The massive earthquake that hit Japan on September 1st 1923 leveled a good part of the Yokohama, and killed or wounded thousands. A preliminary list in the September 6th, 1923 edition of the Oakland Tribune in California gives the names of known victims and survivors that were "foreign". Beneath are many of the names of people associated with banking, and in particular HSBC. Since this was printed and described as merely a preliminary list, corroboration from other sources would be advised.
Sharon Oddie Brown, August 2, 2014. |
H.W. MORSE of the International Banking Corporation
McHenry HOLBROOK of the International Banking Corporation
I.C. MORRISON of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. NOTE: According to an account by C.R. RICE, and HSBC accountant, A.J. MORRISON had been found pinned down by a block of stone with a fractured leg. He was carried out alive, and taken off in a handcart. UNless there were two MORRISONs at HSBC, I suspect this is an error.
A.H. McDOUGALL, accountant of Chartered Bank
Mrs. H.R. NICOLL and child, Mrs Nicoll was the wife of H.R. NICOLL, accountant of the Chartered Bank.
L. RIBERIO, wife and son. RIBERIO was an employee of Hongkong and Shanghai Bank.
SHARP, small child of H.P. SHARP employed by Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation at Yokohama.
A.H. TAIT, manager Chartered Bank of Yokohama
HSBC Survivors
A.G. CAMERON employee of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
COLDWELL Employee Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
R.C. EDWARDS Employee Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
FITZGERALD – Employee Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
GUINESS – Employee Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
H.P. SHARP Employee of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
TRUE – Employee of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. R.T. WRIGHT – Employees International Banking Corporation at Yokohama NOTE: Robert Thomas WRIGHT was manager of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation at Yokohama.