULLAGH family.

[2] Sarah “Sallie” (McCullagh) Whiteside b. 1852 – age 21 at time of letter (not yet WHITESIDE!)

[3] Cavananore, Co. Louth. Mary Jane OLIVER would still have been living there.  When she died two years later, she left a legacy in her will to Sarah MCCULLAGH and her sister Mary REID née MCCULLAGH.

[4] Thomas McCullagh  1793-1877 – age 80 at time of letter


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