line of JACKSONs has pricked my curiosity on two counts.: Firstly, the fact that the
first George JACKSON is referred to as a Gent, and a successful merchant, and that he was also probably associated with
the leather trade - aka a cordwainer.
There are a significant number of other JACKSONs in the leather
trades in Ireland in this time frame, and whose holdings would suggest that they shared a similar social status: Gilbert JACKSON (1677-1723) and James JACKSON (1669-1711) both of Co. Down;
Joseph JACKSON in Co. Monaghan (father of Richard JACKSON 1769-1836); Robert JACKSON
(abt 1650-1711) of Crooked Staff in Dublin; William JACKSON of Killmainhorn, Co. Dublin; Daniel JACKSON of Athy, Co. Kildare in a 1709 deed; and Richard JACKSON active in
shipping tanned goods in the late 1600s in Drogheda.
Sharon Oddie Brown July 7, 2011
Update March 19, 2015. This is a significant update with maps as well as much more additional material added. It also fits in with the material posted March 18, 2015 |
Jacksons of Steeple
The Townland of Steeple is in the Parish of Antrim.
JACKSONs also had holdings at Loonburn which is in the northerly part of the Parish of Kilbride. The Parish of Grange of Muckamore and Grange of Nilteen were also parishes where the JACKSONs lived and owned property.
Tables included beneath will show many of the dates that the family was noted in these parishes. SEE also Blogpost on JACKSONs of Steeple Timeline. ALso the version of The Timeline for the JACKSONs of Steeple on this website. |
Steeple is a townland in the Parish
of Antrim, Co. Antrim. It is just north of the current town of Antrim. At the time of Griffiths Valuation in 1862, it contained 182 acres. It was owned entirely by the by Viscount Massereene and Ferrard who leased the main residence to George Jackson CLARKE, who held title to the rest of the townland. I suspect that all of this had once belonged to the Jacksons of Steeple.
Record |
Name |
Notes |
D1364/L/1 |
Antrim |
At an Election
held at Carrick in & for the County of Antrim the 30th day of May 1776, before Ezekiel Davys Boyd Esqr. high
sheriff of said County, by virtue of his Majesty's Writt issued out of the High
Court of Chancery in Ireland bearing date the first day of May instant, for the
Chusing & electing two Knights to represent the said County of Antrim in a
Parliament to be holden in Dublin the Eleventh day of June next. NOTE: This is the townland adjacent to
the townland of Steeple. NOTE: Thomas JACKSON the elder of Hollywell, Co.
Antrim in 1771 had lands in Ballynadrumlagh, Parish Killad SOURCE: ROD: 348-124-232454 |
MIC147/9 [c.1797]. |
Mr. Jackson |
1795-1799. Volume of c.100 letters "Curious Original Letters", mainly
correspondence of Rev. Percy Jocelyn and Anne, Countess Roden and her family
Thomas Hore,
[Courtown] to "My dear Percy" [Jocelyn].
"You are both the most active and the most indolent man I know of, allways
at Fermannagh and at Creggan both at the same time and yet never out of your
arm Chair. Your Brother is not made surveyor of Dundalk as you wrote me word,
because he wrote me word it was of Belfast ... How were you able to get this
place for him - was it a traffic for that living of Lord Rodens in England? If
so it is much to your credit, for you are rich enough and it cannot yet be My
Lord (by the bye I do think it a wrong thing that Bishops should be called My
Lord ...)"
"These are certainly times in which Clergymen should be particularly
active. I mean in their profession and unless aided by the Grace of God I fear
all to little purpose. As to my income, it never is in danger here for I live
among my uncles tenents and they pay me when they can, and I never yet in my
life had occasion to say a word to any person about my Tithes. How it is or
will be in the Cy. of Cork I know not, but my heart is not at all in that
Preferment and I sincerely hope I shall soon get rid of it for I never should
wish to settle there and I never would accept of it and not go there. As soon
as I can bring the Bishop of Cork to talk quietly, without falling into a rage
I shall tell him this ..."
There can be no doubt that negotiations are going to be opened for a general
peace - God grant they may be successfull for then and not till than (if I
mistake not) shall we begin to see the cause of God and his Religion vindicated
by the breaking out of those intestine convulsions with which France seems at
this moment pregnant. ... This Mr. Jackson who is going over to Paris and on whom all our hopes depend was a friend and
acquaintance of ours at Turin. He is an unhealthy nervous little fellow but I
hope will be strong enough to purchase Peace for us."
"We are not so much allarmed in this part of the Country as you seem to be
... Your Political Paroxysms shall not prevent me going to B. Park for a few
days if otherwise in my power ... They tell me the North of Ireland is
disaffected - is it so? It is a great happyness to be as we are here flanked on
one side by the sea, for on that side at least you are sure to have no
discontented papists ..." |
T1213/1 |
James Jackson
George Jackson |
1698. Lord
Masserene and Samuel Shannon of town of Antrim.
Copy of Lease. Thomas Shaw about 16 years old son of Wm. Shaw of Bush.
William Hartson about 6 years old son of James Hartson of Antrim. James Jackson about 14 years old son of George Jackson of Holywell. Yearly Rent of £5.
Dwelling House, etc. - north side of Street, town of Antrim.
Farm - 12a. 1r. 16p. north of the High Way leading from Antrim. NOTE: This may be the same George JACKSON who is often described as being of Steeple. |
D2489/8 |
George Jackson
William JACKSON |
1734-1934 Three boxes of documents relating to the Clarke family, The
Steeple, Antrim, Co. Antrim, and the related Jackson family, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. The documents include miscellaneous leases,
title deeds, correspondence, marriage settlements, receipts for stocks and
shares, income tax returns, insurance policies and material relating to the
Irish Land Commission concerning the land of the Clarke and Jackson families in Antrim. There are also wills
of George Jackson,
The Steeple, Antrim, 12 Oct. 1734; James Jackson, Loonburn, Co. Antrim, 18 Sep.
1770; Amy Jackson, The Steeple, Antrim, 4
July 1775; Thomas Mercer, Gloucester Street, Dublin,
23 Sep. 1800; and James Clarke, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, 24 July 1810.
CLARK-JACKSON connection: 348-124-232454. 1782 Jun 27 His will: Thomas
JACKSON formerly of Holywell but now of town & of Antrim. 22 Oct 1772.
Full 1 ¼ p. 27 June 1782. My wife Rose Jackson. My son Thomas Jackson exor. My
daughter Rose Jackson. My two grand-daughters Rose Clark and Elinor Clark. My
son William Jackson exor.
My freehold lease
of Holywell. My lands of Ballynadrentagh [1251 acres in Parish of Killead, Co.
Antrim]. Witnesses William HOLMES & Robert YOUNG both of town & Co
Merchants & Hugh O’NEIL of the same Linnen Draper... & Thomas DAWSON
of Carmony, Co Antrim, Farmer NOTE: There is
a townland currently named Holy Well in the Parish of Antrim. It is on the
northern border of the townland of Steeple.
1772 Oct 22 348
124 232454 Registry of Deeds:
NOTE: Ballynahadrentagh is
near the Belfast International Airport. (see map). By the time of Griffiths,
there were no JACKSONs there – but there were SUFFERNs – and given
internmarriages a few decades earlier, this could be meaningful. SEE: Baptisms
at First (Millrow) Presbyterian. |
MIC250/1 |
Jacksons |
Beaufort Journal.
Rev. Daniel A. Beaufort’s travels.
Wikipedia: Daniel Augustus Beaufort LL.D. (1739–1821), was an English Anglican priest and geographer, born on 1
October 1739 at East Barnet, as the son of Daniel Cornelis de
Beaufort and Esther Gougeon, French Huguenot refugees. He was rector of Navan, County
Meath, Ireland,
from 1765 to 1818. He would have been known to the JACKSONs because: In
1790 he was presented by the Right Hon. John Foster to the vicarage of Collon, co.
Louth. He afterwards built the church at Collon, where he
remained until his death in 1821. He was successively collated to the
prebendal stalls of Kilconnell, in the diocese of Clonfert, (3 October 1818),
and of Mayne, in the diocese of Ossory (20 April 1820).
SOURCE: Dictionary of Irish Architects:
His design for Collon church (1811-13), inspired by King's College chapel,
Cambridge, is probably the best known of his architectural enterprises.
1787-1788 NOTE: Mention of JACKSONs near Steeple, Co. Antrim Near
Antrim saw, close to Mr Jackson's at
Steeple, a round tower with four windows at top and a pointed cone roof, as
usual, but with more large windows than common. I was told by a man in Antrim
that the entrance is on the ground and that there is some way of climbing up
in it and that there was once a great burial ground about it.
Daniel A. Beuafort:
500/4 |
Peter Jackson |
5 May 1665 Certified Copy Grant of
--10 Mar. 1718
Rev. Peter Jackson Vicar of Louth to Archbishop of Armagh.
Killancoole, Co. Louth. Petition and Opinion requesting the uniting of
the parishes of Louth and of Killancoole,Co. Louth.
Rev. Jackson and Archbishop of Armagh. Notes on the Case about reuniting
Louth and Killancoole.
--16 Jan. 1723
Case and Opinion of Francis Bernard saying that the Vicarage is in the
gift of Primate while the Rectory is in the gift of the Crown. The Crown has
won the case against uniting.
-- 25 June 1722
Letter Rev. Theo. Bolton, Dublin to [ ? ][enclosed in
D562/523]. Apologising for not sending Mr Jackson's paper sooner and
containing a Query about the tythes of the Monastery of Louth or of the
Rectory and saying that if they are part of the Monastery they go to the
-- [c. 25 June
1722] Review of the Case. Mr Jackson, Vicar of Louth] about the Crown's
rights in tythes of Louth and querying the distinction between tythes of
Rectory and tythes of former Monastery.
-- [c.June 1722]
Case of Parish of Louth by Rev- Peter Jackson,
Vicar of Louth giving a detailed history of tithes in the parish of
Louth quoting Leases and Patents 1540 onwards.
-- 18 Jan. 1723
Case of and Opinion on by Francis Bernard. Rev. Peter Jackson Vicar of Louth. Re-uniting
Rectory and Vicarage of Louth.
-- [c.1723]
Francis Bernard's Opinion on legality of Union. Vicarage and Rectory of
-- 28
Apr.[1724] Brief for Counsel. Rev- Peter
Jackson Louth. Vicarage of Louth. Legality of Union. Co. Louth.
-- [c.1724] Francis
Bernard's Opinion. Rev- Jackson. Re-uniting Louth Vicarage - Rectory
[enclosed in D562/529].
-- [c.1724]
Reasons against passing Bill ... for better serving the Right of
Advowson and Presentation to Ecclesiastical Benefices.
-- [c.1724]
Comment on the Case (21 pages) of Rev- Archcbishop of Armagh and
Rev- Peter Jackson.
-- 16 Feb. 1718
Case of and Opinion of Cornelius Callaghan. Rev. Peter Jackson Vicar of Louth. Rectory of
Louth, etc. |
D2489 |
Peter Jackson |
William McCULLOCH red’d from Peter JACKSON £210 Deed 399.489.264507 19
Sept 1788 Between William McCULLOCH of Ballygilly, Co. Antrim Doctor of
Physic & Peter JACKSON [Gent] of Steeple, Co. Antrim ... John McCULLOCH
late of Antrim, apothecary., deceased. |
D556/197 |
Wallace Estate
Papers 1624-1892. The calendar description:
25 May 1816 Title from 1707 to
1816 relating to Birch Hill [a townland adjacent to Steeple] near Antrim
& lands of Byefield - proposed purchase by William Lyon from Samuel
Bristow.1 Mar. 1707 Renewable lease for lives of Called Park Hill (adjoining
tenants given) East: John Donnell, James Donnell and Jane Connell; West: John
Bell, John Gray and George Jackson; North: Sir
Arthur Langford and South: John Duffields, executors of Forrest Shortriggs
from Viscount Masserene to Roger Bristow.
My Notes from 2006 diary: Lease
of Birch Hill lying in the 16 towns near town of Antrim; 120 acres – one of
the boundaries is land owned by “Mrs. George JACKSON of the Steeple, formerly Peter JACKSON his
father’s to hold to [several names} ... of Peter JACKSON and Thos JACKSON and the survivors ...NOTE: I need to revisit this. |
Surname |
Forename |
Address |
Index |
Notes |
Record |
Jackson |
Amy |
The Steeple,
Antrim |
Pre -1858 Will |
1775 Will |
D/2489 |
Jackson |
George |
The Steeple,
Antrim |
Pre -1858 Will |
1734 Will |
D/2489 |
Jackson |
James |
Loonburn, Co.
Antrim |
Pre -1858 Will |
1770 Will |
D/2489 |
Jackson |
Jane |
Larne, Co. Antrim |
Pre -1858 Will |
1803 Will |
D/300/1/5/27 |
Jackson |
Peter |
Steeple |
Pre -1858 Will |
1703 Will |
D/2489 |
Hearth Money Rolls for Antrim
Surname |
Forename |
Townland |
Spelling |
Parish |
Barony |
Patrick |
Steeple |
Steeple Towne;
Stiple |
Antrim |
Antrim Upper |
Robert |
Dunadry |
Dunathery |
Nilteen Grange |
Antrim Upper |
David |
Ballymoney Town |
Ballymoney Towne |
Ballymoney |
Dunluce Upper |
Ffranc aka
Francis |
Ballymoney Town |
Ballymoney Towne |
Ballymoney |
Dunluce Upper |
NOTE: One of the brothers of the JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale and later
of Coleraine was a Francis JACKSON (1632-1680)
NOTE: I suspect that the name Patrick should be Peter. There is a will 1703 for a
Peter JACKSON of Steeple.
Tithe Applotment
1825 & 1833
Name |
Townland |
Parish |
Note |
Jackson, George |
Loon Burn |
Kilbridge |
1833 Loonburn had
no substantial buildings. Three decades later, in the Griffiths Valuation, a George
Jackson had title to about 170 of the 286 acres in the townland. He likely
sub-leased to tenant farmers. He also leased 40 acres directly from the
Marquis of Donegal. |
Jackson, Samuel |
Landhead |
Ballymoney |
1825 |
Jackson, John |
Ballynamenagh or Cummingstown |
Ballymoney |
1825 |
Jackson, Thomas |
Ballyhemlin aka Ballyhimlen |
Billy |
1826 NOTE: A
Thomas JACKSON was a freeholder in D/1364/L/1 |
Freeholders in Antrim
Forename |
Place |
Date |
Notes |
Thomas |
Antrim |
1776 |
D/1364/L/1 |
John |
Great Patrick
Street |
1837 |
D/2966/5/1 |
Merchant |
Robert |
May Street |
1837 |
D/2966/5/1 |
Gentleman |
John |
Great Patrick
Street |
1832 Oct 19 |
D/2472/1 |
Merchant |
Robert |
May Street |
1832 |
D/2472/1 |
John |
Nelson Street |
1835 |
D/2472/1 |
Merchant. |
John |
Tomb Street |
1835 |
D/2472/1 |
Cooper |
John |
Henry Street |
1836 |
D/2472/1 |
Merchant |
John |
King Street |
1836 |
D/2472/1 |
Writing Clerk |
Thomas |
Great Patrick
Street |
1837 |
D/2472/1 |
Architect |
Valuation 1862
- 11 June 1771 On Friday last
died suddenly, Mr. James Jackson of
- 25 June 1771 All persons to
whom the late Mr James Jackson of Loonburn was indebted ...send accounts to Peter
Jackson of Steeple ...executor has 35 acres, part of Steeple in the
16 towns of Antrim ...
- 6 - 10 Mar. 1797 At Steeple
on the 4th inst in his 24th year, George Jackson Esq., a young man fiercely
lamented by all who knew him.
- 20 Apr. 1798 At Antrim on
the 14th inst in the 46th year of her life, Mrs. Jackson relict of the late Peter Jackson of Steeple.
Bk |
Pg |
# |
Date |
Notes |
82 |
418 |
58399 |
1734 Oct 12 |
aka DAVYS 1730-1745 Book Index 1730-45
Marriage Art: of
George JACKSON of Antrim Steeple , in Co Armagh Gent of 1 pt & Luke
DAVIES of Dunmore in sd Co Gent & Armanalla DAVIES his daughter ... sum
of 25 pounds... Catherine DAVIS wife of Luke DAVIS... whereas George JACKSON
is possessd of one moiety of the lands of Antrim Steeple by virtue of will of
his father George JACKSON, dec’d renewable lease under Lord Massarene &
the other moiety of the lands of Antrim Steeple which Mary JACKSON is
entitled to by virtue of the will which would revert to George after her
death or marriage...WITNESS: Clotworthy NEIL of Shanescastle Arthur O’NEIL of
Antrim & Alexander DAVIS of Dunmore all in the Co. Antrim, Gent |
88 |
463 |
63295 |
1738 Apr 18 |
Book Index 1730-45
DEED 12 Oct 1734
between Mary JACKSON of Antrim Steeple, Co. Antrim widow & relict of
George JACKSON late of Steeple Aforesaid. Dec’d on the one part & George
JACKSON now of Steeple ... son of George JACKSON of the other part ...
devised ½ [term] ... in townlands Steeple ... |
97 |
7 |
66702 |
1739 Jul 3 |
Book Index 1730-1745
re: deed 2 &
3 March 1738 between Frances JACKSON widow of Rev’d Peter JACKSON & the
late rector of Killincool in the Co. Of Lowth (Louth) dec’d the rev’d George
JACKSON & the only son & heir of the sd. Peter JACKSON, George ADAMS
of Heathtown in the Co. of Meath Gent & Elizabeth ADAMS otherwise called
JACKSON his wife and only daughter of the sd. Peter JACKSON & Frances JACKSON
& Anthony FOSTER of the City of Dublin Esq. With the will annexed of the
said Peter JACKSON of the one & James DOBBIN of the City of Dublin Gent
of the other ... released 8 tates of Bellelulcashell ... that is to say
Kilhavan one tate, Killemurree one tate and half. Mullefinegan half a tate
Tannafofan one tate; Killaughavare half a tate & Eskar half a tate all in
Co. Monaghan & town and lands of Ardpatrick Co. Louth. |
97 |
26 |
66832 |
1739 Jul 16 |
Index 1730-45
16 May 1739
between Mary JACKSON widow ... George JACKSON late of Antrim Steeple of one
part. James JACKSON of Antrim gent, one of the sons of George & Mary of
the other ... rent from Holywell & profits from Whim Park being part of
Hollywell lease & profits of Whapstone farm in Connor Land excepting the
Park ... |
214 |
385 |
141542 |
1758 Nov 28 |
Book Index 1758-1768
Aminella JACKSON
of Steeple in Co Antrim Widow of one part & Peter JACKSON of same place
Gent of other pt... lands of Steeple leased to Peter.. witness Robert Clark
Antrim Gent & Luke JACKSON of Steeple Gent Samuel HERON of Lisburn |
298 |
312 |
197534 |
1773 May 1 |
Rev, George
JACKSON [(1711-1782) – son of Rev. Peter JACKSON]... Fownes JACKSON... James
399 |
487 |
264507 |
1788 Sept 19 |
to JACKSON 1786-1793
PRONI D2489 Notes: William McCULLOCH red’d from Peter JACKSON £210 Deed
399.489.264507 19 Sept 1788 Between William McCULLOCH of Ballygilly, Co.
Antrim Doctor of Physic & Peter JACKSON [Gent] of Steeple, Co. Antrim ...
John McCULLOCH late of Antrim, apothecary., deceased.
for consids releases unto Peter JACKSON half ten on s. side of street in
Antrim above the church together with waste half ten adjoining other half ten
- the whole called Lindsays ten + 11 acres Eng measure being part of field
called Cotter's hill on left of road from Antrim to Carrickfergus for lives
and rent as mentioned. Ann IRWIN formerly in
occupation of part of field called Cotter's hill on left of road from Antrim
to Carrickfergus. Thanks to Vancouver
Mike. |
399 |
487 |
264507 |
1788 Sept 19 |
to JACKSON 1786-1793
for consids releases unto Peter JACKSON half ten on s. side of street in
Antrim above the church together with waste half ten adjoining other half ten
- the whole called Lindsays ten + 11 acres Eng measure being part of field
called Cotter's hill on left of road from Antrim to Carrickfergus for lives
and rent as mentioned. Ann IRWIN formerly in
occupation of part of field called Cotter's hill on left of road from Antrim
to Carrickfergus. Thanks to Vancouver
Mike. |
510 |
118 |
329234 |
1797 Mar 13 |
JACKSON-His will
Names Index 1794-
George JACKSON of
Steeple, Parish & Co Antrim to his dear mother Ann JACKSON the
provision made to her by the will of his father Peter JACKSON, dec’d funds
out lands of Steeple and Kings Tenements in Town of Steeple... good friend
Jackson CLARKE of Massarene right to tenement called LINDSAYS |
Given Name |
Date |
Age |
Father |
occupation |
Birth or
Residence |
Peter |
1696-97 |
16 |
George |
Generosus |
Antrim |
Armagh clergy and parishes :
being an account of the clergy of the Church of Ireland in the Diocese of
Armagh, from the earliest period, with historical notices of the several
parishes, churches, &c . James B. Leslie.
In 1730 a Primatial Commission was
issued to Rev. John Singleton, Rev. Peter
Jackson, Rev. Edward Percival, and Richard Hansard, Esq., to view the
Chancel of the Parish Church of Athirdee, |
The Ulster Jacksons: From
Cumbia to the White House, Shenandoah and Australia. D.J. McCartney.
Carrickfergus Borough Council, 1997.
- P69: 1683, Peter Jackson, Cordwainer,
was included as a Freeman of Carrickfergus. He would have been in the
Cordwainers’ Company. SEE: Their trades included tanners, livery, and shoemakers. The crest
included goats – because of goatskins used in the trade.
- In 1711, a Peter JACKSON is
included in the Muster Roll in Col. Edward Jones Regiment.
Peter JACKSON and Frances FOWNES
married at St. Andrews, Dublin December 22, 1711. This seems to belong here
because of the mention of Fownes JACKSON as a witness in Deed: 298-312-197534. |
SOURCE: The Barton Estate and Lough Bawn in County Monaghan. Donald M. Schlegel Source: Clogher Record, Vol. 15, No. 2 (1995), pp.
104-145 Published by: Clogher Historical Society Stable URL:
On October 30, 1724, Richard and Margaret
Tenison, living in Thomastown, Co. Louth, leased to John Woods of Lisnisk,
gent., "the fourteen tates in the Ballybetaghs of Ballyfremor and
Loughwene or one of them". The lease was for lives, renewable forever on
payment of a fine of 20 shillings on the fall of each life. The initial lives
were John Woods, Rev. Peter Jackson (rector of KillinCool, Co. Louth), and George
Jackson, son of Peter,
aged 12 years or thereabouts. Yearly rent was set at 150 pounds.82 By its
term of lives renewable forever, this lease automatically gave John Woods a
"freehold" in the property, equivalent to ownership in some
respects, so that, for example, he and his heirs were eligible to help select
parliamentary representatives. |
1668. About 249 acres of Tullyvallen, Parish of Creggan were granted to Thomas BALL to the use of Daniel & Sarah JACKSON. In another source, Thomas BALL of Creggan was also listed in Ferguson Certificates as having 5,253 acres as an assignee of Edward Richardson, Ellinor Blackiston, Dan Jackson, Sarah Jackson, Elisabeth Hepburne and Katherine Jones.
SOURCE: The History of the Parish of Creggan in the 17th & 18h Century. L. P. Murray, Isaac Dobson, Wm. Frankland, J. Southey. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1934), pp. 117-163.
Daniel & Sarah were the infant children of John JACKSON of Antrim [SOURCES: Reports and Schedules claimed in respect of lands in Antrim]. "John Jackson was one of the ex-soldiers settled in the Parish of Dunaghy, Barony of Kilconway, County Antrim who was displaced by Antrim's recovery of his estates [SOURCE: An Historical Account of the McDonnells of Antrim page 466. (I assume that the children were either orphaned, or at least their father was dead.) |