1764 Dec 11 Belfast Newsletter
To be let for 21 years, or to lives from the first day of May next, in the Barony of the Fews, that part of Darcy[1] lately held by Mr. Thomas Coulter[2], containing about seventy acres, 15 of which were lately limed, where on there is a dwelling house and good offices; and to be set at the same time, for 21 years, about 60 acres of land joining Roxborough[3]. Proposals to be received by Mr. Graham Johnston [4]of Roxborough, and Mr. John Johnston[5] of Archer[6]. There are servants on each farm that will show them. N. B. The tenant to be allowed liberty to plough as soon as he thinks proper. [1] Darsey aka Dorsey, a townland in the Parish of Creggan, Co. Armagh. [2] Thomas COULTER [3] Roxborough is in the Parish of Newtownhamilton, and is recently more commonly known as Dorsey (Cavan O’Hanlon).It is on the northern border of the Dorsy townland in Creggan Parsish. [4] Graham JOHNSTON of Roxborough. He was probably the Graham JOHNSTON who was a brother of John JOHNSTON beneath, both of whom were sons of John JOHNSTON who died in 1759 (Will is posted). [5] John JOHNSTON (1729-1816) of Urker. He was also associated with Woodvale in Ballsmills. See: Johnston family tree included on Woodvale Page. [6] Archer is actually the townland of Urcher, Parish of Creggan and long time home of both JACKSONs and JOHNSTONs.
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