1768 Jul 8
To be set by David Oliver[1] Ballyray[2], near Armagh, for any time that can be agreed on, a large new built losted and slated bleaching house and mill; the machinery all new and in excellent order, abundance of the purest water never known to fail in the driest season; the fountain is a Lough two miles long, lying near the mill, and never troubled any kind of foul water; a furnace, kieves[3], and all of the utensils; a large fine turf bog commodious to the green, and any quantity of land under 40 acres, known by the name of Loughegiss[4], situate within 4 miles at Castleblaney, 4 of Carrickmacross, 11 of Monaghan, nine of Cootehill, and four of Ballybay, all good market towns. -- or if any head bleacher of good character, whose capacity can be well recommended, and whose skill in a linen business, and friends, could procure a sufficient quantity of cloth, I will give all conveniences, for such time as can be agreed on, for one half of the clear profits; the turf to be free laid down at the house. Any person inclined to treat may see the concerns by applying to Mr. George McKie[5] in Castleblaney, or to said David Oliver at Armagh. Dated the first day of July, 1768.
[1] David Oliver. This is the David OLIVER (1725-1806) who married Susanna WALKER. He owned leases and mills in Laragh and elsewhere. [2] Ballyray aka Ballyrea aka Ballyreagh [3] A large tub or vat in which goods are subjected to the action of hot lye or bleaching liquor; -- also called keeve. [4] Loughegiss. I am guessing this is Lough Eglish, near Laragh. [5] George McKie Possibly Aka George McKEE.
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