Ceylon, Malta and Emeu passenger lists Allen’s India Mail for November and December 1864, page 922.
PASSENGERS DEPARTED. Per Overland Route, Nov. 20. —. Southampton to Calcutta —Mr. and Mrs. Pittar, Mrs. Buckland, Mr. J. Hill, Mr. R. Hill, Mr. W. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heard and infant, Mr. H. Reid and infants, Mr. C. E. Taylor. Miss Nelson, Mrs. Hamilton and infant, Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. K. Ranken. Mr. I.I. Atkinson. Paymaster Moore, two Misses George, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Hamilton and infant, Miss Clara Newton, Mr. V. Sheridan, Hon. C. Parker, Miss Adam. Mrs. Trotter and three children, Miss Howell, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Higgs. Mrs. H. B. Henderson, Miss Voyle, Lieut. G. F. O'Boughev, Miss L. Hayward, Mr. D. O'Conner, Mr. J. Tucket, Mr. W. Copinger, Mr. C. Wagentrieber. Rev. J. Stevenson. Mr. W. G. Mallett, Mr. E. Urff. Maj. Mauleverer, Mr. Williamson, Mr. J. W. Young, Ensign Bailey, Ensign Boileau, Miss Iunes, Mr. A. Price, Mr. Warren, Mr. E. C. Dealtrey, Mr. Talboys, Mr. and Mrs. Langlois, Asst. surg. W. Atkinson, Asst. surg. J. G. Bolster, Asst. surg. M. Cogan, Asst. surg. J. Fleming, Asst. surg. R. C. C. Hickson, Asst. surg. J. V. S. Malcolm, Mr. Seale, Mr. Donegan. Marseilles to Calcutta.— Mr H. T. Raikes, Mr. and Mrs. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. P. Egerton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan, Mr. H. Finch, Capt, and Mrs. Basevi, Col. M'Donuell, Mrs. H. R. Smith, Miss Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Mr. W. Forrester. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Latimer, Mr. J. Hember, Mr. J. Anderson, Mr. C E. McBride, Lieut, col. Rich, Lieut, col. Hutchinson, Mr. S. V. Gordon, Dr. Veitch, Mrs. Eddis, Capt. Carew, Mr. Henfrey, Mr. Benwell, Capt. Smith, R.A , Mr. Dealtry. Southampton to Madras.— Col. and Mrs. Sayer, Miss F. East, Miss Kensington, Capt, and Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mr. F. Fletcher, Capt. Trevor, Mr. W. Gillilan. Marseilles to Madras.— Mr. B. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brockman, Mr. J. Young, Surg. A. 0. Renton, Mr. Cockerell. Southampton to Hong Kong. — Miss B. C. Collett. Mr. Howard, Lieut. B. Littlehook. Marseilles to Hong Kong —Mr. T. F. Ballance, Mr. B. Mackintosh, Miss Lee, Mr. P. G. Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wheelock. Southampton to Singapore. — Mrs. W. Williams and infant. Marseilles to Shanghai— Mr. Hyslop, Mr. E. Crace, Mr, M. Hawtrey. Suez to Madras. — Capt. Ogilvie. Marseilles to Malta — Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Col. and Mrs. Cooper, Capt. and Mrs. Bolton. Per Ceylon, from Marseilles for Alexandria, Nov. 20. — For Bombay.- Lieut. Doveton, Col. Steele, Lieut. C. E. Ward, Rev. C. H. L. Lye, Miss Hare, Mrs. Morris, Mr. E. M. Fogo, Mr. J. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, Mr. J. Lund, Capt. Speer, Mr. J. Skilliter, Col. de Lisle, Sir David Wedderburn, Mr. R. A. Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Repton, Rev. H. and Mrs. Blunt, For Alexandria. — Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan, Mr. T. A. Boeson. For Calcutta. — Mr. H. A. Finlay. Suez to Bombay.-Mr. F. Atkinson, Mr. C. Mclver, Mr. E. J. Howard, Mr. G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Arthur. For Malta —Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Biddle and infant, Mr. Were, Mr. T. Hatfield, Mr. J. Hatfield, Mr. Webster. For Shanghai.— Mr. McCalman. For Hong Kong — Mr. McClure, Mr. T. Jackson, Mr. E. Jones. For Singapore. — Mr. Smerdon. Marseilles to Sydney. — Mr. T. A. Boesen. Marseilles to Melbourne. — Mr. Henry Goddard. Southampton to Mauritius – Rev. G. and Mrs. McIrvine and three children. Allen’s India Mail Jan 6, 1865. Page 9 Per P. and O. str. Emeu. — Mr. R. Mackenzie, Mr. J. R. Scholfield, Mr. A. Selvector, Mr. Mackintosh, Mr. Stone, Mr. A. Miller, Mr. Bailly. Per Eloisa.— Mr. C. Beard. Per P. and O. btr. Rangoon. — From SOUTHAMPTON. — Mr. Cordeaux, Dr. and Miss Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Penny, Rev. J. Dawson, Mr. Diggles, Mr. and Mrs. Busteed and infant, Mrs. D'Oyley and infant, Mr. Baker, Mr. Lidderdale, Mrs. Rutton, Mr. Campbell, Lieut. Easton, Mrs. and Miss Halliday, Mr. Burton, Miss Kennedy, Miss Tod, Hon. H. Marsham, Mrs. and Miss Ross, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Steward, Lieut. Williams, Mr. Nugent, Lieut. Boileau, Mr. Stopford, Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Heyn, Mr. Crompton, Mr. Drummond, Rev. R. Warner, Maj. Palmer, Mrs. Tudball and two children, Mrs. Chilcott and two infants, Mr. and Mrs. Stansfield, Messrs. Yates, Ellis, Mortimer, Ogden, Watt, Steele, Collins, Greenwood, Roberts, and Ord, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and two children, Messrs. Fenwick, Dunlop, and M. Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Clark. From MARSEILLES. — Mr. Cullum, Lieut, col. and Mrs. Barrow, Col. and Mrs. Wynham, Mr. Foggo, Mr. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Best, Miss McClelland, Mrs. Robertson, Capt. and Mrs. Marsh, Lieut, col. aud Mrs. D'Oyley Compton, Mr. Arbuthnot, Col. and Mrs. Stavely, Mr. and Mrs. Jaffer Sulliman, Mr. and Mrs. Natman and child, Messrs. Hodgart, Daniels, Raymond, West, Fry, Halford, Stead, Fraser, Anderson, Smith, Gillon, Brady, Watson, Klenknecht, Tyahjee, Mosley, Hess, and Symon, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Mr. Bates, Miss Carew, Miss Weederhold, Messrs. Glover, Henry, and Humphrey, Capt. Methven, Capt. Reynoldson, Messrs. Bluett, Tait, and Goldsmith. Dr. Jefferson, Mr. Bently, Miss Salmon, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Read. From SUEZ.— Mr. Rainford, Mr. Best. From. ADEN.— Mr. Chrystie, Capt. White. Per P. and O. Co.'s str. Malta.— From SOUTHAMPTON — Mrs. Langton and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ormiston and two children, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Nowell and child, Mr. Winder, Mr. Grant, Surg. Maj. and Mrs Bacot, Miss Bell, Mr. Browne, Mrs. Binks aud three children, Mrs. Ker, Messrs. Stoddart, Wetherall, Sheffield, Stephens, Dalziel, Everett, Drysdale, Ward, and Sigg, Dr. Smith, Lieut. and Mrs. Moore, Miss Stock, Messrs. Fisher, McKay, Harrison, Dow, Ingle, Badely, Mrs. Dalziel, Mrs. Mayne, Mr. Taylor, Maj. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. J. Thomas, Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Corrie and three children, Messrs. Hudson, Brenuard, Holmes, Woodbridge, Sheighley, Mr. aud Mrs. Curley, Mr. and Mrs. Hind, Messrs. Swab, Holder, Stevenson, Wells, Turnard, Williams, Rose, Galpine, Coslett, Smith, Holdsworth, Armistead. From MARSEILLES. — Lieut. Doveton, Col. Steel, Lieut. Ward, the Rev. Leigh Lye, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Blunt, Miss Hare, Mrs. Morris, Mr. Foggo, Mr. Steel, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, Mr. Lund, Capt. Speer, Mr. Skilliter, Col. de lisle. Sir D. Wedderburn, Mr. Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Repton, Messrs. Davidson, Stewart, Finlay, Smerdon, McClure, Jackson, Jones, Calman. From GIBRALTAR. — Governor F. Pestana and lady, Capt. and Mrs. Scarmicha and infant, Maj. and Mrs. Mendonca and two children, Capt and Mrs. De Mello and two children. From MALTA. — Mr. Cassells, Capt. Twyford. From SUEZ.— The Hon M. H. Scott, Mr. Smith, Maj. and Mrs. Arthur, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. McIver, Miss Victoria Rosenfeldt. NOTE: Also in the same issue (interesting in terms of Sassoon’s later connections with HSBC): Allen’s India Mail Jan 6, 1865. Page 8 The late Mr. Sassoon. — The Bombay Gazette has a sketch of the career of the late David Sassoon, the Jew millionaire, whose death at Poona we mentioned a short time ago. He was born at Bagdad in 1792, at which place his father was treasurer to the Turkish Governor. When thirty years old, young. Sassoon removed to Bussorah and afterwards to Bushire, and in 1832 he first visited Bombay. There he determined to settle, and there in the course of twenty years he accumulated a vast fortune. The Gazette states that his benefactions from time to time have amounted to £150,000 sterling. His eldest son, Mr. Albert. D. Sassoon, has been living for some years at Ashley-park, in England, an estate purchased for him by his father at Walton-on-Thames.
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