1829 July 17 sale of Laragh The Belfast News-Letter (Belfast, Ireland), Friday, July 17, 1829; Issue 9611. (5161 words) The Belfast News-Letter (Belfast, Ireland), Friday, October 30, 1829; Issue 9640. (4329 words) FEE SIMPLE ESTATE IN THE COUNTY OF MONAGHAN. To be sold, the two townlands of LARAGH[1] and CORNACARROW[2] held under the crown, containing in the whole about 460 Irish plantation acres, subject to the quit rent of £3 11s 4p, and producing at present a profit rent of £434 pounds four shillings sixpence, the Irish currency per annum – £282, 10s of the above rent is paid by one tenant out of 130 acres on which are an extensive BLEACH MILL and DWELLING HOUSES the chief part of which were built since the lands were leased. About 138 acres, on which is the CORN MILL[3] with a good fall, will be out of lease on the death of a life aged about 60 years[4], and when his lease drops the Rental is computed to be increased about £250 pounds per annum. The above lands are situate in improving part of the country, and are distant 4 miles from Carrickmacross, five from Castleblaney, twelve from Monaghan, thirteen from Dundalk, and forty from Dublin. If the said lands are not disposed of by private sale before the first of October next, they will be sold by auction at the COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS in Dublin on Wednesday, 11 November, next, at two o’clock in the afternoon. For rental and further particulars, apply to Messrs. GARRETT[5] and CRAWFORD[6], solicitors, 27, N. Gloucester St, Dublin and 5 York St Belfast – or to Messrs. GEO and THOMAS McTEAR[7], Belfast.
[1] Laragh and and Cornacarrow are townlands in the Parish of Aghnamullen, They are both south of Lough Eglish. Co. Monaghan. See 1765 June 1 DEED 297-602-196312 for the first known lease of lands in Laragh by David OLIVER was from Galbraith Lowry Corry. Members of the OLIVER family resided and ran mills there well into the mid-1800s. I do not know if some of the OLIVER lands ended up in this lease. [2] Cornacarrow is at the point where the Owenagh River leaves Lough Eglish and flows south to Laragh. [3] A corn mill is first mentioned 1770 April 26 DEED: 282-337-183302 In 1770, the mill which was then known as Loghigish Mill was leased for 28 years to Bryan BURNS of Laragh. A most interesting development is referred to in 1793 Feb 11 DEED: 462-482-296434 . There was a decree of his Majesty's high court of Chancery in Ireland bearing date the last day of March on one thousand seven hundred and ninety and duly Enrolled in the said Court in a Certain Cause wherein the said David OLIVER was plaintiff and George CRAWFORD defendant. It contained one hundred seventy five Acres Plantation Measure be the same more or less together with the Corn and Tuck mills thereon. The lives mentioned in this lease were those of George CRAWFORD and his sons Thomas and Andrew. [4] I do not know whose life this might be. Freeholder records might shed some light on this. They may be CRAWFORDs (see above). Or DAVIDSONS (In 1824, Alexander Davison took over on a yearly tenancy and the following year he brought the mills to new heights of production, setting up the first mechanised spinning mill in Ulster in 1825. SOURCE: The rise & fall of a village industry Cornacarrow & Laragh mills 1775 – 1925 Mary Frances Kerley [5] GARRETT. [6] I suspect there might be a relationship with George CRAWFORD (SEE DEED1793 Feb 11 DEED: 462-482-296434 ) George CRAWFORD was a linen draper living at Cherryvale (at Cornacarrow). SOURCE: At the Ford of the Birches James H. & Peadar Murnane. 1999. p. 262. “In 1796 Lord Belmont of Coole Castle Co. Fermanagh assigned 400 acres of land in the townlands of Laragh and Cornacarriff (sic) to George CRAWFORD of Cherryvale, linen draper, then in his possession on a yearly lease. … Crawford remained in possession of the bleaching mill and green, possibly on a renting basis. He was declared bankrupt on the representations of David McTEAR for outstanding rent in 1804.” p. 263 “Crawford was a United Irishman”. p. 326 He sheltered William HAMILTON of Enniskillen, a talented public speaker who could draw large groups to hear him expound on the objectives of the United movement and on Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man”. He would have recruited large numbers of Defenders into the ranks of the United Irishmen.” NOTE: These are the same mills that in 1844 would be taken over by the McKEAN family, friends of the JACKSONs of Creggan. NOTE: The Cherry Vale mill at Cornacarrow is at the point where the Owenagh River leaves Lough Eglish and flows south to Laragh. For Bankruptcy document dated May 26, 1804 see: PRONI D/199/30 [7] George & Thomas McTEAR. Sons of David McTEAR who had taken over the lands at the bankruptcy of George CRAWFORD.
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