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The names mentioned in these deeds include (in order of their mention): Charles SEAVER, Sarah SEAVER, Nicholas SAVER, David VERNER, HUTCHESON's, Richard SEAVER, Robert JACKSON, Thomas CARR, Matthew or Michael SEAVER, Samuel JOHNSTON, James DOBBIN, Leonard SIMPSON, Arthur OLIVER, Thomas VERNER, Henry HALL, Elinor HALL, Edward TIPPING, Benjamin OLIVER, John BURGES, James BRADFORD, James SWANZY, Wm GEOGH, John COANDE. Other Deeds connected to Ballinahonebeg also mention connections between JACKSONs & OLIVERs. As well, Robert JACKSON was also involved in various Monaghan leases with David OLIVER of Ballyrea. I will be getting to them soon.
Sharon Oddie Brown July 17, 2007
Footnote #1 updated July 20, 2007.
Text added & footnotes updated September 14, 2007



During my last stint in the Deeds Registry in Dublin, I had been hauling out deed book after deed book and scribbling down notes as fast as my pen could fly when I noticed a set of deeds involving the SEAVERs of Ballinahonebeg (a townland in County Armagh). My research had already unearthed enough Ballinahonebeg OLIVERs for them to deserve their own page (which I will get to). By the end of the day when I had run out of steam and was ready to crawl into the nearest pub, I could see that the SEAVER family not only had significant connections with Ballynahonebeg going back as far as 1750, but also to a deed granted to a Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney. In time, I suspect that their history will tie into ours.


I have footnoted & am posting my notes of five of these deeds beneath. Several of these footnotes will be repetitive because I will be posting the deeds separately on the web site and will need the references to show up on each deed. When I have finished work on the deeds for the OLIVERs of Lislooney as well as the OLIVERs for the townlands that abut Ballinahonebeg, I will integrate the information and share my conclusions. Until then, an open mind is required. As always, I look forward to input from others and as always (if necessary) correction.


Sept 14, 2007 NOTE: Since I did this page, I have discovered “Notes on the SEAVER Family” in the records kept by Phillip CROSSLÉ. I accessed it on the LDS film #1279330, Item #15. Of particular interest to this narrative is the fact that Benjamin OLIVER was registered as the executor of the will of Charles SEAVER of Ballinahonebeg as far back as 1763. We still do not know why he was executor, but it may be of interest that Charles SEAVER's first wife Margaret's last name is unknown to us. Of course, we can't rule out that it may have been OLIVER. Next time I am in Ireland, I will see if I can access this document in a more readable version. Some of the notes are grammatically incoherent which may be my fault or may rest with document itself.

  • “…on 29 Aug 1763, Benjamin OLIVER of [Tom a Cassily?], Co. Armagh and Thomas HAYES of Aghanore, Co. Armagh gave their land in ₤100 that the former will administer the goods of Charles SEAVER of Ballinahonebeg, deceased
  • On 24 Aug, 1763, the said Benjamin OLIVER with ? CARSON of Armagh and Sarah HARTSON alias SEAVER widow of Charles SEAVER give their bond in ₤200 that the said Sara will faithfully administer the good of said Charles SEAVER deceased.
  • On 3 Feb 1781 Sarah SEAVER of Ballinahonebeg, Co. Armagh widow and mother of James SEAVER late of the same place, deceased with John CORD of Ballybracky, James KANE of Ballinahonemore give their security in ₤200 that said Sara administer the goods of said James SEAVER.
  • On 25 Sept, 1792, Sarah SEAVER of Ballinhonebeg widow made her will, proved 1792, but makes no mention of her husband’s family.
The SEAVER family is an old Armagh family. Crosslé posits that their name may be German, but this is not conclusive. They may have also been part of Huguenot migration, although the size of that community in Co. Armagh is less than what many sources would lead one to believe. (W.H. Crawford in The Impact of the Domestic Linen Industry in Ulster alleges that the Huguenot presence in Armagh may have been as modest as 30 families and was mostly centred around the linen trade at Lisburn.) The name SEAVER appears on Armagh Grand Jury lists as early as 1799 and as recently as 1843 (possibly later, but I didn’t keep looking).

1750 Sept 8 SEAVER-VERNER DEED: 97451 Charles SEAVER [1] of Ballinahonebeg [2] , Co. Armagh rented to David VERNER [3] of Gillis [4] , Co. Armagh 20 acres on the south part of the road of Cargagh [5] containing 20 acres 3 roods and 20 perches  now in the possession of David VERNER and also that part of said land known by the name of the two fields  called the fourth field and HUTCHESONs [6] field containing 16 acres.. Witnessed John VERNER [7]   of Termagranen [8] & Richard SEAVER [9] of Bellaghy [10] both in Co. Armagh Gent. & Thomas CARR [11] of Armagh.  

1772 May 11 LEAVER (or SEAVER) – JACKSON DEED: 190992 Between Matthew [or more likely Michael] SEAVER [12] of Bellaghy [13] Co Armagh Gent & Robert JACKSON [14] of the town & City of Armagh Gent of the other part. Whereby the said Matthew SEAVER in consideration of said Robert JACKSONs having accepted a lease of part of the lands of Ballinahonebey [15] Co. Armagh will transfer to said Robert Jackson the profit rents of £6.16s 3p  which said Matthew SEAVER was entitled to  by virtue of a lease  granted by Charles SEAVER [16] deceased to David VERNER [17] deceased.also yearly profit rent of £2 13s by virtue of and under  a lease granted to Samuel JOHNSTON [18] by said Charles SEAVER likewise the profit rent  of £3 Ster yearly by which the said Matthew SEAVER [19] was entitled to by virtue of and under a marriage settlement  entered into and executed by Richard SEAVER [20]   deceased his father upon the intermarriage of said Michael SEAVER with his present wife in all amount to  £12 9s 3p  to Robt JACKSON . Witnesses: James DOBBIN [21] & Leonard SIMPSON [22] of town & Co Armagh.  

1782 Sept 7 JACKSON, Robert - OLIVER DEED: 242429  [NOTE: In my transcription - I am unsure about whether it is LEAVER or SEAVER, but Armagh probates indicate SEAVER. NOTES: Between Robert JACKSON [23] of Town & Co. Armagh Gent of he one part & Arthur OLIVER [24] of Ballinahone begg [25] in said Co. & Sarah SEAVER [26] widow of Charles SEAVER [27] late of Ballynahonebegg aforesaid deceased of the other part. Robert JACKSON was paid £850 by Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER & did set over to Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER all that the lands of Ballynahonebegg in Parish of Armagh possessed by Thomas VERNER [28] Esq. The executor of Benjamin OLIVER [29] deceased. The said Sarah LEAVER & other so assigned by Henry HALL [30] & Elinor HALL [31] to the said Robert JACKSON ... lands made over to Robert JACKSON by Edward TIPPING [32] Esq. Which belonged to Michael SEAVER and all Estate right title and interest term of years.. etc. Witness Henry HALL of Aughereny [33] & Co. Tyrone. Benjamine OLIVER [34] of Lislooney [35] , CO. Armagh. John BURGES [36] of Armagh, Gent. Arthur OLIVER [SEAL] Sworn Aug 6, 1784.  

1784 Feb 10 SEAVER -BRADFORD DEED: 241557 see also DEED: 242429 NOTES: Sarah SEAVER [37] of Ballinahonebegg [38] , CO. Armagh widow of the one part and James BRADFORD [39] of Armagh in said County, Merchant of the other part.. James SWANZY [40] of Aveluagh [41] , Co. Monaghan was the executor of Richard SEAVER [42] who in a lease 27 September 1782 demised to Sarah SEAVER & Arthur OLIVER [43] of Ballinahonebeg - 1/3 part of the townland of Ballinahonebeg as was lately held by Charles SEAVER [44] & his undertenants containing 92 acres ... [refers to] Deed of partition made between Sarah SEAVER & Arthur OLIVER 15 Nov 1783 that Sarah SEAVER (executor etc) would have ½ of all rents and fines issuing out of the part of said premises held by Thomas Verner Esq. And also ½ rents and fines of part in possession of Arthur OLIVER called the bleach green and half of her late husband’s legacy ... Witnessed that the said Sarah SEAVER for £400 sold to James BRADFORD the lands in her part of the partition. Witness Arthur OLIVER of Ballinahonebeg, Co. Armagh linen merchant. Wm GEOGH [45] of Armagh, weaver. Robert JACKSON [46] of Woodvale [47] , Co. Armagh, Gent. James BRADFORD [SEAL]  

1793 Feb 13 COARDE-JACKSON DEED: 296474 Memorial of a Demise of Land wherein is Recd that Sarah SEAVER [48] of Ballynahonebeg [49] late Decd was in her life time and at her death pssd & intitled by a lease jointly with Arthur OLIVER [50] of Ballinahonebeg Agd to the lower third part to the Sd Townland of Ballinahonebeg in Parish & Co. of Armagh … 90A. She was the sole executor of Richard SEAVER. Deed of partition executed by Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER 5 Nov 1780 …. Arthur OLIVER would hold lands then in his possession in the North division of Sd lands & Sarah SEAVER the South division. John COANDE (or COARDE [51] ) of Ballybrocky [52] in Co. & Parish of Armagh was executor of Sarah SEAVER. Arthur OLIVER (it seems) had the Bleach Green. It seems there was a transfer of Sarah’s land to Robert JACKSON [53] on Feb 13 1793  

There are also more deeds that I didn’t have time to take notes on:




Date range









SEAVER – JACKSON see also 285-617-190992






[1] Charles SEAVER. d. 1761. According to the 1782 DEED: 242429, Sarah SEAVER was his widow. NOTE: In 1762, a will for a Charles SEAVER was probated. His first wife was Margaret - last name unknown (but perhaps it was OLIVER or JACKSON). His second wife was Sara HARTSON.

NOTE: His father Nicholas SAVER was registered in the 1663 Hearth Rolls Records at Ballyaghy. Since I posted this, I recieved an email on July 18, 2007 from "Nicola" adding to what is known: Ancient Ballymacdermot was the property of the O'Hanlon family, but during the Plantation of Ulster (1593 -1603) it was granted by Queen Elizabeth I to Sir Marmaduke Whitechurch, who died in May 1635. His granddaughter, Eleanor Symonds, carried this townland into the Seaver family through her marriage to Nicholas Seaver of Ballyaghy, Co Armagh. Nicholas was the great-grandfather of Jonathan Seaver, one of the larger landlords in the area - known locally as 'Seaver of the Bog'." (Collins A.E.P. & Wilson B.C.S., VJA 27, 1964, 3-22.)

[2] Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[3] David VERNER. Died before 1772. SEE Also 1772 May 11 LEAVER (or SEAVER) – JACKSON DEED: 190992. I have not done any work on this, but VERNER is a name that crops up in many leases both in Armagh & Monaghan.

[4] Gillis is not a townland name that shows up in contemporary townland names. I do not know where it is.

[5] Cargagh is a townland in the Parish of Armagh. I don’t know where in Armagh Cargagh Road is.

[6] HUTCHESONs. I do not know who this might be, but it is possibly significant that in 1776 a Robert OLIVER married an Agnes HUTCHINSON (SOURCE: Notes on OLIVER marriages at NA, Dublin) and that there is also a HUTCHINSON-WALKER deed for Ballinahonebeg (which I have yet to look at). With respect to WALKER, bear in mind that David OLIVER of Ballyrea married a Susanna WALKER sometime before 1764 when their twins were born. Also William Scott HUTCHNSON married Mary Anne WALKER. (SOURCE: Linda Evans emails)

[7] John VERNER. I have not done any work on this, but VERNER is a name that crops up in many leases both in Armagh & Monaghan.

[8] Termagranen. This is not a contemporary townland name.

[9] Richard SEAVER. He was a brother of Charles and son of Nicholas SEAVER & Elinor SYMONDS.In his father's will, he was left the lands of Navan and seemed to have acquired lands from his brother Robert. In 1713 in the rentals of the Archbishops of Armagh, he is described as a Gent with leases in Navan, Ballinhonebeg, & Bellaghy.

[10] Bellaghy. I expect this is in Eglish Parish and is the same townland as the one called Ballyaghy. NOTE: A Nicholas SAVER was registered in the 1663 Hearth Rolls Records at Ballyaghy.

[11] Thomas CARR of Armagh. I have no information on him.

[12] Matthew or Michael SEAVER of Bellaghy.

[13] Bellaghy . I expect this is in Eglish Parish and is the same townland as the one called Ballyaghy. NOTE: A Nicholas SAVER was registered in the 1663 Hearth Rolls Records at Ballyaghy. I would expect him to be a relation if not also an ancestor.

[14] Robert JACKSON. NOTE: I will add his data later after I have done the JACKSON side of this story.

[15] AKA Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[16] Charles SEAVER.  d. 1761. According to the 1782 DEED: 242429, Sarah SEAVER was his widow. NOTE: In 1762, a will for a Charles SEAVER was probated. His first wife was Margaret - last name unknown (but perhaps it was OLIVER or JACKSON). His second wife was Sara HARTSON.

[17] David VERNER. SEE: Also 1750 Sept 8 SEAVER-VERNER DEED: 97451. I have not done any work on this, but VERNER is a name that crops up in many leases both in Armagh & Monaghan.

[18] Samuel JOHNSTON. NOTE: A James JOHNSTON shows up in the 1663 Hearth Rolls at Ballynahonmor. Possibly a relation of some ilk.

[19] Matthew SEAVER. I wonder if he married a relation of JOHNSTON?

[20] Richard SEAVER: Father of Matthew or Michael SEAVER. Died before 1772.

[21] James DOBBIN. In 1711, a Mary OLIVER married a James DOBBIN. If there is any relation, it is more likely that this James DOBBIN is a son of that James DOBBIN – given the time frame that would have the James DOBBIN sr. being at least in his mis-80s. Mary OLIVER had a brother John OLIVER at Tullymore and a brother Andrew at Newtownhamilton.  There may have been other siblings. Their father was likely William OLIVER, probably of Mullintur, Co. Armagh.

[22] Leonard SIMPSON. I don’t know yet who he was. NOTE: James OLIVER, a son of Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney married Letitia SIMPSON on June 17 1830. SOURCE:  Belfast Newsletter. At Killeen cottage on Thursday 17th inst by the Rev P. S. HENRY, James OLIVER of Lislooney to Letitia, younger daughter of the late William SIMPSON of Cavancaw

[23] Robert JACKSON. NOTE: I will add his data later after I have done the JACKSON side of this story.

[24] Arthur OLIVER. He seems to be related to Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney. More work on deeds and other resources is needed.

[25] AKA Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[26] Sarah SEAVER. Wife of Charles SEAVER. Sarah SEAVER had a will probated 1792. Maiden name: HARTSON.

[27] Charles SEAVER. d. 1761. According to the 1782 DEED: 242429, Sarah SEAVER was his widow. NOTE: In 1762, a will for a Charles SEAVER was probated. His first wife was Margaret - last name unknown (but perhaps it was OLIVER or JACKSON). His second wife was Sara HARTSON.

[28] Thomas VERNER. I have not done any work on this, but VERNER is a name that crops up in many leases both in Armagh & Monaghan.

[29] The mention of Benjamin OLIVER deceased is interesting given the Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney who was the witness. Perhaps the deceased Benjamin OLIVER was the father of the second Benjamin OLIVER. Also of note, is a William OLIVER of Lislooney DEED 24787 from Nov 23 1723.

[30] Henry HALL SEE: Footnote on TIPPING and HALL connection.

[31] Elinor HALL. I wonder if she night have been an OLIVER or a JACKSON.  There are “Elinor OLIVERs”. who are unaccounted for.

[32] Edward TIPPING. The TIPPING family was one of  the landlord families that the JACKSONs had other dealings and intermarriages with . SOURCE: 1830 Sept 2nd lease concerning Elizabeth JACKSON (grandmother of Sir Thoams JACKSON) mentions: Edward Tipping of Mounthill in the County of Armagh Esquire and Catherine Tipping otherwise Hall his wife. SOURCE: A Historical & Statistical Account of the Barony of Upper Fews . John DONALDSON “About the year 1733 several landed proprietors in the Parish of Creggan – to wit Edward TIPPING, Alex HAMILTON, James McCULLAGH, Adam NOBLE, and Randle DONALDSON, Esquires invited Presbyterians to settle on their prospective estates

[33] Aughereny. This is a townland that does not occur in modern nomenclature, but it would seem that Clogher Parish would be a reasonable inference as to its location.

[34] Benjamin OLIVER. His son was James OLIVER  SOURCE: Deed 534280  April 1824 mentions James OLIVER of City of Armagh, merchant a son of Benjamin OLIVER who had a lease on lands in Lislooney. He would also have some relation to Arthur OLIVER. SOURCE: Deed 1853-10-214  Refers to Lislooney lands formerly in the possession of Benjamin & Arthur OLIVER

[35] Lislooney is a townland in Tynan Parish – significantly, it is very close to Derryhaw (another townland frequently referred to in OLIVER leases of the time).

[36] John BURGES?

[37] Sarah SEAVER. Wife of Charles SEAVER. Sarah SEAVER had a will probated 1792. Maiden naem: HARTSON

[38] Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[39] James BRADFORD. The BRADFORD name is linked to the JACKSONs of Creggan. NOTE: A James BRADFORD shows up in the 1663 Hearth Rolls at Drumennis, Parish of Kildarten. Currently, the townland appears to be in the Parish of Mullaghbrack.

[40] James SWANZY I suspect he is the one from Co. Monaghan who married a daughter of Robert SEAVER.

[41] Aveluagh, Co. Monaghan I don’t know where this townland might be – it does not match with contemporary names. It may be Avalreagh, Parish of Clontibret This would fit closely with another townland name Avebreagh, Co. Monaghan  where a will was probated for Richard SEAVER from - probated in Armagh 1770. NOTE: The Monaghan-Armagh connection here is interesting.

[42] Richard SEAVER: Father of Matthew or Michael SEAVER. Died before 1772. SEE Deed: 190992.

[43] Arthur OLIVER. He seems to be related to Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney. More work on deeds and other resources is needed.

[44] Charles SEAVER. d. 1761. According to the 1782 DEED: 242429, Sarah SEAVER was his widow. NOTE: In 1762, a will for a Charles SEAVER was probated. His first wife was Margaret - last name unknown (but perhaps it was OLIVER or JACKSON). His second wife was Sara HARTSON.

[45] Wm GEOGH of Armagh, weaver. I know nothing more – except that his signature is on other deeds.

[46] Robert JACKSON. NOTE: I will add his data later after I have done the JACKSON side of this story.

[47] Woodvale?

[48] Sarah SEAVER. Wife of Charles SEAVER. Sarah SEAVER had a will probated 1792. Maiden name: HARTSON

[49] Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[50] Arthur OLIVER. He seems to be related to Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney. More work on deeds and other resources is needed.

[51] John COANDE. This name could be a variant of the Huguenot name CONDE. Given that the OLIVERs were allegedly Huguenot, this may prove to be a useful thread.

[52] Ballybrocky is a townland that is in Eglish Parish, Co. Armagh (at the time, it was in Armagh Parish, but Eglish was carved out of Armagh at a later date). Need to locate.

[53] Robert JACKSON. NOTE: I will add his data later after I have done the JACKSON side of this story.



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