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This letter was transcribed thanks to the considerable efforts of Wendy Jack. The footnotes were prepared by myself and then verified (and corrected or amplified) by Wendy. Many of the letters are the property of Betty Whiteside and/or Wendy Jack. Any researchers who wish to make further use of them should check with them first.
Sharon Oddie Brown, modified October 4, 2006


11th July [1873] [1]
New York

Dear Sister [2] ,

           I do not know what you will think of me for not writing to you before this and all the excuse I can make is the old sore "laziness".  Indeed I may say that I have not had time.  N. York has been my abode now for nearly three months and I cannot say much in its fovour as it is very difficult to get respectable employment.  I have got into a wholesale business at ten dollars a week, but I intend to change as soon as possible as the work is very hard and the hours long and you know very well that it does not agree with my stomach.  I like the country very well, only I did not care so much for the Boss I was with he and I had a falling out, indeed we were nearly coming to the fists  at all events, I told him to pull out the cash and so goodbye to the west.  Tom [3] knows one eyed Bill Spur [4] , it was with him I was hired.

    Well Sal, there is no use talking, a city is the place to live, by --- a person would see more life here in a day than you would during a life time in the country indeed I must say there is one thing not in its favour "temptations" on all sides, some of which it is very difficult for a youth to avoid but you know I am a very steady young man.

    I hope all are well in the old home and Drummuck [5] and Caddagh [6] , remember me to old Mr. Breakey [7] & Tom [8] and the rest of my well-wishers.

    You remember a woman [9] used to come to see Nancy Rogers [10] I wish you could get Nancy's address from her and send it in your next.  I would like very much to see old Nancy.

    I had a volume more to say only I cannot remember it now, as I am very sleepy.

       Ever your affectionate brother Andy [11]


       238 West 30th Street,

write very soon

[1] The year of the letter is imputed from a letter July 25, 1873 where the father of Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH is anxious about him and there is a reference to finding an address for “Nancy JACKSON”.

[2] “Sal” or “Sallie” Sarah McCULLAGH who would marry William WHITESIDE

[3] Thomas McCULLAGH (1854-1920), brother of “Sal” and “Andy”

[4] It is most likely that Bill SPUR is known only to Andy and that he resides in America.

[5] Drummuck – another branch of the McCULLAGHs lived there.

[6] Caddagh. At a later date, Matthew McAuley RUTHERFORD lived there and it may be that RUTHERFORDs lived at Caddagh at this time.

[7] John BREAKEY (-1878) of Drumskelt.

[8] Tom Cathcart BREAKEY, the author of the Breakey Memoir that I am transcribing and footnoting and will get posted to this site in the fullness of time.

[9] “a woman” – is he being coy here?

[10] In another letter (July 25 1873 his father writing to his sister), he is said to be interested in Nancy JACKSON. CLUES? The only ROGERS that I have so far is that a James ROGERS married Mary COULTER (1759-?). Mary was a sister of the Samuel COULTER who was the father of the famous botanist, Thomas COULTER. There is a Daisy ROGERS in Jeannie MOORHEAD’s birthday book

[11] Andrew Bradford McCULLAGH ( -1897), brother of  “Sallie” Sarah WHITESIDE née McCULLAGH and future husband of Margaret JACKSON (1853-1944)


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