See also a detailed tree of the descendents of Robert JACKSON.
Sharon Oddie Brown. August 24, 2016
Update August 25, 2016. Thanks to Jan Waugh, christening info on the children of Robert JACKSON and Joyce SHAW were found at Family Search, and I have made the subsequent changes to the family tree. Also thanks to these new dates and location of christenings, I poked around a bit more, and now know that the family was not only Presbyterian, but were also more likely to be from the north of England than from Scotland. I have added new sources and other potential clues at the bottom of this page .
Update: May 31, 2023 Added ROD: 257-321-167388
Jacksons of
Crooked Staff, Dublin
This family tree began with parish registers of St.
Catherine’s Church, Dublin, and was fleshed out with data from memorials of
deeds. Where the first known Robert JACKSON, a tanner, originated from, I do
not know. Here are a few facts to consider (the tree is beneath, as are more
detailed notes on deeds):
- Robert & Joyce JACKSON had four sons, and one of them,
William JACKSON (abt 1682-bef 1772) was a tanner of Kilmainham. In 1713, he held a lease to land commonly known as Farley’s holdings in town of Killmainham. Next
adjoining to the bridge at the upper end of Killmainham leading from the
town of Kilmainham to the new hospital mearing and bounding on the East
unto the Lord Ross’s land, on the North to the River of Camock or Camrick
and to the West and South unto the street leading from the Town to the
said bridge of Killmainham
- I suspect there is a relationship between the JACKSONs of
Crooked Staff and the William JACKSON (1779-1812) who d 8 Aug 1812 age 33
& also 8 of his children who died in infancy, and his wife Ann JACKSON
of Exchequer St., Dublin who survived him. He was buried at the Kilmainham Churchyard, Dublin. SOURCE: Jacksons
in Irish Memorials of the Dead.
- Mill street in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore was
known as Tanner’s Row.
Crumlin Cemetery (the old St. Mary's Church):
JACKSON: This Stone and Burial Place Belongeth to Will"11 Jackson of Mill Street Tanner and his Posterity 1772. SOURCE: JMDI iv p. 231
- On the assumption that a trade may connect families, it is
worth noting other known JACKSON tanners who may or may not have a connection:
- Daniel JACKSON of Athy: ROD: 2-437-552. Jul 15, 1709 Between Wentworth CAVANAGH, Gent of Athy, Co. Kildare & Daniel JACKSON of same, tanner. Indenture of release in consideration of sum of 40 pounds., all that and those the houses and holdings of William ADDIS in the Market Street of Athy containing 84 feet to the front in the same street eastward and to the river backwards 143 ft. with the 7 acres & 23 perches … for natural life of said Wentworth CAVANAGH, his son James CAVANAGH & Beshell WESTON son of son of Thomas WESTON of Athy.. rent 8 pounds 6p,
- DEED: 43-421-28800 Indenture May 6, 1724 Wm. JAMES of Athy. Co. Kildare, Tanner did demise & set to Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff in Co. Dublin Tanner and Josiah JACKSON of Glassholly, Co. Kildare Farmer lease of house in Athy from Robert JACKSON to Josiah JACKSON for 22 years. NOTE: Was Josiah a son or nephew of the Robert JACKSON (1681-aft 1725) - the son of Robert JACKSON & Joyce SHAW?
- Co. Down JACKSONs: Here also lieth the body of Gilbert Jackson of Newton, tanner, who departed this life 22 Sep 1723 aged 46 years.
- I need to refind some records that I recalll that I once had for a Richard JACKSON (1769-1836), husband of Margaret Irwin, and son of Joseph JACKSON of Co. Tyrone. He made his fortune from leather, as did some of the JACKSONs in Drogheda in the 1600s.
- The first branch of the Bank of Ireland opened at Boot Lane and St. Mary's Abbey in 1783 in a private house previously owned by one Charles Blakeney, but
had to move because of the smell of an adjacent tanyard.
SOURCE: Bicentenary Essays: Bank of Ireland 1783-1983. ed. F.S.L. Lyons. Dublin. 1983. |
- ROD: 2-44-250 Jan 11, 1708 are somehow connected to this
family. Dorcas GREEN married Francis JACKSON in 1676, and the will of
Francis JACKSON, a clothier, was probated in 1696. SOURCE: NA Ireland. Green Mss/III/I/p43. Doc # 27960. I do not yet know how it connects, and whether
Francis JACKSON (?-abt 1696) may also be related to Michael JACKSON the
clothier of nearby Pimlico. The land was described as: all those
houses tanyards, backside gardens,
backhouses, stables & Appurtenances held by George BLACKHALL on the
south side of the Upper Comb in the Liberties of Thomas Court &
Donore, Dublin, containing breadth in the front 93 ft or thereabouts, in
the rere.. and in depth to Mutton Lane of 312 ft… during natural lives of Dorcus
JACKSON, wife of the late Francis JACKSON & Jane her
daughter, wife of the said George [BLACKHALL] & Mary JACKSON grand daughter to the said Francis JACKSON. A map drawn in 1749
shows a portion of that parcel owned by a person named Vicars, possibly a
son (William VICARS) of the Joyce JACKSON, daughter of Robert & Joyce,
who married Jeremiah VICARS. None of the land is still held by JACKSONs.
- ROD: 21-506-12291 links the names of Mary JACKSON & George
BLACKALL as well as John SHAW & Henry SHAW with property at the
Crooked Staff, with the house built by Henry LITTON, builder, plus other
properties on S side of Upper Comb, Liberties Thomas Court & Donore. NOTE: Joyce SHAW wife of Michael JACKSON is
likely related to John & Henry SHAW.
- ROD: 53-32-34285 Mar 23, 1726 links the names of John
SHAW& Henry SHAW & Robert JACKSON [1711] slip of land near
Crooked Staff bounded as follows: on the East joining to another holding
of Robert JACKSON deceased in partly with the holding of Edward
COLGAN on the West. Partly to the holding of Timothy EMERSON and partly
with the holding of David CARTON on the North fronting Cork Street and on
the south fronting Chambers Street and containing in breadth to the front
of Cork St 28 ft or thereabouts and in breadth in front Chambers St. 38 ft
or thereabouts except the gateway as it was then leading in the of said Robert
JACKSON dec’d other holding and in length from North to South 218
feet or thereabouts on that end the said piece of Ground near Chambers St
the said Robert JACKSON dec’d had one new large dwelling house on
the other and fronting Corke St. James WHITELL carpenter tenant to the
said Robert JACKSON dec’d had built one other new large dwelling
house. NOTE: The addition of a witness
named Boyde SHAW may be a useful clue about how Francis JACKSON & Dorcas
GREEN are connected to the JACKSONs of Crooked Staff etc.
- How does the Rev William
JACKSON of Clonmell, Tipperary and also of Cork fit in (see mention in Strettle
JACKSON page as well as references in deeds beneath)? It is possible that he was a Presbyterian Minister. There were congregations in Clonmell, Cork & Dublin.
The red lines indicate streets where the Jacksons of Crooked Staff held leases in the 1700s. |
ROD: 2-44-250 Jan 11, 1708 all those houses tanyards, backside gardens, backhouses, stables
& Appurtenances held by George BLACKHALL on the south side of the Upper
Comb in the Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore, Dublin, containing
breadth in the front 93 ft or thereabouts, in the rere.. and in depth to Mutton
Lane of 312 ft |
ROD: 2-46-251 Jan 12, 1708. lands formerly in
possession of Thomas BROOKS on the other side of the river on Crooked Staff
in the Liberty of Donore with a Tanyard and Tanfatts thereunto belonging as
also a tan house and dwelling house |
ROD: 3-478-1277. Jun 6, 1710. messuage on other side of
river at Crooked Staff, Donore |
ROD: 7-464-2897 Feb 23 1711. the front tenement in Crooked
Staff sett to several tenants being part of the holding he therein after
Bequeathed to his son Robert JACKSON [eldest son] for his use “for ever of
his Dwelling House, Tan Yard, Tan House, Bark House, Mill and other Buildings
and Improvements made thereon Excepting the passage or Gateway backward from Chambre
Street |
ROD: 14-465-66603 Jul 14, 1715. house & Tenement
late in possession of Thos PARENCE, south side of Cork St in Liberty
of Thomas Court & Donore |
ROD: 11-52-3966 Jan 6, 1713. commonly known as Farley’s
holdings in town of Killmainham. Next adjoining to the bridge at the upper
end of Killmainham leading from the town of Kilmainham to the new hospital
mearing and bounding on the East unto the Lord Ross’s land, on the North to
the River of Camock or Camrick and to the West and South unto the street
leading from the Town to the said bridge of Killmainham. |
ROD: 14-125-5580. May 16 1711. Dwelling House in
Chamber St. Incl benefit of the pump. Bounded in front by Chambers St &
in the rere with a stone wall belonging to the premises. NOTE: This was while Robert JACKSON sr was still
alive. |
ROD: 14-465-66603 Jul 14, 1715 south side of Cork St in
Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore. NOTE:
This was to William JACKSON sometime after the death of his father Robert
ROD 15-44-6705. They had rented to Jeremiah VICKERS all that house or tenement situate on the south side of Chambers Street
in the Liberty of the Court of Donore and County of Dublin next adjoining to
Jeremiah VICKERS on the east and to the west to Mr. PORTERs dwelling house
together with the backside house of Ease and all other the appurtenances. NOTE: This was after the decease of Robert JACKSON
[1711] & to his sons John JACKSON and Thomas JACKSON |
ROD: 15-411-7967 Jun 2, 1716. lands of Hodgestown, Barony of Moyfenragh, Co. Meath lands of
Hodgestown, Barony of Moyfenragh, Co. Meath, NOTE:
There is no such townland as Hodgestown, but it may be Bogstown, Parish
of Clonard, Barony of Upper Moyfenrath. Or Dogstown, Parish of Trim, Barony
of Upper Moyfenrath |
ROD 51-441-34286 Apr 2, 1726 house & backside
lately in possession of Thomas [PARENCE?] on [south side] Cork St in liberty
of Thomas Court & Donore, DUB, [16x85 ft] bound by holdings of MATTHEWS
on south, of Bernard BROWN & Isaac ROBERTS on east, for lives of Bernard
BROWN Isaac ROBERTS & Phillip [MARSIN?] at rent and renewal fines
mentioned in deed. |
ROD: 53-32-34285 Mar 23, 1726 slip of land near Crooked
Staff bounded as follows: on the East joining to another holding of Robert
JACKSON deceased in partly with the holding of Edward COLGAN on the West.
Partly to the holding of Timothy EMERSON and partly with the holding of David
CARTON on the North fronting Cork Street and on the south fronting Chambers
Street and containing in breadth to the front of Cork St 28 ft or thereabouts
and in breadth in front Chambers St. 38 ft or thereabouts except the gateway
as it was then leading in the of said Robert JACKSON dec’d other
holding and in length from North to South 218 feet or thereabouts on that
end the said piece of Ground near Chambers St the said Robert JACKSON dec’d had one new large dwelling house on the other and fronting Corke St.
James WHITELL carpenter tenant to the said Robert JACKSON dec’d had
built one other new large dwelling house |
ROD: 161-374-109053 Jul 17 1753. situate in Jackson’s
Alley in the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore City. NOTE: This is more likely part of the
holdings of the JACKSONs of Pimlico. |
ROD: 197-39-129535 Sep 6, 1758 Thomas JACKSON of Marrowbone
Lane in Co & City of Dublin, Linen weaver of 1st pt... ground
fronting Robert Street in Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore... NOTE: Robert Street tees into Marrowbone Lane where
it turns from a westward to a southward direction in a right angle at the
Tenter Fields. This is more likely part of the holdings of the JACKSONs of
Pimlico. |
ROD: 257-321-167388
STEPHENS Book Index 1758-1768
Image 175
Btw William VICARS of City of Dublin Chandler eldest son & heir of Jeremiah VICARS late of Crooked Staff in Co Dublin tanner deceased who was surviving trustee in will of Samuel HEATH late of Kilmainham Co Dublin tanner deceased of 1st part; William JACKSON of Mill Street in Co Dublin tanner only son of Lydia HEATH deceased widow of Samuel HEATH of the 2nd pt; Ann VICARS widow and executrix of Jeremiah VICARS named in the last will of Samuel HEATH Lydia GANNON widow and Elizabeth MELDRUM otherwise SANDERSON otherwise JACKSON of City of Dublin widow Lydia GANON and Elizabeth MELDRUM were daughters of Lydia HEATH & Thomas STEPHENS of Cole Alley Dublin, Merchant of 3rd pt … part of lands of Mullenegrave 2a in possession of William SMTH in Co. Dublin William VICARS [SEAL] William JACKSON [SEAL] WITNESS: John ASHENHURST & Robert JONES
SEE: Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff - Descendants. Mill street in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore was known as Tanner’s Row. Crumlin Cemetery (the old St. Mary's Church): JACKSON: This Stone and Burial Place Belongeth to Will"11 Jackson of Mill Street Tanner and his Posterity 1772. SOURCE: JMDI iv p. 231 |
1-Robert JACKSON d. 1711, of Crooked Staff, Dublin,
Ireland (buried at St. Nicholas)
+Joyce SHAW m. 30 Nov 1680, St. Catherines, Dublin
…..2-Thomas JACKSON b 1682. d 1684 SOURCE: St. Catherines Church of Ireland, Dublin
…..2-Elizabeth JACKSON b.
1686. SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church.
…..2-Robert JACKSON b. Abt 1688, SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church. d. Bet 1725-1727 +Unknown
………3-William JACKSON c. 31 Jan 1702, St. Catherine's, Dublin NOTE: Now that I have his father's DOB, it is clear that this William has to be a son of another Robert JACKSON. I have unlinked him.
…..2-Joyce JACKSON b. 1689 SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church. +Jeremiah VICARS d. After 1755. married 1707
………3-William VICARS
…..2-William JACKSON b. Abt 1682,SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church. d. Bef 24 Sep 1772, Mill
Street, Dublin, C. Dublin
+Anne HUNT b. Bef 1717, m. 6 Jun 1739, d. After 1787, par.
John HUNT and Jane
………3-Elizabeth JACKSON +Joseph HONE b. 1747, m. 28 Jul 1768,
St. Luke's, Dublin, Ireland, d. 1803, par. Joseph HONE and Unknown
...............4-Joseph HONE b. 1775, d. 1857 +Elinor
MAXWELL , par. Richard MAXWELL and Unknown
, par. Leland CROSSTHWAIT and Unknown
....................5-Anne HONE b. 1804 +Brindley HONE b.
1796, d. 1862
.........................6-Nathaniel HONE b. 1831, d. 1917 +Magdalen
....................5-Lucy HONE b. 1805
....................5-Nathaniel HONE b. 1806
....................5-Joseph HONE b. 1806, d. 1864
....................5-Leland C. HONE b. 1807
....................5-William Jackson HONE b. 1808
....................5-Eleanor HONE b. 1809
....................5-Susannah HONE b. 1810
....................5-Thomas C. HONE b. 1813, d. 1861
+Lucretia TANDY m.
1841 +Mary HONE b. Bef 1842, m. bet 1841-8145
.........................6-James Tandy HONE b. 1845
.........................6-Nathaniel HONE b. 1847
.........................6-Anne HONE b. 1848
...............4-John HONE b. 1776, d. 1836, North Great
Georges, St., Dublin, bur. 1836, Parish of Crumlin, Dublin +Anne CROSSTHWAIT ,
par. Leland CROSSTHWAIT and Unknown
....................5-Elizabeth HONE b. 1805
....................5-Eleanor HONE b. 1807
....................5-Joseph HONE b. 1809
....................5-Lucy HONE b. 1811
....................5-Leland HONE b. 1812
....................5-Anne HONE b. 1813
....................5-Harriet HONE b. 1816
....................5-Nathaniel HONE b. 1819
....................5-Anne Maria HONE b. 1823
...............4-William HONE b. 1782, d. 1859
d. 1859, par. Leland CROSSTHWAIT and Unknown.NOTE The baptisms of their children are at St. Eustace Church, Dublin and can be found on FamilySearch film 100238 (I have not yet entered them).
....................5-Joseph HONE b. 1804, d. 1865, of Lower
Leeson St., Dublin
....................5-Leland HONE b. 1806
....................5-Nathaniel HONE b. 1810
....................5-Thomas HONE b. 1817, d. 1875 +Jane
BROWNING m. 1845
....................5-William HONE b. 1827, d. 1853
....................5-Mary HONE d. 15 Mar 1866, Annadale,
Dublin, Ireland
...............4-Anne HONE
...............4-Elizabeth HONE
...............4-Elinor HONE
………3-Anne JACKSON +Nathaniel HONE m. 6 May 1779, St
Catherine’s Church, Dublin, Ireland
…..2-John JACKSON b. 1692 SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church.
…..2-Thomas JACKSON b.1692 SOURCE: St. Eustace Presbyterian Church. d. After 1711
NOTE: The Family
Search file on St. Eustace includes a number of other names that are mentioned in the
· Ralph CARD, wife Angel. NOTE: A Ralph
CARD is mentioned as a life along with John SHAW and Henry SHAW in relation to
leases for properties on S side of Upper Comb, Liberties Thomas Court &
Donore in 1718, and also in regard to the wedding of William JACKSON and Anne
· Samuel CARD was married to a Mary. On this page of Family
Search, it seems that he had three daughters and no sons are recorded.
· A GREEN family had a number of baptisms at St. Eustace, but I
could not find one for Dorcas.
· John SHAW & Henry SHAW appear as lives in a 1718 lease. A
John SHAW was christened Mar 31, 1781 and a Henry SHAW was christened June 7, 1783
– both children of a Thomas SHAW & wife Ann.
· Other JACKSON births recorded at St. Eustace – possibly later relations (and worth exploring):
Notes of Memorials
of Deeds relating to the JACKSONs of Crooked Staff, tanners.
NOTE: Some of these memorials may be a better fit with the JACKSONs
of Pimlico who were clothiers.
Bk |
Pg |
Mem |
Name |
Date |
Notes |
2 |
44 |
250 |
JACKSON, George & Dorcus & Jane |
1708 Jan 11 |
Between Winfield ATTKINSON of Crooked Staff and Liberty of
Thomas Court & Donore, Dublin Merchant & Anne BEYSLEY of Delfins Barn
[ka Dolphins Barn], widow exec of Edmond BEYSLEY late of Delfinsbarne dec’d…,
reciting that George BLACKHALL, City of Dublin GENT did by indenture of lease
dated Jan 23, 1706 demised to Winfield ATTKINSON all those houses tanyards,
backside gardens, backhouses, stables & Appurtenances held by George
BLACKHALL on the south side of the Upper Comb in the Liberties of Thomas
Court & Donore, Dublin, containing breadth in the front 93 ft or
thereabouts, in the rere.. and in depth to Mutton Lane of 312 ft… during
natural lives of Dorcus JACKSON, wife of the late Francis JACKSON & Jane her daughter, wife of the said George [BLACKHALL] & Mary
JACKSON grand daughter to the said Francis JACKSON
JACKSON Darcus Mortgage Life JACKSON Francis deceased
mentioned , clothier of the one part & John WINTERBOTTAM and An BEYSLEY,
Jane JACKSON daughter of said Dorcas Jackson & now
wife of George BLACKHALL Mortgage JACKSON Mary granddaughter of said Francis
Jackson Mortgage MOS
is not the Francis
JACKSON (b 1632) in the Coleraine line (he was a clergyman – not a clothier).Dorcas
GREENE married Francis JACKSON in 1676. SOURCE: NA: Green Mss/III/I/p43. Doc # 27960. A will was probated
for a Francis JACKSON 1696 St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin, Gent NOTE:
This Francis is likely related to those at JACKSONs
of St. Catherines Church.
If this is the case, then they would also likely connect
to Robert JACKSON, tanner of Crooked Staff: SEE: Exploring JACKSON links between Dublin & Co.
Meath NOTE: Dorcas GREEN
married Francis JACKSON in 1676, and the will of Francis JACKSON, a clothier,
was probated in 1696. SOURCE: NA Ireland. Green
Mss/III/I/p43. Doc # 27960. Jane JACKSON
wife of George BLACKHALL died intestate 1718. A George BLACKHALL was Lord
Mayor of Dublin in 1694-95, but what is curious is the history of 17 Eustace
St-A History has an alternate wife for him: Richard Blackhall or
Blackall who settled at Black Island, Co. Limerick, from where he was
expelled and robbed by the rebels in 1641.40 Richard was later besieged at
Kilfinny Castle by Confederate Forces under Lord Muskerry. The third son to
issue from the marriage of Richard Blackhall was George, Alderman of
Angier Street, Dublin (1693), Receiver General (1693), Lord Mayor of Dublin
(1694) and City Treasurer (1695). George Blackhall was removed from
office with other Protestants by James II, but restored by William III in
1690. He was married on 9th September 1672 to Judith (1652-1709), the
daughter of Alderman Lewis Dès Mynières, Lord Mayor of Dublin (1669), the son
of Robert of Rouen, France and died in 1701 after having had issue, including
his eldest son, Thomond (1674-1714) of Littlerath, Co. Kildare. |
1 |
2 |
46 |
251 |
JACKSON, Robert |
1708 Jan 12 |
Between Jonathon DODDRIDGE of the Liberty of Thomas Court
& Donore, Co. Dublin, Brewer & Mary BROOKS als DODDRIDGE wife of the
said Jonathon exec of Thomas BROOKS, Tanner late of the aforesaid Liberty
& whereas DODDRIDGE assigned to Robert JACKSON of Liberty of
Thomas Court & Donore the lands formerly in possession of Thomas BROOKS
on the other side of the river on Crooked Staff in the Liberty of Donore with
a Tanyard and Tanfatts thereunto belonging as also a tan house and dwelling
house for 81 pounds 4 shillings... & Robert JACKSON Tanner Thomas
Court, Donore, DUB Mortgage WITNESS: Francis CHARRIER of City of Dublin,
Gent. NOTE: A map drawn in 1749 shows a
portion of that parcel owned by a person named Vicars, possibly a son
(William VICARS) of the Joyce JACKSON, daughter of Robert & Joyce, who
married Jeremiah VICARS. None of the land is still held by JACKSONs. The land
was now referred to as Booter Park. |
1 |
3 |
478 |
1277 |
Jackson, Robert |
1710 Jun 6 |
Assignment. Reciting an earlier deed of October 3, 1698
William BARRY, Scrivener of Dublin City Witness. John
BROOKES, deceased tanner; Thomas BROOKES, deceased, tanner; Jonathon
DODDRIDGE, brewer & Mrs, Mary DODDRIDGE, ors BROOKES, administratrix of
said Thomas Brookes, of 1st part; Robert JACKSON, tanner
of Thomas Court, Donore, Dublin City of 2nd part. messuage on
other side of river at Crooked Staff, Donore, Dublin The assignment is on the
back of a Mortgage dated 30 June 1708
Richard MARPLES also described as a Notary Public.
WITNESS: Jeremiah VICARS, Tanner. MOS |
1 |
7 |
464 |
2897 |
JACKSON, Robert |
1711 Feb 23 |
Book Index 1708-1729
His will. A Memorial of the last will and testament of Robert
JACKSON late of Crooked Staff in the Liberty of Donore and County of
Dublin Tanner deceased bearing date the Twenty-third day of February 1711,
whereby the said Robert JACKSON (inter alia) did devise unto his beloved wife Joyce JACKSON the front tenement in Crooked Staff sett to several
tenants being part of the holding he therein after Bequeathed to his son
Robert JACKSON [eldest son] for his use “for ever of his Dwelling House, Tan
Yard, Tan House, Bark House, Mill and other Buildings and Improvements made
thereon Excepting the passage or Gateway backward from Chambre Street which
he did will and declare to be part of the Holding bequeathed to his son William
JACKSON...” sons John JACKSON & Thomas JACKSON son-in-law
Jeremiah VICKERS. Witness Abraham SPENCE, Dublin City Brewer David CARTON
Dublin City Clothier John BLAND servant of Joseph MARRIOT, Gent of Dublin. NOTE: Robert JACKSON m Joyce SHAW 1680. The
relationships are gleaned in the JACKSON
records of St. Catherines. See: Family
Tree of Jacksons of Crooked Staff. |
1 |
11 |
52 |
3966 |
JACKSON, William |
1713 Jun 6 |
BELLEW, John-JACKSON NOTES in 2009 diary. 1708-1729
Between John BELLEW of Castleballin, Co. Galway of 1st
part & William JACKSON of Killmainham, Co. Dublin, Tanner all that
and those the Houses Garden and Yard with the old walls thereunto belonging
then in the possession of the said William JACKSON commonly known as Farley’s
holdings in town of Killmainham. Next adjoining to the bridge at the upper
end of Killmainham leading from the town of Kilmainham to the new hospital
mearing and bounding on the East unto the Lord Ross’s land, on the North to
the River of Camock or Camrick and to the West and South unto the street
leading from the Town to the said bridge of Killmainham… term of 66 years
rent 12 pounds 10 shillings WITNESS: John BEE of the City of Dublin Currier
and William JOHNSON of the same City Gent. Memorial WITNESS: Patrick BELLEW
son of the said John BELLEW confirmed that Indorsement is witnessed by John
BEE & Jeremiah VICKERS of the said City Tanner. NOTE:
William JACKSON (1682-bef 1772) of Mill St, Dublin. He and Anne HUNT had 2
daughters. |
? |
14 |
125 |
5580 |
JACKSON, Robert |
1711 May 16 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Lease between Robert JACKSON [d 1711] of Crooked
Staff, Co. Dublin, Tanner of the one part & Arthur POTTER of Chamber St,
of said Co. Weaver. Of the other part. JACKSON demised to POTTER Dwelling
House in Chamber St. Incl benefit of the pump. Bounded in front by Chambers
St & in the rere with a stone wall belonging to the premises… ease 51
years. Witnessed Jeremiah VICARS, Robert JACKSON jr. & William
CARLING all of the Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore in Co. Dublin,
Tanners. Chamber Street aka Chambre Street. NOTE:
Jeremiah VICARS was a son-in-law of Robert JACKSON (d1711). |
1 |
14 |
465 |
66603 |
JACKSON, William |
1715 Jul 14 |
Deed of Assignment made by Bernard BROWNE of City of
Dublin Esq. & Nathaniel TUMBALE of the same city, clothier of house &
Tenement late in possession of Thos PARENCE, south side of Cork St in Liberty
of Thomas Court & Donore which had been held for lives of sd Bernard
BROWNE, Isaac ROBERTSON, of Roger ROBERTS of Thomas Court Inn holder &
Philip MARTIN of Plimlicoe, merchant... The said Nathanial TUMBALE did in
consideration of 50 pounds sterling pd by William JACKSON of Thomas
Court and Donore in Co. Dublin, Gent assign the premises to Wm JACKSON.
Witnessed John BOOKER, City of Dublin, Looking Glass maker; Jeremiah VICKERS
of the same City, Tanner; and William BARRY of the same, scrivener. |
1 |
15 |
44 |
6705 |
JACKSON, Robert & sons John & Thomas & &
Widow Joyce |
1715 July 1
1715 Sept 2 |
Book Index 1708-1729
Memorial of an Indenture of Lease dated 5 July 1715,
between Joyce JACKSON widow and relict of Robert JACKSON late
of the City of Dublin Tanner deceased, and John JACKSON and Thomas
JACKSON sons of the said Robert JACKSON of the one part They had
rented to Jeremiah VICKERS “all that house or tenement situate on the south
side of Chambers Street in the Liberty of the Court of Donore and County of
Dublin next adjoining to Jeremiah VICKERS on the east and to the west to Mr.
PORTERs dwelling house together with the backside house of Ease and all
other the appurtenances ...” for the yearly rent of £8.10s . Witnesses: Robert
JACKSON a Dublin tanner. William JACKSON of Dublin, gentleman. And
Robert WALLIS and William BARRY scrivener. ... delivered 1 Sept 1715 at 9:15
AM NOTE: His tree is at JACKSONs
of St. Catherines. I have a copy of this Memorial, but there are no
JACKSON signatures on it. |
1 |
15 |
411 |
7967 |
JACKSON, Joyce |
1716 Jun 2 |
JACKSON-CLAYTON 1708-1738 Book Index 1708-1729
Between Joyce JACKSON of City of Dublin, widow of 1st part & the Rev Stafford LIGHTBURN of the 2nd part & Rev
John CLAYTON, Dean of Kildare & Prebend of St. Michans of the other part.
Complicated lease involving lands of Hodgestown, Barony of Moyfenragh, Co.
Meath and leases and mtg of deceased RAYNER…. Joyce JACKSON, widow, in consid
of 129 pounds 17 s 11p + interest released lands to John CLAYTON NOTE: She was the widow of Robert JACKSON (?-1711). NOTE: There is no such townland, but it may be
Bogstown, Parish of Clonard, Barony of Upper Moyfenrath. Or Dogstown, Parish
of Trim, Barony of Upper Moyfenrath |
1 |
21 |
506 |
12291 |
1718 Nov 26 |
£468:15s for property at the Crooked Staff, with the house
built by Henry LITTON, builder, plus other properties on S side of Upper
Comb, Liberties Thomas Court & Donore, Co Dublin, with 2 leases to
Winfield ATKINSON, Clothier of City of Dublin, one by Samuel CARD, for the
lives of John SHAW, Henry SHAW + Ralph CARD renewable, the other from George
BLACKALL, for the lives of Mary JACKSON, George BLACKALL + Winfield
ATKINSON, renewable. WITNESSES: Simon ANYON; James HAMILTON, & Edward
CHALLONER, all of City of Dublin. NOTE: Mary
JACKSON was a granddaughter of Francis JACKSON & Dorcas GREENE. AnneChamney |
1 |
31 |
334 |
19336 |
VICKERS, Jeremiah |
1721 Oct 26 |
Jeremiah VICKERS of Chambre St in the Liberty of Thomas
Court and Donnore Tanner…. Crooked Staff tanyards (no mention of JACKSON) |
32 |
47 |
18911 |
JACKSON, William |
1720 Dec 12 |
John HITCHCOCK of Dublin City Needlemaker & Elizabeth
PLIVIS of Dublin City, wife of John HITCHCOCK both of 1st pt & William JACKSON of Kilmainham, Dublin, Tanner of 2nd part..
WITNESS: Jeremiah VICKERS of Chambers St., Donore, Dublin. Re: house next to
JACKSON's house at Kilmainham, for 41 years. |
1 |
39 |
193 |
24933 |
1723 Jan 21 |
An unnamed JACKSON lived in one of the houses at
Combe, Dublin leased by Winfield ATKINSON to David ROBERTS, both of City of
Dublin. |
1 |
43 |
421 |
28800 |
JACKSON, Robert |
1725 May 7 |
JACKSON-JACKSON Book Index 1708-1738
Indenture May 6, 1724 Wm. JAMES of Athy. Co. Kildare,
Tanner did demise & set to Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff in Co.
Dublin Tanner and Josiah JACKSON of Glassholly, Co. Kildare Farmer
lease of house in Athy where William JAMES lived. And late in possession of
Widow WESTON together with the tan yard and al and singular the outhouses etc
belonging to Wm JAMES in town of Athy Parish of St. John’s… yearly rent of 9
pounds in consid of 5 s pd to the Robert JACKSON by Josiah JACKSON,
lands made over to Josiah for 22 years. NOTE:
It is possible that Josiah was a son of Robert
JACKSON (1621- aft 1725) |
51 |
441 |
34286 |
JACKSON, William |
1726 Apr 2 |
JACKSON-JACKSON Book Index 1708-1729
Btw William JACKSON of the Liberty of Donore and Co
of Dublin Gent of the one part & Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff
in the Liberty of Thomas Court and Donore and County of Dublin, tanner.
Robert pd William 60 pounds for lease of house on south side of Cork
Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore... to hold for natural lives of Bernard
BROWN; Isaac ROBERTS son of Robert ROBERTS of Thomas Courts Innholder and
Philip MARTIN of Pimlico Merchant.
Mike Steward added to my notes:
For £60 to be pd by Robert JACKSON, William JACKSON releases unto Robert JACKSON house & backside lately in possession
of Thomas [PARENCE?] on Cork St in liberty of Thomas Court & Donore, DUB,
[16x85 ft] bound by holdings of MATTHEWS on south, of Bernard BROWN &
Isaac ROBERTS on east, for lives of Bernard BROWN Isaac ROBERTS & Phillip
[MARSIN?] at rent and renewal fines mentioned in deed. |
1 |
53 |
32 |
34285 |
JACKSON, William |
1726 Mar 23 |
JACKSON-JACKSON Book Index 1708-1729
Wm JACKSON Liberty of Donore, Co. Dublin Gent of 1
pt; Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff, Liberty of Thomas Court and
Donore, Dublin, tanner of the other pt. Wm JACKSON in consid of 220
pounds pd by Robert JACKSON transferred slip of land near Crooked
Staff bounded as follows: on the East joining to another holding of Robert
JACKSON deceased in partly with the holding of Edward COLGAN on the West.
Partly to the holding of Timothy EMERSON and partly with the holding of David
CARTON on the North fronting Cork Street and on the south fronting Chambers
Street and containing in breadth to the front of Cork St 28 ft or thereabouts
and in breadth in front Chambers St. 38 ft or thereabouts except the gateway
as it was then leading in the of said Robert JACKSON dec’d other
holding and in length from North to South 218 feet or thereabouts on that
end the said piece of Ground near Chambers St the said Robert JACKSON dec’d had one new large dwelling house on the other and fronting Corke St.
James WHITELL carpenter tenant to the said Robert JACKSON dec’d had
built one other new large dwelling house… To hold for the lives of John SHAW,
Henry SHAW & Ralph CARD. WITNESSES: Boyde & John SHAW of City of
Dublin |
1 |
58 |
519 |
40351 |
JACKSON, William |
1728 Sep 23 |
JACKSON-VICKERS Book Index 1708-1729
Rev. William JACKSON of Clonmell, Co. Tipperary to
Jeremiah VICARS, Co. Dublin, Tanner of holding & tan yard wherein Robert
JACKSON, deceased formerly lived, in Crooked Staff in Liberties of Thomas
Court & Donore DUB as Robert JACKSON formerly enjoyed and as
Jeremiah VICARS now held, plus outhouses gardens yards backsides for 61 years
from 25 March last at £40 7s. Pa
Thanks to notes above by Mike
Rev. William JACKSON of Clonmell, Co. Tipperary to
Jeremiah VICARS, Co. Dublin, Tanner. Crooked Staff in Liberty of Thomas Court
and Donore, Dublin where Robert JACKSON lived. NOTE:
One of the daughters of Robert JACKSON married Jeremiah VICARS. SEE: |
58 |
519 |
40351 |
JACKSON, William |
1728 Sep 23 |
JACKSON-VICKERS Book Index 1708-1729
Rev. William JACKSON of Clonmell, Co. Tipperary to
Jeremiah VICARS, Co. Dublin, Tanner of holding & tan yard wherein Robert
JACKSON, deceased formerly lived, in Crooked Staff in Liberties of Thomas
Court & Donore DUB as Robert JACKSON formerly enjoyed and as
Jeremiah VICARS now held, plus outhouses gardens yards backsides for 61 years
from 25 March last at £40 7s. Pa NOTE: I don’t
yet know how the Rev. William JACKSON was connected to the JACKSONs of
Crooked Staff, tanners.
Thanks to notes above by Mike
Rev. William JACKSON of Clonmell, Co. Tipperary to
Jeremiah VICARS, Co. Dublin, Tanner. Crooked Staff in Liberty of Thomas Court
and Donore, Dublin where Robert JACKSON lived. NOTE:
One of the daughters of Robert JACKSON married Jeremiah VICARS. SEE: |
93 |
560 |
66911 |
JACKSON, William |
1739 Jun 6 |
JACKSON-COAD Book Index 1730-45
Marriage Art: btw William JACKSON of Kilmainham in
Co of Dublin Tanner of 1 pt Ralph CARD of the City of Dublin Esq. & John
LOWTON of the same city clothier of the other part. Whereas a marriage btw Wm
JACKSON & Ann HUNT dau to John HUNT late of the City of
Dublin, clothier dec’d 200 pounds to be paid to Wm JACKSON as a marriage
portion. NOTE: William JACKSON (1682-bef 1772)
of Mill St, Dublin. He and Anne HUNT had 2 daughters. |
1 |
161 |
374 |
109053 |
JACKSON, William |
1753 Jul 17 |
Btw William JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent of 1 pt
& George ROBINSON of the Liberty of Thomas Court & Donore City of
Dublin weaver of the other pt… demised land formerly in possession of Henry
STEPHENSON situate in Jackson’s Alley in the Liberty aforesaid… term 99
years yearly rent 4 pounds sterling WITNESS George ROBINSON the younger,
John STEPHENSON both of Dublin Distillers. NOTE:
My hunch is that this is the William JACKSON b. 1702, son of Robert JACKSON
(aft 1681- aft 1725) |
1 |
174 |
544 |
117420 |
Micajah |
1755 May 13 |
JACKSON-VICKERS Book Index 1758-1768
Lease btw Micajah JACKSON of City of Corke Merchant
of 1 pt & Jeremiah VICARS of Co Dublin Tanner of other part. Micajah
devised tenement where VICARS dwelt at Crooked Staff in the Liberty of Thomas
Court & Donore, City of Dublin for term of 99 years. NOTE: IN 1761, 1761 Micajah Jackson + William Cooke
were Church Wardens of St. Peters Church,
City of Cork. According to notes on
his mother at a Geni website. His father was a Rev. William JACKSON
((?-1734) of Cork. One possible link if to the STRETTLE-JACKSONs
of Co. Cork. It is possible that the
Thomas JACKSON at the start of this STRETTLE JACKSON tree was a son of Robert & Joyce
1 |
189 |
507 |
126386 |
Temperance & ors |
1757 Jul 27 |
VIZE-JACKSON Book Index 1758-1768
John VIZE of Donegall in Co Tipperary Gent & Joseph
VIZE VIZE eldest son & heir of one pt & Micajah JACKSON & Wm
BERRY both of City of Cork Merch of other pt... Ann JACKSON Woodroffe in Co
Tipperary & Temperance JACKSON spinster sole daughter of the said Ann
JACKSON of the 2nd pt... marriage of Joseph VIZE & Temperance
JACKSON.... NOTE: Micajah JACKSON was a son of
Anne PERRY & Rev. William JACKSON, and I don’t yet know how he was connected
to the JACKSONs of Crooked Staff, tanners. |
199 |
78 |
131590 |
Micajah |
1759 Feb 23 |
HARE & ors Book Index 1758-1768
Intended marriage (since taken place) – Micajah JACKSON
intended groom of Cork City covenants that if Catherine HARE of Cork City
intended bride to survive him, his Executors will pay Catherine HARE, Richard
HARE, Russell HARE &William PERRY [son of William PERRY] [trustees of
Cork City] £800 ster & further sums over and above the £500 she is
entitled to receive on the death of any of her brothers/sisters under the
Will of her father Richard PERRY, upon trusts [education & maintenance of
Children ... details stained]; Micajah JACKSON releases to Catherine HARE,
Richard HARE, Russell HARE &William PERRY 5 houses in Dublin city in
trust in case his fortune is deficient [NOTE: These houses are described in
other deeds]. John REILY, Justice present; Robert WRIXTON & Anthony LANE,
Registrars. WITNESSES: Thomas SKEYS, Anthony LANE & Joshua HUMPHRY, all
of Cork City. Registered March 30, 1759. NOTE:
Micajah JACKSON was a son of Anne PERRY & Rev. William JACKSON, and I don’t
yet know how he was connected to the JACKSONs of Crooked Staff, tanners.
Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
200 |
347 |
133444 |
JACKSON, William |
1759 Sep 9 |
Jacob POOLE, Brewer of Blackpitts, Dublin of 1st part to William JACKSON, Clothier of Upper Comb in Liberties of Thomas
Court & Donore Dublin Dwelling House Out Houses Backside Back House
Garden Crane Loft wherein Jacob POOLE formerly dwelt & lately in
occupation of William WHITLING, on s. side of said Upper Comb st. with
liberty of sewer running in premises from other holdings of Jacob POOLE and
of Jacob POOLE's rights of adjoining properties unto Jacob POOLE, from 29 inst
Sept, 41 years, £34 ster. WITNESSES: Joseph DOYLE, Carpenter of Cole Alley,
Dublin; Arthur SHEPHEARD, Public Notary of Dublin City; Michael CARROLL,
Joyner of Dublin City. Thanks to Mike Stewart. |
1 |
Added August 25, 2016: Robert JACKSON and Joyce SHAW and their links to Presbyterianism
Long before the opening of St. Eustace, formerly
known as “New Row”, Presbyterians had been active in St.
Nicholas Church, a church which also includes a number of JACKSONs in their
parish registers. The first ministers of St. Eustace had preached at St.
Nicholas every Sunday at least as early as 1665. SOURCE: A history of
Presbyterianism in Dublin and the south and west of Ireland Clarke H.
Irwin, M.A., Minister at Bray. London. p325: Mr. Mather was a Senior Fellow
of Trinity, and before 1665 had preached every Lord's Day morning in the parish
church of St. Nicholas, where he had been
ordained on December 5th, 1656, according to the Presbyterian form, by Dr. Winter,
Rev. Mr. Taylor of Carrickfergus, and Rev. Mr.
Jenner of Drogheda. … In 1728 the congregation
of New Row removed to the new church which they had erected in Eustace Street.
" It must have been at that time considered an imposing structure ; for a
Quaker, looking up at the stately front, is reported to have said, ' Where there
is so much vanity without, there cannot be much religion within.
Their connection of the parish of St. Nicholas to the
congregations in other parts of Ireland, especially to Carrickfergus and Drogheda, is worth keeping in mind with
respect to looking for clues to connections with other JACKSONs. Although St Nicholas is the church where the clothier Michael JACKSON
of Pimlico was buried in 1717, most of that Michael JACKSONs children were baptized at St.
Catherine’s Church (where Robert JACKSON & Joyce SHAW were married). The
two parishes are adjacent to each other, and the churches would have been merely
a short walk from one to the other.
Given the attendance of Robert JACKSON, tanner of Crooked
Staff at St. Eustace and his wife Joyce SHAW, another clue to his ancestry can be found in An
Explanation and Defence of the Principles of Protestant Dissent.
William Hamilton Drummond. London, 1842, p.8.: The congregations of Eustace-street and Strand-street are the only genuine Protestant Dissenting Presbyterians
in the city of Dublin; the descendants, as has been affirmed, not of Scotch
Calvinists, but English nonconformists— dissenters from the Church of
St Eustace became a Unitarian Church, and William JACKSON (1690-1772) was involved at that time, as was his brother-in-law William VICARS (1707-aft1769): SOURCE: Dublin
Unitarian Church Collection RIA/DUC/2/COO/7 4 March 1769: Copy of deed of assignment of
Cook Street premises from William Vickers to Thomas Litton, Alexander
Kirkpatrick and others. Parties: William Vickers of
Dublin, chandler, of the first part; Thomas Litton and Michael Cromie and
Alexander Kirkpatrick and Brindley Hone, merchants and Robert Burton, cooper
and William Jackson, tanner, all of Dublin, of the second part.
Property: Premises at Cook Street, Dublin Terms: Transfer of property to new
Trustees with regulations concerning the appointment of subsequent Trustees.
Includes: Refers to earlier leases commencing with the deeds of bargain and
sale and release from Daniel Wybrants to Ralph Norris. Witnessed by James
Armstrong and Thomas Vickers.
A Georgian House, at No.
25 Eustace St has seven bedrooms for rent, and they have included on their
web site some interesting history about Eustace Street:
Eustace Street has a rich and
varied history, famous as much for its religious nature as for its bawdy houses
and bars since the 17th century. Both Quakers and Presbyterians have a presence
in Eustace Street. The Society of Friends Meeting House, almost directly
opposite No.25, has served the Quaker population that settled in the Sycamore
Street locality 200 years ago. The old Presbyterian School (now the children's centre,
'The Ark') was established in 1715, and the church served one of the richest
Presbyterian parishes in the city from 1685. … On the façade of the Friends
Meeting House is a plaque commemorating the first meeting at this house, which
is presumed to be the site of the Eagle Tavern, of the United Irishmen, prior
to the 1798 Rebellion.
The site of The Ark was the site of St. Eustace Presbyterian Church. More
history at Dublin Unitarians.