1891 Feb 2 Hongkong Daily Press
NOTE: This echoes a clipping In the HSBC archive which was unidentified. It seems to be from the Hongkong Daily Press, and refers to: Last evening, says the Hongkong Daily Press of the 3rd instant, a farewell dinner was given at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank by the staff to Mr. Thos. Jackson[1], who is about to leave for home. A number of guests were invited, covers being laid for fifty in all. The interior of the Bank had been tastefully decorated. At one end of the room appeared a huge monogram of the initials of the Bank with the Bank flag in silk above it. Facing this at the opposite end were the initials “T. J." with the Irish flag, also of silk, above it, the whole being blue cloth. Each of the panels was decorated with a shamrock and a harp alternately. The embroidery work was done by the inmates of the Italian Convent[2], while the whole work of decorating was carried out by Mr. W. S. Marten[3], who was warmly congratulated by the staff on the pretty and effective display he made. The Band of the A. & S. Highlanders was in attendance, and played various selections throughout the evening.
[1] Sir Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915). Manager of HSBC. In 1891, he retired to the London Office of HSBC, but returned a couple of years later to resume command. [2] Italian Convent of Hong Kong: We have in the Chinese Orphanage 120 or more children who are taught all kinds of needlework and embroidery for the church and for the ladies in the colony. SOURCE: Illustrated Catholic Missions. [3] W.S. MARTEN In the 1899 Directory, a W.S. MARTEN was an assistant at Hall & Holtz Co-Operative in Shanghai. They also had a branch in Hong Kong at 37 & 39 Queens Rd. The company included the services of: general storekeepers, brewers, aerated waters, manufacturers, furniture manufacturers, outfitters, tailors, milliners, dressmakers, bakers and auctioneers. In the August 16, 1890 Japan Weekly Mail, W.S. Marten of Hong Kong is referred to as the local expert in a new kind of wall covering.
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