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The CORR family are not central to our family story, but since their photos have shown up in the family archives, I thought them worth sharing with others who may know more. Besides, William Richard CORR was the solicitor who handled much of the family's legal work (it would be worth checking the PRONI holdings of the CORR & O'CONNOR archives to see if more details on the JACKSONs surface).
Also, the CORR family members intermarried with DONALDSONs and possibly other family members and some of them also lived at Urker House - very close to Urker Lodge where the main JACKSON part of the family lived.
Beneath the photos and their captions are other references to CORR family members that I have found in our family archives and other research. Of particular interest to me is the fact of the involvement of Susan DONALDSON in the lace industry.

Sharon Oddie Brown. August 14, 2006
Updated March 12, 2022 with new info on Frances Jane CORR.
NOTE: Thanks to Thomas JACKSON of Bangor, Co. Down for the use of these photos.


Perhaps someone can help me out here. This photo is merely identified as "Mr. CORR". Is he Hugh? William? Thomas?
This photo is of Mrs. CORR. My guess is that she would be the wife of William CORR, merchant and resident of Urker House.
This photo is identified as "Mrs. CORR , Crossmaglen". She may be the wife of Hugh CORR, a general merchant in Crossmaglen.
This photo is identified as "Mrs. Donaldson - May MANDER's mother". Her maiden name was CORR and she was resident at Urker House and who worked as a lace merchant. She was apparently a sister of Hugh CORR.
This photo is identified as "Mrs DONALDSON nee CORR". She was the lacemaker and the mother of May MANDERS nee DONALDSON. See also: Susan DONALDSON in the DONALDSON photo page
The inscription on the back of this photo says "nee CORR Mrs. Simpson". Their marriage cert, May 4, 1880, names her father as William CORR, Merchant. of Crossmaglen.Her husband was a bank clerk in Castleblayney, son of John SIMPSON, a farmer. Her sister Susan DONALDSON was a witness at her wedding.This inscription from the CORR section of the Creggan Churchyard relates to her and her husband:
In loving memory of John Thomas Simpson who died Feb 3rd 1929 aged 71 years "Rest in the Lord" Frances Jane Simpson wife of Thomas John Simpson who died November 10th 1933 in her 86th year.
She was born in 1847.

CORR Graves at Creggan Church

In loving memory, of the Rev. Thomas John Corr MA ex sch T.C.D. who departed this life Dec IV MDCCCLXXXV aged 36 years (NOTE: Dec 4, 1885, therefore born 1849)
"He giveth his beloved sleep" Psalm CXXVII - II.
In dutiful and affectionate remembrance of William Corr for nearly two generations connected with this church and parish. He was acknowledged by all to be a faithful husband, a devoted father, a kindly neighbour and a true Christian. He died on April VI MDCCCLXXXIII aged LXVIII years (NOTE April 3, 1883, age 68, therefore born 1815)
this obelisk was erected by his four surviving children.

In loving memory of William Richard Corr MA LLB solicitor who fell asleep Nov 6th 1911 aged 60 years.
"Just as I am O Lamb of God I come".
"Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" 1 Cor XV 57.

In loving memory of John Thomas Simpson who died Feb 3rd 1929 aged 71 years
"Rest in the Lord"
Frances Jane Simpson wife of Thomas John Simpson who died November 10th 1933 in her 86th year.

(NOTE: There are other stones in this plot but they are covered with cement, gravel etc. Names which are legible are Richard Rowland died November 1824 and Mary Smyth eldest daughter of Thomas Smyth of Silverbridge d. 19 Sept 1808)

Mentions of CORR in family letters

1880, July 7th Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
Mrs. Corr another good woman is also gone; she died last week.
1884, June 4 Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
“The Revd Thomas Corr is Curate here now, but he is not stout either.”
1885 December 2. Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
“The Revd Thos Corr is dying. He is in Urker in his brother William’s house.”
“Also tell him about poor Thos Corr. Poor Thomas spoke about him very lately; William Corr is well & doing well.”
1887, Nov 29 Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
“Cousin Sam is making an awful havoc in Cavananore, cutting timber though that was reserved in the lease. Eliezer went to see what was done; and he has written to Mr Reid about it. Willy Corr thinks that his lease can be broken because of it.”
1887, Dec 21st. Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
The trustees of Cavananore engaged his services.
1889. March 30. Eliza JACKSON to Emily (Gilmore) JACKSON
Willy Corr has taken the temperance pledge, and is doing his best to make others do so.
1893, May 24 Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
Willy Corr is still an invalid, but able to be out of bed after long lying.
1894, March 28 Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
“A labourer of Willy Corr’s lamented about him, “So we have lost Mr Gladstone, but we have got a fine man in his place, one Mr Gooseberry”!”
1896, March 11 Eliza Jackson to son Thomas JACKSON.
“I have been with Mr  Corr about your securities; I expect that all will be made over before long.”
1911, June 2 Thomas JACKSON to his sister, Mary GRIFFIN
“I fear I shall not see Mr Corr again, and more is the pity.”

Legal documents

William CORR, solicitor, Crossmaglen was witness to the 1888 will of David JACKSON.

Maps & Census.

In 1906, Mrs. Susan Donaldson was listed as a lace merchant resident at Urcher. She may have been a sister of Hugh CORR.  She had a daughter May DONALDSON (B. Dec 14 – I don’t know which year) who married MANDERS. Hugh CORR was a general merchant and William R. CORR was listed as a solicitor resident at Urker. His office was CORR & O’CONNOR, The Square, Crossmaglen. Hugh & William may have been brothers.

In the 1911 Census, Susan Donaldson was resident in a home in Urcher that was owned by William R. CORR. She lived there with two other unnamed people. In the same census, Mary GRIFFIN née JACKSON, a sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON was living at Urcher Lodge. It is possible to infer a similar level of social class between the two households. Both had a total of 11 “offices and farm steadings”. Although Urcher Lodge is classed as a 1st class house while the other house (I presume Urcher House) is described as 2nd class, this seems to have been determined by the fact that Urcher Lodge had 14 windows while the other abode had 11. Urcher was likely smaller as it had 9 inhabited rooms compared to the 12 inhabited rooms of Urcher House.

[Lace manufacture] “the centre of activity moved to Crossmaglen in 1895 where a Miss Morris opened an agency and at the same time taught local girls the art of applique. About the same time, with the help of Canon McGeeney, another school was opened for the teaching of the craft. As a result of this combined effort about 200 workers in the town and surrounding countryside were involved in lacemaking. Porter's Guide of 1900 shows an advertisement for the Crossmaglen Lace School and also for at least three buyers in the town. All of the pieces were sold to the fashion houses in Dublin, Belfast and London and in most cases delivered in person by the buyers, quite an achievement in an age which, by 1992 standards, would not be judged as a sophisticated one.” A LOOK AT CROSSMAGLEN IN THE 1930'S Mary Cumiskey 1992 Journalof The Creggan Local History Society



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