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This is a remarkable piece of work pieced together by Wendy Jack. It goes without saying in any work undertaken by Wendy that the scholarship is impeccable. The sources for each fact are clearly identified in the end-notes.

The BARTLEY family included many military men, doctors and clergy. Their commitments and fortunes took them all over the world and their stories reveal a family-sized echo of what was happening on a larger scale with the great outwash of the British Empire. In this first section, there is considerable detail on Walter Tyler BARTLEY (see #47) who was killed in action in 1846 at the Battle of Sobraon in India. Also there is fascinating detail on Rev. John COULTER (see #31) who was influential in the movement to merge the two secessionist synods of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and was also active in the Tenant League movement.

This webpage is the first of five detailing the nine generations of the BARTLEY family of Lossitt, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. More will be added as we learn it.

Sharon Oddie Brown, September 1, 2005

Bartley Family First to Fourth Generations

 First Generation

       1.  George BARTLEY of Lossitt, [i] Co Monaghan, Ireland.  George married Margaret ORR . [ii]   At the time of her marriage to George, Margaret was a widow. She married firstly Alexander WILSON . [iii]   Margaret died in 1771. [iv]   George died circa 1752.  Probate of George 's will was granted in Ireland on 30 December 1752. [v] George BARTLEY and Margaret ORR had the following children: [vi]

            2    i.    John BARTLEY .  In 1758, during the Seven Years War, John served as Quarter-Master of the Enniskillen Dragoons. [vii]   John died in 1788. [viii]   He was buried in the graveyard of St Patrick's Church of Ireland in Terrygeely, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [ix]

    +      3    ii.    Robert BARTLEY .

    +      4    iii.    William BARTLEY .

    +      5    iv.    Hugh BARTLEY died in 1803. [x]

            6    v.    Mary BARTLEY .

            7    vi.    Lettice BARTLEY .

 Second Generation

       3.  Robert BARTLEY birth date unknown. Robert BARTLEY had the following children:

    +      8    i.    Esther BARTLEY .

    +      9    ii.    George BARTLEY was born circa 1753 [xi] and died 21 December 1800. [xii]

         4.  William BARTLEY birth date unknown. William BARTLEY had the following child:

          10    i.    John BARTLEY .  

       5.  Hugh BARTLEY birth date unknown. Hugh married Agnes WILSON . [xiii]   Hugh died in 1803. [xiv] Hugh BARTLEY and Agnes WILSON had the following children:

          11    i.    Robert BARTLEY .  Robert was a doctor.  He went to America in 1782, and lived at Londonderry near Boston, Massachusetts.  He had three children.  The family in Ireland did not hear from him after 1798. [xv]

    +    12    ii.    Jane BARTLEY .

          13    iii.    Mary BARTLEY . Mary married William HENDERSON . [xvi]

    +    14    iv.    George BARTLEY was born in 1777 [xvii] and died 23 May 1839. [xviii]

 Third Generation

       8.  Esther BARTLEY birth date unknown. Esther married Thomas REED on 21 August 1760. [xix]   Esther inherited Slieveroe, which had been built by her father. [xx] The house was occupied by her descendants for several generations. Esther BARTLEY and Thomas REED had the following children:

          15    i.    John REED was born on 25 January 1762. [xxi]

          16    ii.    Iain REED was born on 12 February 1764. [xxii]   [This is probably the Jane REED of Slieveroe who married Thomas McCULLAGH, but this has yet to be confirmed.]

    +    17    iii.    Hamilton REED was born on 12 April 1766. [xxiii]

          18    iv.    Letice REED was born on 2 July 1768. [xxiv]

          19    v.    Anna REED was born on 10 October 1770. [xxv]

          20    vi.    Robert REED was born on 13 April 1773. [xxvi]

          21    vii.    George REED was born on 10 September 1775.

          22    viii.    James REED .  James died in 1777. [xxvii]

          23    ix.    Hugh REED was born on 23 September 1782. [xxviii]

          24    x.    James REED was born on 11 February 1785. [xxix]

       9.  George BARTLEY was born circa 1753. [xxx]   This birth date has been calculated from details recorded on his tombstone, but may not be reliable.  In her research, Sharon Brown notes for George: "Surgeon of Monaghan Infirmary for 50 years". [xxxi] George married Christina METGE .  At the time of her marriage to George, Christina was a widow. From her first marriage she had one daughter, Elizabeth, who later married Walter TYLER. [xxxii] Christina died 18 June 1818 at 31 Blessington St in Dublin, Ireland. [xxxiii]  George died 21 December 1800. [xxxiv]   He was buried in the graveyard of St Patrick's Church of Ireland in Terrygeely, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [xxxv] George BARTLEY and Christina METGE had the following children:  

          25    i.    Jessie BARTLEY was born circa 1785. [xxxvi]   Jessie died in 1876. [xxxvii]   She did not marry.

    +    26    ii.    John Metge BARTLEY was born circa 1787 [xxxviii] and died 6 February 1881. [xxxix]

    +    27    iii.    Major-General Sir Robert BARTLEY was born in 1789 [xl] and died in 1843. [xli]

    +    28    iv.    George BARTLEY died 14 October 1861. [xlii]

    +    29    v.    William BARTLEY died between October 1827 and June 1829. [xliii]

    +    30    vi.    Christina BARTLEY .

       12.  Jane BARTLEY birth date unknown.  Jane married John COULTER . Jane BARTLEY and John COULTER had the following children:

    +    31    i.    John COULTER was born in 1796 [xliv] and died 26 May 1877. [xlv]

    +    32    ii.    George Bartley COULTER was born in 1806 [xlvi] and died 31 December 1855. [xlvii]

          33    iii.    Esther COULTER .

    +    34    iv.    Jane COULTER .

          35    v.    Margaret COULTER .

       14.  George BARTLEY was born in 1777. [xlviii]   He was a merchant in Monaghan, and was Undersheriff of Monaghan. [xlix] George married Alicia Eleanor NIXON in 1810. [l]   Alicia was born circa 1780. [li]   Alicia died 29 August 1840 in Warrenpoint, Co Down, Ireland. [lii]   She was buried in the churchyard of St Patrick's Church of Ireland in Terrygeely, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [liii] George died 23 May 1839. [liv]   He was buried in the graveyard of St Patrick's Church of Ireland in Terrygeely, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [lv] George BARTLEY and Alicia Eleanor NIXON had the following children:

          36    i.    Hugh BARTLEY was born circa 1812. [lvi]   Occupation: solicitor.  Hugh died 21 February 1850 in Monaghan, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [lvii]   He was buried in the graveyard of St Patrick's Church of Ireland in Terrygeely, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [lviii]

    +    37    ii.    Mary Jane BARTLEY was born on 31 October 1815 [lix] and died 12 April 1886. [lx]

 Fourth Generation

       17.  Hamilton REED was born on 12 April 1766. [lxi]  Hamilton married Martha CARLILE on 15 October 1806. [lxii] Hamilton REED and Martha CARLILE had the following children:

          38    i.    Mary Ann REED was born on 10 August 1807. [lxiii]

    +    39    ii.    Thomas REED was born on 14 June 1809 and died in 1871. [lxiv]

          40    iii.    Esther REED was born on 4 May 1811. [lxv]

          41    iv.    Jane REED was born on 23 August 1812.

          42    v.    Catherine REED was born on 12 May 1816. [lxvi]

       26.  John Metge BARTLEY was born circa 1787. [lxvii]   Occupation: army surgeon.  John married firstly Jane COWELL on 6 May 1816 in Alverstoke, Hampshire, England. [lxviii]   John married secondly Anne FISHER .  Anne was born circa 1804 in Canada. [lxix]   John died 6 February 1881 in St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. [lxx] John Metge BARTLEY and Jane COWELL had the following child:

          43    i.    John Cowell BARTLEY was born in Chatham, Kent, England circa 1821. [lxxi]   John died unmarried on 25 September 1904 at 14 Warwick House St in Charing Cross, London, England. [lxxii]

       John Metge BARTLEY and Anne FISHER had the following child:

          44    ii.    Alexander Fisher BARTLEY was born circa 1830. [lxxiii]   Alexander married Lilly Elizabeth RENNELL circa 1882 in London, England. [lxxiv]   The marriage was registered in the December quarter of 1882 in the St George Hanover Square registration district. Alexander died 9 September 1900 in Wandsworth, London, England. [lxxv]

       27.  Major-General Sir Robert BARTLEY was born in 1789. [lxxvi]   Robert married Jessey Dunbar BRUGERE . [lxxvii]   Jessey died 5 November 1857 in Brompton, London, England. [lxxviii]          Robert died at sea in 1843. [lxxix] Major-General Sir Robert BARTLEY and Jessey Dunbar BRUGERE had the following children:

          45    i.    Jessey Eliza BARTLEY was born in Canada circa 1815. [lxxx]   Jessey married Major Richard Samuel TICKELL . [lxxxi]   Jessey died 27 April 1901 at 8 Southwick St in Hyde Park, London, England. [lxxxii]

          46    ii.    George BARTLEY was born circa 1819. [lxxxiii]

          47    iii.    Walter Tyler BARTLEY was born circa 1821. [lxxxiv]   He served as a lieutenant in the 62nd Regiment of Foot. [lxxxv]   Walter was killed in action on 10 February 1846 in the Battle of Sobraon in India. [lxxxvi]   This battle was the decisive engagement of the First Sikh War (1845-1846).  During his reign from 1801-1839, the Maharaja Ranjit Singh had built up the Sikh state in the Punjab to a formidable force, with an army around 100000 strong.  After his death, a series of revolutions and assassinations led to the breakdown of government and placed his youngest son as ruler, with the boy's mother named as regent.  However, the real power in the state lay with the army.  The turbulent conditions led to a build-up of British troops on the border.  On 11 December 1845, a Sikh force of more than 60000 men crossed the Sutlej River and attacked British troops at Firozpur.  Two days later, Lord Hardinge (the Governor-General of India) declared war on the Sikh state. During the following three months, four bloody and hard-fought battles occurred, the final one, the Battle of Sobraon, was a decisive British victory, with more than 10000 Sikhs killed, and over 2300 British casualties. A series of peace treaties signed in March 1846 saw territory ceded to the British, the reduction of the Sikh forces to 20000 infantry and 12000 cavalry, and the installation of Sir Henry Lawrence as British Resident in Lahore.  Peace in the region was short-lived. Another outbreak of hostilities in 1848-1849 resulted in further British victories and the annexation of the Punjab.

    +    48    iv.    Caroline Christiana BARTLEY was born circa 1826 [lxxxvii] and died 23 October 1877. [lxxxviii]

          49    v.    Augusta Oakes BARTLEY was born on 1 January 1830. [lxxxix]   She was baptized on 9 April 1831 in Berhampur, West Bengal, India. [xc]   Augusta died 20 September 1846. [xci]

       28.  George BARTLEY birth date unknown. George married Catherine FRERE . [xcii]   George died 14 October 1861 at 1 Trafalgar Terrace in St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. [xciii] George BARTLEY and Catherine FRERE had the following children:

          50    i.    Walter Tyler BARTLEY Like most of the men in his family, Walter was an officer in the British Army.  The details of his initial commission are not known, but he served in the 6th Regiment of Foot.  His promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant, by purchase, was announced in the London Gazette on 26 November 1852, and his promotion, without purchase, to Captain was gazetted on 5 January 1858. Walter married Esther BELL on 3 May 1859 at St Paul's in Rondebosh, Capetown, Cape of Good Hope. [xciv]   Esther was born circa 1836. [xcv]   She was the daughter of Sir Sydney Smith BELL and Esther PATTISON .  Walter died circa 1860.  His date of death is not known exactly, but his name appeared on a list (published in The Times on 7 January 1861) of army officers who had died within the last three months. After Walter's death, Esther married secondly Charles Harcourt LORAINE .  Esther died circa 1903 in England. [xcvi]   Her death was registered in the June quarter of 1903 in the Windsor registration district.

          51    ii.    George BARTLEY was born in Windsor, New South Wales, Australia on 20 June 1835. [xcvii]   He was baptized at St Matthew's Church of England in Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. [xcviii]   He may be the child whose burial at St Phillip's Church of England, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia was recorded in 1840.

          52    iii.    William R. BARTLEY was born in New South Wales, Australia circa 1837. [xcix]   He was baptized at St Matthew's Church of England in Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. [c]   William died circa 1837. [ci]   He was buried at St Phillip's Church of England in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [cii]

          53    iv.    Elizabeth Jessie BARTLEY was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia circa 1838. [ciii]   She was baptized on 29 October 1838 at St Phillip's Church of England in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [civ]   Elizabeth married Frederick George EVANS .  Occupation: civil engineer.  Frederick died before 1901. [cv]   Elizabeth died 6 November 1914. [cvi]   She was buried at Walthamstow Cemetery in Walthamstow, Essex, England. [cvii]

          54    v.    Letitia Charlotte BARTLEY was born in New South Wales, Australia circa 1840. [cviii]   She was baptized on 18 November 1840 at St Phillip's Church of England in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. [cix]

       29.  William BARTLEY birth date unknown. William married Margaret CARR .  She was the daughter of John CARR of Mountrath, Queens Co, Ireland and Susannah SENIOR .William died between October 1827 and June 1829. [cx] After William's death, Margaret married secondly John Lysaght PENNEFATHER on 9 December 1830 at the New Church in St Pancras, Middlesex, England. [cxi]   Margaret died 7 February 1880 at her residence, 8 Cranley Place, in London, England. [cxii]

       William BARTLEY and Margaret CARR had the following child:

    +    55    i.    Susan Ellen BARTLEY was born circa 1825 [cxiii] and died 12 November 1866. [cxiv]

       30.  Christina BARTLEY birth date unknown.  Christina married John BARRY . [cxv]   Christina BARTLEY and John BARRY had four children, [cxvi] only two of whom are known at present:

          56    i.    Joyce Foster BARRY .  Joyce died 22 September 1900. [cxvii]   She was buried at Mt Jerome Cemetery in Dublin, Ireland. [cxviii]

          57    ii.    Christina BARRY .  She died young. [cxix]


       31.  John COULTER was born in 1796. [cxx]   John grew up in the Ballabay area of Co Monaghan, Ireland. He was a member of the Derryvalley Presbyterian Congregation, at that time a Secesssion congregation.  In 1813 he was examined and accepted to study for the secessionist ministry under John Rodgers, who had established a theological school at Cahans.  From 1817, John also studied at Glasgow, Scotland, where he received an MA.  He was licensed on 9 July 1818, and in 1820 was ordained minister of Gilnahirk Congregation in the east of Belfast, where he ministered for 57 years.

As was the case with the mother church in Scotland, Presbyterianism in Ireland was fraught with schism.  By the end of the eighteenth century, there were three synods in Ireland: the Synod of Ulster, and two secessionist synods, Burgher and Anti-Burgher.  The year of John's licensing saw the union of the two secessionist synods, and during the early decades of his ministry there was a growing mood towards the union of the Secession and Ulster Synods.  John was influential in this movement; during the 1830s he addressed prayer meetings of students in Belfast and urged "talk of union, make it the subject of prayer".  In 1839, he proposed that in the event of union, the combined synod body should be called "The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland".  His dream became reality on 10 June 1840 when, following agreement at separate meetings of the two synods to accept the proposed terms of union, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland was formed.

John also envisioned the development of "a co-operating chain of Presbyterian Churches all over the world", but it was not until 1875 that this dream also came to fruition with the formation of the Alliance of Reformed Churches throughout the World Holding to the Presbyterian System (now known as the World Alliance of Reformed Churches).  In 1842, John was honoured with a DD from America, and in 1851 he was elected Moderator of the General Assembly which he had helped to bring into being. His appointment was controversial because of John's involvement in the Tenant League movement.

       John retired in 1860, but maintained his association with the Gilnahirk congregation and continued preaching until a few years before his death. [cxxi]

       John married Isabella GORDON .  Isabella was born circa 1798. [cxxii]   Isabella died 26 February 1858. [cxxiii]   She was buried in the Gilnahirk Presbyterian Graveyard in Gilnahirk, Parish of Knockbreda, Co Down, Ireland. [cxxiv]   John died 26 May 1877. [cxxv]   He was buried in the Gilnahirk Presbyterian Graveyard in Gilnahirk, Parish of Knockbreda, Co Down, Ireland. [cxxvi]   In a graveside address, Prof John Rogers described John COULTER as being "descended from an old and honoured house in Co Monaghan", [cxxvii] and his obituary in The Witness, 1 June 1877, called him "one of the most accomplished ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland". John COULTER and Isabella GORDON had the following children:

    +    58    i.    Eliza Jane COULTER was born circa 1834 [cxxviii] and died 9 March 1894. [cxxix]

    +    59    ii.    Margaret COULTER was born circa 1835 [cxxx] and died 5 December 1914. [cxxxi]

          60    iii.    John Gordon COULTER was born in 1840. [cxxxii]   John had a tea plantation in India and also practiced medicine. John died 5 October 1872 in Cachar, Assam, India. [cxxxiii]   He died of a fever while on his way home to visit his family.  His memory is perpetuated by a scholarship in the Medical School of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.

       32.  George Bartley COULTER was born in 1806. [cxxxiv]   Like his elder brother, George became a Presbyterian minister, but chose a different course of study. After being accepted as a student for the ministry on 1 November 1826, he studied at Old College, Belfast and gained his General Certificate in 1831.  He was licensed by Monaghan Secession Presbytery in 1833, and the following year was ordained at Frankford (Second Castleblayney) on 26 August.  He served there until his death.  George continued the Castleblayney classical academy, which had been established by his predecessor David Longmoor, and proved an effective teacher. [cxxxv] George married Jane SMITH in 1836. [cxxxvi]   She was the daughter of John SMITH of Castleblayney, Co Monaghan, Ireland . George died 31 December 1855. [cxxxvii] George Bartley COULTER and Jane SMITH had the following children:

          61    i.    John COULTER .

          62    ii.    George Bartley COULTER .  George died 7 January 1910 at Mayfield in Bangor, Co Down, Ireland. [cxxxviii]

          63    iii.    William COULTER .

    +    64    iv.    Jane COULTER was born in July 1843 [cxxxix] and died between 1920 and 1930.

    +    65    v.    Mary COULTER .

          66    vi.    James COULTER .

       34.  Jane COULTER birth date unknown.  Jane married Samuel GILMORE . [cxl]   He was the son of John GILMER . Jane COULTER and Samuel GILMORE had the following children:

    +    67    i.    Samuel GILMORE .

          68    ii.    George GILMORE .  He emigrated to America. [cxli]

          69    iii.    David GILMORE .  He emigrated to America. [cxlii]

          70    iv.    Mary Jane GILMORE .  She emigrated to America and married a Frenchman. [cxliii]

          71    v.    Martha GILMORE Martha married Rev. Robert John TWEED of Altnamackan, Co Armagh, Ireland . [cxliv]   Robert died 29 October 1943 at his residence, Seaview, in Warrenpoint, Co Down, Northern Ireland. [cxlv]   He was buried 31 October 1943 at Knotty Ash Cemetery in Rostrevor, Co Down, Northern Ireland. [cxlvi]

    +    72    vi.    Eliezer GILMORE was born on 1 November 1845 [cxlvii] and died in August 1919. [cxlviii]

    +    73    vii.    Eliza Emily GILMORE was born on 25 April 1846 [cxlix] and died 8 March 1938. [cl]

    +    74    viii.    Esther GILMORE was born on 23 September [cli] and died 30 October 1900. [clii]

       37.  Mary Jane BARTLEY was born on 31 October 1815. [cliii]   Mary married William McKEAN in 1844. [cliv]   William was born on 24 January 1822 in Ireland.  He was the son of Robert McKEAN and Anne JACKSON .  William died 21 August 1906 at Millmount in Keady, Co Armagh, Ireland. [clv]        Mary died 12 April 1886 at Millmount in Keady, Co Armagh, Ireland. [clvi]   Sarah WHITESIDE noted: Mrs. McKean died today very suddenly - a blood vessel bursting in her head.  She was buried at St Mark's in Armagh, Co Armagh, Ireland. [clvii] Mary Jane BARTLEY and William McKEAN had the following children:

          75    i.    Alicia Eleanor McKEAN .  She was known to family and friends as Ellie.  Alicia died in January 1926. [clviii]

          76    ii.    Annie McKEAN .  Annie died 23 November 1926 in Ireland. [clix]

    +    77    iii.    William McKEAN was born in 1850 [clx] and died 9 December 1911. [clxi]

          78    iv.    Hannah Georgina McKEAN was born in Ireland circa 1853. [clxii]   Hannah died 21 March 1921 in Ireland. [clxiii]

[i] . There are three townlands named Losset in Co Monaghan (in the parishes of Ematris, Kilmore and Magheracloone) and another named Lossets in the parish of Magheross.  Which, if any, was the Bartley family home has yet to be determined.

[ii] . Sharon Oddie Brown, The Silver Bowl: Descendants of George Bartley, <http://www.user.dccnet.com/s.brown/familytree/george bartley.htm>, last edited 5 Nov 2003.  (Extracted 22 Nov 2003) (hereafter cited as Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley).

[iii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[iv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[v] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[vi] . Sharon Oddie Brown notes that a reference to Margaret in the Bartley, Thompson, McKean, Gardiner & Jackson papers(PRONI D/991/6/1/2) records that she had four sons and three daughters.  The identity of the third daughter is unknown at present.

[vii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[viii] . James H. Murnane and Paedar Murnane, At the Ford of the Birches: The History of Ballybay, it's People and Vicinity.  (Ballybay, Monaghan: Murnane Brothers, 1999), (hereafter cited as Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches); and Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[ix] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[x] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xi] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157. Calculated birth year. Headstone transcription gives age as 47 yrs when he died in 1800.

[xii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157; and Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xiii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xiv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xvi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xvii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xviii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[xix] . Family charts prepared by Mary McNeill (nee Bartley). (Copies supplied by Gika Jackson, 110 Copse Hill, Harlow, Essex CM19 4PR, England, 10 April 1995), Chart 2 (hereafter cited as McNeill, Mary, Family Charts).

[xx] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxi] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxiii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxiv] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxv] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxvi] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxvii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxviii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxix] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[xxx] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157. Calculated birth year. Headstone transcription gives age as 47 yrs when he died in 1800.

[xxxi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxxii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxxiii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxxiv] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157; and Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxxv] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[xxxvi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xxxvii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley. Sharon has two dates for Jessie's death: 8 December 1876 (no source cited) and November 1876 (source cited as PRONI 991/7 Bartley, Thompson, McKean, Gardiner & Jackson papers).

[xxxviii] . The Times, London, England, 12 February 1881. Death notice (hereafter cited as Death Notice, The Times). Calculated birth year. Age given as 93 yrs when he died 6 February 1881.

[xxxix] . Death Notice, The Times, 12 February 1881.

[xl] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xli] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xlii] . Death Notice, The Times, 21 October 1861.

[xliii] . William's appointment to the position of Paymaster of the 22nd Regiment was announced in the London Gazette of 3 June 1828.  He replaced Richard Barlow, whose death in Kingston, Jamaica on 8 October 1827 was reported in The Times on 7 December 1827. He died before 30 June 1829, when the appointment of Matthew Henry Willock 'vice Bartley, deceased', was announced in the London Gazette.

[xliv] . David Nesbitt, Full Circle: A Story of Ballybay Presbyterians.  (Ballybay, Monaghan: Cahans Publications, 1999), pg 67 (hereafter cited as Nesbitt, David, Full Circle).

[xlv] . R.S.J. Clarke (Comp), Graveyard Inscriptions County Down, Vol. 18: Baronies of Castlereagh and Lower Iveagh.  (Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation, 1983), pg 45 (hereafter cited as Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18); and Nesbitt, David, Full Circle.

[xlvi] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330. Although birth year is given as 1806, his age at death on 31 december 1855 is given as 50 yrs, which would put his birth in 1805.

[xlvii] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330.

[xlviii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xlix] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[l] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[li] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[lii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[liii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[liv] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[lv] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[lvi] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157. Calculated birth year. Gravestone transcription gives age as 38 yrs when he died 21 February 1850.

[lvii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[lviii] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 157.

[lix] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[lx] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley; and Sarah Whiteside, Daily Remembrancer Book.  (In the possession of Betty Whiteside, 2/6 Melville Park Drive, Berwick, Vic 3806 (in 2003).) This book had a printed prayer, text or thought for each day of the year. To this, Sarah Whiteside added notes about events which took place on each day. Sarah gave a Daily Remembrancer Book to each of her children. Clair's survives and was passed to his daughter Betty. Mary's was unfortunately destroyed in the Ash Wednesday busfires of 1983. (hereafter cited as Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer).

[lxi] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[lxii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[lxiii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[lxiv] . Murnane, James & Paedar, At the Ford of the Birches, pg 194.

[lxv] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[lxvi] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 2.

[lxvii] . Death Notice, The Times, 12 February 1881. Calculated birth year. Age given as 93 yrs when he died 6 February 1881.

[lxviii] . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (comp), International Genealogical Index, v5.  (Online <http://www.familysearch.org/>:  Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 1999-2002), Batch No. M073576, Source Call No. 0918903 (hereafter cited as LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5).

[lxix] . 1881 British Census, (CD-ROM. Intellectual Reserve Inc., 1999). PRO Ref: RG11, Piece 5615, Folio 5, Page 3 (hereafter cited as Britain, 1881 Census). Calculated birth year. Age recorded as 77 yrs in 1881.

[lxx] . Death Notice, The Times, 12 February 1881.

[lxxi] . Britain, 1881 Census, PRO Ref RG11, Piece 0330, Folio 53, Page 30. Calculated birth year. Age recorded as 60 yrs in 1881 census.

[lxxii] . Death Notice, The Times, 27 September 1904.

[lxxiii] . Index to Deaths, General Register Office, England. 1900 September quarter, Wandsworth registration district, Vol. 1d, pg 408 (hereafter cited as England & Wales, Index to Deaths). Calculated birth year. Age given as 70 yrs when death registered in 1900.

[lxxiv] . Index to Marriages, General Register Office, England. 1882 December quarter, St George Hanover Square registration district, Vol. 1a, pg 837 (hereafter cited as England & Wales, Index to Marriages).

[lxxv] . England & Wales, Index to Deaths, 1900 September quarter, Wandsworth registration district, Vol. 1d, pg 408; and The Times, London, England, 26 April 1905. Personal notice (hereafter cited as Personal Notice, The Times).

[lxxvi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[lxxvii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[lxxviii] . Death Notice, The Times, 10 November 1857.

[lxxix] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[lxxx] . England & Wales, Index to Deaths, 1901 June quarter, Paddington registration district, Vol. 1a, pg 37.

[lxxxi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[lxxxii] . Death Notice, The Times, 1 May 1901; and England & Wales, Index to Deaths, 1901 June quarter, Paddington registration district, Vol 1a, pg 37.

[lxxxiii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley. Calculated birth year. Sharon notes that George was two years older than his brother Walter (who was born circa 1821).

[lxxxiv] . Stephen Lewis, Officers Killed - Sutlej Campaign, <http://redcoat.future.easyspace.com/IM/Aliwal.htm>, last updated 5 Oct 2002.  (Material extracted 4 Dec 2003) (hereafter cited as Lewis, Stephen, Officers Killed - Sutlej Campaign). Calculated birth date. Age given as 25 yrs when he died in 1846.

[lxxxv] . Lewis, Stephen, Officers Killed - Sutlej Campaign.

[lxxxvi] . Lewis, Stephen, Officers Killed - Sutlej Campaign.

[lxxxvii] . Death Notice, The Times, 2 November 1877. Calculated birth year. Age given as 51 yrs when she died in 1877.

[lxxxviii] . Death Notice, The Times, 2 November 1877.

[lxxxix] . LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. C750033, Source Call No. 0498964.

[xc] . LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. C750033, Source Call No. 0498964.

[xci] . Death Notice, The Times, 29 September 1846.

[xcii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[xciii] . Death Notice, The Times, 21 October 1861.

[xciv] . The Times, London, England, 1 July 1859. Marriage notice (hereafter cited as Marriage Notice, The Times).

[xcv] . Public Record Office, The 1901 Census for England and Wales.  (Available on-line at: <http://www.census.pro.gov.uk/>), 'Person Search' result (hereafter cited as England and Wales, 1901 Census); and England & Wales, Index to Deaths, 1903 June quarter, Windsor registration district, Vol. 2c, pg 258. Calculated birth year. Age recorded as 65 yrs in 1901 census, and as 67 yrs when death registered in 1903.

[xcvi] . England & Wales, Index to Deaths, 1903 June quarter, Windsor registration district, Vol. 2c, pg 258.

[xcvii] . LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. C135419.

[xcviii] . Pioneers Index, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, New South Wales, Australia. Birth V1835912 19/1835 (hereafter cited as NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index).

[xcix] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, Birth V1837770 21/1837.

[c] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, Birth V1837770 21/1837.

[ci] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, Death V184033 24A/1840.

[cii] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, Death V184033 24A/1840.

[ciii] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, Birth V1838227 22/1838.

[civ] . LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. C135436.

[cv] . George's wife Elizabeth was recorded as a widow in the 1901 census of England.

[cvi] . Death Notice, The Times, 18 November 1914.

[cvii] . Death Notice, The Times, 18 November 1914.

[cviii] . NSW, Australia, Pioneers Index, V1840229 24A/1840.

[cix] . LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. C310255, Source Call No. 0993953.

[cx] . William's appointment to the position of Paymaster of the 22nd Regiment was announced in the London Gazette of 3 June 1828.  He replaced Richard Barlow, whose death in Kingston, Jamaica on 8 October 1827 was reported in The Times on 7 December 1827. He died before 30 June 1829, when the appointment of Matthew Henry Willock 'vice Bartley, deceased', was announced in the London Gazette.

[cxi] . Marriage Notice, The Times, 10 February 1830; and LDS FamilySearch, IGI, v5, Batch No. M047931, Source Call No. 0598184.

[cxii] . Death Notice, The Times, 10 February 1880; and Obituary, Lady Pennefather, The Times, (London, England), 11 February 1880 (hereafter cited as Pennefather, Lady, Obituary).

[cxiii] . Death Notice, The Times, 5 December 1866. Calculated birth year. Age 41 yrs when she died in 1866.

[cxiv] . Death Notice, The Times, 5 December 1866; and David E. Weale, 'John Hamilton Gray'. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online, (Online: University of Toronto, Université Laval and  National Archives of Canada, 2001), available at: <http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=39677>, (hereafter cited as Weale, David E., John Hamilton Gray).

[cxv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxvi] . Personal Notice, The Times, 26 April 1905.

[cxvii] . Personal Notice, The Times, 26 April 1905.

[cxviii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxix] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxx] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 67.

[cxxi] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 67-9, 330-1.

[cxxii] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45. Calculated birth year. Headstone inscription gives age as 60 yrs when she died in 1858.

[cxxiii] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45.

[cxxiv] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45.

[cxxv] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45; and Nesbitt, David, Full Circle.

[cxxvi] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45; and Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 69.

[cxxvii] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 331.

[cxxviii] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45. Calculated birth year. Headstone inscription gives age as 59 yrs when she died 9 March 1894.

[cxxix] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45.

[cxxx] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45. Calculated birth year. Headstone transcription gives age as 79 yrs when she died in 1914.

[cxxxi] . Clarke, R.S.J., Graveyard Inscriptions Co Down, Vol 18, pg 45.

[cxxxii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxxxiii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxxxiv] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330. Although birth year is given as 1806, his age at death on 31 december 1855 is given as 50 yrs, which would put his birth in 1805.

[cxxxv] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330.

[cxxxvi] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330.

[cxxxvii] . Nesbitt, David, Full Circle, pg 330.

[cxxxviii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cxxxix] . 1900 U.S. Federal Census.  (Microfilm. Washington, DC: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration), Series T623, Film No. 699, pg 14A (hereafter cited as United States, 1900 Federal Census).

[cxl] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxli] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxlii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxliii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxliv] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxlv] . Unknown newspaper, . Death notice (hereafter cited as Death Notice, unknown newspaper).

[cxlvi] . Death Notice, unknown newspaper.

[cxlvii] . Jeannie Jackson, Birthday Book.  (Transcribed by Sharon Oddie Brown, March 2003), (hereafter cited as Jackson, Jeannie, Birthday Book); and McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4. Jeannie Jackson records birth day as 1 November. Mary McNeil records birth year as 1845.

[cxlviii] . McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 4.

[cxlix] . Jackson, Jeannie, Birthday Book; and McNeill, Mary, Family Charts, Chart 8. Jeannie Jackson gives her mother's birth date as 25 April, but gives no year of birth. Mary McNeil gives birth year as 1846, but gives the date as 1 August (the same as the marriage date). Jeannie Jackson would seem to be the more reliable.

[cl] . Jackson, Jeannie, Birthday Book.

[cli] . Jackson, Jeannie, Birthday Book, (no year recorded).

[clii] . Jackson, Jeannie, Birthday Book.

[cliii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[cliv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[clv] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley; and Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer.

[clvi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley; and Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer.

[clvii] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[clviii] . Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer.

[clix] . Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer.

[clx] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[clxi] . Brown, Sharon Oddie, Descendants of George Bartley.

[clxii] . Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer. Calculated birth year. Age given as 68 years when she died 21 March 1921.

[clxiii] . Whiteside, Sarah, Daily Remembrancer.


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