1851 May 5
The Belfast News-Letter (Belfast, Ireland), Monday, May 5, 1851; Issue 11769
WE feel doubtful whether we should not head this paragraph "murder,"
as, in all probability, the unfortunate man, whom we saw a few hours ago
weltering in his blood, has now ceased to exist. The hour at which we go
to press compels us to be brief, and besides the general circumstances
connected with the outrage we are about to relate, are of that nature upon
which it would be difficult to speak with certainty at present. At one
o'clock on Friday, the inhabitants of Dundalk were thrown into a state of great
excitement by a report that a murder had been perpetrated in this
neighbourhood. On hearing the report we instantly repaired to the place
assigned as the locality of the outrage - namely, Shortstone, which is
situated about three miles of this town on the road leading to
Crossmaglen. The report, though not strictly accurate, proved to be but
too near the truth. Stretched on a pallet in his parlour we beheld the
individual upon whose life a murderous attempt had been made a few hours
before. His name is Samuel Coulter. He held a farm of about one
hundred acres of land. His head presented the most dreadful appearance
which the eye could witness. On one side it was bruised in, and yielded
to the slightest pressure, while all over, and especially in the back region,
it was covered with deep wounds, which continued to drip blood. On the
other parts of the body there were no marks of violence discernable.
Several of the wounds were evidently inflicted by a bayonet - it would be
difficult to say how the remainder of them were inflicted. One of the
ears was nearly torn away. The face was untouched. Dr. Pollock was in
attendance, and had dressed the head; but human aid was then manifestly of no
avail, and every hour Mr. Coulter was expected to breathe his last. He
was quite insensible - nor did he speak a word which could afford a clue to the
perpetrators of this fearful outrage. The following particulars we were
enabled to gather from parties on the spot. About nine o'clock on Friday
morning, Mr. Coulter left his residence, on horseback, for the fair of
Crossmaglen, having in his possession the sum of nine pounds. Shortly
afterwards an alarm was given that he was dead on the road. Some persons
having proceeded in the direction of Crossmaglen, he was found in a state of
insensibility lying upon a stone ditch. The gap was loosely built with
large stones, and he appeared to be leaning across the stones with his head to
the field and his feet towards the road, as if he had been apparently dragged
into that position. It would appear that the first attack was made about
thirty yards from this spot, and in a place which we shall presently
describe. The road between both places was sprinkled with blood, and in
such a manner as if the person from whom it had come staggered along. A
struggle appeared to have taken place on the scene of the first attack, and it
would seem that Mr. Coulter made an attempt to return home, but that he was
overpowered in the place where he was found. On examining the back of the
hedge near this spot, traces were discovered as if two persons had been
secreted there. It would appear as if two parties had lain in wait for
him, one in each of the places alluded to, and that, having escaped from the
first attack, he fell under their united forces at the place where he
lay. Here the stones, some of which had rolled into the field, were quite
covered with blood, and upon one of them was some hair. A brass pistol
and an old bayonet were found here, the one broken in the stock, as if it had
been used in striking the victim; the other was covered with blood. There
was also found the lock of a gun and a leaden bullet. The place of the
attack was about a mile from Mr. Coulter's house, and where the road has a
lonely appearance. On both sides there are high thorn hedges, and on the
side where the attach was made the hedge is backed with large whin bushes.
On a rising ground at about two hundred yards, there stand two houses; and a
short distance further is a clump of cabins. Owing to a bend in the road
there would be difficulty in a person at the first house seeing what took
place, but shouting could easily have been heard. One fact is
particularly deserving of notice - his money was not touched. As far as
we have been able to learn, this outrage had its origin in an agrarian
cause. Mr. Coulter was agent to some property in the neighbourhood, and
some time ago he served notices to quit on some of the tenantry. He was a
married man, and had two children. Mr. French, R.M., and Mr. Bigger,
J.P., with a party of police, under the command of Sub-Inspector Hill, were
quickly on the scene of the outrage. - Louth Advertiser.
A correspondent of the Daily Express, writing from Dundalk on
Friday evening, at eight o'clock, says -
"The unfortunate gentleman received, in his struggle for life, five
bayonet wounds. Hope exists no longer, and it is his medical man's
opinion that he cannot live an hour longer. Circumstances have transpired
to lead to the probability of the discovery of the assassins."