1774 Jan 21
The sale of Mr. James
house and tenements in Cookstown, in the County of Tyrone lately advertised,
and lastly adjourned to have been sold the eighth instant, is adjourned to
Saturday the 22nd instant. The Cant to be held at the house of Francis Henry
innkeeper in said town of Cookstown, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in
the forenoon. Mr. James Oliver having gone abroad
early out of a tedious sickness, and is being prevented from returning before
the day last appointed, from his being taken very ill could not get attending the
Cant; but it may be taken for certainty that strict attendance shall be given
to the Cant on the day herein mentioned.
Cookstown, January 11,
James Oliver NOTE: there was a James Oliver of
Tynan in a news item August 23-26, 1785. NOTE: I have a number of
conjectures about various James OLIVERs in the footnotes at http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1785July29_OLIVER-OLIVER.html
Francis Henry
NOTE: I am curious where he
might have gone.
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