Mr. James McCullagh[1] At Mrs. Jacksons[2] Care of Mr. John Gillmer[3], Creggan[4], Dundalk.
Dear Sir, Circumstanced as I am, it will be impossible for me to go to Creggan this harvest. I am still in the hands of Docrs Thank God I am considerably better than I was but not completely recovered yet. I hope in a short time to be perfectly well. I am sorry to hear of Mrs. Jackson’s illness. In case she wishes to make a Will my friend Mr. Wallace[5] will do it. He will see by a Will which I made some time ago what her intentions were, if no will should be made it is not of much consequence as your nephew David Jackson[6] would come in for the Freehold & the personal property is very small. I think £100 a year the full Value of Tullyegallahan[7], that is for the whole of it as formerly held by poor John[8]. Nor wd I advise your sister to give more for it. My respects to her and all friends,
I am yrs very sincerely, Geo. Jackson 4th Sept 1818 [1] James McCULLAGH (abt 1790-1865). He was a brother of the recently widowed Elizabeth JACKSON née McCULLAGH. His birthdate is a guess - imputed from his mother's estimated brth date, and the likely age beyond which she would be unlikely to have children. He married Eliza WALLACE about 1825. He resided at Ednafirkin, Co. Monaghan. [2] Elizabeth JACKSON née McCULLAGH (1788-1880). Her husband, John JACKSON , had died a year earlier, leaving her with four children. The oldest was 6 years old, and the youngest had been born on the day that he died. [3] John GILLMER. This could be either the John GILLMER aka GILMORE (1764-1823), son of Alexander GILLMER & Elizabeth BIRCH, or his son John GILMORE (1790-1861). The 1st wife of John GILMORE sr. was Mary JACKSON (btw 1744-55 - 1790) . The name of his 2nd wife is still unknown to me, but they had a son Samuel GILMORE (1795-1868) who resided at Liscalgot, Co. Armagh. John GILMORE jr (1790-1861) resided at Liscalgot. [4] Creggan, Co. Armagh. This is a parish. I suspect by this time that Eliza is living at Urker, but she may still have been at Liscalgot – both are in the Parish of Creggan. [5] In all likelihood, this is John WALLACE (1760-1827) of Cloghog Lodge, Attorney at Law. His wife was Jane DONALDSON. One of their daughters, Eliza WALLACE married James McCULLAGH (-1865), while another daughter Margaret WALLACE married Thomas BRADFORD while the three remaining sisters married DICKIEs. These marital connections would have consequences for the JACKSONs, BRADFORDs, DICKIEs & McCULLAGHs with respect to subsequent land dealings over Cavananore. [6] David JACKSON (1814-1889) was the four year son (and only son) of John JACKSON(recently deceased) & Elizabeth McCULLAGH. [7] Tullyogallaghan, Parish Newtownhamilton, Barony Fews Upper. Tullyogallaghan aka Boggy Mountaine Pasture - in 1641 it was held by the church. The name means “the hill of stagnant water”. In an indenture dated July 9, 1787, David JACKSON leased land in Tullygomore (which is on the eastern border of Tullygollaghan) to John BOHANNON. In the 1817 inventory done just after the death of his son John JACKSON in 1817, David had livestock on this townland as well as at Urker, so he was clearly still actively farming the land. Thomas BALL was the landlord at that time. 1825, there is no mention of JACKSONs or any other related family names in this townland, but that does not mean that they were not there. In the 1911 Census the townland was referenced as Dorsey. Other times it was referred to as Cullyhanna. In another source, Dorsey, Ummericam and Tullyogallaghan “are all listed as aliases for the one townland” SOURCE: The O'Neills of the Fews Tomás Ó Fiaich, Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, Vol. 7, No. 2 (1974), pp. 263-315 NOTE: In Griffiths, Walter M.G. BOND is a landlord. Names that may be significant at that time include SMITH, KELLY (also in 1830 Tithe Applotment Books), IRWIN. [8] John JACKSON (1780-1817) father of David & husband of Elizabeth McCULLAGH. John JACKSON's death was unanticipated. His youngest child was born on the day of his death.
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