Descendants of Robert Eager
Generation No. 1
1. ROBERT1 EAGER He married UNNAMED HAMILTON. Notes for ROBERT EAGER: SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - A major in the army of Charles I; settled in Queens County, married and died there. SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - Notes from Michael BROWNE: In a family Bible the name was sometimes spelt EAGER. The EDGARs ( or EAGERs) were reputed to have come from Stirling Castle, and to have fled from Scotland for North Ireland around 1650. They served at Battle of Boyne 1690 for King William III. Child of ROBERT EAGER and UNNAMED HAMILTON is: 2. i. ALEXANDER2 EAGER.
Generation No. 2 2. ALEXANDER2 EAGER (ROBERT1) He married ROSE O'TOOLE. Notes for ALEXANDER EAGER: SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - Michael Browne's notes: Sold property in Queens County & settled in County Kerry at Restoration in 1660. Residence for many generations thereafter was Ballymaris Castle which he purchsed and restored for his own use and his family. He left 6 sons. Served under Cromwell's General Ludlow, it is believed. NOTE: Ballymaris Castle is in Co. Kilarney Child of ALEXANDER EAGER and ROSE O'TOOLE is: 3. i. JOHN3 EAGER. Generation No. 3
3. JOHN3 EAGER (ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1) He married DOROTHEA TALLIS, daughter of PHILIP TALLIS. Notes for JOHN EAGER: SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - Michael BROWNE's notes: The 3rd son to Alexander. John provided the second branch of this family to flourish all over this world. John owned Ballynacountry and in 1710 he acquired the lands of Ardrinane & Rathmilode. His daughters were Rose (b. 1716) married to Robert Saunders & Lucy married to Murtagh Moriarty. Six sons, Robert of Killarney, Philip of Valentia, Hames [sic - James] of Cullennymore, John, Francis of Ballinvoher, and Alexander of Ardrinane. Children of JOHN EAGER and DOROTHEA TALLIS are: 4. i. ROBERT4 EAGER, b. 1694. ii. ROSE EAGER, b. 1716; m. ROBERT SAUNDERS. iii. LUCY EAGER, b. 1718; m. MURTOGH MORIARTY. iv. PHILIP EAGER Notes for PHILIP EAGER: of Valentia v. JAMES EAGER Notes for JAMES EAGER: of Cullennymore vi. JOHN EAGER. vii. FRANCIS EAGER. Notes for FRANCIS EAGER: of Ballinvoher viii. ALEXANDER EAGER. Notes for ALEXANDER EAGER: of Ardrinane. Generation No. 4
4. ROBERT4 EAGER (JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1) was born 1694. He married UNNAMED BROWNE 1715. She was born in Dingle.
Notes for ROBERT EAGER: of Killarny
More About ROBERT EAGER and UNNAMED BROWNE: Marriage: 1715
Generation No. 5
5. ALEXANDER5 EAGER (ROBERT4, JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1) was born 1716. He married MARGARET ROCHE in Dublin, Ireland. She was born 1738.
More About ALEXANDER EAGER and MARGARET ROCHE: Marriage: Dublin, Ireland
Child of ALEXANDER EAGER and MARGARET ROCHE is: 6. i. ROBERT6 EDGAR, b. 1739; d. 1798, Downpatrick.
Generation No. 6
6. ROBERT6 EDGAR (ALEXANDER5 EAGER, ROBERT4, JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1)1 was born 1739, and died 1798 in Downpatrick. He married (1) SARAH MCREADY 1758. He married (2) MARY MACFADDEN 1758. She was born 1740, and died 1805.
Notes for ROBERT EDGAR: Notes from Michael BROWNE: Buried Downpatrick, County Down.
More About ROBERT EDGAR and SARAH MCREADY: Marriage: 1758
More About ROBERT EDGAR and MARY MACFADDEN: Marriage: 1758
Child of ROBERT EDGAR and SARAH MCREADY is: 7. i. ARCHIBALD7 EDGAR, b. 1759, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland; d. 14 March 1838, Downpatrick.
Generation No. 7
7. ARCHIBALD7 EDGAR (ROBERT6, ALEXANDER5 EAGER, ROBERT4, JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1)2 was born 1759 in Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland, and died 14 March 1838 in Downpatrick. He married ANN PARKINSON, daughter of JAMES PARKINSON and AGNES ROCKE. She was born 1759, and died 10 January 1834 in Downpatrick, Co. Down.
Notes for ARCHIBALD EDGAR: SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - Buried in Downpatrick Parish Church. Founded the Masonic Lodge at Downpatrick. Farmer & Churchwarden.
The original Quoile Bridge built for the railway was opened in 1859.
Children of ARCHIBALD EDGAR and ANN PARKINSON are: i. ANN8 EDGAR3, b. Abt. 1796. 8. ii. ALEXANDER EDGAR, b. Abt. 1800, County Down, Ireland; d. 2 July 1885, Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland. 9. iii. THOMAS EDGAR, b. 1801, Downpatrick; d. 5 January 1880, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland.
Generation No. 8
8. ALEXANDER8 EDGAR (ARCHIBALD7, ROBERT6, ALEXANDER5 EAGER, ROBERT4, JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1)4,5 was born Abt. 1800 in County Down, Ireland, and died 2 July 1885 in Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland6,7. He married SUSANNA MARTIN8 18 June 1835 in Ballee Non Subscribing Church9, daughter of ALLAN MARTIN and JANE CLARKE. She was born Abt. 1800 in Tullycarnen, Co. Down, Ireland9, and died 7 May 1885 in Aughaville, Co. Armagh, Ireland10.
Notes for ALEXANDER EDGAR: In the Church of Ireland clergy's entry on Hugh EDGAR, his son, it is alleged that he was a carpenter in Belfast. So, following that lead, in Martin's Belfast Directory 1840-41, page 124 there is an entry for Alexander EDGAR, joiner who lives at 40 Academy Street. In the Belfast Street Directory 1852, p. 180, Alexander Edgar is listed as a foreman carpenter at 1 Townsend Street while he is listed at 1 Campbell's buildings, Townsend St. (SOURCE: email 570)
There is also an inscription in a photo album that Grandma had from "A EDGAR" in 1875. He would have been her grandfather. Interestingly, the writing style is very similar to my father's.
SOURCE: shows his burial place to be Clifton Street Burying Ground, Belfast, O.S. Antrim 61. Grid Ref 335752 SOURCE: "Old Belfast Families and The New Burying Ground" p.77 "EDGAR (Very corroded iron shield in low railing no longer identifiable.) The burying ground of Alexr Edgar 188(5)." NOTE: There are other EDGARs in the Clifton Street Burying Ground - interestingly "Samuel Edgar & Son were woolen drapers in Arthur Square."
More About ALEXANDER EDGAR: Burial: Clifton Street Burying Ground, Belfast
Notes for SUSANNA MARTIN: In her will, Susanna Edgar left her husband two hundred and one pounds and five shillings. I have the actual parchment proving of the will in my possession along with several parchment records of her brother’s scholastic achievements.
NOTE - there are some date disparities here. SEE SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - SUSANNAH MARTIN was born 1800 in Tullycarnen, County Down, Ireland, and died May 7, 1885 in Belfast, Ulster, Ireland (NOTE: I have the place of death as Ardglass – likely more accurate). She married ALEXANDER EDGAR 1828 in Downpatrick, son of ARCHIBALD EDGAR and ANN PARKINSON. He was born 1800 in County Down, Ireland, and died June 19, 1885 in Belfast, Ulster, Ireland
More About SUSANNA MARTIN: Will: 4 June 1885, District Registry at Armagh
More About ALEXANDER EDGAR and SUSANNA MARTIN: Marriage: 18 June 1835, Ballee Non Subscribing Church11
Children of ALEXANDER EDGAR and SUSANNA MARTIN are: i. JANE9 EDGAR, d. Abt. 1919.
Notes for JANE EDGAR: Jane lived at Aughavilly with her brother Hugh, the minister of the church. She died at Ardglass sometime around 1919. She was a favourite aunt of her niece Jane Edgar Browne (my grandmother) who was in the house when her Aunt Jane was dying but not allowed to see her even though her aunt was calling out for her. [Or was she at Killyneur at the time of Jane's death? That is another version of the story.]
Need to check if she is buried at Ardglass, Aghaville or where?
ii. HUGH EDGAR12, b. 1835; d. 22 April 1894.
Notes for HUGH EDGAR: p. 179 "County Armagh: One Hundred Years Ago" A Guide and Directory 1888 by George Henry Bassett. Hugh Edgar is mentioned as the pastor of Aughavilly.
In the Orange Hall at Aghavilly there is a framed picture of Hugh Edgar presented by his nephew, Lieutenant Edgar Browne, Royal Irish Fusiliers. A copy of this photo is framed and in Vancouver in the home of Brian Gerald Muir Brown.
Aghaville means "the field of the old tree". Records of baptisms, burials and marriage from 1844 are in the possession of the parish.
Armagh Clergy 1800-2000 by Rev. W.E.C. Fleming. p113 "Hugh Edgar. Son of Alexander Edgar, Carpenter, of Belfast. Born in Belfast c. 1837. Self-educated; Q.U.I., B.A. 1864; and entered T.C.D., June 21, 1866, aged 29 years, B.A. 1872, M.A. 1876.
D. 1870; P. 1871; C. of Drumbeg (Down), 1870-75; I. of Aghavilly, 1875-94. A mural tablet in Aghavilly Church is inscribed: "Sacred to the memory of Rev. Hugh Edgar, A.M., Rector of the Parish of Aghavilly for 19 years, who entered into rest 22nd April, 1894, aged 59 years. This tablet is erected by the parishioners to record their esteem for of (sic) his faithful labors, and to express their sorrow at his lamented death." He is buried in Clifton Street Cemetery, Belfast."
I have the actual parchment certificates of many of his degrees.
More About HUGH EDGAR: Burial: Clifton Street Cemetray, Belfast, Northern Ireland
iii. SUSANNA M. EDGAR, b. 30 March 1847, Tullycarnen, Co. Down, Ireland13; d. 28 October 1921, St. Nicholas Parish Church, Church of Ireland, Ardglass, Co. Down, Northern Ireland; m. JOHN MONTEAGLE BROWNE, 23 September 1874, St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, Ireland13; b. 1 January 1849, Glencunny, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland13; d. 18 February 1919, Tullycarnen, Co. Down, Ireland.
Notes for SUSANNA M. EDGAR: Her family was Church of England. SOURCE LDS 0101608 Vol 1 p307 Died at age 74, Downpatrick was recorded as the place of her death (therefore given that we know the date of death & age at death, her birth date is likely 1847). SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - The Edgars were reportedly from West Meath County, Ireland The family home burned down when her children were young SOURCE: Letter from Jeanne BROWNE, Feb 18, 1952 - "Our home was burned to the ground when we were children. All the family jewels and records a complete loss." This is unlikely to have been the Crumlin Street address (unless it only partially burned down) as there is family shown living in it in 1896.. The last year that Brown, J, draper is shown to be resident at 234 Crumlin Rd. is 1895 (SOURCE: Belfast & Ulster Directory, 1895) Notes for JOHN MONTEAGLE BROWNE: They lived in a house called "The White Lodge" near Coney Island. In the obit of his eldest son, he is described as living at Ringfad, Ardglass, Co. Down. His granddaughter, Dorothy Robertson, thinks that they had two residences for years, the other being in Knock, but they then moved full time to Ardglass.
John Monteagle Browne owned a drapery business. The last person known to be running it was Hugh Martin in the 1950s. He sold it and a few years later there was an "accident" and it burned down. There is some talk that the "accident" was part of the "troubles". It was rebuilt and is now a clothing store in Ardglass called C.W. Wills. Back when Browne ran it, people came from the surrounding areas to have their clothes made up. The bolts of cloth were displayed on the ground floor and the tailors and seamstresses worked upstairs.
In the marriage notice of his daughter, Jeannie Edgar, he is described as resident at: Tullycarnan, Ardglass and Knock, Co. Down.
SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - Notes for JOHN MONTEAGLE BROWNE: Once lived at 234 Crumlin Road, Belfast, Ireland. Occupation listed as "Draper." Moved his family to Tullycarnen, near Ardglass (a port on the Irish Sea), in County Down, Ireland. Another Irish town of importance in the Browne family is Glencullen, south of Dublin. Earlier members of the Browne family were born there.
Notes written by his [John Monteagle's] son Michael Browne: "Christened at Rossorry Parish Church Jan 28, 1849. Died age 70 years at Tully carnon, near Ardglass, N. Ireland and buried with wife in Ardglass Parish Church Feb 21, 1919. Church of Ireland. John M. Browne left County Fermanagh for Belfast, Ulster, circa 1870 and had linen manufacturing and farming interests around there, living at Knock before his wife got left Tullycarnon, near the city of Mourne in 1895 when they all resided there. His parents home, Glencullen in County Fermanagh was the Browne family home for quite a few generations, 40 miles from Sligo." NOTE: Rossorry is in Fermanagh.
More About JOHN MONTEAGLE BROWNE: Burial: 21 February 1919, St. Nicholas Parish Church, Church of Ireland, Ardglass, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
More About JOHN BROWNE and SUSANNA EDGAR: Marriage: 23 September 1874, St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast, Ireland13
9. THOMAS8 EDGAR (ARCHIBALD7, ROBERT6, ALEXANDER5 EAGER, ROBERT4, JOHN3, ALEXANDER2, ROBERT1)14 was born 1801 in Downpatrick, and died 5 January 1880 in Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland. He married MARY. She was born 1850, and died 1853.
Notes for THOMAS EDGAR: SOURCE: Ros Davies - Down Recorder 10th January 1880 Orange funeral. Burial of Thomas Edgar of Quoile Bridge. Also of Quoile Bridge; d. 1880 aged 79; husband of Ann; son of Archibald & Ann; will; Church of Ireland graveyard; Orange Funeral, death notice 10 Jan 1880
SOURCE: EdgarWeb - Gravestone: Downpatrick Church of Ireland: EDGAR, Erected by Thomas Edgar Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, in memory of his beloved wife Mary, died Oct 1853, age 50 years, also his two children Archibald died in infancy, Maria died 9th Sept 1851 age 12 years. Also his two grandchildren, Robert Jennings died 21st Jan 1870 age 7 years, William John Jennings died 11th July 1870 age 9 years. Also the above named Thomas Edgar died 5th January 1880 age 79 years.
Notes for MARY: SOURCE: Ros Davies - of Quoile Bridge; d. 1853 aged 50; wife of Thomas; Church of Ireland graveyard. MID p. 34.
Children of THOMAS EDGAR and MARY are: i. MARY ANN9 EDGAR14, b. 9 January 1830. ii. ELIZABETH EDGAR14, b. 25 February 1832, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland; d. 3 August 1874; m. ROBERT WHITESIDE, 4 July 1855, Downpatrick.
More About ROBERT WHITESIDE and ELIZABETH EDGAR: Marriage: 4 July 1855, Downpatrick
iii. FRANCES EDGAR14, b. 14 June 1833; m. JOHN PARKINSON14, 7 March 1860, Down Parish Church14.
Notes for FRANCES EDGAR: Source: Ros Davies - Downpatrick; wife of John Parkinson; mother of Edward b. 1866 & Richia Frances b. 1868 & Robert b. 1869 & Henry Charles b. 1870 & William Arthur b. 1874
More About JOHN PARKINSON and FRANCES EDGAR: Marriage: 7 March 1860, Down Parish Church14
iv. SARAH EDGAR14, b. 23 August 1835; m. WILLIAM RINGLAND, 19 July 1864, Down Parish Church. Notes for WILLIAM RINGLAND: Error Fixed: Previously, I had JENNINGS - based on the gravestone in Downpatrick recording grandchildren - but Gayle Dudeck found the marriage cert.
More About WILLIAM JENNINGS and SARAH EDGAR: Marriage: 19 July 1864, Down Parish Church
v. ARCHIBALD EDGAR14, b. 17 June 1837.
Notes for ARCHIBALD EDGAR: Died in infancy.
vi. MARIA EDGAR14, b. 9 September 1838, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland. vii. THOMAS EDGAR14, b. 13 July 1840, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland; m. MARGARET ANN UNNAMED. viii. JANE EDGAR14, b. 10 February 1843. ix. ELLEN EDGAR14, b. 5 January 1845. x. JOHN ARCHIBALD EDGAR14, b. 31 August 1846, Quoile Bridge, Downpatrick, Co. Down, Ireland.
1. Tony Browne, All information relating to Robert Edgar unless otherwise indicated comes from Tony BROWNE. 2. Tony Browne, All the information on Alexander Edgar comes from Tony Browne's tree. 3. EdgarWeb by Richard EDGAR. 4. Dorothy Robertson's memory.. 5. Will of Susanna Edgar. 6. . 7. Tony Browne. 8. Armagh Clergy 1800-2000, 113, "Alexander Edgar, Carpenter of Belfast." 9. . 10. District Registry at Armagh. 11. . 12. Parish of Altadesert, Perpetual Curates, 87, 1875 - Hugh Edgar, inst Jan 14 (D.R.). Q.U.I. B.A. 1864; T.C.D. B.A. 1872; M.A. 1876; ord. D. 1870: P. 1871: C. Drumbeg, 1870-5. A mural tablet in the churhc to his memory reads: - "Sacred to the memory of Rev. Hugh Edgar, A.M., Rector of the parish of Aghavilly for 19 years, who entered into rest 22nd April, 1894, aged 59 years. This tablet is erected by the parishioners to record their esteem of his faithful labours and to express sorrow at his lamented death" He was buried in Clifton Street Cemetary, Belfast. 13. Tony Browne. 14. EdgarWeb by Richard EDGAR.
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