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At present, I cannot say which of the various English and/or Irish lines of JACKSONs the members of this family tree may be related to.
This family resided in the southern part of Co. Kildare.
One of the tantalizing clues that might tell us more about them is a family crest that contains a horse.
NOTE: There are also JACKSONs still residing in some of the same townlands. They may turn out to be related.

Sharon Oddie Brown. February 25, 2012
Updated Major edit and additions - February 1, 2020
Updated: January 24, 2024. Added ROD: 345-267-233136
Updated: February 22, 2025
Added ROD: 690-437-474342 and ROD: 491-427-320540.
February 25, 2025 Added ROD: 97-127-65606 One more Caleb JACKSON deed - included on a hunch (unusual forename)



Descendants of Thomas JACKSON of Athgarvan Co Kildare

The growing of this tree began with a seed - a chance meeting of two elderly comrades at a reunion of the Kings Own Rifles in England: retired Major John G. JACKSON and retired Major Patrick ROBERTS. The year before, in 2011, I had visited Pat Roberts, his wife June and grandson Jack Stooks in Devon. Roberts was a g-grandson of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915) and he was the family custodian of his grandmother Amy Oliver JACKSON’s archives.

After the two friends had compared notes, Major John sent his sketch of the family tree to me the old-fashioned way – through the mail. Near as I can tell, his family is not directly not related to ours, although the shared connection of both families to Co. Kildare may prove to be significant.

My interest in this tree was renewed in January of 2020, thanks to email correspondence with Robyn LITTLE of New Zealand. Much of her research corroborated what I had, but her work also added new details which I have included.

Then, when I was wrapping up this update, I stumbled across the family tree of Ian Macrae at Ancestry. His connection was through Lilian Maude WILSON who married Charles Anthony JACKSON of Fontstown, Co. Kildare.

Since then, I have verified any of the dates that I had by sourcing BMD certificates, and have also done a general tidy up of what I had started with. There will be still more to be learned from deeds research – a task that is included on a future to-do list.

The origin mystery remains – who were the parents of the first Thomas Jackson in this tree? What caused him and his descendants to leave England and then to put down roots in Co. Kildare?




One approach is the study of family crests and then to seek out seals – where legible – on subsequent deeds to land.


But first a caution. Heraldry has more in common with astrology than astronomy – the latter is a science the former, an art. Even so. it is not a fool’s errand to add it to our tool kits. The coincidence of three hawks’ or eagles’ heads and horses in many Jackson family arms may or may not be indicative of family connections between them that would go back to before the mid-1600s.


Several of the families, whose arms include horses and are described beneath, had extensive inter-generational settlements and significant land holdings in Ireland (see beneath).


My family of JACKSONs, in Creggan Parish Co. Armagh most likely descended from JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry. All these families had three shovellers or similar ducks in their arms. Unlike this line of JACKSONs in Co. Kildare, their arms included no horses. This is the start of what we know about this line:


My uncle, who was Archdeacon of Toronto Cathedral, sent me an impression of my grand father's signet ring. This is a charging horse (" a horse current arg., guttee-de-sang"). Using Fairbairns Crests I was able to trace the crest to Jacksons who lived in Cumberland, Sunderland County Durham, Bedale Yorkshire and Combhay Devonshire. SOURCE: Major John G. JACKSON.


Here are some arms worth considering in the mix of where to look next:

·         Jackson (Upwell, Norfolk and St. Andrew's, co. Fife, as registered to RANDLE JACKSON, Esq., of Upwell, Norfolk). Ar. a peile engrailed az. surmounted by a chev. invected thereon three cinquefoils betw. as many eagles' heads eradicated all countercharged. Crest—Upon the trunk of a tree eradicated and sprouting to the dexter, a horse currant ar. gutté de poix charged on the body, with a pale gu. thereon a cinquefoil also ar.

·         Jackson (arms of Anne, wife of HAWKSHAW, eldest surviving dau. of Rev. James Jackson, late of Green Hammerton par Whixley, W.R. co. York). Gu. two horses counter courant in pale ar. guttee de sang.

·         Jackson (co. Cumberland, and Combhay, co. Devon). Or, (another, ar.) on a chev. sa. betw. three eagles' heads erased az. as many cinquefoils ar. Crest—A horse courant ar. guttée de sang.

·         Jackson (Sunderland, co. Durham). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three hawks' heads erased of the second as many cinquefoils pierced of the first. Crest—A horse at full speed ar. gutté de sang.

·         Jackson (co. Northampton; granted 1689). Ar. a greyhound courant ermines betw. three eagles' heads erased sa. Crest— A demi horse ar. guttee de sang.

·         Jackson (Christ Church, co. Surrey; granted 16 Oct. 1700). Az. on a chev. betw. three covered cups ar. as many cinquefoils gu. Crest— A horse pass. ar. semée of cinquefoils gu-

·         Jackson (Bedale, co. York; granted 1563). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three hawks' heads erased of the second as many cinquefoils of the first. Crest—A horse in full speed ar. guttee de sang.

·         Jackson (Duddington, co. Northampton). Ar. a greyhound courant ermines betw. three eagles' heads erased sa. Crest— A demi horse ar. guttée de sang, maned and hoofed sa.

·         Jackson. Ar. on a chev. betw. three daws' heads erased az. as many cinquefoils or. Crest—A horse courant ar. guttee de sang. NOTE: A daw is in the heraldic class with ravens – a jackdaw.

·         Jackson (Enniscoe, co. Mayo; confirmed to General Sir James Jackson, K.C.B., Colonel 6th Dragoon Guards, third son of George Jackson, M.P., and to the descendants of his grandfather). Ar. on a chev. sa. betw. three hawks' heads erased az. as many trefoils slipped or. Crest—A horse pass, ar. charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Motto—Celer et audax.

·         Jackson (Fanningstown, co. Limerick). Ar. a greyhound courant ermines betw. three eagles' heads erased sa. Crest— A demi horse ramp. ar. guttée de sang, maned and hoofed sa.


Jackson crest


See Also: Bethams Abstracts:1664 Edmond JACKSON – the image includes both hawks' heads and a horse.


Of interest to me is the fact that there was an Edmond JACKSON baptized in 1580 at Whittington Church, Lonsdale Westmoreland.

Possibly connected to: Jacksons of Kilkenny Family tree.

NOTE: Jan Waugh - a trusted researcher - confirms that this image was indeed the family crest of the Kilkenny Jacksons: Argent, on a chevron sable between three hawks' heads erased of the second (sable), as many cinquefoils of the field (argent)







1738 Apr 18

Image 88

Maurice KEATING of Arrowmore Co. Kildare Esq . for the considerations therein ment Did Demise unto Robert DROUGHT of Parkland in the Kings County Gent all that and those the Town and Lands Ballybritt Farcraft and Gleshun Scituate in the Barony of Ballybrit and Kings County aforesaid Containing by Estimation nine Hundred acres arrable and pasture be the same more or less together with Boggs Marshes and Commons thereunto belonging in as ample manner as Caleb JACKSON held the same To hold to the said Robert DROUGHT his heirs and assigns from the first day of April then Instant for and during the natural Life and Lives of him the said Robert DROUGHT John DROUGHT and William DROUGHT first and Second Sons of the said Robt DROUGHT and for and during the longest Liver of them at the yearly Rent of Two hundred and fifty pounds Ster payable half yearly above all Taxes Quit rent or Crown Rent only Excepted ( which said Lease is WITNESS: Revd Cor. LYNDON of Narromore Co. Kildare like and Patrick CLARK Servt to the said Robert DROUGHT

NOTE: EDWARD BOLTON was born at Fethard 17 Oct. 1652, and married in 1696 Elizabeth ( or Elinor), daughter of Maurice Keating of Narraghmore, County Kildare. He and his brother Richard were attainted in James's parliament for loyalty to King William. He died without issue in October, 1705, beingthen apparently in London. His will was dated 17 Aug. 1702 and proved 12 Oct. 1705. She died in January, 1699. BOLTON Families in Ireland.




Jackson, James


1780 Jun 11

Image 145

Hereby Richard LEVINGE of Calverstown Co. Kildare Esq leased to Henry JACKSON of Davidstown Co. Kildare Thicksett Weaver in his actual possession part of lands of Calverstown containing 10a 34p in Parish Davidstown Barony Narranraban Co. Kildare … for lives of Samuel JACKSON son of Henry JACKSON, Caleb JACKSON son of William JACKSON of Calverstown Thickset Weaver and Richard JACKSON son of James JACKSON of Davidstown Cordwainer for term of 31 years … yearly rent of £14. WITNESS: John LONG of Calverstown Woolcomber & William LYNCH Servant to Richard LEVINGE & George LOG & William DUNPHY City of Dublin Gent. Henry JACKSON [SEAL]

NOTE: For more onCaleb JACKSON see: ROD: 491-427-320540 . Also Thrifts Abstracts: Caleb JACKSON of Dolphins barn weaver be admitted free of this Corporation [weavers] by Grace Especial on payment of Two Guineas. I suspect that Caleb JACKSON is a grandson of Richard JACKSON and Anne BEECHAM and that Henry, William and James are all sons of Richard JACKSON & Anne BEECHAM.

491 427 320540 Jackson, Caleb Dublin 1795 May 1

ROD: 491-427-320540. 1795 May 1. Image 282
BTW Joseph HOEY of Cork Street Co. Dublin Manufacturer of 1 pt & Samuel JACKSON of Cork Street Cotton Manufacturer… demised to Samuel JACKSON house at Corner of Ormond Market in Cork Street bounded on the North by Cork Street and on the west by Ormond Market … witness Caleb JACKSON of Cork Street Cotton Manufacturer and brother to said Samuel JACKSON & John CALLAGHAN of Brick Lane Dublin Gent. NOTE: Caleb may have been a brother-in-law of Samuel rather than a brother.

690 437 474342 JACKSON, Caleb Kildare 1815 Mar 31

Image 226

BTW Thomas KENNEDY of Ballyshannon [Ballyshannon , Parish Ballyshannon , Barony West Offaly Co Kildare Gent of the one part & Robt BORROWES of the City of Dublin Esqr of the other part Whereby after reciting that by Indre bear date the 29th July 1784 . Mary CUFFE wife of the Right Honble John CUFFE, did demise unto William FULLER part of the Lands of Calverstown [Calverstown , Parish Davidstown , Barony Narragh & Reban East ] then in the proper of the said William FULLER Conty by estimation 3r 15p with the Dwelling House & out offices thereon , bounded on the north by Henry JACKSONs holding on the east by George LONG’s holding on the south by part of the Demise of Calverstown [Calverstown Demesne , Parish Davidstown , Barony Narragh & Reban East ], and on the west, by the road leading from Calverstown to Dunlavin which said trees are situate lying & being in the Parish Davidstown , Barony Narragh & Reban East Co. Kildare as described in a Map thereunto annexed To Hold unto said William FULLER his Exors admors from the 25th of March then last for the life of the sd lessee Hanah FULLER [née JACKSON] his wife & Caleb JACKSON son of William JACKSON of Calverstown & the survivors of them or for 31 years which ever should last congest at the rent of £2 and Reciting that said William FULLER‘s Estate and interest therein became vested in said Thomas KENNEDY …  that said KENNEDY, in conson of £.28.89 to him paid by the said Robert BORROWES did grant bargain sell assign release & confirm unto the sd Robert BORROWES in his actual possession then being by virtue of a lease for a year therein recited and to his heirs & asss All that and those the aforesaid Lands of Calverstown Conty 3r 15p be the same more or less with the Dwelling House & out offices thereon situate in the Barony Narragh & Reban East & Co of Kildare aforesd with all Houses and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Hold unto the said Robert BORROWES his heirs & assigns from the 25th of March then last for the lives & life of said WILLIAM FULLER the lesser Hanah FULLER his wife and the said Caleb JACKSON son of the said William JACKSON and the survivors of them Subject the rent and Costs in said recited Indre of Lease reserved and could free from all Incumbrances WITNESS: John PERCIVAL of the City of Dublin Gent and Charles MURRAY Clke to said Robt Burrowes - Thomas KENNEDY [SEAL]




The Known Descendants of Thomas JACKSON of Athgarvan & Kineagh, Co. Kildare.


1-Thomas JACKSON[1] b. England, d. 1690 or 1710, of Athgarvan[2] & Kineagh[3], Co. Kildare

 + Elinor GREEN[4] b. Abt 1669, possibly Limerick, Ireland

|--2-William JACKSON[5] b. Co. Kildare

|--2-Henry JACKSON[6] b. Co. Kildare

|--2-Richard JACKSON[7] b. Ireland, d. of Narramore, Parish of Narraghmore, Barony

|    of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare

    + Ann BEECHAM[8]

   |--3-Thomas JACKSON[9]

   |--3-William JACKSON[10] b. Pos 1722, d. Between 1779 and 1784, of Calverstown[11],

   |    Parish of Davidstown[12], Barony of Narragh and Raban.

   |   + Else UNNAMED[13]

   |  |--4-William JACKSON[14] b. Bef 1761, of Calverston, Parish of Davidstown,

   |  |    Barony of Narragh and Raban., d. After 1786

   |  |   + Mary CROFTON[15] b. 1770, of Kilcullen[16]

   |  |--4-Elizabeth JACKSON[17] b. Bef 1779

   |  |   + Unnamed MURPHY[18]

   |  |--4-Hannah JACKSON[19]

   |  |   + William FULLARD[20] ADDED: Feb 22, 2025 William FULLER

   |  |--4-Caleb JACKSON ADDED: Feb 22, 2025

   |  |--4-David JACKSON[21]

   |  |--4-John JACKSON[22]

   |  |--4-Mary JACKSON[23]

   |  |   + Unnamed LAWLER[24]

   |  |--4-Christian JACKSON[25]

   |  |   + Unnamed TOOLE[26]

   |  |--4-Sarah JACKSON[27]

   |      + Unnamed KARR[28]

   |--3-John JACKSON[29] b. Pos 1726

   |--3-James JACKSON[30] b. Pos 1729, Ireland

   |   + Elizabeth HENDY[31]

   |  |--4-Richard JACKSON[32] d. of Fontstown[33], Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co.

   |  |    Kildare, Ireland

   |  |   + Ann EDWARDS[34]

   |  |  |--5-James JACKSON[35] b. 1804, Co. Kildare, d. 2 May 1885, Iowa

   |  |  |   + Margaret DOYLE[36]

   |  |  |  |--6-Henry JACKSON[37] b. Between 1832 and 1835, d. Between 1901 and

   |  |  |  |    1911, probably Calverston, Balyshannon, Co. Kildare

   |  |  |  |--6-Thomas JACKSON[38] b. 1832, d. 11 Jun 1875, Castlefarm[39], Parish of

   |  |  |  |    Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare

   |  |  |  |   + Sarah UNNAMED[40] d. 20 Nov 1901, Castlefarm, Parish of

   |  |  |  |    Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare

   |     |  |  |--7-Eliza Anne JACKSON[41] b. 1848 d. aft 1901

   |     |  |  |  + James PEARSON[42] m. 28 Feb 1867 Parish of Fontstown, Co. Kildare. Par: James PEARSON.

   |  |  |  |--6-Jane JACKSON[43] b. 1835

   |  |  |  |--6-Samuel JACKSON[44] b. 1836

   |  |  |  |--6-Rebecca JACKSON[45] b. 1838

   |  |  |  |--6-Richard JACKSON[46] b. 1841

   |  |  |  |--6-Charles JACKSON[47] b. 28 Jul 1842, Co. Kildare, Ireland, d. 26

   |  |  |  |    Feb 1912, Owasa, Iowa, USA

   |  |  |  |--6-James T. JACKSON[48] b. 1844

   |  |  |  |--6-Annie JACKSON[49] b. 1845

   |  |  |  |--6-Benjamin JACKSON[50] b. Between 1832 and 1847, Co. Kildare, d. 30

   |  |  |  |    Nov 1912, Narraghmore, Co. Kildare

   |  |  |  |   + Charlotte UNNAMED[51] b. Between 1836 and 1839, Co. Kildare, d.

   |  |  |  |    12 Jan 1916, Narraghmore, Co. Kildare

   |  |  |  |--6-John JACKSON[52] b. 1849

   |  |  |  |--6-George E. JACKSON[53] b. 1851

   |  |  |  |--6-Frederick A. JACKSON[54] b. 1853

   |  |  |  |--6-Harriett JACKSON[55] b. 1855

   |  |  |--5-Anna JACKSON[56]

   |  |  |--5-Harriett JACKSON[57]

   |  |  |--5-Eliza JACKSON[58]

   |  |  |--5-Henry JACKSON[59] b. Bef 1811

   |  |  |--5-Thomas JACKSON[60] b. Bef 1811, d. possibly New York

   |  |  |--5-Joseph JACKSON[61] b. Abt 1811, d. 12 Jun 1835, of Fontstown, Barony

   |  |  |    of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland

   |  |  |--5-George JACKSON[62] b. After 1811

   |  |--4-John JACKSON[63] d. of Beech Lawn[64], Davidstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban

   |  |    East, Co. Kildare

   |      + Mary CUNDELL[65] d. of Beech Lawn, Davidstown, Barony of Narragh &

   |       Reban East, Co. Kildare

   |     |--5-Benjamin JACKSON[66]

   |     |--5-Elizabeth JACKSON[67]

   |     |--5-John JACKSON[68]

   |     |--5-Samuel JACKSON[69] b. 12 Feb 1809, Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland,

   |     |    d. Jul 1858, Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland

   |     |   + Elizabeth BROWNE[70] b. Abt 1810, of Castledermot[71], Co. Kildare,

   |     |    Ireland, d. Abt Mar 1848, Ballybarney, Davidstown, Co. Kildare,

   |     |    Ireland, Bur. Glassely[72], Co. Kildare, Ireland

   |     |  |--6-Mary Ann JACKSON[73] b. Abt 1832, d. 17 Mar 1913, perhaps

   |     |  |    Ballickmoyler[74] Co Laois.

   |     |  |   + Thomas NEALE[75]

   |     |  |  |--7-Letishia NEALE[76] b. 18 Dec 1869

   |     |  |  |--7-Thomas NEALE[77] b. 18 Dec 1869

   |     |  |--6-Sarah JACKSON[78] b. 1832, d. Nov 1832

   |     |  |--6-Elizabeth JACKSON[79] b. 1834, d. 18 Feb 1834

   |     |  |--6-James JACKSON[80] b. 24 May 1835, Davidstown, Co. Kildare,

   |     |  |    Ireland, d. 15 Dec 1916, Davidstown, Ballyshannon, Co. Kildare, Ireland

   |     |  |   + Jane COOPER[81] b. 1840, Co Kildare, d. 25 Nov 1912 at Beech Lawn, Davidstown

   |     |  |  |--7-Samuel JACKSON[82] b. 1864, Co. Kildare, Ireland, d. After 1911

   |     |  |  |--7-Thomas JACKSON[83] b. 13 Feb 1865, Fontstown, Barony Narragh &

   |     |  |  |    Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland

   |     |  |  |--7-John JACKSON[84] b. 1 Feb 1868, Fontstown, Barony Narragh &

   |     |  |  |    Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland, d. After 1911

   |     |  |  |   + Violet UNNAMED[85]

   |     |  |  |--7-Charles Anthony JACKSON[86] b. 4 Feb 1870, Fontstown, Barony

   |     |  |  |    Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland d. 31 May 1948

   |     |  |  |   + Lilian Maude WILSON[87] b. Antrim or Down m. 25 Nov 1897 at St. Anne’s CoI, Belfast. d. 28 November 1942, Douglas, Isle of Man

   |     |  |  |  |--8-Charles Ivar Arthur JACKSON[88] b. 1902 Feb 7,

   |     |  |  |  |    Tullylough[89], Cavan, Co. Cavan, Ireland

   |     |  |  |  |  |--9-Major John G. JACKSON[90]

   |     |  |  |  |      + Denise BLACKLOCK[91]

   |     |  |  |  |     |--10-Rosemary JACKSON[92]

   |     |  |  |  |     |--10-Carolyn JACKSON[93]

   |     |  |  |  |     |--10-Dr. Andrew JACKSON[94]

   |     |  |  |  |--8-Unnamed JACKSON[95] b. After 1901, d. Bef 1911

   |     |  |  |  |--8-James Marcus Neville JACKSON[96] b. 1910, Belturbet[97],

   |     |  |  |  |   Cavan, Co. Cavan, Ireland, d. Bef Nov 2008,

   |     |  |  |  |    Toronto, Canada

   |     |  |  |      + Ivy PLUMBLY[98]

   |     |  |  |     |--9-Michael JACKSON[99]

   |     |  |  |--7-Elizabeth JACKSON[100] b. 23 Feb 1879, Fontstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland d. Sept 1953

   |     |  |      + Jeremiah DOUGLAS[101] b. 1871, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

   |     |  |     |--8-Doreen Alexandra DOUGLAS[102] b. 1906 d. 1963

   |     |  |     |   + Valentine KERWIN

   |     |  |     |--8-Ena Kathleen DOUGLAS[103] b. 1908 d. 1990

   |     |  |--6-Susan JACKSON[104] b. 1837, d. Pos 1837

   |     |  |--6-Ealy JACKSON[105] b. 1839, d. 1901, New Zealand, Bur. original

   |     |  |    Saunders homestead in Te Hutewai, NZ

   |     |  |   + George SAUNDERS[106] Bur. original Saunders homestead in Te

   |     |  |    Hutewai, NZ

   |     |  |--6-Bridget JACKSON[107] b. Pos 1842

   |     |  |--6-Letitia JACKSON[108] b. 1843, d. 1917

   |     |  |--6-Margaret JACKSON[109] b. 1847, d. 1915

   |     |  |--6-Ellen Jane JACKSON[110] b. 1848, d. 1931, Bur. Arapohue cemetry.

   |     |  |    Kaipara

   |     |  |   + William DREARDON[111]

   |     |  |--6-Harriet JACKSON[112] b. 1848, d. 13 Feb 1944

   |     |      + Unnamed TREGOWETH[113]

   |     |--5-Richard JACKSON[114] b. 1815, d. 16 Jan 1899, Dunlevin, Killenane,

   |     |    Parish Killcullen, Barony Kilcullen, Co Kildare

   |         + Louisa Jane DUNKLEY[115] b. 1841, Dublin, Ireland, d. 1 Feb 1920, Killenane,

   |     |    Parish Killcullen, Barony Kilcullen, Co Kildare

   |        |--6-Ann Dunkley JACKSON[116] b. 15 Jan 1864, probably Killenane, Parish

   |        |    Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, d. After 1920

   |        |--6-Richard William JACKSON[117] b. 1 Nov 1865, probably Killenane,

   |        |    Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, d. After 1911

   |        |   + UNNAMED[118] d. Bef 1901

   |        |   + Belinda Hester SHERLOCK[119] b. Abt 1878, Co. Cork, m. 1904 June 15, St. Peters,

   |        |   Parish Ballymoden[120], Co. Cork d. After 1911

   |        |  |--7-Rev. Robert Wyse JACKSON[121] b. 12 Jul 1908, Kilcullen, County

   |        |  |    Kildare, Ireland, d. 21 Oct 1976

   |        |      + Margaretta Nolan McDONALD[122]

   |        |     |--8-Peter JACKSON [123]

   |        |      + Lois Margery PHAIR[124]

   |        |--6-Mary Elizabeth JACKSON[125] b. 23 Apr 1867, Killenane,

   |        |    Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

   |        |--6-Ellen Jane JACKSON[126] b. 27 Feb 1869, Killenane, Parish

   |        |    Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, d. possibly New Zealand

   |        |   + William DEARDON[127]

   |        |--6-William Frederick JACKSON[128] b. 6 Jul 1871, Killenane,

   |        |    Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

   |        |--6-Benjamin James JACKSON[129] b. 31 Aug 1873, Killenane,

   |        |    Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

|        |--6-Louisa Jane JACKSON[130] b. 1 Mar 1877, Killenane, Parish

   |        |    Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

   |        |--6-Maria JACKSON[131] b. 1 Mar 1877, Killenane, Parish

   |        |    Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

   |        |--6-Kathleen Marion Louisa JACKSON[132] b. 27 Jan 1885 Killenane,

   |        |    Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare

   |--3-Isaac JACKSON[133] b. Pos 1738

   |--3-Richard JACKSON[134] b. pos 1742

   |--3-Henry JACKSON[135] b. pos 1748, d. pos 1830


[1] Thomas JACKSON 1690 or 1710

·         Granted the lands of Athgarvan and Kennagh in Kildare by the Crown for services under William III. Built Stone House of Monistrevan [aka Monastereven]. The Jacksons were firm members of the Church of Ireland and of the British Establishment. Died from fall from horse. NOTE: This would seem to indicate that his father or other relations supported King William III in battles such as the Battle of the Boyne.

·         "The only other item I may have on Captain Thomas Jackson is a crest on a signet ring. My uncle, who was Archdeacon of Toronto Cathedral, sent me an impression of my grand father's signet ring. This is a charging horse (" a horse current arg., guttee-de-sang"). Using Fairbairns Crests I was able to trace the crest to Jacksons who lived in Cumberland, Sunderland County Durham, Bedale Yorkshire and Combhay Devonshire. So possibly Thomas Jackson came from a family who lived in one of those places.", SOURCE: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.

·         NOTE, Given the presence of a horse in his family crest, I doubt that he was the Thomas JACKSON born September 13, 1629 at Kirby Lonsdale, Westmorland, England.

·         NOTE, If the death date of 1690 is incorrect, he may be a fit with the following LDS information: 

Birth: About 1645   Nottingham, Nottingham, England

Death: 1710   Monastereven, , Kildare, Ireland

Spouse:  Eleanor Greene

Marriage:  1690, Limerick, Ireland

[2] Athgarvan: the townland of Athgarvan is now known as Athgarvan and Blackrath, Parish of Greatconnell, Barony of Connell, Co. Kildare.

[3] Kineagh I suspect that the townland of Kennagh is now known as Kineagh, Parish of Kilcullen, Barony Kilcullen, Co. Kildare. This is the barony on the Northern border of Narragh & Reban East.

[4] Elinor GREENE was born Abt. 1669 in possibly Limerick, Ireland (See above: LDS information possibly related to her husband).

[5] William JACKSON

[6] Henry JACKSON

[7] Richard JACKSON

·         The original family property was lost and then Naraghmore was obtained. He was born  in Ireland and died in of Narramore, Parish of Narraghmore, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare.  He married ANN BEECHAM (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.), daughter of JOHN BEECHAM. 


[9] Thomas JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.,

·         NOTE, Dublin probate records include a Thomas JACKSON of Davidstown, 1810. Davidstown is described as being in Wicklow and there is a townland named Davidstown in the Parish of Donaghmore, Barony of Upper Talbotstown, Co. Wicklow. One of the six Davidstown townlands in Co. Kildare is in a parish in the barony of Narragh and Reban East - the same barony where this Thomas' grandfather was granted lands. Some placenames can be found included in Co. Wicklow records, but then the exact same place – ie Davidstown - is located in Co. Kildare. Clearly the border was fluid and/or changed.

[10] William JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.,

·         ROD: 328-473-221775.The name for his wife and children are based on a hunch that this is a fit: 1779 January 1  His will - Names Index: 1777-1785  William JACKSON of Calverston, wheelright, Co Kildare his will: to his wife Else JACKSON yearly sum of 5 pound daughter Elizabeth MURPHY otherwise JACKSON, Hannah TULLARE [or FULFOR?] otherwise JACKSON, Mary LAWLER otherwise JACKSON Christian TOOLE otherwise JACKSON & Sarah JACKSON married KARR 3 sons: William JACKSON of Calverston, Co. Kildare was a weaver; David JACKSON & John JACKSON  NOTE: Calverstown, Parish of Davidstown, Barony of Narragh and Raban.

[11] Calverstown

[12] Davidstown

[13] Else UNNAMED

[14] William JACKSON

[15] Mary CROFTON

·         NOTE: I am most curious to see how she may or may not tie into other lines of CROFTONs.

·         Bethams Abstracts: This may be the marriage of the William JACKSON who was the son of William JACKSON (?-d btw1779-1784). Thanks to Daphne McCANN who found it in Betham's Abstracts. William JACKSON of Calvertstown Co. Kildare Gent and Mary CROFTON of Parish Kilcullen spinster 25 Aug 1786



[16] Kilcullen

[17] Elizabeth JACKSON

[18] Unnamed MURPHY

[19] Hannah JACKSON

[20] Unnamed FULLARD

[21] David JACKSON

[22] John JACKSON

[23] Mary JACKSON

[24] Unnamed LAWLER

[25] Christian JACKSON

[26] Unnamed TOOLE

[27] Sarah JACKSON

[28] Unnamed KARR

[29] John JACKSON

Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

[30] James JACKSON was born in Ireland.

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

·         He married ELIZABETH HENDY Source: Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html .)

[31] Elizabeth HENDY

[32] Richard JACKSON died in of Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland. 

·         Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html

·         NOTE, I suspect this belongs to him:  COUNTY KILDARE: FONTSTOWN OLD CHURCH -   On a tablet just inside  SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEPH JACKSON fourth son of Richard Jackson of this Parish who in his 24th year of his age unfortunately lost his life when bathing on the morning of 12th June 1835. In the lone mansion of the sacred tomb  Rests a lov’d friend who perish’d in his bloom,  No time allow’d to wean him from the world,  But in a moment from existence hurled.  Deep. Deep he sunk beneath the dark cold wave,  But not too deep for sovereign Grace to save.     As a small token of esteem this tablet was sent from America, and caused to be erected by his afflicted brother Thomas Jackson, of New York, Merchant.

·         He married ANN EDWARDS Source: Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html   NOTE: This site gives her name as Anne EDWARDS.). 

[33] Fontstown

[34] Ann EDWARDS aka Anne EDWARDS

[35] James JACKSON 1804-1885

·         Born 1804 in Co. Kildare, and died 02 May 1885 in Iowa.  He married MARGARET DOYLE 07 Jul 1831 in Dublin (Source: Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html

[36] Margaret DOYLE

[37] Henry JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[38] Thomas JACKSON 1832-1888

·         b. 1832; d. 1888, Castlefarm, Parish of Fontstown, Barony of Narrgah & Reban East, Co. Kildare (Source: Irish Will Probates, 1888  Thomas JACKSON effects £26 late of Castlefarm, Co. Kildare granted to Sarah JACKSON of same place the widow.  .); m. SARAH UNNAMED

·         NOTE: His birth date is suspect – it is based on being age 42 at the time of his death, but that record is based on the data in the registry not in a scan of a certificate.

·         NOTE, She is placed here based on his and her will abstracts.); d. 20 Nov 1900, Castlefarm, Parish of Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare (Source: Irish Will Probates, 1902  Sarah JACKSON late of Castle farm Narraghmore Co Kildare widow d 20 Nov 1901 granted at Dublin to Eliza Anne PEARSON married woman effects £194 2s 2d.

[39] Castlefarm

[40] Sarah UNNAMED see above.

·         Death Cert: Sarah JACKSON, widow, age 90. Registered at Fontstown, Athy. Place of death Castlefarm. Present at death James PEARSON, son-in-law.

[41] Eliza Anne JACKSON

·         NOTE: She was not recorded in the 1901 Irish Census.

·         Her marriage cert gives her age at marriage as 19, hence b 1848

[42] James PEARSON

[43] Jane JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[44] Samuel JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[45] Rebecca JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[46] Richard JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[47] Charles JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[48] James T. JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[49] Annie JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[50] Benjamin JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[51] Charlotte UNNAMED

[52] John JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[53] George E. JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[54] Frederick A. JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[55] Harriet JACKSON Source: Genealogy.com.),

[59] Henry JACKSON

·         (Source: Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html .), b. Bef. 1811.

[60] Thomas JACKSON

·         (Source: (1) Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html

·         NOTE: If I am right about the burial of his brother Joseph, then Thomas JACKSON was a New York merchant. b. Bef. 1811; d. possibly New York.

[61] JOSEPH JACKSON b. Abt. 1811; d. 12 Jun 1835, of Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland.

·         (Source: Genealogy.com, http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/b/e/u/Marvel-Beuschel/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0325.html

·         COUNTY KILDARE: FONTSTOWN OLD CHURCH -   On a tablet just inside  SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOSEPH JACKSON fourth son of Richard Jackson of this Parish who in his 24th year of his age unfortunately lost his life when bathing on the morning of 12th June 1835. In the lone mansion of the sacred tomb  Rests a lov’d friend who perish’d in his bloom,  No time allow’d to wean him from the world,  But in a moment from existence hurled.  Deep. Deep he sunk beneath the dark cold wave,  But not too deep for sovereign Grace to save.     As a small token of esteem this tablet was sent from America, and caused to be erected by his afflicted brother Thomas Jackson, of New York, Merchant.

[63] John JACKSON died  in of Beech Lawn, Davidstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.,

·         NOTE: Given that the 1901 Census shows the widow of his son Richard at Usk, I would guess that he (or more likely his son) was the one leasing lands at time of Griffiths Valuation in 1952-1853 - abt 33 acres and a house from Marmaduke G. Roberts. 

·         In 1817, a John Jackson leasing land in Bull Hill from Thomas Jones planted 1700 trees. This is a good chance that this is the same person.)

[64] Beechlawn.

·         Beechlawn House is a protected structure: Beechlawn House, Brannockstown Crossroads, Grangemore. see p55, Ch. 12 Architectural and Archaeological Heritage at Kildare.

·         JACKSON George Thomas (Tommy) Beechlawn (The Old Rectory, Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow) - December 24, 2010 (peacefully) in his 86th year at Baltinglass Hospital. Deeply regretted by his wife Evelyn, children Tony, Eileen and Nuala, daughter-in-law Eve, sister Margaret (Gould), brothers Dick and Noel, grandchildren and partners; Diane, Enda, Sean, Deborah, Mark, Brian, Lisa, Robbie, Uyen and Grace, great-granddaughters Ciara and Emma, Mary and other relatives and friends. Funeral Service in St Peter's Church Kiltegan today (Monday) at 2 o'c, burial immediately afterwards in adjoining church yard.I hear the voice of Jesus say "Come on to me and rest" http://notices.irishtimes.com/7725517?s_source=all

[65] May CUNDILL

·         She died – probably at Beech Lawn, Davidstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare. SOURCE: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.

[66] Benjamin JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

[67] Elizabeth JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

[68] John JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

[69] Samuel JACKSON was born 12 Feb 1809 in Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland, and died Jul 1858 in Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland. 

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, NOTE: In this tree, the Samuel JACKSON who married Elizabeth BROWN included an error. His dates were given as: b. 1858 & d. 1916. Naturally, if he was the father of James, this can't be, since he would be younger than his son James. James did have a father named Samuel, and dates that are a better fit come from IGI sources (see beneath).

·         http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=/eng/search/ancestorsearchresults.asp   BIRTH: 12 Feb 1809 Davidstown, Kildare, Ireland  DEATH: Jul 1858, Davidstown, Kildare, Ireland.  FATHER: John JACKSON  MOTHER: Mary CUNDALL.) He married ELIZABETH BROWNE

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org,  http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=/eng/search/ancestorsearchresults.asp   BIRTH: 12 Feb 1809 Davidstown, Kildare, Ireland  DEATH: Jul 1858, Davidstown, Kildare, Ireland.  FATHER: John JACKSON  MOTHER: Mary CUNDALL.) was born 12 Feb 1809 in Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland, and died Jul 1858 in Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland.  He married ELIZABETH BROWNE (Source: (1) Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson., (2).

[70] Elizabeth BROWNE

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, Birth: Castledermot, Kildare, Ireland  Death:  About MAR 1848   Ballybarney,Davidstown, , Kildare, Ireland  Burial:  Glassely, Kildare, Ireland  Spouse: Samuel Jackson   Marriage:1830, in Co. Kildare, Ireland.  She was born Abt. 1810 in of Casteldermot, Co. Kildare, Ireland d

[71] Castledermot is currently in the south east part of Co. Kildare (before then, the border was drawn such that it was in Co. Wicklow). It experienced a 53% drop in population during the famine years - Pop of 1,416 in 1841 and 666 in 1851. At the time of Griffiths Valuation, a Henry BROWNE held land at Woodlands East, Parish of Castledermot, Co. Kildare.), and died Abt. Mar 1848 in Ballybarney, Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland

[72] Glassely

[73] Mary Anne JACKSON was born Abt. 1832, and died in perhaps Ballickmoyler Co Laois

·         NOTE: Her birth date and marriage are merely conjecture, based on the following mention:  www.familysearch.org  Marriage of Mary Anne Jackson age 20 on 10 May 1852 to  Thomas Neale, Kilcullen, Kildare.  Fa: James Neale/Fa: Samuel Jackson #M70206-8 #101339  SOURCE: http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/irl-kildare/2011-09/1317274117 , and the twin children were mentioned.  Another mention from the same posting person: Mary Anne Jackson married Thomas Neale and went to live in Ballickmoyler Co Laois.

·         She married THOMAS NEALE:  www.familysearch.org   Marriage of Mary Anne Jackson age 20 on 10 May 1852 to  Thomas Neale, Kilcullen, Kildare.  Fa: James Neale/Fa: Samuel Jackson #M70206-8 #101339.) 10 May 1852. 

[74] Ballickmoyler

[75] Thomas NEALE

[76] Letishia NEALE

[77] Thomas NEALE

[78] Sarah JACKSON

·         Email Robyn Little 2020 Jan 14

[79] Elizabeth JACKSON

·         Email Robyn Little 2020 Jan 14

[80] James JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, In this tree, he was a son of Samuel JACKSON & Elizabeth BROWN.

·         Son Samuel was present at death.

·         In the 1901 Census, there is a listing that has enough names to line up. This James is age 65, hence b. 1836; born in Co. Kildare, Baptist, farmer; house 3 in Davidstown, Ballyshannon, Co. Kildare. Wife Jane, age 61; Son Samuel age 37; John age 33; Lily age 22.) was born 24 May 1835 in Davidstown, Co. Kildare, Ireland

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, Birth:  24 MAY 1835   Davidstown, , Kildare, Ireland  Christening:  05 JUN 1835     Kilcullen, Kildare, Ireland  Death:  1914   Kilcullen, Kildare, Ireland.), and died 1914 in of Davidstown, Ballyshannon, Co. Kildare, Ireland (Source: 1911 Census, House #2, Davidstown, Ballyshannon, Co. Kildare. religion: Baptist.

·         Although the census says that they only ever had 2 children born, there is other evidence that indicates they had 4 children.). 

·         He married JANE COOPER (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, COOPERS stem from John COOPER sergeant in army of Cromwell 1657. Received land as pay.) 06 Feb 1862 in Kilcullen, Kildare, Ireland

·         LDS Records  JACKSON, James Marriage  Wife:   Jane COOPER  Marriage Date: 6 Feb 1862 Recorded in: Kilcullen, Kildare, Ireland   Collection: Civil Registration   Husband's Father: Samuel JACKSON  Wife's Father: Anthony COOPER  Source:       FHL Film 101439 Dates: 1862 - 1862  .), daughter of ANTHONY COOPER. 

[81] Jane COOPER She was born 1840 in Co Kildare

·         1901 Census, Age 61 at time of Census.), and died Aft. 1911 (Source: LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, IGI records have her death as 1910, but this does not fit with the census date. It also has her birth date as 27 April 1827, which may be accurate.).

·         Death cert 1912 Nov 25 at Beech Lawn. Son John present at death.

[82] Samuel JACKSON (Source: 1901 Census, Age 37 at time of Census. Farmer; unmarried.), b. 1864, Co. Kildare, Ireland; d. Aft. 1911 (Source: 1911 Census, Unmarried in 1911.

[83] Thomas JACKSON

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, Film # 101102.), b. 13 Feb 1865, Fontstown, Barony Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland.

[84] John JACKSON b. 01 Feb 1868, Fontstown, Barony Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.

·         1901 Census, Age 33 at time of Census; farmer, unmarried.); d. Aft. 1911

·         1911 Census, Unmarried in 1911.); m. VIOLET UNNAMED

[85] Violet UNNAMED

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.

[86] Charles Anthony JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, My grand father, C. A. Jackson was an agent with the Bank of Ireland. .,

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, JACKSON, Charles Anthony Birth    Gender: Male  Birth Date: 4 Feb 1870 Birthplace: 477, Fontstown, Kild, Ire  Recorded in:       Kildare, Ireland  Collection: Civil Registration  Father: James JACKSON Mother: Jane COOPER  Source: FHL Film 101207Dates:            1870 - 1871.,

·         1911 Census, In 1911, he was a Sub. Agent for the Bank of Ireland; married for 13 years. He and Lily had three children born, 2 were living.,

·         1901 Census, He was a Protestant Episcopalian, Cashier at the Bank of Ireland.) was born 04 Feb 1870 in Fontstown, Barony Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland, and died  (Source: 1911 Census, Note he does not show up in Co. Kildare in 1911 Census.).  

·         He married LILIAN MAUDE WILSON (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.) 1898 (Source: 1911 Census, At the time of the census, he had been married 13 years.).  She was born in Antrim or Down (Source: Note, The 1901 Census says she was born in Antrim; the 1911 Census says she was born in Co. Down.).

·         Marriage Certificate: Married November 25, 1897 at St. Anne’s CoI, Belfast

[87] Lilian Maude WILSON

·         Buried Mount Jerome Cemetery, Dublin South, Ireland: In Loving Memory | CHARLES ANTHONY JACKSON | Died 31st May 1948, aged 78: Beloved husband of | LILIAN MAUD JACKSON | who died 28th November 1942 | and was interred in The Borough Cemetery | Douglas, Isle of Man

·         Ian Macrae Family Tree at Ancestry – included as part of his WILSON Family Tree.

[88] Charles Ivar Arthur JACKSON b. 1902 Feb 7, Tullylough, Cavan, Co. Cavan, Ireland

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, Known as CIA Jackson - a much decorated military officer. Lt Col C. I. A. Jackson commanded the embryo Parachute Regiment in about 1942.

·         Birth Cert verifies place of birth

·         1911 Census, He is age 9. His family are living in House #36, York Street, Dock War, Antrim.).

[89] Tullylough

[90] Major John G. JACKSON

·         He served in the Kings Own Rifles and sent me his notes on his family tree that had been prepared by his uncle Bishop James Marcus Neville JACKSON (1909-2008) of Toronto. My connection with him came about because he met up with Pat Roberts at a Kings Rifle reunion, and they got talking about JACKSON family history. Pat Roberts was a g-grandson of Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915), and I had visited with him and his wife the year before in England. His sketch of the family tree came the old fashioned way – through the mail.

[91] Denise BLACKLOCK

[92] Rosemary JACKSON

[93] Carolyn JACKSON

[94] Dr. Andrew JACKSON

·         He served as an M.D. with HSBC.

[95] Unnamed JACKSON

[96] James Marcus Neville JACKSON b. 1909 Belturbet, Cavan, Co. Cavan,

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, Archdeacon of Toronto Cathedral.), Ireland; d. Bef. Nov 2008, Toronto, Canada (Source: Note, He was remembered in an All Souls day Commemoration of the Faithful Departed on Nov 2, 2008.); m. IVY PLUMBLY (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

[97] Belturbet

[98] Ivy PLUMBLY

[99] Michael JACKSON

[100] Elizabeth JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.) was born 1879 in Co. Kildare, Ireland

·         Ian Macrae Family Tree at Ancestry – included as part of his WILSON Family Tree.

·         Her birth cert shows she was born in Fontstown.

·         1901 Census, Lily JACKSON, age 22. 

·         She married JEREMIAH DOUGLAS (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.) 1903 (Source: 1911 Census, 8 years married at time of census.).  He was born 1871 in Co. Wicklow, Ireland (Source: 1911 Census, Methodist; Civil Servant, Staff Officer & Commission.).

[101] Jeremiah DOUGLAS

[102] Doreen Alexandra DOUGLAS

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.), b. 1906; m. VALENTINE KERWIN (Source: Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.).

·         Ian Macrae Family Tree at Ancestry – included as part of his WILSON Family Tree.

[103] Ena Kathleen DOUGLAS

·         1911 Census.

·         Ian Macrae Family Tree at Ancestry – included as part of his WILSON Family Tree.

[104] Susan JACKSON 1837-1837

[105] Ealy JACKSON 1839-1901

·         Ealy was a g-g-grandmother of Robyn LITTLE.

·         2020 Jan 14 Robyn Little email: Ealy and George came over on the Northern Bride 1860 pregnant with 1 toddler. Crew under Capt Betts was going to rebel but Samuel was born in a caul and supposedly they carried on but deserted ship in Auckland. Are having trouble finding further records for Northern Bride.

[106] George SAUNDERS

[107] Bridget JACKSON

[108] Letitia JACKSON

[109] Margaret JACKSON

[110] Ellen Jane JACKSON

[111] William DREARDON

[112] Harriet JACKSON

[113] Unnamed TREGOWETH

[114] Richard JACKSON b. 1815; d. 16 Jan 1899, Dunlevin, Killenane, Parish Killcullen, Barony Kilcullen, Co Kildare.

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson.,

·         Genealogy.com, http://genforum.genealogy.com/jackson/messages/21130.html   For Anne Dunkley Jackson B 1864 (exact), Kilcullen CI parish, Co. Kildare, with a   father forenamed Ri(chard), I found 1 rcd.  For R(ichard) Jackson B 1865 ditto, ditto.    For Mary Elizabeth " B 1867 ditto, ditto.    For Ellen " B 1869 ditto, ditto.    For William Frederick " B 1871 ditto, ditto.    For Benjamin James " B 1873 ditto, ditto.    For Maria/Louisa " B 1877 ditto, ditto.,

·         Griffiths Valuations, In 1852-1853 in Killinane, Parish of Killcullen, a Richard JACKSON leased a substantial farm - 200 acres - from Charles Roberts. A Richard JACKSON also leased 117 acres in Davidstown, Parish of Davidstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban East. This is significant because his father lived in that parish. It would not surprise me if he was the same Richard JACKSON who leased 120 acres at Boley Great, Fontstown, Barony of Narragh & Reban.) was born 1815 (Source: Note, Email from Jill Watson 07/10/2011.), and died 16 Jan 1899 in Dunlevin, Killenane, Parish Killcullen, Barony Kilcullen, Co Kildare (Source: Irish Will Probates, Richard JACKSON late of Killenane Dunlevin Co Kildare d 16 Jan 1899 granted to Richard JACKSON of Tullamore, Kings Co Bank Accountant.).  He married LOUISA JANE DUNKLEY (Source: Genealogy.com, http://genforum.genealogy.com/jackson/messages/20551.html

·         RICHARD JACKSON m. LOUISA JANE DUNCKLEY 1863 in Ireland, probably in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare (Yellow Bog Church). They had following children:- 1864 Ann. 1865 Richard. 1867 Mary Eliz.. 1869 Ellen Jane who went to NEW ZEALAND m. Wm. Deardon. 1871 Wm. Fred. 1873 Benjamin James and 1877 twins - Maria and Louisa Jane.  Richard Jackson had a brother Samuel m. Eliza. Browne and four of their daughters went to New Zealand (Ealy, Mary Ann, Margaret, and Letitia. Ellen Jane may have gone too).) 14 Jan 1862 in probably Yellow Bog Church, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, Ireland

[115] Louisa Jane DUNKLEY

·         LDS Records  JACKSON, Richard  Wife:    Louise DUNKLEY Marriage Date:14 Jan 1862 Recorded in:    Baltinglass, Wicklow, Ireland    Collection: Civil Registration   Husband's Father:John JACKSON  Wife's Father: William DUNKLEY  FHL Film 101433 Dates: 1862 - 1862  .). 

·         She was born 1841 in Dublin, Ireland (Source: 1901 Census, Birthplace given as Dublin.), and died Aft. 1911 in probably Usk, Barony of Narragh & Reban East, Co. Kildare, Ireland (Source: (1) 1901 Census,

·         In the 1901 Census, she is recorded as a 60 year old widow, farmer, Church of Ireland. In her home, house 8 in Usk, Killenane, at the time were three daughters: Annie D.; Ellen; and Maria E., all employed at home. There was also a grand-daughter, Mary R. JACKSON, age 7 who was born in Co. Mayo.,

·         In the 1911 Census, she is living in a Class #1 house with 12 rooms, and also leases a second house in the townland, a Class 2 House to Benjamin Archibald. She is living with 2 unmarried daughters, Annie D. JACKSON & Kathleen M.L. JACKSON (b1885 - which is just within the likely fertility window, and at first was suspect, given Louisa's age of 48 at the time of Kathleen's birth, but I found her birth cert). It is also curious that the Kathleen JACKSONs of a suitable age in the 1901 census do not show up as born in Co. Kildare, although some are clearly students living in Dublin, nor are they resident with Louisa JACKSON.).

[116] Ann Dunkley JACKSON

[117] Richard William JACKSON

·         1901 Census, He was a widower, resident lodger at 39 Charleville Street, Tullarmore Urban, Kings Co.; Cashier Bk of Inland; Church of Ireland.,

·         1911 Census, He is an Agent Bank of Ireland Charleville; Church of Ireland; married 6 years with a 2 year old son; resident at #67 Main Street, Charleville, Co. Cork.) was born 01 Nov 1865 in probably Killenane, Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, and died Aft. 1911.  He married (1) UNNAMED.  She died Bef. 1901.  He married (2) BELINDA HESTER SHERLOCK 1905.  She was born Abt. 1878 in Co. Cork, and died Aft. 1911.      

[118] UNNAMED I could not find a marriage cert.

[119] Belinda Hester SHERLOCK

·         I have their marriage cert.

[120] Ballymoden

[121] Rev. Robert Wyse JACKSON

·         He was an author: R.Wyse Jackson: "Swift and His Circle, A Book of Essays" 1st ed., 1945. Fp. Seamus O'Sullivan Fore-word.

·         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wyse_Jackson   Wyse Jackson was born in Kilcullen, County Kildare, Ireland, the son of Richard William Jackson and Belinda Hester Sherlock.

[122] Margaretta Nolan McDONALD

[123] Peter JACKSON

[124] Lois Margery PHAIR

[125] Mary Elizabeth JACKSON

·         Birth cert gives place of birth

[126] Ellen Jane JACKSON

·         ELLEN JANE JACKSON (Source: (1) Genealogy.com, RICHARD JACKSON m. LOUISA JANE DUNCKLEY 1863 in Ireland, probably in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare (Yellow Bog Church)  They had following children:- 1864 Ann. 1865 Richard. 1867 Mary Eliz.. 1869 Ellen Jane who went to NEW ZEALAND m. Wm. Deardon. 1871 Wm. Fred. 1873 Benjamin James and 1877 twins - Maria and Louisa Jane.  Richard Jackson had a brother Samuel m. Eliza. Browne and four of their daughters went to New Zealand (Ealy, Mary Ann, Margaret, and Letitia. Ellen Jane may have gone too)  I would be pleased to hear from some descendants!, (2) LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, JACKSON, Ellen Birth   Gender: Female   Birth Date: 27 Feb 1869 Birthplace: 933, Kilcullen, Kild, Ire   Recorded in:  Kildare, Ireland   Collection: Civil Registration   Father:            Richard JACKSON  Mother: Louisa Jane DUNCKLEY  Source: FHL Film 101186 Dates:          1869 - 1870  .), b. 27 Feb 1869, probably Killenane, Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare; d. possibly New Zealand; m. WILLIAM DEARDON

[127] William DEARDON

[128] William Frederick JACKSON

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, JACKSON, Benjamin James  Birth  Gender: Male  Birth Date: 31 Aug 1873Birthplace: Kilcullen, Kild, Ire  Recorded in:  Kildare, Ireland  Collection: Civil Registration  Father: Richard JACKSON  Mother: Louisa Jane DUNCKLEY  Source: FHL Film 255889 Dates: 1873 – 1874  .), b. 06 Jul 1871, probably Killenane, Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare.

·         1901 Census he was an unmarried farmer living with his brother Benjamin at House #1 Racefield, Balyshannon, Co. Kildare .  NOTE: I suspect I have the wrong William JACKSON. This one had James JACKSON as a father according to his marriage licence to Adelaide Maude BLACKMORE

[129] Benjamin James JACKSON

·         LDS - IGI records, familysearch.org, JACKSON, Benjamin James  Birth    Gender: Male  Birth Date: 31 Aug 1873 Birthplace: Kilcullen, Kild, Ire   Recorded in:  Kildare, Ireland  Collection: Civil Registration   Father: Richard JACKSON   Mother: Louisa Jane DUNCKLEY  Source: FHL Film 255889 Dates: 1873 – 1874  .), b. 31 Aug 1873, probably Killenane, Parish Kilcullen, Co. Kildare.

·         Killinane given as place of birth in Birth cert.

·         1901 Census he was an unmarried farmer living with his brother William at House #1 Racefield, Balyshannon, Co. Kildare. NOTE: I suspect I have the wrong Benjamin JACKSON.

[130] Louisa Jane JACKSON

·         Her birth cert gives place of birth

[131] Maria JACKSON

[132] Kathleen Marion Louisa JACKSON 1885-?

·         I have her birth certificate, so in spite of my doubts about her mother being too old to have another child, her birth date is incontestable.

·         2020 Jan 14 email Robyn Little: Kathleen went onto become a qualified nurse at the Royal City of Dublin Hosp. Date of reg. Aug 29 1923

[133] Isaac JACKSON

·         Family tree of Major John G. Jackson, Prepared by James Marcus Neville Jackson, Shoemaker, Kingston, Upper Canada.,

·         NOTE: In 1690, an Isaac JACKSON and Anne THOMPSON had a son, Thomas JACKSON born at Ballitore, Co. Kildare. SOURCE: LDS-IGI.), b. 1755.

[134] Richard JACKSON

[135] Henry JACKSON ADDED: February 22, 2025: He likely had a son Samuel, a Cotton Manufacturer, and husband of Anne BOARDMAN



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